Why are you not playing Overwatch? There's an event going on, and there's also a new skin for Mei!

Why are you not playing Overwatch? There's an event going on, and there's also a new skin for Mei!

Attached: 0ac573d76f24af0ff2a1982193be7181.jpg (800x1132, 712K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The "event" is just the new skins, and blizzard cares more about esports than the game itself.
Just start posting porn.

I only play singleplayer games.

>tfw the games only redeeming quality is the porn
Overwatch could have been great if it wasn't a Blizzard game.

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Then that's great because during the event there is a PvE mode you can play!


Is it story based or just arena garbage?

Blizzard must have a genius working for them, they managed to hook thousands of people with fucking skins, those people don't even care about gameplay, they just want a shitty skin which they can't even buy directly.

Your game is shit
Master Chief Collection cannot come soon enough.
Also I have a big enough backlog anyway

Don't mind me, just being the most fun character in the game

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>Hentai shooter game
Ill pass

I've noticed playing Hammond has made my aim worse because I never get out of ball.

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Holy shit does Blizzard marketing department love posting on Yea Forums or what?

nerf roadhog's hook by 10% and i'll consider it

I have more fun playing Paladins. Hope you have fun with your game, user.

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I honestly just don't feel like playing it anymore. The last few times I played, I only wanted to do deathmatch, but they have such a shit system I can't play Chateau all the time and still get lootboxes. Orisa is best hero btw unless they nerfed her.

only reason i play it time to time.

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Roadhog's been nerfed enough

I wanna lick Mei's delicious fat rolls!

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Overwatch is only good for the porn now, I look forward to seeing Mei's new skin in that porn.

That's too bad because if you headshot with his guns you can pick off squishy from behind the team.

Thank God she doesn't have any, now kill yourself.

They need to add a real competitive mode with more types of battles. The same fucking modes every time are worn the fuck out.

I will never touch Overwatch again after Blizzard made my waifu a lesbian.

>HotS killed in cold bold
>WoW bled to death after decade of mismanagement
>Diablo mobilized and dumbed down for Asian market milking
>Starcraft dead and buried
>"remasters" and "classic" unironically get any hype at all despite everyone with a brain knowing they are both just bones thrown to retard basedboys to distract them and milk more of their money
>OW is Blizzard's most successful game
worst timeline

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Because i dont want to give them money

meifaggots are ruining ow threads

Must you turn this board into a house of lies?

Attached: mei_by_grim_kun-da9dxus.jpg (836x956, 106K)

Overcock was never really that good

Does this fucker have a point? All I ever see anyone do is tether to something and circle around it for 4 hours then try and shoot someone but then remembers his gun does less damage than blowing bubbles so he runs away and fucks off for the rest of the game.

>Does this fucker have a point?
Disruption and soft CC.

>mfw living in China and have a gf who looks exactly like Mei from Overwatch

Attached: newface.jpg (5000x5000, 627K)

>living in China
I am so so sorry.

wow, they still cover her in cringe
anywho, give me ONE reason to reinstal that lazy mess of cringe and autism

Attached: 1548883476131.jpg (2852x1904, 965K)

Sorry for what?

That you live in a shithole

How is it a shithole? And which country are you from?

buzzwords aren't criticism
how can you be covered in cringe you fucking child

>OW is Blizzard's most successful game


Did your daddy teach you not to be ashamed of your dick?

Stop shilling this piece of shit game not even ASSFAGGOTS are this annoying

Shh shh, it's okay we are here for you, and your girlfriend as well, just let it settle.



>How is it a shithole?
Well I don't know any other country that throws you in the gulag for using the internet too much

Tiananmen Square

Because these are sponsored threads user.

>all the mei threads 404 before I can get my dick out


I don't know why but I always thought this chick was Russian.

I thought 4channel hated the Jews? Why do you post about a known Jewish attempt to subvert a nation that got stamped out? Is this Stockholm Syndrome burgers carrying out the will of their Jewish masters?

