What went so wrong with Switch? A unified platform would've resulted in more games, not less

What went so wrong with Switch? A unified platform would've resulted in more games, not less.

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Other urls found in this thread:


When they decided to charge for online play, the little incentive I had getting this went outta the window.

The day I actually pay Nintendo so I can use their trash ass online services is the day I jump off a roof.

anyone calling it this is beyond clueless and embarrassing themselves

imagine being one of the half dozen people who actually bought a WiiU though OH NOONONONONOO

I play my switch every day, stay mad

Stale bait. Cope.

Only if dubs were allowed

Missing Xenoblade X

Yeah I mean it has a level editor and a few extra characters, it's a different game.

I wish the switch had that. Loved that game.

wow I guess all fighting games are literally just ports then

it has significantly more than that

It’s just Meleefags upset that a new Smash game has been released as usual.

Literal NPCgument

I don't know, my PC is not good enough for the emulation (or maybe I just didn't try the good version) and I didn't have a Wii U. I wish they would release it on Switch...

cope harder switchtard

>tfw you play smash every day with your bros
>tfw after all your life waiting you have finally made friends that are on a similar skill level as you are
>tfw the switch has all the best couch co-op games except speed runners and a few other gems so you can just change over to the next game when you're getting burnt with smash
>tfw my friends have switches so we can hold torneys with each one of us having a screen
As a kid I could never get my friends to play link cable gb games, or local DS and PSP games. Mfw I can now finally experience the maximum comfyness that comes with this type of local play

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>engine reworked with significant improvements to lighting and shadows
>every single fighter changed, none of them play like they did in smash 4
>every character from the smash series brought back, plus new characters on top of that
>nearly every single stage from the smash series brought back, resulting in double the stages compared to smash 4
>actual singleplayer content this time (World of Light), something smash 4 lacked entirely
>entire user interface redone from scratch, with significant improvements over all previous games
>classic mode completely different to smash 4's bizarro 'classic mode', actually has a unique branch per fighter as well now
>more than double the music compared to smash 4

but nah it's just smash 4.5 amirite guys?

>improvements to lighting and shadows
stopped reading there

>engine rework isn't significant

>not cutting characters is now a feature

it has games but you won't post them cause the go against your bait thread

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Why didn't you post any?

in this genre? Yes, it is as each character requires balancing (and in smash's cases often licensing agreements) to make the cut.

I mean, sm4.5h is a funny and clever name, and while the game is faster and overall better, it is derivative of sm4sh so if you don't like ultimate for similar reasons as sm4sh, sm4.5h is a clever name I'm a huge fan of ultimate, I play it pretty much every day,and I have no hope of ever playing Melee on a high level. Stop being so salty, calling it sm4.5h is funny

you owned a wiiu?

Because the games wouldn't actually be good and would make me look retarded.

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So it's okay when fighting games do it?

>it is derivative of sm4sh so if you don't like ultimate for similar reasons as sm4sh
when you actually play the games side by side they play nothing alike. Fucking brawl is closer to Sm4sh than Ultimate is, the nickname makes no sense to someone that's played these games.

I havent been around Yea Forums in some time
what happened to dubs

More like PISS U

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>fighting game

>post games
>these games suck
we been though this song and dance before


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People forgot most of the devs who make hanheld-only games have little to no experience with strong hardware, meaning they either are gonna do the jump very late into the Switch's life (ie. Alphadream and half of Intelligent Systems) or are just gonna release a beefed up 3DS looking game in HD (ie. Gamefreak)

It is when people defend spending $7 on a single character.

It suffers from the same fate as the Vita: no games

3d land is amazing on the 3ds, I want a switch port though, 3ds is so bad res nowadays

Wii / U
Land / World

Grasping at those straws eh

You're a dumb fucking retard getting supper upset over a joke. I already told you this doesn't apply to me, but if you're a hardcore Melee/project M fan, then its not out of the question that you would also be disappointed with ultimate. Yes, I agree with you you idiot, ultimate plays very different, its my favourite smash game by far, but I don't get upset when other make a clever joke out of its name

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Street Fighter

not that user but we all know this song and dance by now. You post games, OP replies with >all shit (or something to that extent), I mean shit this user is already doing it preemptively >Odyssey
>Travis Strikes Back
>Kirby Star Allies

