How would you make a John Wick game?

How would you make a John Wick game?

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Already exists

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but john wick is an actual badass

makes lots of small hallways and add lots and lots of different qte animations



Imagine a world where there were still movie tie in games.
I mean, that could actually start happening again if micro transactions get banned and mobile games are no longer profitable.

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Dead space+hitman

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hotline miami? That's what I thought of while watching it.

Super kino moment when he suplexed the ninjas through the floor on the last movie

MGSV but without much stealth and emphasizing the slowmo and gunplay mechanics

this, first person hotline miami but you play as john wick takin down niggez
sounds like a good game to me

There already is a John Wick game

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Just a third-person shooter with extensive melee options. Take some cues from Max Payne 3. Linear mission-based structure.

Basically that Bourne Identity game. And it would be equally mediocre.

>That fucking book kill
>That one dude that gets pincushioned by like six knives
>That High table soldier that gets the top half of his head taken off by a slug
John wick 3 was bretty gud.

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Fortnite isn't a game.

Max Payne reskin

>And it would be equally mediocre.
shut the fuck up

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a turn based isometric game

thats like saying saints row 3 is TF3 because you can wear the characters' heads

I imagine it as a mix between Hitman (semi-open levels around the world), Max Payne 3 (shooting mechanics and slowing down time) and Batman Arkham (melee fighting mechanics). The thing is he uses gun-fu so there should be a solid mix of the Max Payne mechanics with Batman Arkham mechanics which could be tricky to implement

Resident Evil 6 combat but with a campaign that isn't godawful

i wouldnt

I liked the first movie, but then the sequels started introducing the retarded rockabilly assassin lore and it just ruined it.

Just remodel nuDoom with John Wick instead of Doomguy


Hotline Miami but in third person. I dunno how to make that work though, but I'm sure there's a smart developer out there that could. Or that other game Maximum Action would work maybe.

The second one was rough because they couldn't reconcile the grounded shit of the first movie with the assasin order shit of the new plot.
I think Parrabellum worked because it fully embraced the setting. 1 is the best one though.

turn based rpg

Max and John fight completely differently. John is a scalpel, Max is a sledgehammer

>watching Wick for the story

There's already a super lame John Wick VR game

mixture of wanted with hotline Miami and max payne

This. So much potential for growth locked away in RE6's mechanics.

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These movies have tons of dialogue. Do you just turn your brain off and wait for the next action scene?


John Wick Hex is coming out. It's a strategy shooter which is probably the only way to do John Wick justice since I don't think an FPS could really convey how John Wick operates.

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Probably similar to this game

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Only VR could give it justice.

Or maybe something like Superhot/Max Payne

>ex-assassin John Neo had his dog killed and now he's out for revenge
there, that's the entire story

add a good close combat system to Max Payne 3 and that's it.

SUPER HOT (VR) is basically that.

What a waste of the license.

You'd probably have to do something like overgrowth but with guns

give it to platinum

2 Options:
1.Tactical game a la x-com. Map out Wick's options, and then see him kick ass
2.SUPERHOT style.

I miss the atmosphere of the first movie. It felt more brutal compared to chapter 2 and 3 and wasn't as flashy.

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I disliked 2 but I absolutely loved 3. 1 is the better movie, but 3 is the best John wick movie.


>1.Tactical game a la x-com. Map out Wick's options, and then see him kick ass

The John Wick Hex game on Epic store is pretty much this

this was one of the last good movie tie in games.

I liked 2/3 but the antagonists have been shit compared to Viggo and his kid who I actually wanted to see John hunt down.

So basically, Sleeping Dogs with linear gameplay.

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what the fuck is john wick about? it seems to me it's just edgy violence for people still in their early 20's, like hotline miami but pretentious

am I wrong?

>tfw I couldn't buy this because of region restrictions and now it's probably not on steam at all

God mode always on.

Hotline Miami as an FPS, with procedurally generated enemy placements in crowds of dumb NPCs like Hitman levels, and enemies that act like the AI in F.E.A.R. to give the illusion of security teams coming for you while you chase a target. No HUD, just picking up weapons on the go. It would have to focus on short bursts of gameplay and nothing else or it would just be Max Payne and lose the pacing of Wick action scenes.

