Have you swallowed the Lalafell pill yet?

Have you swallowed the Lalafell pill yet?

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They are perfect,and cute and funny.

I'll swallow a Lalafell, if you know what I mean.

>most ultimate clears worldwide
>more likely to have multiple jobs at level cap
>has more commendations than any other race in the game

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>mr happy race

>horrible animations
>controls all the continents' banks
>literally all of them except for three are evil in the msq
>all the player lalafells are evil too
>players act like a cult

no thanks

>The reason why every cutscene has us doing a D: face instead of fighting

Stop buying this bullshit fucking excuse, retard. Lalafells engaged in cutscenes just fine in 1.0, and so did Tarutaru in XI.

>lalafells (and c@ girls and au ra) have the most neckbeards living in their basement

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Haven't they gone on record as saying that the amount of effort put into cutscenes/graphics in 1.0 was a mistake?


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Yes because they were all motion captured. You can have decent cutscenes and animations without motion capture. You can definitely have battle sequences when we already have shitloads of battle animations.

free trial lala!

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>Lyse x WoL duel cutscene
>I was on AST
>Leap at Lyse with a glorified card deck holder
I'm looking forward to the Echo "roleplay" quests, that gives us a chance at having the protagonist of those quests actually interact with the environment without worrying about race/job combo.

>discord is down so I can't talk to my au ra friends reee

When will Yoshi fix Lala's proportions
The rival game did it better

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>Yes because they were all motion captured.
the majority of cutscenes in 1.x were not mocapped. only a very few select ones were which were the very important MSQ scenes like the intro scene or gaius vs the scions. the rest of the game used the same copypasted emotes from ARR.

I noticed that I have a fantasia in my inventory but I like my cat already

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That whole scene was a really fucking dumb decision because they were trying to recapture the moment in 3.3 with the walk toward Nidhogg echoing the opening movie, but there was nothing fucking exciting about it especially after everyone got a taste of Lyse.

>more likely to have multiple jobs at level cap
>implying this is a good thing

>challenging Lyse to a Shadow Game


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top is very very cute

I really wanna' fug a Lalafell.

At some point I've been tempted to fantasia to a face 4 lala with the moustache so I could be a grampotato. Most likely will never do it, though. Face 3 bearded highlander has been good since I started and will probably stick with it for as long as I'm playing, since it doesn't look like we'll be getting any better options anytime soon.

When does Black Mage get fun? I'm level 30 and have been using the same two spells since Level 2.

more like free use onahole

It starts getting fun when you get Firestarter

>Watching Pat stream XIV
>Shows his job page
>Chat floods and spergs out about how hes insane for having all the DoH leveled and hes a god

Do these people now know that you can do that shit in like a week?

minimum lv50 like every other class

The average player is fucking braindead.


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50+ enjoy spamming fire 1 until then.

link to vod/clip


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>Have you swallowed the Lalafell pill yet?
Like, the whole Lalafell?

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Its like a 4 hour stream. Like 54-55m in. I guess these are mostly newbies.

What's wrong with lala proportions?

i sure want to swallow the lalafell cunny

the average person that watches twitch streams is more braindead than ffxiv players

>”this game’s not dead guys buy it!”

>buy game
>join Mateus the second largest pop server
>get to first quest in MSQ where I have to queue up
>wait 30 fucking minutes and still nothing

How do I fucking advance now

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Crystal is the RP containment server you mong. Nobody there actually plays the game. Move to Aether or Primal.

either you're a liar or theres something in the system user i just queued into a leveling roulette as healer on crystal and its golden

Get friends to play with. Duh.

>he went for the "largest pop server" meme without researching about DCs
You'd fit in right there with the retarded erping trannies, dumb ape. Stay there.

wait for the daily resets or play during the most active hour, you could even get friends to help

What's the quickest way to gear up besides buying ilv380 stuff off the mp? Just came back and am trying to catch up with the MSQ but I'm still wearing my old ilv320 stuff from 4.0.

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>You will never return to when the open world in MMO's wasn't a complete waste of everyone's fucking time

Why do these zones even exist

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mendacity gear with tomes from roulettes or spam ghymlit

Nay, I took the Elezen pill.

are these still getting deleted on sight

Ok what realm do you recommend

Well you’re a healer and from my MMO experience being a healer is queue easy mode

I don’t have any friends

What are DCs


It was 6pm on a Saturday

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mateus isn't even second largest pop according to recent lodestone census

How bad is leveling DNC on release going to be? I'm thinking about just taking my WHM through story first and then DNC after.

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DCs are datacenters and which one you're on determines which servers you can interact with cross-realm. So pick a server that is on Primal, or at least Aether. Just stay away from Crystal servers.

fucking potato

If you want to level DNC do it at the start so you can ride the wave of people queueing for GNB. Otherwise you'll go back to having 20 minute DPS queues.

Should be really easy once you make it to 70 since people will be doing fates nonstop and you can use the trusts for dungeon queues. The slog will be 60-70 though and will probably take a while.

purizzu enjoy za fatesu systemu

not bad if you have at least 1 friend or acquaintance to boost you. sucks if you play this MMO solo though

stormbabby here, was it possible to do the whole sb story and reach the level cap in a day at release?

If by day you mean within 24 hours and skipping cutscenes, yeah, probably.

depends on if the server gets mysterious "ddos attacks" or if people get stuck in the last trial because of harder mechanics

story no because of server issues.
level cap yes if you had no life or botted

People who you queue with are people from your datacenter, or server cluster. In this case, you picked the ERP containment DC, Crystal; people on that server quite literally do nothing except ERP and putz around the overworld, so enjoy your forever shit queue times.

Is Cactaur a good realm?

Holy shit, Samurai is so much fun. Where are my SAMbros at?

