Other urls found in this thread:
Guess he moved past it and healed
It can't be, it's like yet another Notre Dame fire. This should have been preserved for future generations.
This would be really funny except his gf did actually fucking miscarry.
Not the first time he's done that.
Although this time his attempt is almost funny.
I don't get what's funny about the new version.
How is this videogames you fucking nigger
How new are you faggot?
Good. Imagine more of him or YOU
It'S bOaRd CuLtUrE
He's trying to kill the joke.
Letting it miscarry, one might say.
Fuck off retard
it's an anniversary joke
he'll change it back tomorrow
This shitty ass comic has nothing to do with videogames you meme fag
They gave birth to a meme
Symbolism retards
Ahahahahaha fucking autism meme shit is still funny!
Did he get fucking cucked by a sentient, living comic?
You know what to do, niggas.
oh fuck I remember this
Nice Facebook meme you fucking faggot. I don't even care if this is bait.
Got me to smirk, which, as far as tim buckley goes, is about as high praise as I can give him
Children aren't really clones. That said, I don't plan on reproducing.
>loss was eleven (11) years ago
Why the fuck am I still here?
life is brief
but when it's gone
loss goes on~ and on~
So fresh you're still in the shrink wrap then, got it.
he's right women miscarry all the time
why you could wake up miscarried tomorrow
why was this even meme to begin with?
whats so funny about miscarriage?
>Click the right arrow
>Get all this lore I never knew
wtf it wasn't a one off? This motherfucker thinks he's Mary Worth
words words words words words
It fell very out of place for him to put something so personal and intimate into his shitty webcomic about vidyagames. So people mocked him relentlessly for it.
Fuckley made a mistake in trying to give DEEP LORE in a comic about retards and video game humor.
It's the absolute absurdity of creating a comic page based on the real events of your life.
Where else would you be?
do you get triggered at the concept of autobiographies too?
Don't forget, you're here forever.
maybe it was way for him to deal with the loss.
i dont see why he needs to be ridiculed.
that his wife misscaried and not only he did not delete this distastefull comic but hat the gut to "change it" be be even un funnier
I mostly switched to Reddit but I still come here occasionally despite repeated attempts to stop.
Nintendogs came out 40 years ago
>laughing at lolcow
Is that...? PogChamp
I love how the C&H dude (dudes?) got shit for that comic before people realized that was, verbatim, Bum Tickley's justification for the Loss comic.
An autobiography is nothing but the facts of your life. Buckly made ctrl-alt-delete for years that was nothing but "cake is a lie" tier humor before suddenly making some sort of tragic event
some filters just for you
#capitalizing every other letter, don't ask me why
/([A-Z] ?[a-z] ?){5}/
#Capitalizing the first letter of every word/inserting periods after each word
/([A-Z]\w+ .?){4,}/
/(\w+\. ?){4,}/
you really thought loss was just a one-off comic about one of the characters having a miscarriage?
who the fuck keeps buckley afloat? his comics were never good but somehow he's made a living for the last 15 fucking years off of them
go back
they don't write themselves you fucking retard, that doesn't make any sense, do Darwin a solid and hop off a stool you stupid sack of shit
Sup Tim
>normalfag meme
Let me rephrase this.
Did Tim buckley get Tim Cuckley?
One comic alone has been memed to hell and back for 11 years now.
That's called exposure my good friend
Why the fuck would she punch him if she knows him
how the fuck do you read this
That makes it even funnier
Go back where? And why?
How weird is it that Fuckley wrote this himself about his miscarriage
This is pretty lame tee bee aych
I can’t believe Hin-chan is fucking dead
This thread really shows how shitty zoomer Yea Forums is.
It does.
>i dont see why he needs to be ridiculed.
because he's a talentless hack who thought he could play the "deep" card. He failed, on account of the talentless hack thing, and made a further mockery of himself. I'm actually kinda proud of him for not removing it all this time, but on the other hand he probably realized that he gained more from infamy than by being a puss.
My only guess is that this recent edit is just a cry for attention, as the grim specter of irrelevance creeps ever closer. If fact, I bet OP is Bum Tickley, himself!
How does this end? With hot human-on-gardevoir action?
He was behind her, how could she have known it was her friend? It's not like she's psychic or something.
there is actualy a movie like this, passengers on a falling plane get to fix their emotional baggage before dying
oh shit, will he explain anal sex IV's !?
That's nothing. The finale has him dragged into a dystopian future by himself where he discovers that his Xbox has killed his wife and burned most of the planet because it was upset about losing its robowaifu so he has to join a resistance group to battle all of the clone Xboxes and get back to the past, but once they get back to the time machine his future self gets shot and the time machine goes haywire and he has to sacrifice himself to merge the timelines.
that poke comic is pretty comfy fuck mods if they delet this thread
upload bro was too slow so i found source and read it, heres how you read it
>The meme was born 11 years ago
Damn, time flies so fast.
