Literally removing items from the game
How can they keep getting away with this?
More Sony Censorship
Other urls found in this thread:
Normie Fortnite-playing kids don't know about it yet. Once they do, PS5 instantly becomes the uncool console to have. Nobody likes being told you're too young to see something, especially if you're like 30.
It's their company. They can do as they please. Just don't buy it if you really have a gripe and they may respond if you and others do the same.
They're doing all this in preparation for something. Next gen, you'll see.
PC and Xbox the best platform pair of next gen
I'm not an autistic weeb who plays porn games so this doesn't affect me nor do I care :v)
seething incel, cope.
The problem is, people might have already paid for the game if they're removing shit post launch. You can't vote with your wallet.
On the bright side it appears that the patch for X3 Fortune that you need to add Leifang and Misaki doesn't censor that game to bring it up to current Snoy standards. Literally no reason to buy Scarlet for PS4 at this point.
Damn, it feels good to be the master race.
everyone one on Yea Forums is an incel dweeb senpai
because snoys are low-test males
>jojo poster
why are ALL jojo fags homos or trannies?
speak for yourself faggot incel
Only DOA Xtreme game on PC is gacha hell though.
What's amazing about this is that you see how blindly, insanely consumerist loyal Sony fans really are
Sony could literally drive to their house and murder their dog and they would still defend it
The Sony fan never uses proper arguments, either, it's just "praise overlord Sony", usually in tandem with random insults, like Sony fans...
Truly the worst fanbase in not just gaming, but the world as a whole
>porn game
What do you guys think they are going to bitch about after they censor all the weeb games? Why cant nintendo release a proper fucking console? Xbox is never coming back when you can pirate all of their games on pc.... we are fucked.
>GoT gets away with rape, murder, incest, and pedophilia
>Sony won’t even allow slight hints of it on their system
What is the world we live in?
You agreed to their ToS. Better read it next time if you're so butthurt now.
Lmao yes, you fucking can. Ask for a refund based on those grounds. Mouthbreathers I swear.
I already fapped to it DOAX3 VR a good 20 times or so. I'm done with it. It no longer excites me sexually.
Meanwhile sony is ok with "this" and your rating for this game is teen , for america is ok to impale, behead, slaughter etc but noot tits , you fucking puritan shit
Different companies.
Summer fag
Exactly, I don't need to look at titties at all.
Yeesh honestly have sex dude. Your poising your brain with that.
>Sony censoring again
what's the current status of Microsoft?
>seething this hard over video game titties
>say nothing about snoy
>nintendie can't hold back and lashes out anyway
Never change.
>may 14
current MS status: based
I don't own the game, I'm just playing devil's advocate.
So does this mean that the switch version is the better version despite no one caring anymore because they were just shitposter and the gatcha is out for those that did "play" the "games"
Cry, nigger
It has mods.
What's weird is: These are DLC items, so I wonder if customers got refunded
Why would you do something like that to the designated 'Hips Girl'?
>You can only accept the TOS once you bought the console, but you totally have choice
>man I am so happy my corporate overlord decide what is appropriate for me to see.
>at least it's not the governement
The absolute state of corporate bootlicker
He's right tho
I'm suddenly interested
Nah, the items were added via patches. But they were never added to Scarlet at all and X3 Fortune still has them.
But it has this cutie.
It's more so the bitching about basic business. Sony doesn't wanna get caught up in a scandal and this is the best way to prevent it. If people have an actual problem then boycott or epress it. But cluttering the board with "Muh how could they get away with this" is call for the have sex retards and everyone else telling him to stfu. Whatever man it's summer.
based sony
reminder: shrinkwrap contracts never hold up in court and the only reason they aren't challenged is because no one has the money to do it.
It actually shocks me its Sony and not Nintendo.
so what's the point of the PS4 now?
Mate you just want tits in videogames, you aren't some anti-censorship crusader, get off your high horse
Why do you come to these threads? Every post of yours is literally "HA FUCK YOU SERVES YOU RIGHT NIGGER X) FUCKING WEEBSHITS GETTING BTFO" so it's clear you don't play the games. Why do you come to a thread about a game series that you don't play?
>Ugliest DOA girl since Rachel
You're not making a good case here.
He is right.
Go dilate while you watch a sony movie, tranny.
have sex
PSN isn't steam m8 and no store is gonna refund a game further down the line because of an update
have sex
Reminder that the people who defend censorship are literally pedophile kalemales like that, though. And you, yourself, look like that as well.
Remember this conversation when they fuck with GTA for having way worse shit in it.
It’s almost as if the target demographic has shifted. Weird, huh? How dare games focus on quality instead of just catering to the lowest common demominator, right? Games can’t just make my peeper hard? Oh noes!
>Nintendo is more liberal with censorship than Sony
we live in a fucking clown timeline
It's not you actual sperg. I come because it's general bitching without understanding and it's an easy topic to understand. Why do you make these bitch threads?
>It’s almost as if the target demographic has shifted.
You mean Japan and Japanese games?
>Games can’t just make my peeper hard? Oh noes!
>Goes back to his ultraviolent murder simulator and tells himself that he's way better for it
You have to make your voice heard, bitching on here won't do much.
>tfw bought the game on the switch
I really can't believe this timeline has Sony be peude censorwhores and the switch is the lewd weeb machine
This song is unironically very good btw
might as well remove women altogether from vidya
You have that backward my guy. Sony is more liberal because they do it more, Nintendo is less.
giving MCC to steam
>It's not you actual sperg.
Yet the only ones bitching here is you. Everyone else is talking about a massive company with a shit consumer policy.
And you're here defending them because you're a brainless retard who thinks titty games are more threatening than Sony having vague censorship policies aimed only at Japanese games.
no one cares what you think and everyone thinks you're fucking dumb. The only ones bitching and moaning are you.
I thought every man liked titties. If anything pink haired fat lesbians are the minority.
I really hope California sinks in the ocean, lads.
Nice strawman. Wouldn't expect anything else from a room temp IQ snoynigger.
We live in the timeline where "liberals" support censorship and "authoritarians" support free speech
They won’t care about it. Unless there’s a skin that gets edited in the PlayStation version.
Nintendo kids grew up and Sony got Americanized
>I thought every man liked titties
You're talking to a """""""""""""woman"""""""""""""""
Rox is so hot.
can I even play DOA X3 somehow if I live in the EU since it's banned by Sony there? I can't find it in any store that would ship to my residence and I'm not even sure I'd be able to install in my region.
wtf this is on Switch? I was this close to getting an eshop card yesterday but got a steam wallet card instead. Shit
It's a policy you willingly go along with then bitch afterward.