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>be me
>be europoor
>realize there isn't a single server with character EXP boost active
>be sad
>realize I rolled on Shiva, the German server
welp, this trial is off to a good start


Well I’m only level 20 something, I’ll just reroll whatevs

we're waiting for the shoah

>I don’t have any friends
people play MMO's without friends? whats the point? playing with friends is the fucking point

you sound like you belong on crystal

Currently lvling tank since I have a BLM and a WHM max so I need a tank.

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Of course, I don't play as a Lalafell tho, I just admire them from afar

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even then making acquaintances in this game is stupid easy. you have to make an effort not to try or just be so obnoxious/anti-social to not make a friend in this game.

The lalafells fear the samurai.

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Busy purging sickness (lalashits) from the game.

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I intended to make friends. I had just started playing

Ok I’ll go back to playing single player and leave you all alone. Thanks anyway


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i'm so mad dyes don't go over the red part and go over the whole fucking top

I love wind-up Garuda!

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Most of those are because the JP community loves the little shits and most of those things are true about the JP community as a whole as compared to the western ones.

Give me ideas for a female DNC glamour that doesn't involve the fucking Thavnairian Bustier or the AF. Preferably a non-slut glamour too.

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Don't be discouraged, but at least play somewhere where playing the game is mostly possible.

There is only one option.

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Do a harlequin/jester outfit type deal. There's that one headpiece that has the jester hat/mask, make that your base.

I want lalasluts to see my dick and call it small for even a lala while they laugh and point

Why live bros?

>how do I progress?
>"make friends"
>wtf I was gonna do that but now I won't thanks guys
don't be a baby, join an FC, find some social linkshells, make a handful of chums you can kill the queues with, boom, your experience is much more enjoyable

You could steal this

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It's dyeable?
What steamer tested the dyes on it?

>mog station shit

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DoH leveling isn't exactly hard as long as you get your DoL to 70. Just get all your cross-skills and you're all set, though leveling GSM is like the easiest since it's 95% reliant on MIN.

i only saw it dyed white in the imgur album

>see through
my eyes

Make friends.

Like I'm going to divulge my dancer glamour so I can stand out from all the thavnarian normalfags

I've been a lala since day one but I'm taking the hrothgarpill in a month
I still have my free fantasia

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give me one good reason for why we can't have this inatead of gyoten

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I can't, it's baffling, especially after giving DNC it.

Just pick a disciple of the land job and gather resources while waiting it's what I do

Yes, but Lalafell look awful in the glamours, armors I like so I'm stuck patting cute Lalas I come across. It felt good playing them but not being able to use big beefy armor properly makes me mad.

What is this?

or this instead of the third eye skills

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goddamn this is hot

>lalafell pill
Take the middie pill.

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I unironically can't wait for Meditate/Shoha to be changed 2 weeks into Shadowbringers and become broken as fuck

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>taoist moogle isn't back in the itinerant moogle shop
I'm so fucking mad I want one so bad

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That looks like a Far Eastern Hyur, not a Midlander.

Ilberd did nothing wrong

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I like how with cats and lizards overwhelming the population, finding a middie is actually a rare occurrence.

thats an eastern hyur

i believe it's going to be buffed, even if it's a filler skill it does too little damage for how rarely you can use

Agreed, friend!

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Yoshi should add a toggle option where you can make other players mounts appear as default chocobos, hide their minions and load their gear as the default race gear.

Have it be an 'Immersion mode.' I could see the salt mines from cash shop idiots well up already.

The level 50 rotation is lame, though you do good damage. Fire iv is the nuts though and feels so much better than 1+3 spam.

>made an absolutely adorable middie.
>tfw I saw the run animation for the first time

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>haha man why aren't you playing the small featureless potato people
>O. M. G. look at how silly I am in heavy armor
>Haha lalafell tank!
>Aren't I cute?!

Lalafell are complete cancer, almost on the same level as catboys even.

>wtf why is this girl so feminine???

I want to marry Kozakura.



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And you will be allowed to. In 15 years.

You can mod lalashits away, actually.

nothing better than being normal in a sea of freaks

Girls don't fucking run like that and you know it

I totally would, if only their animations weren't so bad.

I tried swallowing the FFXIV pill but then proceeded to puke it back up.

>hating fun

oof, yikes and everything inbetween

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Not in the west where femininity and beauty are wrongthink, no.

is everyone rolling viera?


Show me a video where a woman is running like a Midlander.


hrothgar bros ww@


No thanks man I got a fishing window to hit

>Can't wear head gear
>Limited hair options
I was planning to but after the benchmark, hell no. Fuck the new races.

Here's your lizard bro

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I'll fanta to Viera and probably make an alt Hrothgar just to fuck around with them


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>she plays elezen
>she plays highlander
please let me party with you

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No. I've got a lotta loyalty to my character after all these years. Maybe a bunny retainer though.

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Keeping my main, making my alt into one though.

people should actually get bans for making ugly characters

They have amazing voice options and I dig the hair styles + messy bun ears, so yeah probably.

SAM pvp skill, literal anime dash where you zip to a targeted point and damage everything you pass through.

Wasn't that face paint a meme at one point because of someone's character got mildly famous for using it.

>having an alt in FFXIV
for what reason?


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>being able to dash past an enemy to re-position while still dealing damage instead of unga bunga charging straight at them and stopping
Nah, prease understandu

yea cause they're hot

Is your character a big guy?

Why not? I got time to kill.

replaying the MSQ

Raid alt so your epic hardcore group can get double loot
Different datacenter alt so you can sneak to Balmung for ERP

>can't wear helmets or hats ever
Has this ever happened in a mmo before? Why are the devs so stupid and lazy? Could have just had one set of ears for everyone, hell they don't mind Aura horns and tails clipping through shit.

