Ultimate scrub weapons of their respective games thread. Post weapons, characters, moves or otherwise that people use because they are not good at the game.
Ultimate scrub weapons of their respective games thread. Post weapons, characters...
U mad?
I think the entire community agrees the only reason to use RKGS is you suck with everything else and can't stop dying
when I invade I always face scrubs like this, minimum 1v3 and sometimes 1v5. 90% of the time they lose anyway because all everyone ever does in this game pvpwise is spam weapon arts. Other contenders for scrub weapons is the abyss sword whatever the name is and that fucking ice scythe.
At least you can parry Freides and Farron very easily if you know what youre doing. Only like 2 moves from RKGS are parryable. Its literally made for noobs.
I usually one hand a greatsword with a left hand caestus so those bad boys work well with me. Nothing like anticipating a running attack and then weapon arting the fucker. I win 90% of my matches with them.
Yeah I can definitely throttle anyone using them 1v1 problem is 3v1 and 4v1 invasions were people use them. Its like fighting a fucking Pus of Man while youre trying to kill the host lol. I guess Fromsoft wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the game though, not just people of skill
Any greatsword+. Stupid faggots just blindly swing it in PvP and pretend it takes some modicum of skill. Go play and win with the Painter Sword and Crow Claws, you won't 'cause you're a shitter.
>Any greatsword+
What did he mean by this?
Curved greatswords and ultra-greatswords.
But also just greatswords.
Seething dexfag.
If they're so blind why do you keep dying?
>Friede's Scythe spinny spam costs no fp
>painting guardian twirl costs fp
I like these games but the dlc content is always straightup better than existing weapons.
Same goes for 2handed halberds. Those weapon types really fit passive reactive fags and even allows for error as they'll poise through most swings anyway. Fighting one of those is only tolerable if you have a good connection, otherwise forget about it.
Farron is both the scrubmagnet and a skillful weapon at the same time. It's good for scrubs because it murders other scrubs but against anyone half competent you actually need use them well to not get parried. Some edgelords who make tierlists consider it a bad weapon but in fact it's actually pretty effective if you're not spamming L1 like a braindead monkey.
user, those small dex weapons will eat any ultra weapon user alive if you're not retarded.
>Pretty much this
They're barely parriable, they stunlock you, they hit like a truck and they're fast as fuck for an ultra great sword. I used the Crow Quills in a fight club, I'd usually win two and then lose one. Until I started using these, I killed 14 people in a row before the host kicked me. They're bullshit.
You're probably the dude that uses twin gs lol. And nah I use Flamberge, katana and Falchion. I can use anything though but refuse the use stuff like twin gs, fugs or Friedes scythe
>I refuse the use stuff like twin gs, fugs or Friedes scythe
What a retard.
People who think heavy weapons are overpowered or even good in pvp are mentally challenged. What the fuck are you going to do if your opponent doesn't want to trade hits with you? Swing blindly? You just lost half your stamina and provided a juicy opening for your opponent. Swing again? He rolled, you're out of stamina and you're recovering meaning he can just run up, hit you once or twice for free since his weapon is so fast its completely safe, run away, rinse and repeat. Death by a thousand cuts.
Fast weapons like pontiff knight curved sword are the top dogs, then you also have pyro that with the right setup can be unbeatable. Anything else and you're just gimping yourself. I won't say you shouldn't use those weapons, in fact I find them fun, but to say that they are overpowered is just a massive joke.
You win via mind games. I would put irregular amount of points in endurance, giving me enough for seven swings. I'd then pretend to be a noob and swing five times like a retard and then pause, pretending that I was drained. They'd come in for a hit, and I'd stagger and two-shot them with my remaining stamina. Its worked like 90% of the time, the other 10% was crossbow-mages that wouldn't get close.
Scubs don't know how to do that so it further invalidates OP's point.
>tfw really liked the look of the gladius+shield and dual greatsword
>tfw they were both just spammy easymode weapons
>Dark Souls 3
>Not being a scrubby game in general
>PvP consists of 2 guaranteed hits and then backing off, rinse and repeat x90
>Infinite rolling
>Straight swords exist
>Curved swords exist
>Any faggot that can mash r1 can beat an experienced player
Not to imply that Souls pvp in general takes any "skill" in comparison to proper competitive games, but Dark Souls 3 shit the bed and made it VERY retard friendly. It's the main reason why invading sucks. You need specific weapons and builds and you get put in a shitty stunlock blender. If I recall, Yu Tanimura, the faggot that directed Dark Souls 2, was responsible for the PvP in dark souls 3. That explains a lot.
>Any faggot that can mash r1 can beat an experienced player
Learn to parry
The problem is there's no real mindgames here because rolling is so insanely overpowered. It's not like in fighting games where space and movement are limited and different attacks need different defense. In dark souls you just roll and it solves all your problems in one go. And like I said, some weapons are just so fast they can hit you in between your swing and just roll away. Dagger with quickstep will murder you if a heavy weapon is all you have. This is why I recommend playing a pyro build with witch's locks. For spells you pick dark flame, black serpent, flame fan (CRIMINALLY underrated and underestimated), fire surge and if you still have slots then whatever else you feel like. On swap keep the demon's scar for its meme true combo. With this you'll win anything since you can outrange, outdamage and catch anything close to mid range and there's nothing that would even be dangerous at long range in this game.
I loved people with those fucking things cause all they know how to do its the charge. My god was it a good time to use the pontiff greatsword. Literally uppercut those boys to death.
>souls pvp
fucking kill yourselves
I long gave up on it, don't you worry. With that said it wouldn't even be that bad if the netcode wasn't a pile of flaming trash.
This. I knew the series was dead when I saw that Dark Souls 2 had a fucking PVP arena mode and respecing. How autistic do you have to be to enjoy this shit
>The FAMAS in BF3(or was it 4) before they patched it.
>Frag rounds
And one that I loved using
>That one grenade launcher that explodes behind cover.
Every single souls game is full of unbalanced scrub shit,
Ash in R6 Siege
How long can it possibly take for the devs to fix her hitboxes
Heh, nothing personal kid
yeah but in 5 minutes i wont be mad and you'll still be retarded
git gud, friendo. Always keep different weapons for different encounters i.e. never use a vertical greatsword if the host has summons.
Friede's Scythe can be parried during its WA so it doesn't matter.
>You win via mind games
Of course there's mind games don't be dumb. I have a caestus in my left, greatsword in my right. They always think I'm going for the parry, but then I bop them three times with the caestus. They're so frazzled that I two shot them with my greatsword immediately after.
>>That one grenade launcher that explodes behind cover.
Kinda reminded me of the days of the 'noobtube' back in the days of MW2. Oh the ass pain over Xbox360 comms
are there any cool videos/ webms of people using clever tactics?
This image is wrong, you should've posted LKS and Black Knight Shield.
Homing shot