Why wont you people play broodwar anymore?

12 games are being played currently on eu. What happened? Where all the people go? I thought you liked the game

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too hard for casuals

sorry, it's too much work to git gud again

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Because the game is shit.

Really tho? Not even playing online for fun?

first game is not good.

In korea gateway is fucking thriving. On the rest of the world is not doing that good. Less and less people are playing online. I mean its hard, and I suck as well but I still play once or twice per week. It sucks zoomers cant play serious games

Yeah, maybe I'm just weird but I feel like there's a certain level of effort you need to put it before it's fun. It's rewarding when you put a lot of hours and are able to execute the tactics you want but if you're a washed up old man why only has time to play a couple games every other weekend it's just frustrating to play and fail repeatedly.

You are shit lmao

Yes I'd like to sit in front of my PC all day and grind a fucking 20 year old cheese game for autists.

I think that the main problem that remaster has is that it has literally no ingame tools for the newbies to start. Its the hardest esport in existence, and not having a good ai and some tutorial maps its a fucking sin. How its supposed for the newcomers to learn how to be competitive?

Go grind a shitty moba or a stupid fighting game. Thaaaats some better alternatives dumbass

perfecting build orders gets old after while

you cant really perfect them mate. Always something will go wrong

the outcome of most games is already determined before that happens

Because I played it when it came out? Why the fuck would I got back to playing a game I played to death more than a decade ago? There is nothing left for me. How about they make SC3 and make it not fucking suck.

All the EU and NA people plays on the KR server.

Its a shame because it means we have to deal with shitty ping. If only people played on their own region server instead.

It also sucks because the matchmaking is unfair

People don't like it as much as they say they do.

UMS maps are fine to play for causals, but you cannot play competitively unless you read hours of wiki and shit before hand because

>terran walls are pixel perfect with different houses so your corner and edge placement has to be on point and its fucking stupid as shit
>protoss walls
>ling rush counters
>lot rush counters
>uphill shooting RNG
>why are dragoons fucking shit at existing
>reaver bomb ai and how it works
>vulture bomb ai

and all the bullshit that is impossible to figure out on your own, especially if you start out and youre just repeatedly getting your shit rushed back up your ass 24/7 every game and there's nothing you can do and nobody you can practice against

>20 years of the same game
congratulatiosn op , you have autism

The reason I stopped playing rts online is because when you want to get good it feels more like a factory-line job than a game. The thrills I get from outplaying someone last maybe 5 seconds and the rest is basically chores in a line. These days I'm way more casual. All I do is hop on to CSGO or dead by daylight with some friends, maybe age of empires 2 but never competitive stuff.

The UED should have been their own faction with tech the half way point between Terran and Protoss rather then just hand waving it by saying they took over local production.

Well if you go on reddit or in the official forums there are old fags willing to teach you. The point is that the game "relies" on other peoples help in order to git gud. You cant completely do it by yourself because the game lacks the tools. Also this "manual training process" is being supported by the old fag autists and they didnt asked blizzard to upgrade their ai or add an extensive tutorial system with official blizzard maps made with the help of korean pros. Honestly I cannot imagine a person that has zero rts knowledge to get into this game

just played it today on eu servers. Had a lot of fun. I play 3v3 bgh and hunters

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I have reduced my bw plays because they are too mirco intensive and I end up hurting my wrist sometimes. Yea I agree the whole process is robotic as fuck but things that unexpectedly happen throughout the game and the new maps that change the play styles keep the online fresh. Its sucks as well because right now the 1v1 match making system is lag free

>get attacked by two guys
>manage to hold them off
>ally is teching to battlecruisers
>eventually die

Because I like SC2 more than it. That horrible pathing and units moving like they are on rails, youchw

>12 games are being played currently on eu
Wtf that's the same number of units you can control at once! What a coincidence. I like 2 but not this old boomer trash lmao

I got used to it and honestly, I dont mind it. I understand however that this is a basic filter for the newbies. SC2 plays different and gives an emphasis on the strategical part of the game. More units, more army compositions etc. Its fun but I got bored of it easily and returned back to bw. Playing sc2 is cool since it has lots of online activity

I'm too used to my SC2 bindings which centers everything to the left side of the keyboard and it's not worth it to learn how to use 5-10 hotkeys, as much as I enjoy BW2

SC2 is just better and doesnt look like dated shit.

Now its 43something lol. It never goes over 50 these days and its pityfull. Only the hardcorest of oldfags lurk in the eu ladder and its hard to find a low tier match to play. My guess is that the generation that grew up with this game is either unable to play due to grow up responsibilities, or they have become too old and slow to keep up. The game is not trash and is much more fun to watch(and maybe play if you have mastered the basics) than sc2

To much macro, to much micro. To much investment time. Esports killed RTS.

The same things that make it fun to watch are what make it not fun to play

mp sucks, i do campaign or vs ai only

get your eyes checked lmao. The remastered team did justice to the original game visuals and brought it successfully(with some minor miscalculations) into the HD era. Even if its 2d it sounds and looks 10 times better than the glowy, toy like, annoying graphics that sc2 has

One could make the same argument for fucking FNAF.