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>tfw no Elezen gf

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You’ll be able to do that in 5.0 with your main because New Game + will be a thing.

Good taste. I've been thinking of making one some day.

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literally why

To play with your degenerate on crystal while you have your main for raiding on primal

I play a midlander because I'm the canon protagonist master race.

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Is it a fun goal to eventually have all these maxed one day, or is it an autists dream, best left in the dream world?

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There is literally no reason to max every job/play anything except your favorites.

Be fat and comfy.

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It's not particular hard given the myriad of exp bonuses available, especially if you preorder Shadowniggers for the aetheryte earrings.

Yeah it's definitely a complete joke of a level 80 skill that's for sure
Doesn't matter all that much though 'cause samurais are looking great

Jobs that largely gained stuff: PLD, WAR, WHM, DRG, NIN, SMN, BLM
Jobs that remain largely the same: RDM, SAM
Jobs that both gained and lost stuff: DRK. AST, MCH
Jobs that lost more than gained: MNK, SCH, BRD
Straight Ls: role actions

Seems about right?

It's not a difficult task in the slightest.

you cant gear in bis more than 2-3 per raid tier. So no.

I won't play as one but I'm really looking forward to seeing them around. Just a slight shame about their customization as it basically eliminates hairstyles as potential cosmetic reward incentives for them.

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Depends on what you find fun. Like if you hate a class then no lvling that class won't be fun.

Leveling things isn't hard and it's only getting easier as new ways to level are implemented. People on reddit already mapped out how to speedgrind classes as efficiently as possible

>wtf why would you level a job if you cant give it bis?
Legitimate fucking retard.

>lalafell exclusive linkshells
>lalafell exclusive free companies
>lalafell exclusive ultimate statics
>lalafell exclusive ZONES
The absolute state of subhuman races

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None that I can think of. I guess they have an extremely small team or some shit cause the stuff we saw in the benchmark is inexcusable. Seriously, Hrothgar hairstyles are tied to their fucking faces? Why?

id swap WAR to largely the same tier

Toss AST into "Lost everything" pile because they are worse than their 3.0 counterpart.

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Isnt that a guildhest?

Leveling in this game is pretty easy once you've finished the story and have your first class at cap.
You get a huge exp bonus for lower level classes and just have more options to do things in general, it honestly flies by and almost everyone who's been playing for longer than a few months has many jobs maxed, it's really nowhere as daunting as it might seem.

This. Warrior didn't get anything new. Just powered up versions of moves they already have. Hell, the """new""" ability Mythril Tempest is copied straight from their PVP abilities.

exactly what i said fucking mong

>they are worse than their 3.0 counterpart.
How I know you haven't touched AST before 3.4.

>Lost more than gained
BRD is basicaly the same minus foe with extra moves. I wouldn't call losing more than gaining.

Yeah it's pretty shitty, they're all gonna look the same. Are there any other races that have anything like this?

wow, didnt know they were trying to look realistic with lego FF

>lost crit buff on songs
>lost Foe
They're not even a bard anymore, they're ranger now.

Is there anywhere I can get the basic gestalt of the job changes in text format?

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Always. It's either that if a thread is decent or it gets infested with wowspergs and literal /vg/ mhiggers yet it remains the best place to talk about the game. Sad.

The only thing remotely close are Au Ra with their horns locked to their face, but it's nowhere near as bad as Hroths.

Probably. I like hot chicks and I also am a massive ivalice fag.

They won't get hairstyles from events like everyone else. Viera might not get them either.

The devs are retarded.

And that's a good thing

>Dude trust me, 3/6% single target damage buffs are totally stronger than 5% damage buff to everyone
AST mains are gonna beg SE to bring back pre-buff AST come Shadowbringers.

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Gamerscape has all the tooltips on display so you can make your own conclusions.

Right here user. Ready to shoah lalajews and the eternal six-sided star MONKey? Miqo'te and Tran'ra go in the oven of course.

Yeah but you can still choose hair and wear helmets.

I'm considering switching from Lalafell to Viera. I made a decent-looking one in the benchmark but I just dunno if I'm ready to say goodbye to my badass potato.

you can switch back though, onry ten darrah

>badass potato
How does anyone take those allagan mutants seriously? I know JP do it for the memes at least.

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I'm changing to viera so no hat, unfortunately. No hat, no point.
Cute, but I don't buy Mogstation stuff. If I did I would buy the Far Eastern dress and make a theater dancer.

don't worry it was never badass to begin with

Lalajews, cats, lizards and mhigger-mnks all get the katana.

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As much as I love Shukuchi, having to use anything like it as a filler damage ogcd with a targeting reticule, would detract from the fluidity of Sam PvE.

except they can

More concerned that he think he's in any position to give people advice when there are a bunch of Jobs he even refuses to touch.

You can do a macro for it, but it would plop you in the middle of your target's hitbox which has its own problems.

Except they can't. The 500 or whatever the fuck headpieces they converted are all glasses, flowers, and circlets.

SAM/RDM was easy as fuck considering as most people were stuck on Raubhan EX while I grinded PotD to 60.

Wrong. They can only wear masks, glasses,etc.

>I'm changing to viera so no hat, unfortunately. No hat, no point.
What about the mask, at least? I still think it's a viable aesthetic, your rabbit ears will be clowny enough.

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How can I find these Lalafell exclusive things? I've never encountered them.

Reminder that Yoshi P is woke.

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babby here

Aether or Primal?

Here thingken about what to wear for the msq.

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Nope sticking to my hyur

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Wait, what? You think AST is weaker numbers-wise? I thought you were complaining about its toolkit as a whole or the weaker new heals.