>Muh how can Sony get away with this
Because you just buy in without thinking and they cry. Whatever man reply to the whole thread again. Summerfags I swear.
Nice strawman. Wouldn't expect anything else from a room temp IQ incel.
What scandal? No, seriously
.When asked about it, they cited the Metoo movement as being the reason. What scandal would they have to worry about having DOA on their console?
Reminder they have GTA where you can hire a hooker and shoot her in the face, MK11 where you can do this: and Life is Strange Episode 3 where you can literally see the naked JB ass of a teenager in a sex scene.
If you're not a brainless retard and actually believe this: tell us what scandal they could possibly have by having women perfectly of age on the beach playing volleyball?
Pretty sure PS4 is region free, unless they backpedaled on that in recent years
Getting an Asian PSN account used to be enough
>you buy a thing for a video game
>SNOY takes it away because cali trannie said you can't have that
When the Steam version of Venus Vacation was released in SEA, the players blew up because the ability to poke the girls' tits hadn't been patched in yet. This has nothing to do with the target demographic, as the demographic of anyone playing a game like this is guys looking to fap. Thus is just Snoy exerting control to try to force culture change.
I don't work for Sony so I don't know but it's their company and they can do as they please. If you have a problem voice your opinion to them and don't clutter the board with meaningless nonsense no one cares about.
>It's a policy you willingly go along with then bitch afterward.
Okay, point to the policy.
Go to any Sony official policy page and point to the policy which indicates that these changes were going to be made and that the game is in the wrong for havign them.
Go on.
Japanese developers can't find it and Sony themselves have said that they don't have it written down anywhere because it is arbitrary:
So where is this policy which outlines the changes despite Sony saying that they have no guidelines for it and it's case by case.
Go find the policy which details that this was going to happen even to games that had been released for years if this was something *everyone* agreed to. Otherwise you're the summerfag from resetera defending corporate censorship because other Snoyboys pound your asshole.
Was there ever any doubt they are the worst?
>girl fetishist are weird and douchy
So being attracted to a female is weird and douchy now?
>I don't work for Sony
So you're talking out of your ass, great. If you can't name why, then you're being an apologetic fuckwit doing it purely because of brand loyalty like a brainless sack of retarded shit.'
>you can't talk about Sony becoming a shit company those this is cluttering the board you're only allowed to praise them :(
Blow me, snoyboy. Uh oh, the shit company you put loyalty behind is making dogshit decisions for some of its customers. I guess no one is allowed to talk about it because your mouth is suctioned cupped to their nutsack and that offends you, personally.
Sony's new policies make me feel like such a criminal when I play Fortune in VR.
It's their company practice then. It's up to them it's their company. What are you not getting?
Make a Hong Kong PSN account. You only need it for dlc and whatever. You can play in your normal account. Get X3 Fortune (the uncensored PS4 version) from Play-Asia or something.
3rd wave feminism is a meme just ignore it.
So get Venus Vacation on Steam.
Wasn't this series already dead?
Wow it's like we both aren't just talking out of our ass on a fucking internet board. Shut up you sperg these threads divulge into bitching with no action every fucking time. It's a business practice you can do something about if you weren't too busy crying on an imagie board. Fucking summerfags I swear.
>as expected the nintendie doubles down on it
kek, thanks for the laugh I guess.
This, blacks are so stupid and smelly
Cry harder that your smoothbrains aren't capable to read anything that is longer then 3 paragraphs.
Only as a fighter. The volleyball/dating-sim spin-off is selling like crazy as a gacha on Steam and DMM
Why don't you want tiddies in games? Even If you don't like tiddies you can just not play the kind of games that have them. The fact that they exist doesn't hurt anyone.
>why are ALL jojo fags homos or trannies?
no idea user...
Because it's fun to see seething in incels like you
>all included on Nintendo Switch
And people still doubt Nintendo.
>it's their company and they can do as they please
While I disagree with what they do I wouldn't have a problem if they just kept their shit to their horrible console, instead, they went as far to say that they're forcing games to get changed ALL THE WAY BACK FROM JAPAN, that shit is fucking obnoxious and they shouldn't have a place to force these changes.
This is DOA. Sjws have hated and attacked it for years for being misogynistic. Even when KT pulled the spinoffs out of western markets they still continued to attack it simply because it existed. The people who claim to be for tolerance and diversity and choice are in fact complete fascists when it comes to things they don't like. Who knew?
So you don't even play the games then? Does anyone of Yea Forums even play videogames anymore other than bitching about them?
>shouldn't have a place to force these changes
Shut up commie
Problem is Switch has lesser graphics (the only thing these games have are graphics so it's a big deal), and no VR mode. There is no definitive version of Xtreme, though Venus Vacation and X3:Fortune are probably the best overall.
No I have sex sorry I don't need these games.
>>say nothing about snoy
This thread is about Sony.
Where? Where is it on their company practice? Point. Pictures. SCreenshots. Letters. Fucking point to something that says that they can do this.
God I hate fucking dumb Ameriburgers so much. Literally the dumbest population on the internet. No, being a company doesn't mean you're god and can do whatever you want to your customers. You have to have policies, rules, follow regulation, and most importantly: your customers have to agree to it.
You people are fucking retarded. "OH ITS THEIR COMPANY THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT" no, numbnuts. Companies still have to follow rules, too. And there are tons of rules, even in America, about, for instance:
Deceptive licensing:
False advertising (which selling a product and then taking away features is 100% classified as this)
Even Shrinkwrap contracts (Yeah that company policy you can't find and may not exist? That's a shrinkwrap contract, it only goes into effect after you buy a product) are considered gray area in America at best.
And is outright illegal abroad
So tell us. Right now. Sonybros. Where is this prospective license that magically makes all of these problems go away and invalidates every ethical claim someone has to this and maybe invalidates every legal claim someone would have against Sony for enforcing a public policy of which isn't written down and none of you can name?
Go on.
Link it.
Otherwise all of you are talking out of your ass, none of you have any idea what you're talking about, and you're just posting for the sake of sucking Sony's dick.
If that's why you're doing it, fuck off.
Are you having sex right this instant? Because frankly that would be rather based.
>and no VR mode
I think switch has one. The new Spice and Wolf game is based on using one at the very least.
>tfw I didn't fall for Scarlet meme
>He can't play these games and also have sex
I didn't know having sex meant not enjoying anything you used to do before. You sure you didn't lose your balls as well?
Maybe in the future if TN bothers to implement it.
wow nice pic. saved.