I ain't upset at all actually, I'm playing vidya on my comfy couch whilst shitposting. Feelin' chill honestly, I'm just telling it how it is - your memes are dumb and not at all surprised you're a wojack poster honestly

>6 games on 6 different consoles is somehow bad


>people defend spending $7 on a single character.
I didn't know people even bought these individually

But there's six games there
Unless they mean NSMB and then the other 5 are very similar, in which case I would agree, I've played all 6 so I can tell the differences

Now post the one with the pokemon games

>buying season passes

the top and bottom I get your point, but the middle 2 look nothing alike and you might be legit blind if you mix those up

Meanwhile there are 30,000 CoDs and Battlefields, but hey, nintendo are jews amirite?

Smash 4 didn't have a bundle until after all the DLC was out, so many people purchased each character separately

not saying I advocate the practice, but if you're someone that wants the characters/stages I don't have a problem with it as long as you're not a degenerate preordering that shit before it's fully revealed.


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> switchcucks shitting on other nintendo consoles
I guess we can confirm this fisher price tablet’s main audience is NPCs

And ignore how many Uncharted games came out in the last ten years.
Those don't count either.

>implying both aren't bad
>reaching this deep to try to make an argument

weren't most of the characters bundled in groups/pairs anyway?
can't remember as I pirated the DLC instead

And if you don't give a shit about the stages? You have no choice.

then you don't buy it

>9 Uncharted games in 10 years
LOL, basically an annual release game.

>What went so wrong with Switch?
Literally nothing. It has the best library of all consoles

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced

>a new set of 2D mario levels and mechanics per console generation
New super mario bros 2 is the black sheep of the series and even then its decent at worse.

I won't, but it's still cancer.

Nintendo rehashes more shamelessly than fucking Activision.

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Not that I recall, you're thinking of how it was split between the two versions, or how some characters had stages. So all the 3rd party characters/newcomers had a stage, and you were also given the option to purchase it on one system and you were given a code to get it on the other system, provided you had both versions of the game or intended on owning both versions

>only good games for switch not even out yet

But less than Fromsoft.
Fucking jews selling the same game five times in the same gen.

Just popping in to call of these games rehashes and ports, so no one else has to.

they're shit too, but keep trying

Eh Bloodborne and Sekiro are way more original than


I don't disagree

thank you based user, I was worried nobody was gunna do it

Only with Mario.

Meanwhile, almost every Zelda game gets their own engine and a stupid long development time just because (being Majora's Mask, Spirit Tracks & Tree Heroes the only exceptions due to reused assets)

>engine reworked with significant improvements to lighting and shadows
artstyle still worse then brawl
>every single fighter changed, none of them play like they did in smash 4
fan favourites like ganon still don't have their own moveset in favour of shit like piranha plant
>every character from the smash series brought back, plus new characters on top of that
wow so glad they brough back pichu, was really hurting for him
>nearly every single stage from the smash series brought back, resulting in double the stages compared to smash 4
they feel more like mods more then actual revamped and brought back stages
>actual singleplayer content this time (World of Light), something smash 4 lacked entirely
so eating shit is better then not eating to you
>entire user interface redone from scratch, with significant improvements over all previous games
that isn't saying much since sakurai's wife's ui is still complete shit and the stage select screen was better after the character one
>classic mode completely different to smash 4's bizarro 'classic mode', actually has a unique branch per fighter as well now
great use of development time, only surpassed by gacha stamps and paid butchered online
>more than double the music compared to smash 4
we still can't play our own music of choice, it'd be an easy feature to let us select an mp3 from a folder but no. Even the ps3 and 360 allowed this ffs

Yeah that's true. Zelda is actually evolving and changing with time.


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Bloodborne, Sekiro and DS3 are the exact same game with a different coat of paint.
The Mario games don't even have the same amount of dimensions.

>Triforce Heroes

>complains about single player not being good enough
>complains about the game using resources to make a good single player
LOL, just admit you're a snoyfag.