You'll be dishing out single target 8%, 15s damage buffs every 30s, and AoE 6% 15s buffs every 3 minutes, assuming the cds stay the same. That you even have to consider the 3% buffs as something you'll ever put on anyone outs you as an absolute retard.

Stay with WHM, assuming the nulilies won't strain your brain too much either.

I'm thinking of doing something like this myself.

Primal. Faerie is still in Aether.

Well you see I thought it'd be very funny if the Warrior of Light, slayer of Primals and hero of Eorzea, was a potato midget. So I picked Lalafell and then I got attached. Also it'll be really weird adjusting to the height difference if I decide to do it.

Exist as a lalafell without a free company or with an empty linkshell slot
For the static you'll have to prove yourself first

I have a monk and summoner but I want to switch it up a bit. What is another fun melee dps? How is Sam?

Also, should I stick with summoner or switch to something else, maybe Mechanist?

Oh you mean a midlander but with slanted eyes? Got it.

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Should I go hyur

I thought I’d like catgirl but it’s starting to feel like a meme

>the only helmets I ever wear anyway

and nothing of value was lost

both are fine, no matter how hard anyone tries to meme you towards one or the other
if you don't want to flip a coin i think most of the people in these threads play on primal, but server choice doesn't matter a whole lot and you're rewarded for starting on a smaller server, so pick whichever one gives you the road to 60 bonus if available

Well spoken, brother. Truly /ourguy/

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>he doesn't already have a Warrior of Darkness glamour ready

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>Judging people solely by the servers they come from.

nice toes

people need something to get worked up about now that balmeme is in its own little containment dc


Wasn't planning on it at first but after playing around in the benchmark I really started to love the big 80/90s anime glam rocker hair styles and the resting "I'm so fucking done with this shit" faces for peak jaded and tired WoL mode, shit is cash money.

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do you think pugging the next savage tier as a DPS would be fine?

On the plus side I can pound countless hours at my own leisure. On the downside...less consistent.

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Human choice is the only right choice, user. Suffer not the xeno, the mutant or the heretic.

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I hate lizards and cats so fucking much. Lalafell are at least memesters too instead of angry trannies, women and basedlets.
Yeah i think he was/is called MrFace.

People who see a list and choose "Faerie" aren't likely people you want to group with.

Pugging has been getting much better, Alphascape was great

What data center are you on?

I've gotten so used to the Lalafell camera angle that it's awkward to go back to other races.

Faerie is the unofficial LGBT server you dumbass.

I've got for my BLM but I'm not fully sure I want to go with what I have for SAM atm.

>Have my favorite Healer/Tank job, have both at 70
>can't decide on a DPS, don't have one past 50
It's probably tied between MNK or NIN, but I also want to try out the new MCH
But with all the choices, it really is hard to choose


I wouldnt be asking this question if I was on crystal

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You dont need to play every job to teach new players basic mechanics like AoEs, enmity, rotations, etc.

Oh you're one of those, you'll have a rough time then

I wouldn't PUG on Aether either. You wanna be on Primal for that.

Could you tell me what gloves those are?

which is why they should rework most of these skills to just jet forward a set distance like DNC's movement skill does

Yoshi-p is an amazing conman and salesman on top of being able to crunch direct the production of a game with consistent vision.
Don't believe his lies.

Up to you senpai
Cats are everywhere, lizards are just grown up lalas in terms of being potatoes, we don't speak about rows, and thigh landers / gramps look like worn out drug addicts. Take your pill.

Those look like the Orbonne striking gloves.

>can't stomach lizards
>it's the one race all the goth chicks flock to

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>will be able to wear all the good shit (mostly male locked) as a female
fucking based trannies making yoshi fix the game where it matters

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Thanks. Guess I'll have to queue for it specifically since Alliance Raid has been throwing me into CT lately for those stupid moogle tomes

Oh hey, I use the exact same dye for that outfit.

>primal shitters always talkin shit despite having less players and less clears
its okay at least you arent worse than crystal primalbros

Would the songbird jacket, expenditioner's pantalettes, and endless summer sandles be decent DNC outift? I want something that exposes the legs a lot with a good top.

Like the other user said
They are the ivalician brave gauntlets

Play a tank.

About to start. Is Aether a good data center?

I guess it doesn't really mater as long as it's in my region right?

>linkshells that exclude lalafells
>FCs that exclude lalafells
>ultimate statics that exclude lalafells
what could be next

Primal is more consistent and has less shitters
Aether is filled with the worst players in the game

aether is meh. if you roll on primal I can help you out and answer any dumb questions you got in-game.

Primal or Aether are fine.
Avoid Crystal.

>fish-faces think they look like this

>jewlafell thread
Yes yes, mhigge- I mean, aspiring monks! Buy more infusions! You will need them, I promise! They will be a big help, I swear.

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it's absolutely weird to see since you barely ever heard anything about it when there were two datacenters

Is it even possible for anything in Shadowbringers to surpass or even equal the pure majesty of Nidhogg? I doubt it.

Attached: nid.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

aether and crystal wish dps queues were this fast

Ok. Guess I'll just go with Primal.

I'm playing the free trial and I'm never played an MMO before.

Doubt me at your peril gaijin

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>I'm never played an MMO before.
This boggles my mind somehow, but it also makes sense because they've been out of fashion for half of a decade. Out of sheer curiosity, mind telling how old you are?

>WHM turned into a SCH
>SCH turned into a WHM
>AST regressed to its old Heavensward self in terms of damage and party buffs
Summoner changes do look kind of interesting though.

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If they keep the plot as focused as Heavensward was instead of trying to tell two stories at once like Stormblood then maybe, but given that we've gone from a ton of buildup to this confrontation with the Garleans to fucking off on an interdimensional adventure, I'm not hopeful.

levels 1-30 are really boring and feel like a slog just warning you now. so it's encouraged to make friends to make it go faster or chat inbetween the boring parts.