>deliberately acting retarded
nice counter
here's a video covering the rest
watch unless you have the attention span of a goldfish

This is bait.

No feet skins don't care

A better one than yours you pampered insect

I just think the amount of sprays and taunts has gotten a little too much, especially if you miss a few events. I played the shit out of the last few weeks, I've opened maybe 20 boxes, barely gotten 300 gold or any skins or poses. just a FUCK load of new sprays and dumb as fuck taunts. Also, the taunts are some of least inspired shit in the game, 90% sound like shit and aren't funny or interesting.

Whether or not this is bait, I hope you are aware that if you are actually living in China, eating and drinking the food there, I've got bad news for you m8 - you may/likely will have health problems in the future specifically due to shit from the food. You should move.

Shouldn't have started the thread with Mei, then.

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Fucking crazy.

This is fucking gross.

>playing rock paper scissors the fps

Bet you don't even play this game OP, just fapping to the fanart. Like how it should be for any bad game with sluts.

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Remember that this is an American made website. The main demographic here is anglos in North America, UK, and Australia. You are going to encounter this kind of response any time you mention anything that threatens their worlds.

>I only play with myself



Attached: Faggot.png (1200x714, 313K)

>what is Monsato

Because it's just not fun anymore.

I already grinded for my lootbox of the day

no maps. stale meta. Terrible movement. etc etc.

>At least 1 thread about "WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING OVERWATCH" at any given time on the board
>Just one example of many threads repeated over and over ad nauseam over and over

...What the hell am I witnessing? Is this what terminal autism looks like?

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Why is every single Overwatch thread reposted bait?

that's what I just asked, I'm convinced this place is just bots, tryhard trolls and genuinely brain damaged people at this point

They're bots made to make Yea Forums appear more active than it is

This one isn't a bot because mods delete these threads sometimes. Even they have noticed the spam.

Sorry, let me clarify
I mean if it is a bot, it isn't of Yea Forums's making

Either shills, or they just want to post art because they found it hot

I mean, there are a lot of other thread themes that seem to be artificially repeated over and over as if by shills/bots/genuine insanity. It's surreal. But this one strikes me as the oddest because last I checked nobody on earth really likes Overwatch that much.

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>thread receives guaranteed (you)s
>why does it get posted

Next you're going to say you're confused by people posting screencaps of unverified twitter accounts, threads insisting Dark Souls 2 was best (reminder: this game is 1/2 decade old), or Yea Forums threads under paper thin veils

follow the single path while shooting retarded bots, OW has no story user

Have you tried making a thread in Yea Forums? Even if you mean well it will most likely get deleted. Moderation in Yea Forums is ran by very sensitive people. I am almost certain they are women or trannies from places like Tumblr. I hate Yea Forums mods so much I wish someone would slap some sense into them.

>Lootbox game
>Fuck Off

Games are 60% complete shit with incompetent retards trying to 1v6 for 5 minutes straight, 30% hard stomping incompetent retards trying to 1v6, and 10% enjoyable balanced matches

From what I've seen, Yea Forums moderation is wildly inconsistent. They're either non-existent or delete perfectly on-topic shit, the mods are just completely retarded there.

OW is dying so their marketing team starts going around the internet to figure out why

they added new arcade modes and people can make custom game modes now too

Sometimes its shills, sometimes it's a covert R34 thread

I love my perfect wife Mei!

>Why are you not playing Overwatch?

Brigitte. Worst hero to be put in the Game by far, Remove her ability to heal and put her as DPS because she's way too fucking OP.

Annoy the enemy team all game by knocking them around/into the air until you get your ult so you can get actual kills

Blizzard killed the game. Role queue and role based SR should have been added a year and a half ago. If this game is ever updated into something worth playing, it will probably be far too late.

i m laughing hard thanks to the fact i found something that cures depression. enjoy your "game" hahahahahaha