What prevents a publisher from just releasing an uncensored game without any PS/Sony logos? It's not like it's a law.
I wish rating boards would take their bullshit excuses serious and ban all games rates T and above. If they decide to censor shit to "protect the kids" then maybe someone should protect the children on their platform from all adult games.
Oh, you meant the game itself. I thought you meant on the Switch in general.
doesnt affect me lol
Oh my god they came for my titty games this is literally destroying my freezed peaches x(((
I can't laugh at these kind people anymore. I just feel sorry for them.
The game still has to go through an approval process. If everyone in your company hates "big anime titties" then you're shit put of luck.
The moment you came here your virginity was retroactively given back to you.
Lmao it's their service. No, I'm not gonna shuffle through Sony's policy to find out they can do with what they want on their store with their console. It's simple business that you have control over what is displayed with your product and with your service. Please react again with a bunch of nonesense and a reaction image it's quite hilarious to watch you seeth summerboi.
None of this is about protecting children from anything. That was in the 90s when it was conservatives looking to censor. This is about controlling what young adult males have access to. Kids don't buy games, it's older people who spend the most. Using the children as the excuse is just deflection.
>Liking girls is a fetish now.
Why not age everyone to over 18?
>Enters a thread for a game he deliberately doesn't play or cares about just to say "who cares"
You couldn't even pretend what your doing isn't retarded.
stay mad incel faggot
Have children, you biological failures
What was removed?
>None of this is about protecting children from anything
Ofcourse it isn't. But that's the excuse they gave. They should follow through on it.
Is that a self-portrait?
Low-hanging fruit user. They go after the easy stuff like DOA and SK tiddy games first. Then they start branching out to other things that trigger them. Laugh now, but they'll come for your games too eventually.
Liking big breasted anime women is still pedo, no matter what are they are.
I sincerely hope that thing kills itself
Real talk is the have sex meme just low effort trolling from people who are beyond caring anymore or actual legit era users?
because you cucks will keep buying it despite that
Probably both. Always assume the person behind it is more retarded than you expect.
have sex
fuck off MY site and never come back
Tell me how the demographic for DoA sexy beach adventures has shifted since Xtreme Beach Volleyball 1.
I think it's actually an obnoxious bot designed to disrupt threads and collect (you)s from how it assaults every board. This is what Google puts their Deep Mind AI to doing, annoying anons.
I hope these people know that putting on a wig and lipstick doesn’t make you look good. To look like a woman you actually have to try to be a woman, they spent hours in the morning getting ready. Even one of the most ugliest women can look decent if they put the effort.
Pic related is a dude btw
Well ResetEra is pro-censorship and pro-corporate. Yea Forums is ResetEra and discord hub. Not surprising
You can make fun of them, but at least they do get listened more than you
you can never be sure anymore
I bet some of it's ironic but there are newfags on here who genuinely think they're in like minded company
this is the singlehanded seethingest incel gamers rise up battlecry i've ever heard
Have sex.
I will not have sex.
They know, and that's the point.
You're a deformity that ain't ever getting laid, and your word is meaningless because you're a white male.
Might as well crossdress so you get attention and maybe even free shit because you're a freak, but the "right" type of freak.
>these people don't respect my name
>proceeds to become unwound moments later
Yeah, I'm with . It's not even funny anymore. It's just depressing. Granted, I still hate them for digging their talons into video games but it's hard no to take pity on something so fucking miserable
Sex is taboo.
I still feel bad for cosmo.
He really fucked up for not naming himself wanda.
He could even return to his old name and speedrun WW again now that its easier than ever and everything would be forgiven.
>they are taking our boobs ;__;
Have sex.
>trannies browsing Yea Forums on stream
Well that actually explains a lot.
This is like getting gold on reddit because you let nigerians fuck your wife (hint: I've seen it happen, people tipping others on how to get your wife to do swinging).. Yes, you do get listened, for all the wrong reasons.
apu is so cute
Misery loves company.
I don't even like fanservice games like this, but censorship is even worse. But don't worry, kids, they'll change their tune once they're no longer on top. Hopefully MS makes a good comeback this gen.
>these are the people calling you an incel
Why do people defend censorship in any form? I literally cannot fathom any possible reason for defending censorship except in cases where the censored information is related to privacy issues, or where the information can put a person or group of people in direct physical harm. What other possible justification for censorship can you have?
I love Kasumi!
Jesus christ I wish this wasn't real.
vai transar americano gordo
Ay, Dios Mío!
I don't have a PS4, but this is now pure evil. If they keep this up then they'll be reinforcing their competition. Nintendo now allows for lewd stuff, PC is essentially the electronic free zone for lewd and I used to respect Sony.
playstation is officially the gay console
Console wars.
Ugly freaks happy to deny others the ability to see sexy characters.
Take your pick.
you love gacha
also lol that artist gave up on her toes
Already did as of DOA5. No sjw has said a single word in complaint about Marie Rose and what she looks like though. Pedophilia is accepted beneath the surface in Commiefornia. The only thing they hate is big tits and skimpy outfits on girls that can't 'consent' to how they're treated in the game, despite the fact that TN made it so the girls can end the photoshoot if you ogle their privates too much. Even Venus Vacation allows them to block you from poking their tits and ass if you do it too much.
>nintendo censors less than sony
Most of the people that become trans don’t do it because they want to be the other gender or any other personal reasons. They do it for attention on the internet, but don’t even put in the effort to actually look like the other gender or to be like the other gender. Most of these people probably don’t even care about trans rights and do it for internet points.
Pic related was born female btw
>removing lewd items from DOAX3
Why even buy it at that point? Why go through the grind for no lewd items?
Were you in a coma for the past year? This is Sony’s new favorite thing to do.
Nintendo are the good guys of this generation.
I don't mind tits at all, it's just pathetic the way people are whining about it every day. It's not going to change anything
oh no sonybros we got too cocky
It's usually soccer moms and zealots wanting to keep the world pure for muh childrens, SJWs on their quest to eliminate everything that offends them, or dumbfuck teenagers playing contrarian to get a rise out of us.
t. Australia
going back to ifunny, i thought it was just ironic
Sounds dumb to implement features like that just to appeal to a small percentage of people who weren't even going to buy their games. Although I could see that reluctance from the girls also being a fetish for their usual audience with how JAVs usually end up with all the crying and squealing.
Anons. You realize Sony is stealing your property when they do stuff like this, right?
You bought it, and now they're removing KET features without your permission. That's illegal. You wouldn't want the people who made your fridge to come into your house and remove your thermostat because they claim it wasn't PC enough for their company status, woul you?
