What games in your opinion are best played on Switch as opposed to platforms?

What games in your opinion are best played on Switch as opposed to platforms?

Any ports/versions of games you'd recommend (or wouldn't recommend) playing on Switch?

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any ones that have extra content on there, such as HLD, Undertale, and I think Necrodancer

Indie games are better on Switch due to the option of having it in handheld mode

Attached: ybw.jpg (937x448, 150K)

Diablo 3, easily

Most indies, Sonic Mania, any multiplayer games that have a more active community on it, games that are well-suited to handhelds like visual novels and jrpgs.

Games with tiny details that you'd only be able to see in handheld mode with the screen pressed up to your face

Why doesn't Switch have Achievements again? Honest question.

They just let whatever game that wants achivements to have their own in-game achievement system, like BotW.

Because achievements are fucking stupid and pointless?

go back to Yea Forums retard

>Wanting trophy cancer

Because the Switch is for manchildren, and achievements are for regular children.

Most likely were too lazy to implement them, doesn't really matter since achievements are useless.

ah yes, nihilism

Huh, i guess. I liked how they did it in Mario Oddysey.

Yeah, that's what everyone used to say about DLC as well. Look how that went.

Pretty much everything

Dark Souls

It's not pointless. It definitely adds replaybility by trying to complete certain achievement challenges. It also encourages and incentivizes you to try certain features or mechanics that you wouldn't care to at first, like fishing minigames.

Check out the shmup offerings on switch. I've been playing a ton of ikaruga, blazing star and psikyo games like dragon blaze/gunbird. They're perfect for handheld mode, and transition well to playing on a monitor with a good dpad. Most vertical shmups support tate mode too so you can flip your monitor and play vertical (and in handheld with a flip grip, pic related).

Attached: ikaruga flip grip.jpg (1200x900, 114K)

Not musuos or any game that runs like ass.

You know what else would both incentivize minigames and add replayability? Actual content and not shiny stickers for 12-year-olds.

L.A. Noire
Thimbleweed Park
NuWolfenstein 2
RE: Revelations 1 & 2
Shakedown Hawaii
Hyrule Warriors
Fallout Shelter

All have the best version on Switch.

Depends on the musou. The Nintendo ones run pretty decently and even have 60fps performance options.

Or you can hit the home button twice to zoom the screen. Werks good for Wasteland 2 which is great on Switch.

Oh yeah I forget that's a thing
Seems perfect for a game like Wasteland 2 but I couldn't see the utility in a faster paced game.

Attached: 104.png (329x545, 192K)

I knew that was a good buy.

You can lock the zoom at whatever magnification you want.

If you care about graphics you've done fucked up and fallen for the biggest meme since 7th gen.

Reminder that nobody in japan plays their switch outdoors or local co-op. That era is over.

you know fallout shelter is on pc

>Yeah, that's what everyone used to say about DLC as well.
Yes, and we have good reason for trying to warn you about DLCs.
>and look how that went
Again, yes, we ended up in the worst fucking possible timeline.

What point were you trying to make with this comparison?

It's definitely worth it. They just opened up another batch of preorders if anyone wants to try one. Pretty sure they're shipping around August.

Any and every game is best on Switch if you're a single platform shitter. It doesn't matter that Nintendo has been a supplementary console since 6th gen worth picking up only for exclusives, and that the Switch's games will look like shit and run at 24 frames, that just makes it more SOUL or COMFY or whatever the fuck.


yes, and?

There's literally nothing wrong with achievements. Most games don't have any indication of completion rate, and in that case, achievements are the best indicator (or guide) of how much of the game you've sunk your teeth into and accomplished. Yes, often times it doesn't include everything, but when I get most achievements or all, that's when I know I've got much out of the game and can move on.

lol for me PS4 is my supplementary console, shit I don't even have it plugged in right now

Ok, but can you take your PC to the shitter and send toons on quests? No.

You can literally just take the switch tablet around with no joycon and play the game like that.


Reminder PC for multiplats (since most multiplats are just console ports) and Nintendo hardware for execlusives is the only real answer.

