Do you think he hates being a mere game designer and not a movie director? Does Kojima even play videogames?
Do you think he hates being a mere game designer and not a movie director? Does Kojima even play videogames?
I think the last time I saw him reference Vidya was his tweet about GTA V, but that was mostly praising the level of details & graphics.
I don't really follow Kojimbo but I haven't seen any interview or shit of the kind where he talks about gameplay
He hates not being American
he bought Shadows of the Damned because he's friends with Suda
This so much.
>stories too long and confusing to fit for a movie
>can still skip cutscenes at times
>actual game design in mind
>hidden small details in regards to interaction and easter eggs
>4th wall breaks related to the medium
I want the "Hideo Kojima wants to make movies" meme to go.
Doubt it, he has much more freedom with videogames.
>stories too long and confusing to fit for a movie
>can still skip cutscenes at times
*unskippable heli rides* written, directed, shot, voiced by Hideo Kojima
>actual game design in mind
We're like 7 trailers of Death Stranding in and so far anything there's to say about gameplay is that you make deliver using ladder and use press X to Batman combat to fight off some fags
>hidden small details in regards to interaction and easter eggs
>4th wall breaks related to the medium
Yeah these never happen in movies
Nah, he clearly has a lot of fun making games. He's always loved to experiment with strange gameplay gimmicks and mess with the player in ways that just aren't possible in movies.
Kojima no
But druckman certainly hates not being a politician
Imagine if Kojima and Suda made a game together
The meme of him wanting to make movies is over. Games are the greatest media man has ever made and he's a huge part of the industry. Movies don't make nearly as much in comparison and people don't give a shit anymore about the pedophile riddled Hollywood. Even the old fuck producers and directors can't maintain their once iron grip on the industry. It's why a hack like James Cameron gets assmad at a capeshit movie like Aquaman doing so well.
>Games are the greatest media man has ever made
they apparently worked together to make a radio drama about Snatcher
that 90% of western game designers. and also thisso, yeah. he does
At this point, why would he? He's at the top of the video game industry in a way he could never be in the movie industry. Were he just an average game designer of mediocre success, the story could be different.
>top of the video game industry
>his latest project is a critical flop, his SH got cancelled, he got fired, his new game shapes up to be a disaster surviving on PS4 exclusive fumes
Kojima has realized long ago that play/game is far superior to art
read Homo ludens
that game was fucking kino
>t. Oscar watching tranny
Get fucked, go make another film adaption of a mobile game, maybe angry birds 3 will make you happy.
>his latest project is a critical flop
Are you genuinely retarded?
You brainlets are really starting to piss me off. "top" fucking lmao, not even in his best years. If that hack is top then where the fuck is someone like Miyamoto at?? K*jima will be lucky if he's still remembered as the metal gear guy. Instead, he'll be forgotten as the wacky wannabe filmmaker meme jap
I don't think he necessarily hates it, he's managed to get away with a lot of things in his MGS games that would have pulled the life support plug in a conventional film career.
I think he just wishes he could accomplish what his sources of inspiration did, and be recognized for it outside of games.
Why do all of you lead-breathers feel the need to ruin all the good insults? First you ruined autistic and made it synonymous with "retard" even though it was much more specific and nuanced, and now you're making "tranny" mean absolutely nothing by using it in situations where its not even close to being applicable.
there was a tweet of him playing Galaga on one of this mini arcades not too long ago
I think Kojima is feelan a bit bummed lately, as he's probably feelan his years a bit more these days--and I can imagine the source material has been a bit depressing. as well, the societal/job-related/and self-pressures of the whole job.
Except he's right? Is this the power of cope?
>“We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO,”...
The guy spent hours designing the MGS1 levels by using legos... I think he likes making gripping gameplay and not just story.
He used to be into L4D2 back in its prime
Kojima didn't direct any of the cutscenes in his games, he only wrote and approved them, he was probably terrible at it. Were he an actual filmmaker he would have been a failure.
Most of the Metal Gear games seem to shit on America a lot so I'm not sure abut that one.
>Suddenly want to play Snatcher
>There is no definitive version to play because the translated ones are censored or missing content
welp. Is Policenauts good?
I would love to play a L4D2 campaign alongside Kojimbo desu
Didn't he start directing them in his last few games though?
The Sega CD version is not so censored as some people claim. It's extremely gory at times. I'm literally playing it now.
Policenauts is great, but more so as a VN than a graphic adventure.
No wonder they look like shit if that's the case.
Policenauts is Kojima's masterpiece for its plot alone. I would rank it alongside MGS2 in terms of story, but for different reasons.
he probably hates himself deep down inside for being a western worshiping cuckaboo
Can you flirt with Katrina in the Sega CD version?
>game is all about connecting and uniting with people
>game is stuck only on 1 platform
>dividing people even more
What is Kojima's endgame here?