Now post the one with Gran Turismo and Uncharted
>b-b-but s-s-noy
Not an argument

>artstyle still worse then brawl
stopped reading right there, you have awful taste

Same thing that's wrong with all modern gaming: it's shit with shit games.
If you fucking kids would stop bickering and arguing over which one of your toys is better and BAWW PC BAWW CONSOLES bullshit and realize THEY ARE ALL SHIT BECAUSE MODERN GAMING IS SHIT, we might actually fucking get somewhere. Instead, you're fucked over by the tribal bullshit companies have brainwashed you into so you can continue to buy and play their goddamn garbage.

Are clothing stores in the JoJo universe just stocked with clothes like this, or does everyone make their own clothes?

>Bloodborne, Sekiro and DS3 are the exact same game
Imagine being this retarded

Attached: sekiro.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

That is Bloodborne, the japan dlc at best.
If I told people this was a graphics mod for BB, everybody would believe it.

You seem to project your own retardation on others.

ohnononono smash babies are triggered!
it truly must be horrible to be a nintendo fan

Looks like Bloodborne with a coat of brown, Brownborne if you will.

trying too hard lad

>he pretends there is a difference
How pathetic do you have to be to pretend From doesn't simply recycle the exact same game forever?
How often did you buy it?

Waaaaah! Switch is swlling well! Waaaaah! Nobody bought Wii U! Waaaahh! WHY OH WHY must Nintendo put their franchises on a console that is actually being bought?! Waaaaah! Why was I a beta-testing faggot? Whhhhhy? Waaaahhh!

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The problem isn't the ports. The problem is that it has nothing else but those ports.

why is scott so upset?

The problem is wiiU fags thinking a wiiU release counts for anything or ever counted for anything. It was a beta test for these franchises; now the Switch release is the actual release for these games.

In any case they are strong titles.

Thanks for letting me know to filter you.

lmao this level of coping paying full price for last gen ports

>ports galure
>paid online
>pro controller input lag
>3 hour battery life at best
>hardly any exclusive third party support like with the Wii, DS, and 3DS
>awful d-pad
>on average higher cost for games thanks to cartridges
>Nintendo focuses more and more on Mobile gaming, going so far as to release a real new Mario Kart game exclusively for it instead of Switch
The Switch has been such a big disappointment.

>>actual singleplayer content this time (World of Light)
>World of Light
>actual singleplayer contente
>>>this time

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lmao the level of cope from WiiU fags in denial at how stupid they were to buy a dead platform that tanked from the get-go

>Nintendo focuses more and more on Mobile gaming, going so far as to release a real new Mario Kart game exclusively for it instead of Switch
How to easily spot a snoyfag.
LOL, have sex.

Literal cope.

Wii-U & Switch = same gen. To say they aren't, is like saying PS4 & PS4pro aren't same gen.

I can't play Wonderful 101 on Switch.

> it’s bad because my fellow NPCs didn’t buy it
ok lol
enjoy those ports

compared to smash 4 having nothing? yes, it is.

It's not the same gen because Wii U games don't work on Switch.

Cope with this

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Your false flag post is a disspointment
>ports galure
Actually more exclusives than XBone and Ps4 combined compared to their first 2 years
>paid online
Literally cheaper than the other 2 competitors
>pro controller input lag
Something that doesnt exist
>3 hour battery life at best
You actually mean 3 hours at worst and around 6+ hours at best right you mongoloid
>hardly any exclusive third party support like with the Wii, DS, and 3DS
This is the biggest bait so far lmao
>awful d-pad
Only thing true but this results in 2 controllers bought with one console
>on average higher cost for games thanks to cartridges
Resulting in shorter loading times
>Nintendo focuses more and more on Mobile gaming, going so far as to release a real new Mario Kart game exclusively for it instead of Switch
So thats the reason Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is actually the best Mario Kart and Mario Kart on phone just looking like a shitty clone?

Overall you get the shitpost score of
Apply yourself

OP disagrees.

I’m not Nintendo

OP is a retarded snoyfag, literally subhuman.

That's a pretty outdated image.

>b-b-but sony and microsoft
fuck off, compare current nintendo console to older nintendo console and you might understand why the switch is a huge disappointment
Why do you care about Sony and Microsoft so much?

yeah, imagine buying a better console than the switch, OH NO NO NO!