>like shit and run at 24 frames,
sounds like you should get your switch repaired
and play it docked in the meantime

Not him, but
how in the fucking goddamn can FPS games be the best on the switch

good point
I have fuck all to play because the only two games I care about aren't released yet, might give it a go

hope I don't sink 10 minutes into it then remember why I stopped playing
fuck those lunchboxes, and the endless resets to get good ones

Was this a good version?

Attached: 3max (1).jpg (724x1172, 281K)

I don't take any video games into the shitter, because I'm an adult who can go more than a few minutes without compulsively needing to play video games. And I say that as someone with a fucking Switch.

>unlike the bloated PC versions, they're like 15GB each
>people still playing online
>games still look really good

And most importantly
>gyro aiming, especially in NuWolf is 100% kino

>inb4 fags saying FPS should only be on PC with keyboard and mouse even though the earliest and best FPS games relied on arrows and keys or a joystick like Wolf3D and Doom

As in games that are available on other platforms? MHGU.
Probably other grindy games like Octopath and Diablo depending if you travel alot. Shit like BOTW is best played on PC.

Yes, it helps that the game in general barely looks better than VC1 and is 30fps on the other consoles too.

I played it on Switch and I didn't have any issues
My only regret was buying it a few days before it went on sale for half price

I agree with him, FS on mobile is the best, and on a big handheld screen it is better.

Woahhh that's epic dude.
>I'm an adult yet play video games which are toys and for children

Absolutely eric.

Indie platformers. I like being cozy in bed since it's 7 degrees out right now and I'm not losing much in the way of graphics playing a pixel-y game like Iconoclasts on a smaller screen.

>Shit like BOTW is best played on PC.
That's 100% wrong.

The best way to play botw is on Wii U with gamepad or switch with detached joycon because of gyro.

That was shitty. Even the LE with the tank dropped to $60.

Personally, I fucking hated Gyro aiming in Zelda and turned it off as soon as I realized it wasn't RNG that was fucking up my aim, but I guess I can kinda get the appeal? I mean, it's an interesting gimmick, just not for me

As everyone else has said, indies.
Hollow Knight on the toilet is fun

>gyro aiming on a fucking handheld
Yeah, let me move around the fucking device with the screen I'm playing on, that's fucking brilliant. Because it also worked so goddamn well when the 3DS did it.

Just move your head with the screen, retard

Honestly, it's not a gimmick once you get used to it. You aim the majority of the way with the sticks and adjust on a micro level with the gyro. It allows accurate quick aiming, almost as smoothly as a mouse. You can set it to be sensitive enough that you don't need to significantly tilt the screen and affect your view, and since you're controlling with your entire arms instead of just a thumb you have a much more precise range of motion. It's weird to get used to for the first couple of hours but well worth it. It's crazy that PS4/XB1 have barely utilised their controller gyros.

Once you get used to the gyro aiming it's amazing, headshots for days from way far away. It's the next best thing to using a mouse.

Tabletop mode is a thing, I play Splatoon 2 in tabletop mode more than I'd like to admit, despite having a perfectly good HDTV and speaker set up.

any RPG
grinding is way comfier in bed

Long games and arcadey titles.

Every game should come with a small technical demo or something on Switch. Sometimes you think getting that one game on the go over other platforms is based, then you get it, and it's worse than you thought and instantly regret it.

t. bought Caligula Effect Overdose and wish I got it on PS4


Simple, slow paced games are pretty fun on Switch.
Mostly because you can just sit back and use the joycons to your sides.
Using regular controllers isn't as comfy as the joycons

I couldn't care less about graphics, but performance is a big deal

just yt first. i forget this is a problem for people, I got used to it for years with vita. vita was way worse than switch though, so be glad it isn't quite as extreme.

All fps games should be played on keyboard and mouse and not on a switch.
All other games are better on the switch because I can carry it around my house.

Ports of 360/PS3 games like Resident Evil Revelations, Dragon's Dogma
Ports of PS2/PS1 titles like Final Fantasy X, Mega Man X5, etc

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Doom is 30fps on Switch, it's not even better than the other consoles so no way it's better than pc

VC4 is 60fps on PS4

I don't want achievements, in-game ones are fine but please god no trophy cancer.