They both want censorship, just different kinds to support their own agendas.
*hits pipe*
Key, not ket*
Snoycucks don't care anyway.
Hol Horse is literally an incel.
Looks like you've hit upon Sony's plan.
>Lol see we aren't taking your games away, disgusting virgin incel losers. We're just making them so unappealing that you won't buy them, especially at the insane prices we charge for games now
In Soviet Russia we have this
basically "anime-icons" insult believers feelings and in Soviet Russia this is punishable by law. Yes you can be sent into real prison for making fun of God or joking about Church.
It seems "in-line" with Sonny California brand, you know, "for the gaymers"
Is DOAX3 (US Version) coming to Switch? Will it have DLC?
If not, do I get the 'ASIA' version from Play-Asia with the multi-language? Do I need a special account to get the other DLC if any?
Didn't he turn down women early on?
What exactly is bad about sexualization in video games again?
>too young
more like too mysoginist, they don't give a shit how old you are, liking women's bodies means you hate women, ironically being told that makes me hate women more
consoles are dead
read file name
Nothing pre-existing was removed, unless you count it existing in a previous version of the same game, which is still available uncensored, btw.
>Yes you can be sent into real prison for making fun of God or joking about Church.
You used to be sent to real prison for believing in God and going to Church.
Commies aren't people.
I sincerely hope you and every other Russian lurking piece of shit on this Mongolian image-board gets shot by an AZOV soldier.
promotes rape culture or something
if it's made by men for men, it's bad
they don't get upset about cosplay, patreon, and twitch thots doing it
There are actual retards that believe in the "you don't own the game, you have a license" meme. You think they care? They would let Sony in their house to break their game discs if given the chance.
Children having a tantrum get more attention too.
There is no US version. The Switch version has english subs on both the japanese and asian versions.
Too bad your Fischer price tablet will barely run it.
I like jerking off to big tits. The bigger the better. 2D, 3D, 4D, it doesn't matter. I like when they bounce, I like when she bends forward and you can see em hang. I like when she sucks them on her own, or gets them sucked on. Bonus points if they're full of milk. The best part thou, is the slow tease and reveal of titties coming out to play. Nothing better that a nice view of cleavage that gets bigger and bigger as she slowly pull down on her shirt. Sometimes I dream about being a mountain climber, but instead of climbing a mountain, I'm scaling a huge pair of tits and I make camp at the nipple, because of course I can't climb the whole thing in one day. Sometimes I dream about being Atlas and holding up the biggest breasts in the universe.
go to bed loser and arrest yourself,or kys.
based based BASED
That's women doing it willingly though. They don't complain about that. They literally use the DOA girls' inability to consent to anything in the game as promoting rape culture though.
So whats the difference between the JAP/ASIA versions?
Do you still need a separate JAP/ASIAN account to access dlc? Do I get JAP or ASIA version since it seems they both have english subs.
who is this semen demon
These ate Brazilians.
>image accidentally proves that the trannies are the exact same sort of neet weeb aspies as the incels
I had been a "leftist" all my life, (or at least quite libertarian on social aspects) it's their body so I don't care what they do to themselves it's fine for me but all this trans raiding on /v is making me being less and less tolerant towards them I dont know if all it's a /pol roleplay joke but how more I see their stuff on /v the less I empathize with their cause, if they want to be hated they are doing a damn fine job
can someone post screencap from twitter where jap artist "apologizing" about using word "trap" because it's transophobic according twitter comments
Liberal is a word first and foremost before an identity you brainlet
>People here are now ok with censorship because it makes other people angry
There's no real difference between them. The older version only had english subs in the asian version which might be what you're remembering. I don't own a swtich though so I can't tell you how to go about getting the right one (get the jap version though...asian versions of Xtreme are notorious for having updates delayed by Chinese content regulators, even though everything eventually gets approved.)
i was fine with trannies until they started using coercion to force people to play along with their delusions and pushing into women's spaces
Normie Fortnite-playing kids won't give a fuck about consoles if they can play Fortnite for free on Stadia.
Any good? I want to support devs and keep them from bowing to Sony’s cuckery.
>Can’t form any argument
>only argument is seething and have sex
Man you tranny really can’t make any argument, it no wonder no one takes you seriously.
fuck sony i'm done with this shitty company. literally fucking communist tier.
>you kind of look like helena bonham carter
lel it's true but he shouldn't take it as a compliment
Because they're only doing it to low budget Jap shit that nobody will really get up in arms about, at least not to the point that they'd dare tarnish their own name by defending "weebshit"
You will NEVER see Sony get morally high and mighty with Western releases or one of their moviegames because they're a bunch of fucking pussies swinging way under their weight class
See, I don't particular what you are, where you beliefs lie, I don't give a shit any of that. But I do have a problem when faggots come here shitting up the place and clearly act like they don't belong here.
But if the girls aren't real then it's ok right? It's like asking a cardboard box for consent to pack and tape it to send it off in the mail. But it's not a living thing that can think for itself. It's a piece of cardboard. We also don't need permission to eat a cheeseburger without its consent, because it is not a living breathing organism (any more). So why do we need consent from imaginary characters that don't exist? People play violent games and yet only an extremely small fraction of mentally ill people actually act on their impulses. But no one is punishing the rest of the population for watching violent films or playing violent games. So why should the population be punished for playing sexy games? Everyone know sexual assault is bad so that's why barely anyone actually acts this shit out in real life. Because they can separate fantasy from reality. Should we punish couples who like to roleplay as well just because they're pretending to do degenerate shit?
It's funny that Sony is censoring stuff and people are getting pissed, yet Steam is filled with porn and people are also pissed.
Can't have it both ways, you mongoloids. Not everyone has your same exact sensibilities. Pick a side and be done with it.
or maybe it's because their western releases are already tame as fuck
Yea Forums's always been full of contrarians who like to make people angry. Only difference is people here used to work together to make other people angry. Then a divide happened and everyone stopped wanting to work together for some chuckles and now Yea Forums is just about pissing off other 4channers now too.
If only people learned not to be contrarian on Yea Forums just for the sake of it ,we wouldn't have gotten to this point.
This just takes all the piss out of 'have sex' posts
I don't even care anymore, I legitimately pity these poor fucks
I was hoping I could count on you for compassion.
caucasians having sex = bad
caucasians killing each other = good
The only complaints I've seen about porn on Steam, aside from SJWs, is people complaining because some rogues attack certain games that don't have anything illegal in them.
>Yea Forums's always been full of contrarians who like to make people angry
This shit peaked in 2018. Around all the boards.
