What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
hes just looking for an excuse to make another tweet about muh actors.
Are they really his friends? Will they stick around when it's all over? I hope they do.
Kojima right now would write anything. ANYTHING. To get more attention to his game.
life is not anime
He's saying that he didn't influence Norman's performance too much and just let him act.
even if you are friends you are not friends forever
Why Sam is climbing a mountain? To make love to the mountain. To hug the mountain.
Oyama are traditional Japanese theater male actors who dress as women and play women roles. He is saying he is making sure that no oyama or no men pretending to be women will ruin his game.
Better than trying to pretend he made first game ever to feature a climbing rope.
absolutely based
Wait what. The fuck did Kojima mean by this? I thought he didn't browse Yea Forums.
what did he mean by this?
He's saying he's just letting Norman Reedus act like Norman Reedus and that he's not trying to squeeze some kind of unique performance out of him.
>and I can't say anything else because Sony will be very unhappy.
Hasn't he said more than enough? What more could he spoil?
>spend millions of sony's money to hang out with d-list hollywood celebrities
>don't even speak english
Please ban this phrase, it's Yea Forums cancer.
"Oyama (Japanese theatre) (Japanese: 女形), a male actor who plays female parts in Kabuki"
Holy crap, looks like you're right.
He's literally, LITERALLY, paying them to pretend to be friends with him, going on photoshoots together and forcing them to go out with him.
Literally "See that mountain? You can climb it!"
It means he's based
he's so pure
t. oyama
Is that like when your mom pays other kids to go to your birthday party?
it means he likes rainbow crab fish whales but is uncomfortable about umbrella baby skulls
this guy is fucking high
imagine typing this shit out, he's the next Will Smith child
Trannies btfo
Kojima confirmed as the last bastion free of trannie scum.
That dumb post is wrong since we already have golden clothing and gold sunglasses pre order bonus.
I don't think he's saying "no trannies", He's probably saying "don't worry! plenty of strong independent women playing their own parts"
An alternate color scheme is not the same thing as putting a character into what's essentially clown make up. The clown make up is much more jarring than a shiny yellow hat.
Why does Sam seem like such a basic dude, then? Why didn't he give us fucking Travis Bickle as a playable protag? I wanna play as a loner fuckup, not some generic redneck.
I fucking pray to god that this game isn't raped by dumb cosmetic items. Shinkawa is such a god tier designer, and these games need a coherent visual design to them, that's what helped make Metal Gear such a strong series, if they throw that out in favor of whacky custom outfits I'll be very sad.
So far I really like all the costume designs we've seen, so I have zero complaints so far. I just hope there isn't some hidden bullshit waiting.
he's such a fucking fangirl
*blocks your path*
Stop making videogames into fucking hollywood movies complete with their celebrity wank.
If the actor overshadows the role the actor is meant to act, then the actor has failed terribly.
The MGS way of giving goofy comestics in ng+ like tuxedo and wigs was alright.
>ywn smoke with kojima and his actor friends
just kill me already
Holy shit, Kojima is based.
No you brainlets. He's saying that as a director he's not forcing him to play as something he's not. He's basically letting him play as himself in order to get the most natural performance out of him. Oyama in this context doesn't refer to Reedus acting as a woman, but a generalization of anyone playing an unnatural, forced role. He's further implying by this that he didn't just pick Reedus to play any role because he likes the guy or whatever, but because the role was literally made for him. I.E. the character Sam is based on Reedus himself, to make the difference between actor and character as small as possible.
>Kojima isn't even smoking
>pic is probably taken by Shinkawa
absolute madmen
But that doesn't fit my meme agenda so you're wrong, go back to [place].
I swear Kojima is living proof that money can in fact, buy happiness
>so something like an “oyama” that ruins the game’s atmosphere won't exist
>oyama that ruins the game’s atmosphere
>oyama that
He means this you dummies. In other words no weird, out of place cosmetics
**except for the dumb golden ones you get for pre-ordering the game
>no silly unlockables in the game
When did Kojima forget how to have fun?
>dumb gold ones
You mean based you tasteless pleb
when he started sniffing his own farts and hanging out with hollywood actors
looking forward to the 10000 word slam piece on kotaku centered entirely around this tweet
Yeah, I almost forgot, pre-order bonuses are based.
Something bothers me about Kojima these days man. I follow him on twitter and all his posts are either him hanging out with actors and pretending to be somebody in the movie industry, or just posting about movies he's watched. Not a single videogame in sight.
>collecting 4000 flags is fun
go play your assasin creed
Learn to read context instead of being so far up your ass that you believe everything relates to your politics.
which very probably are sarcastic items made to laugh on preorders
>literally just copypasted all the gameplay from MGSV and spent dozens of millions to put his actor friends in
bravo kojima, bravo.
>sarcastic items
>laugh on preorders
Not sure if BR or mutt
What i don't get is why actors? It'd make more sense if it was directors, like del toro. They share a lot more in common with making games and movies, vision, ect. With actors it really just feels like he wants to be a starfucker.
The guy is a complete pseud who has gone off the deep end. He's the Joe Rogan of videogames. I blame the way his fans worship him.
There is not a single star involved in this game.
mads is a-list
There's a literal oscar winner in it.
Do they speak English with Kojima? How do they make it work?
Del Toro just gave his face to the game
they awkwardly look at each other and nod while kojima tries communicate in broken english and mistranslated movie quotes
Still in the game.
That still constitutes involvement. Also, he definitely gave Kojima thoughts on design since they were already involved with Silent Hills beforehand.
I'd feel like I'd have to give these guys a dollar if I walked past them
Only Reedus though user since he is American. And maybe Mads too not sure about Denmark but where Kojima is from in Japan giving money to the homeless is considered rude in their culture. Homeless in Japan don't even beg or ask for money and don't like people giving them money out if pity.
Who is this del toro again. Is he even an actor?
Whoa, his name is BRIDGES and he BRIDGES locations together by STRANDs. This really engaged my cashews.
Hideo is the game director, so it makes sense he hangs out with his actors, all the director does is telling the actors how to perform.
yet another empty meaningless jaden smith-tier tweet where he talks about "muh actors" like he's their friends
disregard this hack and everything he makes
He made the Best Picture winner a couple years ago, which he also won Best Director for as well.
He means he's a hack.