So like a retarded reverse 4-koma?
>most Yea Forumsirgins, Yea Forums posters in general, and the rest of the internet only know about fucking Loss and may or may not even be aware there's a webcomic behind it
soulless garbage
I refuse to believe you.
This is the original subject of the very questuon you raise
>he actually read it
holy fuck what a retard
>that order
What the fuck?! Why?
but how did she become pretty again
inb4 something lewd happened
epiccc *dabs* kill everyone who posts on Yea Forums "ironically", and then yourself
there you go
Wait, Cacturn has purple hair.
Then start with yourself faggot that comic was and still is garbage.
How is fuckley even relevant? I've never seen his shit posted anywhere besides people posting loss to make fun of him.
inb4 it did nothing and her confidence is simply restored
Congratulations the entire reason anybody paid attention to it has gone completely over your head. Even Loss and why it was funny has gone over your head.
Just wanted to say thanks for dumping this, haven't read this in forever.
bro, lilah isn't based on a real person
he didn't have a gf back in 2008
>there are people itt only now reading the gardevoir comic for the first time
newfags OUT
You know what?
He's not wrong
>rejecting deoxys
dumb fucking whore
Why Fuckley? Why? It's been 11 years.
post the video
Of course not, why the fuck would anyone do that.
Some Gulpin are literally sucking the Exp out of her, to the point that later she devolves, to make Rare Candies.
>Latios is a lolicon
Based and eviolitepilled
This is beyond words.
Where's the joke? Is this an actual buckley comic, or did someone edit it out?
>can't find that picture of Buckley's weirdly wide hips anymore
Needs some corn in it.
fuck this bitch is dumpass
Consistency in updating.
He's been updating like 3 days a week for nearly 17 years.
A lot of other webcomics just burn out and die off (ex. VGcats).
I'm about to separate the men from the boys, the new from the old, the ironic Twitter memelords from the actual Yea Forums posters, with just one easy string of text. B^U
So she gave birth to a stone
>Thats a stone, Luigi, you didnt make it.
>Its a football, i birthed it
>NTR shit
fuck off
??? Typholsion doesn't have a romantic connection with her, chill fags.
So he just lives off of ad revenue?
You motherfucker.
>tfw no girl will ever turn herself biologically 13 again for you
What the actual fuck is this
wait what
So if it's not loss, what is it called now?
Is this a Paprika reference?
>latios is disloyal trash
Lurk for two years before posting.
>Deoxys got another girl
Oh shit this is some mexican soap opera with pokemons
>was dating a bayleef
Kirlia doesn't stand a chance. Clearly he's a thiccfag.
Just to suffer
Nigga I don't care about NTR I just want you to stop posting this shit.
he's a pedophile. the moment they "grow up", he's done.
>the "baby" has the ascii version of loss on it
Thats actually kind of clever
wtf I missed that
just what does it mean
>10 years late
>managed to make it even less funny
I wonder, is this Typhlosion a girl?
>dating a weepinbel
>still tries to help this degenarate fuck
Aunties is so nice
>Goth Loli Latias
>Copy-paste heads
This comic is pure reddit
It's made by Tim Cuckley who isn't funny
i wonder how hed feel if you told him loss was about a miscarriage
>that Torchic
He knows
God I wish that were me
where the fuck is Typhlosion when he has to appear
The first and only time that a newfaggot retard was NOT a homosexual
Dem dicksucking lips
now look at the filename
is he serving Slowpoke Tails?
Oh fuck
Absolutely based Typhlosion, proving itself once again best starter
here we go
I’m at a loss for words
I hate this furry shit comic
but Typh's hat is cute
Look above you
God that makes me feel old
Why isn’t this thread sticky?
>Best starter
>Lost to a grass type
oh no
I unironically liked moon over june
he did this last year too and changed it back in a day
most of this thread is newfags, to say nothing of the mods and janitors
I guess you could say.. Tim Buckley has lost it.
>be one of the stronger pokemons
>be police officer
>get bodied by low tier pokemon
cool comic, peace im out
Oh shit
>he says on the normalfag board
Where do you think you are faggot
I don't get it
>This comic is somehow new to people
I would have thought that everyone has seen this before by now. It's so old.
To be fair, Cacturne's been roiding on his own product
is he gonna get the gardevoir
>It's real
How the hell is the Megatokyo guy still going? Who fucking knows.