.When majority of Yea Forums are Yea Forums shitposters
For nanny console generations Nintendo has been the most "family friendly" gaming brand, as someone who had a Gamecube and PS2 I can't recognize the current state of Sonny "California" what was once one of the most respected brands for the players is now a fucking joke
I am from a generation that played GTA when we had 15 years and enjoyed seeing Christie Monteiro"movements" in Tekken 4, I don't know how are nowadays younger generations but I always hated when "grown ups" took the fun away from me and morality crap
You haven't been following along on what Koei-Tecmo and Team Ninja have been doing lately if you think they haven't completely capitilulated to Sony's demands.
Why are boobs bad? Half the human population has them.
What's pathetic is people who take harmless pleasures from others for ideological and self righteous reasons.
Then there are the downright retards like you, defending them without understanding anything.
People get pissed because the sheer amount of cheap porn games that flood the storefront. So much so that the "actual" game releases are buried by them.
based japanese developers
in 6:00 they literal make fun about sony policies and usa journalims
They're not bad. But if you're a straight male, then you are not allowed to look at them, touch them, or even think about fondling them. Even if you have consent from the girl.
no they aren't
Big tits are only acceptable if there's a big woman attached to them. If it's an attractive woman with big tits, especially if she was designed by a man, it's unrealistic male fantasy and degrading to womyn.
What makes you think both groups are on the same side to begin with?
I agree, but generally that is the argument.
Just play on PC without kids retailer.
List 5 cheap porn games (and the links to their store pages) flooding the storefront. Feel free to list more than 5.
I am an EOP. Can you tell me what she said?
Some wish to deny others, nothing more to it than that.
>it's real
Just watch ending. It's obvious
It's the mistaken belief that all sexualization caters to the patriarchal, male-dominated society simply because sexualization tends to favor men biologically.
It doesn't matter how hard you deny it or try to twist the truth - sperm is cheaper than an egg and an incubation period. Women may like sex as much as men, but they are biologically inclined towards being picky to ensure they don't create a genetic dead end while men are inclined to spread their seed far and wide. There is nothing wrong with sexual things in video games, and the jerkoffs crusading against it under the mistaken belief that they're changing things for the better are a bunch of fools who gleefully ignore human nature. Biological ruin is just that, ruin, and while I won't name any names, you all are well aware of what I'm referring to. Whether it be self-inflicted or through natural selection, faggotry of any kind kills itself off, and human nature is predispositioned towards being ill in the presence of such faggotry.
I will go out and have sex after this, because that's my biological imperative. Video games can have sexy fucking characters in them, they aren't hurting you and people need to stop pretending they are.
I just saw the ending. It's fucking glorious.
>I don't mind tits at all
Some how I don't believe you. If you didn't care about this than you wouldn't complain about people complaining about just wanting a regular release of the game. If you hate this type of game why enter this thread and lie about being interested or being a fan of the game? Literally if its not your type of game ignore it and stop making a show about how people shouldn't care about a product they're interested in.
In a roundabout way they are. People who think they know best and are very vocal about it. Trying to shape a corporation to their needs, instead of just moving to another platform that serves their specific tastes.
If you don't like a thing, stop investing in the thing.
t. falseflagging tranny
And after I saw this I immediately bought the Limited edition for Switch.
well it's just false
their real problem is that increased volume of game releases from the reduction of barriers requires greater effort to stand out and none of them want to do that. they want to be braid or meat boy for just existing. making shit up about porn games dominating the sales trends and burying their own indie shit is just them transfering their frustration
Sony censored the "game title" because ω looks like boobs. Mad world
And what happens when there are no more platforms left? Are you just going to keep running away?
>“this game seems a bit embarrassing to play in the living room with my family”
>well then here's the ps4 ver
i have a question, if i preorder the game in playasia, they charge me immediately or when the game is out?
This is just sad.
Yeah I know. Shit's fucked. That's why I stopped buying games for Sony platforms. Switch + Xbone now. I really hope Microsoft and Nintendo destroy Sony next gen.
>Senraku Kenai: Love Triangle Trouble
>Super Naughty Maid
Theres three, (not doing links, just looking off the list of new releases on steam) I know its not five but three out of ten. That's just out of happenstance, could be different tomorrow, who knows.
Again, I don't care about porn on steam. I am a staunch supporter adult oriented games.
They charged me right away.
ok, I thought it was like amiami
Fight back now or this is the end of sexy ladies in games. I am telling you, they are launching their attack and calling it a "new global standard." If you don't win this, say good bye to this stuff forever.
Jesus Christ. Is this the face of Pepe and Wojak posters?
I don't think they're really trying to argue with you, they kinda just don't care, like most people, cause you don't have a platform to really argue against Sony's decisions that's clear cut and easy to win.
I don't deal with hypotheticals in a discussion about the current climate of vidya. If you don't like censorship, stop supporting it.
I don't. Now what.
Comedy gold. But seriously
>can't play game around family
>wait until you're alone
>play game
Not rocket surgery. Hell I would argue that the Switch version is more family friendly because it's on a handheld screen that they will never have to see. Sony is retarded
I can't believe this image exist.
This shit is all because newfags come here thinking that "LE EBIN CONTRARIAN TROLLING XD" is all Yea Forums is and completely disregard the actual way this place works, and they're fucking allowed to because other newfags give them license to do so by giving them leeway.
You know who you are, fucking retards begging for sauce and refusing to lurk. I hope you all go fucking die in a ditch somewhere.
Holy shit, I honestly wouldn't expect these Japs to make an obvious jab at Snoy.
>being at peace with just being
no attention needed user.
Nah m8 I'm gonna straight up donate to Sony if they keep btfoing incels like this.
What do they have to lose? It's not like snoy can dictate their advertising.
Post tits at this man. Save his life
Wasn't talking to tranny tourists btw.
It's a sign of the apocalypse.
something like
>Journo: This game, I can't play it in front of my family and friends in the living room, it's too embarrassing...
Hinata: Thank you for your concern. If there is no way for you to enjoy jiggling oppai. We will look after your needs as well. For those of you with this problem we introduce to you, Labyrinth Life.
>(Crowd goes Ooooo)
Hinata: Even if you are not a family, you can still enjoy this. By the way interviewer-san...(gets cut off, full question would be how many friends or family would watch you play this)
>Journo: Just me, Just me.
Hinata: Is that so? Then please make yourself at home(alluding to the journo joining the last family shown so he doesn't look so pathetic and lonely)
Not just them journos too
Wait, didn't 3 already come out on vita and PS3?