Its a kung fu movie, but with guns.
NOTHING like hotline miami, if that got made into a movie it'd be great

that's pretty much it
just fancy action scenes for people who arent too smart

I just watched John Wick 3 the other day and the dialogue isn't at all profound. Hell, John himself doesn't even speak that much. A good chunk of the movie was the Adjudicator going around warning people for helping John.

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you can pirate it

you must be fun at parties

i think john wick 3 fucking sucked

Just play black ops 4, I see loads of "XJOHNXWICKX"s on there.

>expanding on lore and having a fun involving story for a series that's literally just about action set pieces "ruined" it


They exist solely to be stylish action movies, they're pretty much the opposite of pretentious.

Anyone got a direct download link?

That user has never been to a party

we do get one John Wick game
it's turn based strategy
and epic store exclusive

too bad most of the fight scenes feel like padding
especially the Hale Berry one

Holy shit this trash is laughable. Is this a parody movie?

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Raid 1 and 2 shit all over John Wick. So o Undisputed II and III.

this part was fucking retarded
1 was kino tho

Cinematic mature experience by naughty god

Ok? That still doesn't make it pretentious.

I don't see what the problem is. It was a 1 minute gag that obviously wasn't taking itself seriously. Calm down.

Treat it like a Cuuuuuhhhhrazy game and make the combos incorporate guns and shit. So it's cqb hand to hand stuff, but the guns and shit are in there.
Maybe have the combos set up enemies to be chained for takedowns so you get cool Johnathan Wickerman moves. Or just free-aim shoot people in the foot to have them hold position for a bit because they got their foot shot.
I think it'd be cool. Not very many gun-fu games at all.

The one liners John shoots off in the 3rd movie really made it feel like a parody, as someone who hasn't watched the previous movies. It was so cheesy.

>this trash is laughable
Kind of like your life


>he actually didnt watch one of the best movies of all time

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The problem with 3 is that it's all capeshit tier "worldbuilding" and zero plot, it's just John Wick running around from place to place so he can listen to expository dialogue.

That scene is fucking garbage and not how guns work. The first movie was the best of them.

Max Payne + CQC

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just pic related with a skin would be enough, then playing back everything at full speed at the end

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but you can indeed shoot guns in that position especially if youre walking in a crowd of people

>huuaaachhually that'th not how gunth work you guyth
Who fucking cares? It's a movie you fucking autist.

>that scene when dacascos is recruited
>everything with the guys from the raid 1 and 2
>that katana fight on motorcycles
>that song that plays during the buildup to that scene
i never came so hard

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>not how guns work
You mean shoot?
In a crowded area no one would hear this shit.

That's how john kike movies work. The world and logic literally revolves around the mc. There is no police, roughly half of the population even hobos work for a secret assassin faction. The other people literally don't react or scream when said assassins fight right in the open with knives and guns. Wick literally doesn't sleep, eat or rest and ofc no damage can stop him. Etc, etc.
I like how it tries to look "realistic" with all the gun-kata, realistic gun sounds and the same fucking hand-to-hand combat over and over but still looks like a comedy or parody. I guess you really have to turn your brain completely off to "enjoy" it.
See? Mad incels already attack you because you dare to question their epic pew pew movie.

I would use wanquish as a base and blend it with god hand


>when they are throwing knives at each other and they are doing it off handed so they are just hitting each other with the handles or flat of the knife

>the good bad and ugly homage with the revolver

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>Create this scene to show that the assassin hightable is a thing kept in secret from the public and has moral in not harming others or showing them their business
>Have two people killed in hightable assassins in front of others and make John leave a dead body in the middle of a train station in 3
What was the point of this then?

Back to MK11 thread with you

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Reskin Splinter Cell Conviction, bam, there it is.

>wick doesnt eat sleep or rest
Confirmed havent seen the movies
>people dont react or scream
Confirmed havent seen the movies
>no damage can stop him
Confirmed havent seen the movies

I dunno how you would implement all the gun play that Keanu does. Stuff like disarms, holding people down while you reload or shoot others, really inventive melee kills, maybe slight slowmo for the player to feel cool

4 when

>this post

How can I be as BASED and a jaded cynical like you user?

