What are games that keep you cool in summer?
pic related
What are games that keep you cool in summer?
Clonk also lets me forget the summer heat
This game was designed to be played in summertime through and through, this and the tropical city skylines maps can make for some almost psychidelic experiences
From Dust looks really fitting, thanks user
Time to fire up the Uplay client I guess
>game still unfinished
>full of bugs that have been there since early access
>drop it and make a sequel
>sequel is also early access
>literally just recoloured assets
>insert cringe politics into game that has absolutley nothing to do with politics or even the real world
cute game
There's no politics in Subnautica you retard. Are you one of those /pol/ shitters that gets triggered because the devs are anti-gun and don't want to add guns to their games?
The game is finished, bugs are still being fixed if they're reported and they do early-access to develop the game for and with the community, which worked for them with Subnautica.
You literally have no arguments and just want to shit on the devs for being anti-gun. Pretty pathetic user.
Subzero any good? I know they added two new rooms in it, some power control room and an even bigger multipurpose room, any plan to add these to vanilla subnautica?
no the devs are actually gay as fuck
they fired their sound designer for not having the same politics as they do
>there's no politics in subnautica you retard
>why are you mad there's politics in subnautica?? /pol/pol/pol/pol/pol/pol/
Stopped reading
Dont even get a (You)
No. Dont waste your time. Its got no content and an annoying nigger main character who doesnt shut the fuck up for 5 seconds.
Wait until its finished then pirate it
Still not the same as adding politics to their game. I don't give a shit about the devs and what they do. I think it's a great game and my interest stops there. The only one making it 'political' is people projecting a developers personality on their product. If they would have the character constantly talk about how guns are bad and shit, yeah I'd hate the game too.
You are very clearly from /pol/ user, no need to get so triggered because you got called out. There is literally no politics in the game. Please quote me saying that you're mad that there's politics in Subnautica.
Seems like you are proving his point that you are angry about who the devs are and not about the game they made.
i wasnt the original guy
just pointed out that the devs are fags
i think he's referring to the dev saying, that he regrets making the mc a man. That's why the sequel is a woman and he explicitely doesn't want player choice in that regard.
I wouldn't have really cared. Base game has man, sequel has woman; leftist autism is just really cringe, just as right-wing autism
>dev literally removes weapons from the game to make a political statement
>explicitly states this on twitter and in interviews promoting the game
>lead designer fires sound desiner because he expressed political opinions on his personal twitter
>lead designer holds poll with the community about whether they should have a black female main character
>80% vote no
>does it anyway
>not a single white person exists in the game
Yeah absolutley zero politics nothing to see here /pol/tards! Give us your money bigots!
There's a reason I don't follow any devs. I just play vidya. Some games really do have forced politics in them and it annoys me so I don't play them. Subnautica is literally not one of those games. The other arguments he made are simply untrue as well. You're allowed to not like it, just be honest about why.
I havent even browsed /pol/ since 2013 or earlier you fucking retarded nigger shill
How much are they paying you? Lmfao unreal
I actually played and liked Subnautica. I also think that everybody should be able to freely express themselves.
I try separating the 'art' from the artist, but I am only human. This person just grinds my gears a little bit and that lessened my enjoyment of the game.
Still a refreshing game to play in summer tho.
Just like pic related; lets get back on topic guys
So what you're saying is that you're literally a triggered /pol/ack, who needs to project a developer pesonal views on their game, which has no political statements by iself, in order to hate it?
Sounds like you're doing this to yourself user. I'll repeat myself; there's no politics in Subnautica. It would be different of there was constantly messages or voicelines about how weapons are bad or whatever, but there is no such thing. If you played the game without knowing anything about the developers you wouldn't even know anything about any of this.
So stop being retarded and play the goddamned game without inserting your politics.
Nobody believes you user. Go back to your containment board, you clearly don't even play vidya. Shoo
w-what are your favourite refreshing games anons?
Not him. You live on another planet.
I'm a diver and Subnautica is a perfect game for me. It captures that feeling of diving so well. Too bad I can't pilot a 1 person minisub in real life.
Digimon world for PS1 is pretty relaxing. Just a low poly tamagachi sim with a world to explore. Bretty comf.
Not him, but he's 100% right.
Also; Frostpunk.
It must be so goddamn exhausting to hate as much as he does, having to look up for the day's offenses, who supports what rights, etc. A dev said things I disagree with, now I must forever go on about this and remove fun from my life. Who has the time and energy to follow so much hate? That's when it's your lifestyle and it's consumed you: when you're constantly researching people's statements to find a new outlet of your hatred. They're sick in the head.
There it is again! Absolutley rent free.
>who needs to project a developer pesonal views on their game, which has no political statements by iself, in order to hate it?
What on earth are you talking about?? The game HAS politics IN it you fucking mongoloid
Pacifist gameplay zero white people, and female voiced protagonist is INTENTIONAL
The developers have said this on more than one occasion and despite protests from fans they havent backed down
You're just putting your fingers in your ears and pretending it doesnt exist? Or is it because you agree with their politics that it doesnt bother you? I'll go with the second one.