Then we are the same. Keep on keepin' on, brother.
It's great, I wish they keep on doing it so I can shit on snoy forever.
Life saved, thank you
This is still ok by Sony standards
Wow, nice "Creative" "Freedom" "Sony"
Please, stop user, I dont want to be a degenerate
But you gamergate incels are the real tourists.
They really have been focusing on the touch functions and situations that would be peeping on the girl characters (ie. You can see Neptune's panties while she's fighting a monster, but not Vert's when she's at home gaming in her panties)
bros tell me that 6 is safe
>liking women is degenerate
roasties and tranny tourists really done a number on you huh?
>mentioning gamergate out of nowhere
>No you're the tourist!
Its been 5 YEARS already, why are resetera-faggots so fucking OBSESSED with this shit and why do they pretend they aren't fucking new.
Are they spiders?
Why did there have to be that subtle tan line?
No, but it cant be ok to enjoy stuff like this can it?
Spam on their website, platform, boycott.
Sad that this sold twice more on ps4 in Japan.
You don't like tanned Marie?
Xbox wins again baby
This game needs to hurry the fuck up and get ported to PC already so I can lick delicious marie tummy
You know if I hadn't read this post, or one of the censorship and I went and bought this game and enjoyed playing it. I would might be a happier person. You know.
It's on PC, you just have to deal with the gacha.
>Tfw just want to pay Marie dress up simulator without paying hundreds on jewish micro transactions
my mom lowkey lookin thicc af desu
>No, but it cant be ok to enjoy stuff like this can it?
Are you a straight man? Then it's perfectly fine and natural. We're animals dude. This shit is built into our DNA
But I want VR
I literally don't give a shit about anything else I'll suffer through it just so long as I can enjoy lewd Marie armpits
99% of the content in Xtreme is free. You just have to grind for it.
her skin is perfect as it is
I'd imagine VR is in the pipe somewhere, but it'll take a while because there's actual effort involved in implementing it and KT doesn't want to pay more than a half cup of rice towards development costs. They'll save big things like VR and pole dancing for when VV starts to drop in popularity on the DMM lists to reel the whales back in with a big add-on.
>because you cucks will keep buying it despite that
Actually, the problem is the exact opposite.
Not enough people buy those games and rant about it so modern Sony thinks it's not worth risking a controversy with the people who actually buy their games and don't want that icky stuff on "their" platform.
Why do you think they moved to California? Because that's where the money comes from now, western "progressive" garbage.
Worst thing is, people aren't fighting against it by putting the money on Sony's mouth, they're straight up abandoning the platform to american progressive normalfags more and more without even putting up a fight.
Despite what you'll see in here, Sony is a company like all the others and can be swayed by big bux just like it got swayed by american prude bux now, if people actually show them they're missing on big money things will change, but Yea Forums is all too glad of turning it into console wars material, conveniently oblivious to the fact that the problem isn't Sony, but the american prudes who got hold of it.
Remember the curse of the american division, remember Sega of America, remember Nintendo Treehouse, Remember Andrew House systematically sabotaging the Vita at every turn, know who your true enemy is.
Will this ''''''''''man'''''''''' ever live down this moment? He'll forever be associated with being a faggot
>still being a consolefag
you deserve all the censored shit you got
Its not hentai or anything like that man. The MC is grea but if you still want to watch it its "18if".
they own the board since the admin chose the cucked side.
Choose one please:
>a) Venus Vacation on Steam
>b) DOAX3 on Nintendo Switch
I heard the Steam version got censored, but later repatched the content back in but I also heard there is still some censoring going on. Is the Switch a completely different game or is it a port? Can you touch the girls on Switch?
Why is Sony is overreacting this hard? What even happened that made them adopt such a strict policy?
they their operations to california and marxists are just adding their "creative ideas" for the company like they always do in the west
Moving their headquarters from Based Japan to Not-Based California.
Poor thing, I feel bad honestly.
>Hairstyle shows off that giant honking forehead
Why dont trannies have any idea about how to present themselves well? It's all dumb dresses that dont work with their body shape, bad hair and shitty makeup
I honestly hope you're right, for the longest time this game was the only reason I was considering a psvr and another ps4 after my first one broke out of warranty. Ace Combat is supposedly going to have the mode in next January and I'm really hoping to not give Sony my money
Dilate tranny
Modern male shame is a disease, and Marie Rose is the cure
>snoyboys unironically defending censorship
shit like this is why im skipping the ps5
There's no censoring on Steam version of VV. It's just behind schedule from the DMM version but they're releasing content at basically the same rate. Switch version is just the PS4 version of X3 with some minor tweaks. You can't touch the girls at all on any console version (VR touching was removed after sjw outrage), but you can jiggle their tits around with the tengu fan.
>He'll forever be associated with being a faggot
Is it wrong if it's true?
Marie has done more to help frustrated males than the liberals and their culture war have ever done
>The cure is the murder of millions
Sony: have sex
living that down is the least of his problems
his primary one being his entire life
The only thing I truly want anymore in life is to lick marie's tummy curves, everything else is just to achieve that
To prevent is better than cure
Stale cum building up in the dick is no good, Marie will keep the engine burning until the time comes to make the next generation
Maybe instead of making the girls feel uncomfortable from getting touched, they could have just added a 'consent' mechanic to the game after you give them gifts or some shit, then they would say go ahead and then you could touch them. Then there wouldn't be any problems. Literally problem solved just by adding 'ask for consent' then the girl responds with 'yes'. Then she giggles when you touch her. I can't be the only one who thought of this
Part of the problem
people just making fun of you because you spazz out very easily
its literally the Yea Forums version of literally shaking from tumblr back then
There's definitely no stale cum when Marie's around.
pfffffft, I've been skipping playstation since the PS3. The PS2 is the last console I bought. I still have it.
In the land of extremely online outrage, wokeness, baitposting, suffering, wage slaving, neoliberal isolation and empty gods the only true pleasure left is cute marie armpits
>The Sony fan never uses proper arguments, either, it's just "praise overlord Sony", usually in tandem with random insults
Wow almost like every other fanbase on this board, great 'argument'. I hope they continue to live rent free in your head until the end of time
Where sincerity is dead, the only thing left is cute girls
Same, but with Marie tummy instead
lmao just go to pornhub and watch porn like normal people haha
Marie has become truth itself
Imagine being mad at stuff and not just curating your Marie Rose folder to ensure an efficient next fap
Good taste on the glasses, gives her a very nice sophisticated air
Implying we don't do that too
3D porn is incredibly depressing.