Hotline Miami but less edgy

Goddamn, gun-autists are the most pedantic assholes on the planet

Just install some martial arts mods to MP

Going to make lots of people mad with this post. These movies are seriously overrated

>no examples
>tries to refute only a portion of original post
>actually tries to defend his favorite semi-unstoppable action movie
I watched all 3.
Just don't fanatically praise dumb shit when it's dumb shit and you are fine.


action movie MC*

No such thing as pretentious anymore, because there's always a piece of shit like you to defend it. Tony Jaa's Protector is better. Fucking Expendables 1 and 2 are better. John Wick is a meme movie.


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Thanks for your words of wisdom, I hope I can someday be as smart and enlightened as you think you are.

That's all its supposed to be

Wow you're intelligent and wicked

>How would you make a John Wick game?
Shit into the toilet, let it stay a week and then present the result

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I dont need to provide examples because you're a fucking idiot, but I'll bite
>gets ambushed after sleeping in his house
>gets ambushed smeeping AGAIN in the hotel but his buddy fires into the pillow next to him to wake up. Scene before that he's being stitched and the doctor gives him pills for bleeding. The assassin ambushing him slaps his sound like eight times and it fucks him up
>literally gets hit by a car and knocked out to be saved by sniper bro again
>when wick invades the bank the streets are filled with panic and the banker gals run out screaming
>in the club there's also mass panic as gunfights happen and it quickly clears out
Fuck off and stop being an uninformed cunt

>Fucking Expendables 1 and 2 are better.

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Faster and more CQC oriented Max Payne 3

>both new IPs

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If you want an excellent action movie watch Mad Max Fury Road
Not this pile of feces

If you weren't already having fun and enjoying the ride by the time this scene comes around I have to wonder why you'd watch John Wick movies
still the best scene in the trilogy

Like your life

>action movie full of fun set pieces isn't taking itself seriously so it's bad

Guarantee reply

I'll watch BOTH, AND jack off to both

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It was always capeshit tier, the plot is laughable. It's fairly simple and even delving more into the world it's still pretty barebones. All the movies are him going from place to place wrecking anyone in his path

>always ambushed when he tries to rest
So he literally can't rest in 3 movies? Cool.
>literally gets hit by a car
Yes and after all the knockdowns and epic fights keeps going like he is a superman. Cool.
>panic happens
Yes only to clear the battle area when it's convenient for a movie. When it's not convenient no one gives a fuck.

God damn you must be retarded

Max Payne shooting mechanics + Batman combat UNIRONICALLY

Yeah, I think I've had enough contrarianism for one day

>he keeps going like he's superman
He is constantly limping and bleeding all over the place.
I'm sure glad you aren't a director because your movies would be boring as fuck and make no money.
>lol so get this our action guy gets fatally shot fifteen minutes in and the movie ENDS
>wait actually let's have five minute long scenes of people screaming and running all over
>also mandatory scenes of our action guy sleeping all the time! Yes!
>I am a GENIUS

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>Oh it's you Mr. Wick...
>Long time no see Mr Wick :)
>It's THE John Wick!
Why does everyone know this dude?
>can't reply directly
Back to Yea Forums

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They are well crafted action movies. All you need to do is look at the hundreds of absolute dog shit ones that get released every year to see how much better a product like John Wick is. The newer Mission Impossible movies have been good too. They are just action movies, delivering good action

honestly I agree with you. a lot of the stuff in these movies feels completely unearned. it's all style over substance. the dialogue is terrible (scene in the first movie where a guy talks about how badass John wick is - the subtitle font/arrangement is God awful across all the films).

how did this take off while dredd flopped? I would rather watch both raid movies again or Jackie chain's films instead.

>action movie is style with little substance

>Watch Mad Max Boring Road
No thanks

>be shitty high ranked assassin
>murder people in cold blood
>leave trail of bodies in your wake wherever you go
>don't even bother to hide
At some point, people are bound to find out you kill people.

man even the latest mission impossible films have moments with some genuine substance so why is 'it's an action movie just turn your brain off' an excuse?

because he's literally one of the most skilled assassins in the entire world that killed a dude with a fucking pencil

if the majority of the world knows about the high table, then it's probably likely that those people would know this dude who is literally nicknamed the boogeyman.

It's just rock solid.