Rather ports solid games given new lease of life, than simple reskins of the same braindead QTE, open world 3rd person, tech demo walking simulator, interactive movie; like what Snoy offer up.

Eat shit faggot, 3D Land and 3D World are god tier, and while not as soulful as Odyssey or Galaxy, it is not comparable to Nu-Super Mario Bros

Its honestly embarrassing coming onto this site and watching mentally crybabies like OP, utterly fucking seething with childish jealousy about Nintendo ongoing success.

How pathetic can you be?

>complete and utter commercial flop

thanks for beta testing

You posted this same thread yesterday

Why ya so angry snoyboy?

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>fuck off, compare current nintendo console to older nintendo console and you might understand why the switch is a huge disappointment

Well lets see what had the Switch in the first 2 years:
>fast stylish OS
>Incredible ammount of exclusive games in the first year and 1500+ games in the first 2 years
>In the upcoming thirs year great ammount of exclusives on sight

Lets compare it with Wii U now
>Wii U release
>Nintendoland, ZombiU and new Super Mario Brothers U on release
>Literally nothing to play for months
>Slow OS, loading times everywhere
>Didnt reach 1200+ games overall in 4 1/2 years

Now Wii:
>Had great start with a good concept
>First 2 bigger games were Zelda:Tp and Wii Sports
>First 2-3 years were pretty good support
>Third Party games nerly not avaible and ports were literally trash

The only person who says Switch is a disspointment is a person who has no idea about anything you retarded spack. Its was literally one of the best console launches in the last 2 generations

you forgot the splatoon port

yes, better.
>free online
>backwards compatibility
>virtual console
>same library as the switch
>asymmetric multiplayer
>better controllers
>voice chat doesn't require a mobile app
the wii u is for patricians, the switch is for npcs from reddit.

Haha I would never play a console like the switch. The joycons are the perfect size for a toddler.

>calling anyone out on betatesting

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so how about that virtual console lol

The Nintendo shit posting threads will only get worse over the next couple of weeks as E3 looms. Snoyfags are mentally ill.


>incredible amount of exclusive games
stopped here, you are delirious

the uncharted nathan drake collection is also a new uncharted game or what? ultime is just a collection of prior games characters. Its a remaster at best but actually just a port collection

Apparently so.
Figured as much, with no snoy games being announced and days gone being trash there's nothing left to do but shitpost. Pretty sad really

>Snoyfags are mentally ill.
It's tragic, they are the only ones denying Yea Forums would objectively be better off without them.
/sonygaf/ containment board when

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>what went wrong
Nothing. Nintendo did the same thing with Wii-U. Only idiots fall for the nu-nintendo trap.
Company died after Gamecube unless your concept of playing videogames is just "wa, wu, WOOHOOO"

I honestly haven't bought any of these games and still enjoy playing games on switch. The only first party game I've bought is xenoblade 2

Snoyboys can't look forward to E3 like the rest of us so all they can do is shitpost

The absolute state of snoy right now holy shit

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Still laughing at the fucking morons who continue to ignore that the list of Wii U games took 5 fucking years to actually come out compares to Switch’s 2 and a half

>NDF desperately trying to derail thread with muh sony
kek at their desperation, the WiiU and the Wii were better consoles than the Switch in every regard.

They’re ports, dipshit.

blatantly wrong, did you even read the post you replied to?

Jesus..that pic....nincels will really buy any trash Nintendo shovels out won’t they. How embarrassing.

Switch is more powerful than WiiU, one fifth the size/weight, and portable, for same price. That alone makes it better. WiiU was a big clunky weak box. But people call the Switch the Fisher Price toy aaaahhahaha!

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>Snoyfags try to defend their beloved gods from being criticised and try to shit on others
LOL, sonygaf is getting defensive

I like how you didn’t refute any of his points

Nintendo just needs to pump out more high quality games
it feels like they're just so slow or they shove out niche trash too often
>Here's some crap handheld platformers that no one played
>Another Yoshi platformer!
>Octopath is on PC now
>Pikachu&Eevee is garbage and SnS is probably more of the same

funny joke. especially the "portable" part - not with that size, ergonomics and battery life, not to mention the performance issues and shit build quality of the joycons.
i used to use off-tv play on the wii u gamepad all the time. my switch never leaves the dock.