If it can be done, she's gonna be the one to do it.

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Tell how to get clears with pugs. I have all clears for vanilla and Tsuyu but new ones are problem
I learned Seiryu ex today with practice party. But we didn't kill him.
Joined clear party. 2 hours later I still don't have clear.
Should I just create ""Kill for friend" party in PF or something? Because there is tons of them locked with duty complete+duty competition and 385-390IL

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>barely any SAM wearing the genji set glamour

It's a bunch of ZR members, they're very salty people

Dark Viera is the best Viera!

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Everything about ShB looks very promising. SB was like "filler" expansion. Downtime after HW

I don't think I have the social skills for this game. People just laugh at what I say.

Too dark.

but Yea Forums has a lot of levi players??

Apparently, 1st shard stuff will be 5.0 only. 5.1 and beyond will be on the Source excluding maybe the raids

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Because the actual SAM looking genji sets are either for tanks or DRG

Right here. Finally got it to lvl70 and holy shit it really is a lot of fun. I don't get what people don't like about Shinten spam though, it keeps things hectic/dynamic(?).

Only dyeable version is good but I joined in too late so I'll just get it unsynced at lvl80.

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desu the only thing I don't care for that they've shown for ShB is the Nier stuff. I don't mind fanservice for other FF games because I'm a fan of FF in general but going cross-series for something that big just rubs me the wrong way.

Like this?

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I'm more of a ronin.

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>She wrote the DRK quests
Fucking give me Fray's passive aggressive bullshit in my journal for the entire MSQ PLEASE. That alone would make the xpac worth it for me.


Primal has like 0.1% less clear and no raid trannies

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31. I've always just stuck with single player games for the most part. I've played a lot of Halo and Gears of War online but that's about it.

That will be tough since I'm pretty shy and socially awkward and have no friends irl.

>it's absolutely weird to see since you barely ever heard anything about it when there were two datacenters
Are we living in the same timeline?

well if you can talk to people here then you're not shy enough to talk to people in-game

genji striking is garbage

lookin like a locked character

I beg to differ.

95% of "clear for one/friend" parties are full of shitters hoping to get carried through by a competent group

It's not fair

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I'd put SCH up one tier because they gained a lot of healing, ogcd in particular. Got a lot of different nerfs and buffs.

Primal was always the backwater nowheresville nobody talked about. Their biggest claim to fame was having the neogaf FC that always early pulls.

That sounds like bullshit. I imagine we'll be going back to the Source for our Job quests at level 80 but its nonsense that we'll just never go back there in the MSQ after 5.0

you really need to stop browsing Yea Forums too much

11:59 shade of viera


Makes sense.

Also, it's possible to make friends organically as you just go through the game. 1-30 is nothing compared to the bridge between the core game and the first expansion. Keep an eye on shout chat when in major cities and don't be afraid to hit up an FC. There's countless FCs with people that are wallflowers.

Where is primal not the backwater DC then

well how is talking to anonymous people here any different to talking to people you're never going to meet irl in-game?

Having an identity attached to your words for one thing.

What now? Aether just as ecelebs like mr happy and xenos
Elysium has like 2 good statics, the rest of aether is a joke

People have no inhibitions here because le anonymous
In-game you have reputation

I am. I wasn't sure at first but the benchmark sealed the deal. No headgear sucks but she's a mega cutie and I want to see her resting bitch face all the time.

Post the webm

you really think people care about your identity in-game? no one gives a fuck unless you're a eceleb.

Knowing Taro, Nier raid will be wild ride with funny mechanics to screw everyone. Better to expect shoot'em up or 2 platformer

Man Shadowbringers really is a sideplot.

If that's your metric then go look at fflogs, it says the static's world. Very few top tier ones are on primal.

Frankly it doesn't matter what other people think. What matters what my brain thinks other people think.

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>In-game you have reputation
no one literally cares about you or reputation unless you have a IRL presence.

Does nobody play as Roegadyn? I started as a hyur guy then regretted it instantly, restarted as a Sea Wolf girl.

They do, sociopath
If you act like a retard you get shunned or banned

The women look like ogres.

>Hair covering the diamond-shattering chin

they're the rarest race overall, yes

Who cares about percentile beside trannies? Only the day they clear matter.

>We'll never get a male race that looks like this.

Fucking gay.

What happens if I dye an item on a Glamour plate?

>If you act like a retard you get shunned or banned
This literally never happens and if it does happen people from other servers when you hop to there's won't know you or care.

Why do the cutscene directors always zoom in on such low fidelity models? Every beast quest besides moogles and namazu have such low quality models, without even movable mouths, and every cutscene tries to get as close as possible to their unmoving, pixelated faces.

The REAL patrician taste:
the SHORTEST highlander

>It takes us an expansion patch and 3 content patches for us to save Ishgard from a Thousand Year War
>We are going to save an entire world in just an expansion patch
>Back to Garlean bullshittery right after

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Where is this information located?

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They're kinda the "ugly" race and don't have the most flattering face options, doesn't help they get memed on for looking like michael cera or shrek. They're super based when fully plated though

What set is that?

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I think it's a bit different but I think I'll be able to handle it.

It will be really interesting because all this stuff is completely new to me.

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Well there isn't much left of that entire world, it's been burned away by the light. We are saving the little bit that's left.

>Back to Garlean bullshittery right after
There is plot about Aether draining. It was foreshadowed long ago and back in 4.5

Particularly it will happen in pvp. If you're toxic or a shitter people will int you.

genji set of poking

well if you do make a character on primal then let us know and we can help a boomer like you out.

all you need to do is gas a bunch of people so they're aether will return to the lifestream.

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lodestone data

Yoshida: We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be, so we adjusted all 3 Healers to be more balanced while keeping their original characteristics alive.