My marie folder will never be large enough
If you think about it, 3d porn is less ethical than video game porn
i watch Marie Rose porn at pornhub like normal people does
Accept Marie into your heart user, no anger, only cute girls now
3D porn sucks ass because the bitches are fake as fuck and it's always the same shit, and even then it's rarely well done
The only 3D porn even remotely worth looking at is solo amateur, I don't wanna watch some dude moaning as his red hairy ass plows some bimbo
Good. These "games" should not even exist in the first place.
you can download the free version from the japanese eshop user. though you only get kasumi, Ill just buy Hitomi, Marie and call it a day
He looks like a young Billy Crystal.
>t. seething trannies
Is he lying or what? what does it matter who it is if its saying exactly what is Sony doing.
That works fine with the fighting game, but if you use that method in Xtreme, you lose access to the other girls' swimsuit collections, some of which have some really nice ones.
Fuck you, I like playing beach volleyball and butt battles.
How's that boot taste
download the free version from the japanese eshop and find out, personally I think its great on the switch.
Sony is an SJW company, how anyone on Yea Forums can be a fan of such a company is beyond me. It's literally a bunch of seething trannies in the company launching their crusade against white cis males because they're mad they'll never be real women and desperately seek the validation of said white cis males.
Looking forward to these degenerates all killing themselves when Trump wins in 2020.
That... that's a goblin. T-THAT'S A MOTHERFUCKING GOBLIN!!!
The only true pity comes with action. If you pity the diseased, put them down.
true that, but Im in no position to import the game now or in the near future so I'll make do with that.
>sony censors titty weeb games only lonely weeb virgins buy
>titty weeb virgins stop posting in their DoA waifu ERP threads to make threads about how sony is literally hitler
>99% of the PS4 playerbase won't have been impacted by these changes and likely never will since they aren't titty weeb lonely virgins
>either Sony-Japan cracks down on Sony-America and curbs their censoring of titty games and the ultra lonely weeb virgin titties go back to their containment threads.
>or sony completely censor the titty games from western audiences and the ultra mega titty delux virgin super virgin weebs all commit suicide and Yea Forums is free
Man, the future looks bright
You are a homosexual.
>oh noes this corporation I buy things from keep doing things I disagree with/am not happy with
Stop buying?
idk, isn't Yea Forums supposed to be 18+?
Do you niggers not understand how capitalism works yet?
Looks like all these angry anons need more marie in their life
Everything normal people enjoy is bad. Be queer or be unhappy.
How is this even legal?
>look at your source
>censorship is okay now!!!!
SNOYfags are a disgrace
die fast, and as soon as possible, trannies
these are the people calling you an incel
How much of the game is in the free version? Is it a demo only?
where are the nude mods? only reason to play this shit, right? fapping all over your monitor and mousepad? what a pathetic life lmao
>That lighting
Looks like kinos back on the menu boys
Based boatbro
Because Resetera sends over their seething faggots over to cheer on censorship of "problematic" material.
I'm still not bothering with an uglier looking version because it's uncensored. I just won't bother with the game except when it's coming to PC
have sex
Wait, this was known months ago.
Whats DoA posters' obsession with this jewl bikini? I see it posted constantly. Is it the most nude the game lets you make them? Looks super tacky otherwise
every few months i'm reminded transpassing is a thing and every time it's just as funny and saddening
No judge in the most puritanical state in America would argue with this
the only thing worse than incels are corporate bootlickers.
Without mods yes, but also because the game is pretty much your standard fun entertainment girls in bikinis vehicle from the 90s before all this woke ideology permeated the crisis of neoliberal capitalism and allowed to do stupid tacky shit
its a la carte.
basically you get to play Kasumi's vacation in which you can.
play volleyball.
interact with the other girls in activities such as butt battles, etc.
and give Kasumi swimsuits.
what is locked is basically
using the other girls
giving gifts (swimsuits) to the other girls
the casino
you are very limited, though its great if you want to check out the game. I plan on buying Hitomi and Marie (I actually enjoy playing the volleyball) and gifting them their swimsuits and perhaps the casino cause I did love playing the casino in DOAX1 and 2
That's the closest you can get. There's another one called the Venus but that's locked to Vita and then sharing the save file over PSN, which people can't do without creating an asia account and wiping their Vita.
>getting caught up in a scandal
>having women in bikini's is scandalous
man, you snoyniggers are giant fucking prudes and total faggots
slice your wrists the correct way for once
Remember pre 9/11 America when your media didn't have to be so stupid, edgy and woke? Fuck that really did kill our fun and creativity
Each version of the game has an exclusive jewelkini. Fortune (PS4tune), Venus (Vita), Scarlet (Switch/PS4). It's traditionally the most exotic and revealing suit, though some argue that the Pistachio or Salmon Roe is more revealing.
>They're not with us so he must be against us
Don't have to be in support of a coporating to enjoy watching them exterminate a bunch of degenerates.
The original DOA Xtreme came out in 2003
There's a 40% chance of happening.
Being a contrarian doesn't make you special
Japan is always behind on the cultural curve, they were still doing brown and gloom cod clones well into 2014
who else hopes for shit SSR every other event so you can save up a ton of stones
They were still distracted with protecting Islam's reputation as The Religion of Peace™ back then to worry about feminism.
not an argument.
>defending censorship
you're a clown
I'll protest censorship when White boys protest transphobia and racism
suffer :)
suffer :)
suffer :)
suffer :)
suffer :)
suffer :)
>company does something that is objectively bad
>But people I don't like are upset, therefore this is a good thing!
Sad life you live contrarian.
Conservatives were too busy trying to make a forever war in Iraq
why would anyone argue with that?
Ms. Terminal Back Pain
America caused hundreds of thousands of death in Iraq. Christianity is worse than Islam.
your shit stinks, faggatron. you're nothing other than a sjw 2.0, kill yourself
rent free nigger
Everyone's to blame, fuck reality the only truth left is marie
It'd have to be pretty unsexy for me to not at least try for it. I don't understand people who have forgotten that the only point to Venus Vacation is to fap to girls in skimpy bikinis. Once you have a great SSR that allows you to curbstomp pretty much anyone, who cares about saving for something in particular?
Except perverted art is kinda.. y'know.. has been around since the dawn of time. It's pretty much natural. Getting rid of it is impossible.
>make a game about dating cute girls and dressing them up in swimsuits
>censor it
Literal what?
Did someone say Iran?
It's not a dating sim. You watch the girls do activities. Sony forced the removal of a fan that would cause a gust of wind to blow around the girl's boobs.