>It felt more brutal compared to chapter 2 and 3 and wasn't as flashy.
>clip that includes a gratuitous explosion and slow-motion walk towards the camera

I love these movies but they have ALWAYS been stylized. As for brutal, Chapter 3 is way more realistic than the first two in terms of portraying the injuries that Wick would cause. The broken jaw from the book, the knife in the eye and shotgun blowing up everything above the guy's teeth were all fucking cringe.

>It's a strategy shooter which is probably the only way to do John Wick justice
because turn based sleeper game is higher octane than a shooter

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"Everything must be about the human condition or I can't find it beautiful." That's all substance boils down to.
It's a miracle you are on a videogames board.

Well if after 3 movies and hundreds of killed armed men MC unironically loses only a finger he chopped off himself and his dog it's clear he is unrealistically too good.
Jesus that made me remember the final "respectful" melee fight in 3 vs two asian dudes. What a clownfest

An emphasis on gun reloading and tactical positioning. That was the point of John Wick. He went against all odds using professional tactics. So something like siphon filter and metal gear solid.

It's neat and lasts for like thirty seconds total. Get over it.

take that john woo game and max payne games and add cqc

And stitches
And a stay in the hospital
And a broken arm

who are you quoting? what's wrong with character development? an action movie isn't just action, there are bits between the action that give the action meaning. John wick is a dull fucking Mary sue character and all the bluster behind him is unearned back story so should I really be impressed when he goes into a nightclub and shoots a bunch of guards?

forgot to mention the set pieces are really fucking lame too, mission impossible blows it out of the fucking water

1st movie was fine.

Later they went full anime will clans and muh rules.

jw 1 is a classic jw2 started to get too goofy and jw3 is fucking Reddit

Basically Superhot

Eh, I feel like they've kept the feel of the john wick atmosphere throughout the movies and have been pretty consistent with it

>jw3 is reddit
Then it will fit in perfectly here!

Is it sad that my ultimate fantasy is john wick?

Just going to exotic places and shooting people/being untouchable

>So obsessed you had to check for IPs because no way more than 1 people can say the same thing

You are not looking less dumb user.

>jw3 is fucking Reddit

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Here you go

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Don't forget him taking pain pills

I watched JW1 last nigh and though it was mediocre. Are 2 and 3 better?

>check for IPs
Not him but. It's automatically displays a number near your Name if your IP is new. If you weren't a redditor you would have the extension or at least know this.


Correct, realistically games can't get any closer to a john wick game besides Superhot VR.

If you didn't like the first movie, I'd probably not recommend watching the other two. They're basically more of the same.

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>movie licenced game

Not happening unless your name is Spider Man or Hercules

They’re dumb action movies with the plot of
>everyone’s out to kill the badass former assassin guy; how is he gonna make it through this time?
which they sure deliver on. If you’re taking these movies seriously, you’re a jackass. For fuck’s sake, the first movie is John taking on a whole criminal organization because they killed his dog and stole his car

The more seriously they take the plot, the more absurd the concept becomes. It ain’t Shakespeare, but sometimes you’re just looking for a cheap dime novel

hell in the third movie they make fun of that shit with bringing up how he literally did everything he's done in the span of a week over his dog and making the joke that john knows how it feels to have your dog get shot

Gungrave is as close as I've seen
Really fucking fun game

The dog was a gift from his late wife that died literally the week before


You get seven.
Seven suckles on milkies.

It’s still a dog and a car, user. If you gave me literal god powers where I could delete anyone from existence in the most painful/gruesome way possible by snapping my fingers, knowing they could not ever possibly harm me back, I still wouldn’t kill them over a dog and a car no matter who gave them to me.

I’d fuck with them pretty hard, sure but the John Wick treatment would only be on the table if they actually murdered/raped my wife. The first movie’s charm is indulging in that rage that would make you want to murder the guy who did it, even tho your better judgement would tell you otherwise

Yeah it's called Fortnight

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>It’s still a dog and a car, user
They also beat him up. But yeah, he should just take it like a cuck.

He's an assassin who has killed countless people. As he literally says in the movie the dog was his only companion and living memory of his wife who he dropped that job for several years prior. He killed people for a living without a second thought why would he not kill people that broke into his home and destroyed what little peace he had?