So instead of changing the content to require more healing you just gutted their ability to DPS so they can stand around more/press 1 button?

>people actually buy this shit and use it

Since you don't believe in reputation I guess you won't mind copy pasting a random post from this thread into limsa shout chat, for the lulz?
How about

Attached: 1559410466082.png (903x514, 1011K)

>We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be
And yet they have been designing content that allows for that exact thing for two expansions.
This is just like that time Yoshi-P couldn't understand why tanks didn't use tank stance.

>Design the game around mechanics happening once every 15 seconds and being resolved in 1 GCD of healing or ogcds
>Why are you guys DPSing???

>So instead of changing the content to require more healing
I didn't realize you already played 5.0, user.

Cute ogres. Handsome, at least.
Haha, amazing. Weirdly enough, one of the Hyur male faces gave me a Cera vibe.

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He's also the same person that claimed that Scholars need to have their healing buffed because they are healing the least out of all healers. Meanwhile SCH was the one dishing out most healing out of all healers.

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I bought it just for the shoes for my SAM glamours

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Yoshida didn't say that, he said he wanted pure healing as in more straight heals and less shields and regens

Yeah im sure they totally changed everything after 3 expansions. What about the pre-expansion content?

26 days.

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This is literally a quote from a recent interview.

There's no chance in hell I'd ever buy anything from the cash shop but this admittedly tempted me for the sole reason of me being able to create a Raidou cosplay with it.

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As a tank main I approve of Yoshi's decision
Now I that healers are SHOCKINGLY "forced" to properly do their job I can watch anime while tanking so they fellate my HP bar as I eat cleaves, AoEs and tankbusters
Yoshi is BASED


>pedobait class gets most attention
this is news

I'm annoyed as fuck that female characters get stupid fucking western shoes. Guess I'll have to use the SAM af ones for another billion years.



ARR required more healing than any other expansion. HW is what started the "MUH DPS" fuckery.

just use little lady's clogs like the other hundred cat sluts

God would you healer fucks shut up, your role is LITERALLY to heal that is your actual role in the game.
Content should be something where you TRY to heal as little as possible so that you can DPS. That literally just makes you a great DPS.
It's the same reason why they removed DPS stance from tanks, it became how long can you stay out of tank stance for the fight.
Why should tanks not tank? and healers not heal? this change is for the better and will allow content to be more than just "HUUURRR HOW BIG ME NUMBER!" for healers.
There's no skill in popping a cooldown for an obviously telegraph'd buster or using Bene when a tank is about to die. Anyone who thinks there was or is is a fucking retard.

Another shitty translation, the first and second halves are referencing completely different issues. This is the same thing that happens in these threads where people think less DPS abilities = healers use them less. They just wanted to simplify scholar.

Ilbred comes back at the Ala Mhigan analogue king on the 1st, screencap this.

I going to Godzilla movie today, XIVbros. So this time was it good compared to first one?

Shut your mouth DPS shitter. We were tanking and healing, it's why you weren't dying you dumb fuck.

Classic is coming

Imagine getting so upset about people not wanting to be mediocre.

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Producing and following a comprehensive party rotation like imgur.com/wdhsrkT takes skill.

>They just wanted to simplify scholar.
>push 1 button
Well, they did it. Now the job can fit in WoW Classic.

>for healers
It's for everyone. It's actually what made XIV unique and I'd be sad to see it go. If you want another game where tanks and healers both deal no damage you can go back to playing WoW.

Those aren't proper ones.

I been playing on aether since arr, just re subed and game is very alive, it’s still boring but there are certainly people playing
I did notice more autists with “hello I am here” macros

MNK crying > SHCcucks crying.
SMN has one button DPS rotation durring downtime and DWT. Deal with it.

You retards have been complaining for fucking WEEKS already. It doesn't matter how garbage healing gets it will never be as bad as being a melee dps that wasn't DRG or NIN in HW, SB or fucking ARR.
Your spots are gurantee'd for raids stop whinning.
AST is fine, they only ever wanted balance to begin with.
SCH is fine, it lacked any real class identity besides "MUH CRIT ADLO"
WHM is fine, it deserved the buffs that it got.

Shut the fuck up and move on.

Feels great to play a good melee job.

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I don't care about raiding you faggot. I care about my job being fun to play. Why do you care about raiding? You Americans are the worst at it.

How is not being in a defensive stance "not tanking"? Are you fucking dense? As long as you're accomplishing your main 3 priorities, which are holding aggro, not dying, and protecting the party, then there was absolutely no reason to not swing into offensive stance so that the fight ended faster you fucking casual.

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Yeah, as a DPS. Luckily it can heal too.

>make the most boring jobs to play even more boring
You're an esl suhbuman, aren't you?


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Tank stance = tank stance, duh. That's why that retard PLD in my last normal raid roulette that couldn't take aggro from a single DA power slash was the tank and not me.

t. dps cuck who will use Trust because tanks and healers quit the game

why you care about that if you fucking tranny dont even play the game

>it will never be as bad as being a melee dps that wasn't DRG or NIN in HW,
Pick one

is "tanks should tank" like an insult to people who say "healers should heal" or do they actually mean some bullshit like tanks should just sit in front of the boss and pop shields for tankbusters for the whole fight

why would anyone choose to play ffxiv when ffxi, the superior game, still exists?

>yea user im sure theyll remove TP after 3 expansions pffft
>like theyd ever remove tank stance user theyve been in for 3 expansions
>theyll never separate SCH and SMN its a leftover from 1.0 been that way since 2.0
I'd suggest you wait at least until the normie mode raid before you cry nothing's changed, but at least wait until the first dungeon, god damn.

Because retail FFXI is not 75 era FFXI and thus not great, and both private servers suck dick for their own reasons.