>replying to a tripfag
kill yourself
I've been browsing Yea Forums since 2011 and this is the first time I've seen it
>Now that the creator is in on the joke suddenly people don’t like loss anymore
>His greatest revenge against the internet was acknowledging that his shitty comic is a meme
This reminds me of another long-ass comic featuring Gardevoir, I hope it doesn't turn into the same sinful smut as that one did.
as pointed out, this thread is full of newfags
a million hours in photoshop
post it
WTF his Atk is low why would he even need flame wheel his flamethrower while blaze should kill that grass type
/r/ing the Delphox bar comic
Looks cooler
nice user
Actually it wasn't Delphox it was the final evolution
>not having anonymize on
Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread
As mad as I am that this now 11 year old in-joke has been taken by normalfags and run into the ground, at least he fucking drew the lines right. Most assholes put II for the second box.
You need hidden ability to be a police officer you fucking moron.
make me faggot
Err user
Uh oh...
Haha yikes
Yer uhhh...
Oh jeez
user, you're the one who's incorrect.
I don't even care about Pokemon, it doesn't help that the paneling is absolute shit. I thought it was a western comic.
Shit that's cute
I'm confused at what you're saying user
comon they gonna be laying shiny eggs aint they
He's so cool
No you didn't, fuck you.
They dumped a ton of formerly pay only comics a couple weeks ago, jump in today to watch years of jim carrey mask faced ghouls fist each other for free.
I apologize but it had to be done
Fucking ruined
*tackles you to the ground and starts blowing raspberries on your belly*
>smoking in a hospital
>smoking in front of a child
based shoop poster
Kino and based
More soul then a sea of wojak and pepe edits.
so are they gonna fuck?
lease tell me this ends with a gardevoir titfuck
Look at this boomer
fuck off no one is posting onions edits
>t. Latios
You tell me
why does she hae breasts
How? They're got that thing in the middle.
>>smoking in front of a child
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that
are they going to fuck
Cute. Thanks for the dump
He started doing this each year
This was last year
It'll change back tomorrow
I've jacked off to this page countless times
>inside a hospital
Arrest this man
She's going to ride him all night isn't she
>fucking is canon
Thanks for the dump, user
Its sad and all but isn't miscarrying pretty common?
At least early on in the pregnancy, how late was she?
Now let's all close our eyes and think about that Pokemon having sex
>can afford 300,000 Yen on cosmetic changes
>can't afford a hip replacement
>tfw no Gardevoir gf
Why does it have tits?
Oh right furry
those tits are seriously god-tier
heh cute
Reminds me of that South Park episode with Bono
This one is special for you and I hope it makes you feel even older.
A hip replacement costs more than 2700 usd
>Typhlosion: Field egg group
>Gardevoir: Amorphous egg group
Nope, sorry.
you know what's disgusting? Georgia's proposed law could send women to prison for miscarriaging
Has Moot transitioned yet irl?
It's not that it was scattered throughout the entire web
If anything just means she won't get knocked up
She'll ride him and take his cum all night with no risk
they can still have sex idiot
She didn't exist
This would be better if I was the one fucking Gardevoir right now :(
I don't think he wants to physically be the little girl.
Technically you can fuck your pets as well but you shouldn't you fag
Who doesn't know B^U?
Is this supposed to be an insult? What kind of retard would get offended by being called "reddit"?
Now it's perfect.
>wanting to fuck a Pokemon
Explain to me why his girlfriend wasn't thrown in prison and executed for murder after the miscarriage.
Fuck all boomer faggots that think they can make off topic threads about their shitty old unfunny memes.
Go back
also a hip replacement is not "elective surgery". fucking hell...
>Doesn't want to fuck a pokemon
What are you even doing here?
vaporeons are nice and slimy and warm a
>Gardevoir: Amorphous egg group
>Muk can mate with Gardevoir
always found this funny
doesnt the pokemon world have free healthcare
Gardevoir is actually supposed to be some sort of gravity controlling jellyfish
>nearly everything Gardevoir can fuck has tentacles and/or slime
I thought she was supposed to be a doll
True art
An alarming amount of posters that post Loss here or to other websites don't even know there's anything beyond Loss for CaD.
They weren't worth reading anyways.
Why not?
Kill yourself, you don't belong here.
always and forever a masterpiece
Buzzfeed made that so yeah
God I wish to be one so badly so i can be pinned down by those tentacles and fucked in every hole
Haha stupid sad frog poster
Cringe if i ever saw you in real life i would beat the shit out of you just for existing
>I would beat you up
Ok antifa
gardevoir isn't furry
Typhlosion is WAY too cute for that bitch Gardevoir.
based and oldpilled
Wow really, I thought she was supposed to be a Pokemon.
t.reddit zoomers
Did we read the same comic? The Typhlosion was the hero. Why would you want the Gardevoir. Not even the Gardevoir wants Gardevoir.
stay the fuck out you dumb nigger
I thought the same thing until I found out the miscarriage happened before he even started the comic.
>Deoxsys rebounded
Good for him
Why does the fish have a human body
That's what I thought at first but it all happened years before the comic started.
"""Japanese humour"""
why would anyone ever save such a pointless and unfunny comic?