>Sounds like you're doing this to yourself user. I'll repeat myself; there's no politics in Subnautica. It would be different of there was constantly messages or voicelines about how weapons are bad or whatever, but there is no such thing.
There is a few data entries that mention it actually, did you miss those?
>If you played the game without knowing anything about the developers you wouldn't even know anything about any of this
Well plenty of people did, they asked "hey this is a survival game why cant i defend myself?" and the developers responded by saying its political. Thats actually how it all started.
>So stop being retarded and play the goddamned game without inserting your politics.
Ah yes stop complaining and play the game!!! Totally not a shill!!
t. soi chugging NPC
But the only weapon they’ve removed was the useless hardened knife
Why do leftists always call their opponents hateful? Its so autistic
>Love Trumps Hate!!
I'm not expressing hatred at all lmao I just want politics out of games. How awfully bigoted of me.
pic related is also a nice choice for cooling down on hot days
Yeah, having a mobile mini-base is pretty cool.
Do you also do cave diving? Seems pretty scary
would be even comfier if my Digimon wouldn't devolve into poo. I shouldn't get real pets
Can we just ignore the /pol/ retard and focus on refreshing games anons?
I think Tropico is great in summer. The latin music and comfy gameplay. Anyone play the newer ones? Last I played was Tropico 4.
Wait what? They removed the knife too now?!
You're the one trying to forcefully insert politics into a game without them, then ranting and derailing a vidya related thread with your bile. You're clearly full of hate. Stop it. Get some help.
The devs openly expressed their leftist political views to everyone and tied their game to it aswel. They said that the reason why there are no guns in the game is because they're anti-gun themselves. So fuck off kindly back to resetera
The normal and thermal knife still exists.
>ignore me
>by replying to me
>game without politics
But you literally said yourself it has politics in it
Oh sorry you must be retarded? Sorry user I didnt mean to offend.
Mad max,tropico and senran kagura pbs.
Like an user said from dust is a good choice too
There's that word again
Its hilarious that leftists are by far the most scared and hateful people on earth yet they accuse everybody else of it
Subnautica is definitely a relaxing game, too bad looting, getting blueprints, and farming is so bloody tedious, and my base keeps shutting down, making my fabricator also shut down, which prompts me to build a whole new fabricator, repeating cycle.
Every leftist and liberal should be killed.
>Not playing MoM TsusT
all rude posters should be hugged
If for nothing other than they make me cringe
Not everyone could give a rats ass about politics you know.
Dude, why do you take the bait?
>base keeps shutting down
...you need a power source you know that right?
Ah so we agree that leftists should keep their politics out of video games
Good, glad we can agree
>forcefully insert politics into a game without them
The dev has explicitly tied his game to political statements he has made.
I'm as annoyed by retards shoving their soapboxing into unrelated things as the next person, but if the devs choose to make political statements then others have the right of reply.
If you’re neutral, then you’re just as bad as they are. You deserve to die a violent death.
not everybody has america's retarded 2 party oligarchy system
Imagine only being able to think in black and white patterns
Lmfao just build a bunch of solar panels on the surface and link them to your super secret deep water base.
>not everybody has america's retarded 2 party oligarchy system
not him but thats pretty much every western democratic country
besides this has nothing to do with the original point, subnautica is absolutley political
the developers made it political when it didnt have to be, that's why people are annoyed by it
game is totally unique, has a ton of potential, but they ruin it with shitty moneygrubbing business practices and far-left political statements
and if it not being written in the game disqualifies it as "political" to you, the weapon ban thing is mentioned in game and it is political in fiction
Winter I launch Skyrim, Summer I scroll degenerate image boards wishing for death.
Fuck those farts. Fuck them, their laughs and toxic gases.
Fuck the sun.
Look man, I just want to post refreshing games
I also think that the Subnautica dev is an idiot, but I still like to play it on hot days
have these idiots fixed the pop ins?
>The game is finished
Half of the map is completely unused. A bunch of stuff doesnt even function properly and its still optimised like shit.
>bugs are still being fixed if they're reported
They havent updated Subnautica in like a year or more user. There are heaps of bugs that have been well known sonce early access. You still cant acces the prawn suit storage or mods in a moonwell. When docking with the Cyclops it can randomly launch you and destroy the ship (rare but still happens). You can still bug the game out to give you double movement speed by doing the base flooding glitch. All of this and more has been known for ages.
>and they do early-access to develop the game for and with the community, which worked for them with Subnautica.
They have more than enough money to develop the game properly and release it as a full game. They dont need early access anymore, they already made Subnautica once. They only did it because its easy money.
>You literally have no arguments and just want to shit on the devs for being anti-gun. Pretty pathetic user.
Sounds like you're a shill to me. You work for them?
Had this on my backlog for a long time
I guess this is as good a time as any to fire it up
I agree with you i never said it was a bad game.. All I said was this and either you or some other user had a massive sperg freakout
All of what I said is true, but I never said I hated the game. I'm just annoyed they halfassed it because its a good game with a cool concept. It could be much better though.
Yeah, I think we are on the same page
I just get sometimes frustrated that it's always about politics on Yea Forums with people that always say to keep out politics. Maybe it was just a bad choice for the thread picture
Don't you have a thread to make about immigrants replacing you or something?