>or do they actually mean some bullshit like tanks should just sit in front of the boss and pop shields for tankbusters for the whole fight
Yes, the biggest "argument" these wowfugee cretins can bring is that if it's not in "tank stance" and trying to maximize damage output instead of whacking away at the boss with the strength of a wet noodle, then it's not tanking, even if you have a significant enmity lead.

>ffxi, the superior game, still exists

DPS don't want to manage their own enmity, how dare they have to think about things.

Here we go again. FFXI degenerates in XIV thread begging anons to play their dead game. They're worse than wowtards

Currently in the process of making my character. Is archer a hard class to learn? That's the one I'm thinking of choosing.

>The JP community has a fansite counting down the month
>Everyone's gathering and contributing screenshots and fan art counting down the days
I am jelly.

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We get to have both blue DPS and red DPS that don't have to worry about pressing 1 button now, the best of both worlds.

Archer/Bard is alright, not too difficult.

Im going to trust people with a record of translating over some random user on Yea Forums.

Okay let us remove all your skills except you get to have a Flash and a button that says Mitigation that you just press, nothing else.

What? How dare you

After seeing the quality of the live letter translations, I'm more inclined to trust random people on Yea Forums,

Thanks. Going with archer then.

>even if you learn Japanese you will never able to play with them because of high ping
>even if you can, without Japanese you will be locked with Tonberry US/AU players
>some JOP user told be they're worst players on datacenter

Well, what do you wanna do for the next month that's cool?

>play a healer
>wants to be a dps with it
>yoshi nerfs your dps because he rightfully thinks you should heal

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>retarded frogposter is being even more retarded after being made fun of

You know this is a false argument no matter how much you bring it is. Despite what you think, healers don't "Not want to heal." The game is 90% downtime where no healing is required. Thus people at least want some semblance of complexity during that time. These changes aren't going to make healers heal. Its going to make them press Broil/Glare more.

I remember back in 2.0 they ported one of the armor sets from XI (I think the musketeer armor)

Why did they stop porting FFXI armors over? I want the XI PLD AF not the new shitty designs.

You think lazily porting armors would be a dream for the XIV team with how much stuff in the game is recycled assets.

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Do you know that for sure? How do you know they aren't going to make all the 5.0 content really healing intensive huh?

Healers are very spoiled in this game. They pitch a fit if they have to do anything other than the occasional aoe heal

I mean, this idea they have going on is pretty cool.

I can maybe see a Western DC doing something like creating a month-long, daily appreciation of Stormblood from 4.0 to 4.5, so, June 2 would start with a "trip" back to Fringes and how people remember their first step there. I feel the West would probably think it's too silly though.

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He's solved nothing unless they go back to designing fights like they did in Gordias you cretin. The problem is that in current high end content, 90% of the time there's no need to heal, so Healers just dps instead of holding their dicks doing nothing. Simply gutting their dps kit will just mean that playing healer is insanely boring, not that they'll be healing more.

We're gonna get some cat shitters but they're all going to go back cat when they realize they cant wear helmets for some people in this game thats kinda a deal breaker.

Me I love Viera enough from tactics and 12 that I'd gladly dump being a shortcatlet and be a tall bunny At max height.

Stop taking the bait from frogposter, he'll be going at it regardless of what you say to him.

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Ok so on Primal now. The only options available to me are Exodus, Ultros, and Excalibur. I assume it doesn't really matter which I choose. Right?

if you choose exodus i can give you free gil

not really, no
duty finder and party finder pull from every server and you can visit other worlds if you want
unless there's a fc you specifically want to join just pick one

Should have made DNC a healer thats heals nearby allies through damage so at least people could choose a playstyle like that.

so when did the playerbase swap from "healers need to dps too" to "healers should never dps"?

>Why did they stop porting FFXI armors over?
They didn't. There's a bunch of them from Eureka. I think it would be cool if they brought some of the AF sets over though.

You can trade when guesting, trading is DC wide now.

You choose Ultros, for the quality community.

>every western migrant with yellow fever thinks they're somehow different than the other tonberry english migrants
really makes you think

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The playerbase as a whole have never agreed upon this. Healers have never needed to DPS except for a few specific examples, but its obviously encouraged since why wouldn't you if nobody needs healing?

>There's a bunch of them from Eureka


I've never touched Eureka and would like to keep it that way.

What armors got ported over? Is there a list I can find?

What jobs will get 2B's dress?

When you began to listen to opinions of shitposters and the mentally ill. There's nothing wrong with experienced players wanting to finish the fight sooner and it's perfectly fine to have the healers contribute damage when healing is not needed.

pretty sure most of them are on the MB

Kirin Osode and Vermillion Cloak
both should be available at the mb

I've seen Scorpion Harness, Ohat, Kirin's Osode, Vermillion Cloak to name a handful. Pretty sure you can buy most if not all of them on MB.

It's pretty easy to have both opinions. It is desirable to have healer dps in the encounters we are given, but healers ideally should spend more time healing than dealing damage.

I always try to optimize my damage and spend a lot of my gcds on dps, but I'd rather not. I legit hope ShB will make me heal more.

Waah waah cry more healing faggots. You're just complaining for no fucking reason when you probably don't even raid at all.
The new changes haven't even dropped yet, we don't even know what the fucking TIER will be like or what damage scaling will actually look like.
Just shut the fuck up already with all the doom posting, the healing jobs are fine you yelling into the wind because you don't like them won't change shit.

If you think more than 2 healers will quit this game you're a retard.

How can you be some kind of XI fag but want to avoid eureka

Samurai of course. She's clearly a striking character based on her weapons.

Ballad set from LotA, I guess?