So can someone explain to me how jaedong doesn't even use the 8-10 hotkeys while he plays?

I've never bothered to see what that shit is so don't @ me with it

>pvp and pvp KSL semifinals
>pvp KSL finals

The game's been solved, there's nothing to play anymore. Protoss best race.

No I dont think so. I think esports was the best thing that happened to broodwar and the koreans gave us some gradeA shows. What killed the RTS was the evolution of the genre and the new generation's tastes and fads. Lets be honest here, the game is ridiculously hard to play online. The new esport games gave the people more gameplay options to choose from and less micro to worry about. And the zoom zooms no longer care for a real competitive game. They want to play meme games and get milked from greedy companies

Protoss easiest race. There's a reason why all the best players in history have played Terran

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Perhaps, but if you played the game online or saw pro plays, few times things go according to charts. Drops, pros micro miscalculations, and new maps decide the outcome of a game these days. They are the unsolved factors that keep the competition alive and the game fun to watch

There is literally zero reason to play SC1

SC2 is the exact same game with almost zero changes and higher gook APM. Fuck gook APM games.

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Agreed. Master Terran and you will always be OP. Protoss in pro matches have difficulties keeping up due to their weak late game

>weak late game
>when arbiters exist

The thing is that I dont like sc2. Everything look and feel weak. And its not nostalgia googles that make me say that. I started play bw 2 months before remastered was out. Before that, I was playing sc2 for 2 years. But yea fuck APM

yeah everything in sc2 feels like a bw marine

well yea but they are not a game changing unit. Zerg have better end game than toss due to the defilers and ultras but terrans will have the best endgame because nobody can really go against a big army of siege tanks/goliaths or against late game vultures and mines when the terran economy is at low

they literally make or break late game engages in pvt

what about scr laddering?

Kind of this. I totally respect SC1 for single player, spritework, sound design but multiplayer was always pain in the ass. I always said that the way the game works makes it more of an arcade game than strategy. Warcraft 3 is a lot better in that regard, because units die a lot slower in combat and instead of an army you control just a pack of units, so you actually have a time to scratch your nose or something. Even if it weren't for all that, SC1 is over 20 years old and warcraft3 is 15 years old or something. I mean come on.

Sc2 cant replicate the terror that an early, well micro muta flock can cause to the terran player, the terror that the powerful early fast zealots(sc2 zealots look and play like fucking weak pussies)causes to the zerg player when they are loose on the map, the zerg player's relief when the defiler finally arrives in a TvZ match and the crazy scourge vs science vessel or vs the corsairs air chases. I have never felt like this in sc2. Maybe I had some laughs when I surprise a terran player with some baneling mines on ramps but thats it.

Let's talk SC2 instead,

I just played against an airtoss in a long ass fucking game and went out of ideas how to counter his deathball. I had massive mapcontrol with creepspread and even took 2 of his expacs and denied a lot of his macro game over the game but I had the feeling it was just useless.

Regardless of what I threw at him I just couldn't fight his army heads-on. I had everything at the front, even my queens and sporecrawlers and outproduced him with a shitton of hatcheries but I simply couldn't deal with with his army. While he just attack moved into my bases. How do I fucking fight that? I have the feeling all Zerg Units are garbage compared to what the toss can toss out on the field.

But why I dont see arbiters that often in late games? Its like a less obscure unit like the carrier. that they are not useless but they dont make an appearance very often

Army compositions? You need special units to stop them like the infestors or the vipers.


cause toss wants the easier cop out option - carriers

Infestors. You can neural the mothership and fungal clumps of the rest.

>my dream game is SC remastered with SC 2 co op commanders/powers usable in PvP
never ever, would be the perfect RTS, age of mythology is similar in concept to this but it's too slow

who the fk cares about westerners lmao kr is what where it's at

Also I find the creep spreading so much fun with sc2 zerg. I was buffled why bw zerg didnt spread their creep so aggressively but after practicing I understood and got used to the colonies. In low ranks, I always tend to rush overlord carriers and send queens close to enemies base and spam creep tumors. The enemy will waste time searching for hidden bases and then will waste time killing tumors as well. Having a full map visibility is such a privilege lmao

Arbiters are definitely the real protoss pros choice for late game as it needs a good micro skill. They can teleport a whole army in the enemies main base and fucking up their day. The majority of toss games that I watch these days is always mass archons or dragoons for late game

GTFO grandpa

I care because I play. I thought the ppl that gather in the korea time threads would play the game but I guess they just watch. Do I need to move to korea to play a decent bw game? Or use bullshit that I dont need like vpn and such?

Go buy fortnite skins lil' zoom zoom

laggy vpn fags are universally hated on the server

Thats why I refuse to use vpn solely for bw games.

>want to play zerg
>remember there's no creep spread, macro = more hatchs

>want to play protoss
>remember retardgoons are my only t1 anti air unit, when Z and T get cost efficient and mobile hydras and marines

>want to play terran
>everything is clunky and why do my depots take so much place