Just bought this

Just bought this.

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Bioshock in space, but not Systemshock.

Me too. It's pretty damn good so far.

when does it get fun?

It's a lot more System Shock than it is Bioshock.

ive heard its even simpler and easier than bioshock

It's simple and easy even on hard+nightmare.

good, remember to get mooncrash when you're done

When you realize that all enemies respawn because the developers can't into level design

If you aren't enjoying the gameplay and area now, then you won't ever like it. The only big difference is that you get alien powers that can be fun but don't really change much.
What this guy says, game is pretty easy. But still enjoyable for a single play through

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by simpler. It certainly has way more going on in terms of environmental interaction, emergent gameplay, and the freedom given to you than Bioshock does. Bioshock's got more weapons I think.

Pretty good game. Remember to be creative. If you feel like it's getting samey then go apeshit with the typhon abilities.

Mooncrash is also very good.

Tell me more about this?

once you reach the talos I lobby

Garbage dlc “expansion” that ruins the sense of immersion with a forced timer and roguelike elements.

It's functionally a different game that uses the same engine user. I don't know what you were expecting.

It really isn’t a different game. It’s the same shit with like 1 new weapon and a new enemy, a new map and forced timer bullshit.

It has a different story, different location, plays differently, has different progression mechanics, has different objectives, and different gameplay elements intended to change the overall experience.

I don't know what to tell you beyond "Its not the same kind of game as the base game"

Do not insult this game by comparing it to Bioshock. It's everything that Bioshock isn't.


It really doesn’t play that different besides the roguelite elements introduced. The core gameplay is still the same.

False. Mooncrash is an excellent additon to the game. I don't even like "rogue-likes," and I don't understand why everyone calls mooncrash one. It's the same gameplay as the main game, only each character has their own abilities and each one can open new paths on the map and each has different combat limitations.

the "forced timer" is completely pointless as you can just purchase items in the pre-mission start that give you essentially unlimited time at the first tier of difficulty if you choose. Also, you can find plenty of the same items around the map, like 6+ of them per run.

Play it instead of talking a bunch of nonsense.

Broadly yes, the shooting and such is the same. The time limit, combined with the power cycling, and having to choose whether to use something now or leave an item for a later character I think provides enough of a difference in the inventory management side to make it feel different though.

Favorite area?

I actually just beat this today. Was pretty good, but I think my difficulty setting was fucky since it kept randomly changing the setting every load not like it mattered since i couldn't tell a difference anyway

Might move onto Metroid Prime since I'm still feeling space and ayyliums

Entering Talos 1's Lobby was pretty sweet

then you should not listen to whoever said that.
also, it is really not like bioshock.

It's spooky.
I like when the special phantoms make the lights flicker.

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I really liked when you'd have the poltergeists show up early on and you'd just see shit get thrown about, even if they were just kind of annoying later in the game after I killed about seven of the fuckers.

Same with the nightmare powerfucking his way into smaller holes the first time it happens.

Good, I hope more people do it so arcane realizes that they made a good game worthy of a successor, and that bethesda is to blame for making them use this name, and mismanaging marketing.

not on console right? You wouldn't play a shooter with a pad would you?

Im going to out myself as a retard right now, I dropped this game fairly early on after I couldn't take out some larger variety of floating rhomboid enemy (after getting the sliph scope). Using all my ammo, grenades and abilities I take it down to barely 1/3 HP while getting one or two shot back.

Ive beaten Bioshock 1 on hard multiple times, 2 and 3 on hard, loved Prey 1 and adore the style and vibe but found Prey II just boring, especially the enemy designs and puzzles. It's giving me all these avoidance tools and low damage weapons and no ammo and I get this feeling this is a pacifist type game but without decent puzzles and story this shit doesnt seem worth it.

Should I reinstall? I played about 3 one hour segments which really fucked up the pacing, but do the generic black sludge enemies get better? does the atmosphere improve enough to make up for the bad combat?

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Some enemies you avoid some you kill. The stealth is actually pretty good.
Weapons get upgraded.

nigga just spec guns and upgrade your shotgun asap. treat it like a melee weapon and you'll be killing things super quick.

even the biggest nightmare blob dies in like five shots from the shotgun.

i didn't avoid any enemy encounter i came across since about halfway into the game i was basically running doomguy speeds and killing all the aliens i could

early game stick to wrenching mimics and sneak shotgunning phantoms until you can craft ammo. once you can make ammo as much as you want, the sky is basically the limit in terms of killing.

Upgrade shotgun damage to max and you’ll be blasting every motherfucker in the room without issues