Probably gonna be a level 1 all jobs set of gear that you'll get as a quest reward.

because making it hard for the healers will kill the fun for the DPS and Tanks
People forget, your prog on a fight depends on the healer.
You can try to deny this but
>dps sucks
>whatever, you'll hit enrage the fight is basically learnt already
>tank sucks
>whatever, you have another tank to pick up the slack and healers can somewhat adjust/raise
>healer sucks
>you will wipe over and over, healer is a 2 person job a majority of the time, enjoy being stuck on the first third of the fight

The time to complain about a change is before it goes through, not after its been put into place and the developer says "Too late, should have told us earlier."

>Vermillion cloak

Wait I forgot cloaks are a thing in this game and it makes me think, how are these going to work with Viera?

They can't wear hats and these are body pieces with hats included. If you equip one are you just naked with an invisible robe? Same thing goes with the bulky tin can armor.

Its not like pressing a healing button is harder than pressing a DPS button.

Say goodbye to your ears

>This is what dpstrannies actually believe

They'll either completely remove the ears while worn, or have the visor put the hood up/down and force it down for vierra.

Because what I mainly miss is the open world mattering and the armor designs.

The open world will always be worthless in this game and there's no hope on that avenue, but they have ported XI armors in the past and I want more, especially the job AFs. I loved them.

Attached: Warlock's_Armor_Set.JPG.jpg (571x472, 38K)

It's always been the latter since the beginning, but at the end of ARR onward people discovered fights took less time if healers pulled their weight in DPS and a shorter fight is far more important than healing the party because it means less chance of fuckups if shorter the fight lasts.

He's not wrong. You have to be retarded to not be able to heal though something.

It doesn't matter, but you should choose Excalibur. Ultros are degeneates, have no opinion of Exodus but they can be as good as as Excal.

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I don't even heal, your argument is dogshit, removing healer's damaging spells won't make them heal more.

You're the same as male viera niggers. Get over it.

>It's always been the latter since the beginning
no it hasn't. i had plenty of people bitch at me for not dpsing back in ARR

>I don't heal

Whatever healtranny, my statement still stands, we have no idea what the damage scaling or even the raid damage will be this tier.
Stop assuming all they did was remove damage from healers when you haven't even played the savage tier yet you dumb faggot.
It's like idiots who thought tenacity would be broken as all fuck.

>fuck up your rotation as dps
>doesn't matter, you can be a greylet like Mr.Crappy and still clear
>fuck up your heals as healer
>welp looks like a wipe
It's not that it's harder, it's that there's more at stake.

>ultros is degenerates

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But my character has always been a Lala.

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If an encounter demands more healing, that's fewer gcds spend on dps, therefore greater difficulty in maintaining several dots. Pruning dots suggests an easier upkeep, which in turn suggests more gcds "freed up" for other things. At the end of the day nothing might change in 5.0 but pruning damaging spells absolutely can lead to healing more.


fucking up has a bigger impact but you have so many fucking healing tools that it's next to impossible to fuck up if you aren't brain damaged. the only risk in healing is when you're dpsing which they clearly don't want healers to do anymore.

Come to Ultros please


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it'll be cash shop exclusive. Besides, people can already emulate 9S outfit easily

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Healers are the women of this game. Spoiled, thinks they do more than they do. Prone to drama and melties.

You're absolutely retarded if you think they're going to make content that demands healers actually heal constantly in a game that nerfs dungeon bosses for being anything more than completely braindead. Savage was a joke this whole xpac and there is nothing to indicate that they're going to change their design philosophy.

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I have to actively search for ERP on Excal, meanwhile on Ultros I just have to stand still in Limsa for 10 seconds

>Gotten 5 mounts through party finder farms in 2 days.
Why the fuck didn't i use party finder before, this shits great.

Attached: chrome_2017-05-23_20-33-56.png (353x264, 205K)

LALAFELL MASTER RACE reporting in before autosage

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>Beast tribe
>Master race
Not in a million years.

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>ERPing and calling other people degenerates
I been on Ultors for 6 years and I have never seen anyone rep at all.

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What job will get Kaine's underwear?

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Made for healer trannies

Is there a guide like this, but for crafting and gathering?


the ears will bend and stick straight out of the face hole like this

Attached: 40000hours.jpg (605x439, 50K)

Nah because that would mean taking your character creation options into account which means a unique version of the cloak for everyone.

Umm... I'm not seeing it in my pvp menu.

that's because it's not

out newfags

They'll probably literally just remove the hoods/helmets on those for Viera/Hrothgar.

For me it was this or royal blue. Wanted to see how it looks with purple tho.

It's an old pvp skill. Warrior is not getting any new animations besides the buff. Inner Chaos is just Inner Beast with an explosion, Chaos Cyclone is just Steel Cyclone with a bit more flash. The devs phoned it in hard on Warrior

warrior was already fine so they didn't need to do much anyway.

>boring fell cleave spam
lol, don't talk to me Stormblood cuck

Male Vieras are pretty much confirmed now due to the complaints, according to Yoshi.

>Hell, the """new""" ability Mythril Tempest is copied straight from their PVP abilities.
You say that like its a bad thing. Regardless of how mediocre PvP is, it's always had a lot of cool abilities that would be fun to have in PvE.

Attached: 1442988374848.png (277x271, 7K)

Word of the day: 喧噪 けんそう

It has never been that way
It has always been
"hey I am not healing so why I don't dps?" which everyone is okay with because wha the fuck are you gonna when you don't have no body to heal? I have never had an issue with a healer entering cleric stance and dpsing while I am taking. Most of them are competent enough to know when my health is low and and I need a spell or two. The dumb nets they put just encourage this even more. People will get around the potency reduction.

I'm not a healer, but I love hybrid roles. Sadly, they do not exist in XIV.

Pvp back then looked more fun than it does now.