Dialectical history in the west ended with Regan, Fukuyama was right for all the wrong reasons we hellworld now
All culture throughout history has been like a pendulum. As a people, we swing far enough one way to the point that the counter-culture pushes back and, in turn, becomes the new culture, only for it to happen again endlessly.
Something in the next few years is going to make people change their mind about the SJW ultra-left ideology in videogames and we'll head back in the other direction, only for it to change again years and years down the line and we'll come right back to where we are now.
>White boys
I didn't know only white people liked tits. Its also hilarious how close-minded you are thinking only white people are transphobic and racist when large parts or blacks, hispanics and arabs actually are.
You mean Neo-cons with vested interests in the oil and weapons manufacturing industries. Real conservatives have long been demanding a cessation of pointless American military interventions on behalf of ungrateful allies. Thus Trump's election with the promise to get out of all the fucking wars, which for the most part he's followed through on.
Iraqis had already murdered and otherwise driven their native Christian populations out of the country. What the US did in Iraq had nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with oil and W finishing his daddy's work.
You wish you were White. All right-wing non-Whites do.
>What the US did in Iraq had nothing to do with Christianity
Yes it did. Christianity made Americans retarded, gullible, violent and simple enough to support the Iraq invasion. Christianity is a deeply cowardly and vindictive religion.
So apparently Sony thinks liking pretty girls is a sin now. Fantastic. The Jews are running Sony and Yea Forums refuses to accept that fact.
>Thus Trump's election with the promise to get out of all the fucking wars, which for the most part he's followed through on.
Lmao only because they're so incompetent with manufacturing consent with Iran and Venezuela than the craftsmen that were Regan and Thatcher at starting wars with popular support, but the machine is too large to stop, we're stuck until the entire thing implodes or we keep on this forever zombie ride
>Clearly a play on narcissist
Yep, seems legit
>it was all Christianity
zoom zoom
Quality graphics
Quality Game
Trump is giving EVEN MORE money to the bloated welfare queens in the US Army you DUMB MAYO RAT-CUNT.
The game was made back in 2016 before Sony's new guidelines came into effect. Scarlet is just an updated version that doesn't match up with those guidelines and has to be changed in such a way that is completely at odds with the point of the game.
X3 is much more of a dating sim than the first two Xtreme games were. The addition of the Owner and Owner mode were part of this. In the first two, the girls only interact with each other. When you gift them, they react like it's their vb partner doing the gifting and the relationship between them is altered accordingly. It was much more innocent as a result. Since X3 and Owner mode, the girl you choose clearly hangs around all day with the Owner (You), and only rarely references their partner. VV took it even further, with the girls having conversations and physically interacting with the Owner (You), including dancing, touching, falling on top of you, and various other harem anime/gravure staple hijinks.
Thinking that people who get assblasted because they can't play their titty games are pathetic isn't contrarian, retards. It's the exact same way you all think people who scream on twitter about minority representation in games are pathetic.
DoA =/= modern art. It's just a titty simulator for people to autistic to get a girlfriend or watch porn
The girls are soft and covered in sweat I really don't give a fuck about the rest
>If you criticize Christianity you are a zoomer
Trump would have lost without the boomers.
Can I just get a PC port of the first two DOAX games? I don't want gacha shit.
sony sux
I would take a dick in the ass using bees as lube from a KT suit just to have the games ported to PC with full features fuck
Giving money to the military is quite different from deploying them into random shitholes that the jews want pacified.
i'm implying that if you think the motive for that war was entirely christian you are dense, and do not understand the world you live in, zoomer. But please, make it about Trump, ya fucking mong
xbox has a fanbase?
I bet you think all Christians are white, speak with a southern accent, and think the world is only 3000 years old, don't you?
I actually don't. You just have some sort of prescribed notion of the people you hate and have created an image in your mind you perpetuate against all your political opponents. Learn to stop being racist and putting everyone in a simple little box when the real world doesn't function this way. Think beyond your american politics clown show and think of the broader scope. In a decade I see people will look back at this political climate in shame and embarrassment, how blind and short sighted people are now.
>the average animeposter
Marie exists to bully titcows
I like my smug dfc
imagine unironically buying the trannystation5
>Caring about what the bushes in the background look like
>if it's made by men for men, it's bad
But Nep is made by women for women and they still complain and say it's made by men.
Do pic-related look like men to you?
sony sux
>Christianity made Americans retarded
Christianity literally made America. Who do you think all the first settlers were? Fucking Hindus?
"muh internalized misogyny" yes, the go to for soc/psych 201 undergrads, it's great
You're missing the point. there's literally nothing wrong with expressing your fantasies through artistic vision.
People complaining that they want this game as is with no changes, is not the same as people screaming about minorities on twitter. Its not even remotely the same. I don't know where you even see the comparison. If you don't like these games why do you visit these threads to complain? Its a niche series so its clear its not for you. Stop trying to make excuses for your contrarian behavior and go play games that are of interest to you instead of complaining about games that serve you no interest.
Fuck lowlif normslfags
Lmao Jefferson wrote a bible with all the miracles torn out of it, they were literally hipster Christians, or revisionists, depending on who you ask and how hard you want to bait them
People wanting to steal gold from the savages
>they censor things, like tits, bikinis, dialogue, entire scenes
>haha you just want the things they censor, you aren't against censorship!
you're one fucking retarded mouthbreathing faggot
Marie's smug face invokes a primal urge to rape
Maximum cope
pocahontas was a fictional movie mi amigo
because ugly roasties envy the young
That's a bit Xtreme but probably still better than dealing with gacha.
Seriously, I don't get how people are ok with these systems. Sure, I've heard other gachas are way worse but I didn't like the little I've seen of them. Having to buy each pose seperately and gifted to one girl turned me off immediately. It seems like it's a better idea to just get the one girl you like and give everything to her. This kind of defeats the purpose of getting all the girls though. Then they release more girls and you just grind all over again to give them stuff.
Also my favorite, who I'd be willing to grind shit for, is still missing.
Yeah it’s good. It’s literally my most played game on switch (75+ hours). But I am a sex pervert that grew up fapping to the DOA girls.
no, marie is for licking tasty butt sweat from
>i don't care for thing because I'm a faggot so who cares if thing gets repressed!
anyone who argues in favor of censorship, whether through apathy or not, supports censorship, you idiot
sony fucking up after becoming arrogant from success yet again
It's a double edged sword, I'm sure there's suits they have to please to say "look, it's a video game and you can interact with it!" even though everyone involved knows it's a lewd model viewer but still have to all pretend