Lmao at this delusional nincel.

>Why change what's perfect
>A new generation can experience these amazing games
>Wii U didn't sell well but its games were good, a bigger audience needs to experience them
>Kino. Soul.


>dock scratches your screen
nothing personal, kid

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better than all the playstation games combined hahaha, better start mowing my lawn, Pedro

NPC tier reply

That NMH game is coming to PC too
What a joke

2 years after release the PS4 had only BB.

>just play docked with a pro controller, that will make the switch good

Today the PS4 still only has bb

t. seething WiiU fag

Or you could buy a screen protector like every sensible person already has. Hmmm.

>never had this happen or know anyone this happened to
sounds like boogeyman shit to me

Doesn’t matter

You meme about the switch getting it being bad, how about you go fuck your self, ignoring all the new shit too just for your meme imagine


This is you, ignoring all the great third parties and indies and spouting DOOM AND GLOOM because you didn’t get your fucking animal crossing

Off yourself

>Guy is a third worlder using a tv for lag testing
LOL, snoyfags are desperate as fuck.

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>just get the peripheral to make your product not damage itself
>just get a peripheral for an ethernet port
>just get a peripheral for a functional d-pad

He is just retarded, nothing a screen protector can't fix.

having no third party support or exclusives fucks the Switch
it feels like the only dev that throws Nintendo some good shit is Platinum but that's because Platinum doesn't seem to have any issue living paycheck to paycheck in a cardboard box inbetween making some really cool shit that won't sell too much because it's only on one console or doesn't have big normie appeal

Just emulate it

It's Wii 2, no reason to make games when the console sells on part game waggle casual gimmicks, shoe box VR, cardboard and ports

Oh look the Nintendo defense force has arrived. You’re just going to have to cope.

You get a screen protector for 99% of your electronics with screens anyway, why would the Switch be different? Oh right, this is Yea Forums, you don't have other electronics, just your video games and using a screen protector is a completely foreign notion, just like excersising regularly or taking a shower daily.

Another day of Snoyfags being traumatised by the success of the Switch.


most people get cases for their phones for the same reason, although imo a screen protector isn't necessary for the switch at all. The dock scratching it is a complete myth, it's made of soft plastic

>Doesn't list XBCX and TW101 as must play Wii U games
Retard clown.

>needing a screen protector for any electronic
Fucking mouthbreathers.

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Youtube comment tier. You forgot to call me a “hater”.

Just as I thought, using a screen protector really is a foregin notion for Yea Forums. It's entirely your choice really, but don't be too surprised about the consequences then. And most importantly, you don't get to complain about screens taking damage.

Snoyfags haven't even arrived, they were here on sonygaf all along

Still wating for xenoblade bro.

Every day now

>mouthbreather acting high and mighty over a screen protector
Relax your helmet straps, retard.

>He bought a Wii U

Lack of common sense, and proud of it. This is why you have no hope for ever becoming a decent human being.

>if I take Switch out of dock, the delay is, like, mininum
>but when I, like, put it back into dock, there's a lag, like, a lot
The forst comment below the video:
>did you try changing your tv settings like "game mode" or something?
I kinda doubt he did. But great bait, user. Here's (You)

>Yea Forums then
pic related
>Yea Forums now
"haha, who bought a wii u? i sure didn't... uhhh, just ignore that gamepad over there and my amiibo collection. thanks for beta testing, wii u fags! i love paying full price for games i totally didn't already play a few years ago!"

>Yea Forums then
pic related
>Yea Forums now
"haha, who bought a wii u? i sure didn't... uhhh, just ignore that gamepad over there and my amiibo collection. thanks for beta testing, wii u fags! i love paying full price for games i totally didn't already play a few years ago!!!"

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>Yea Forums then
Can't wait for the next Zelda to be Playstation exclusive!

>Yea Forums now
The Wii U was great, everybody should have one

>Couldn't even find ten posts
LOL, try harder snoyfag.
And considering it took you two tries to post this, you are probably just retarded.

I bought a Wii U.

I also bought a PS4.

I also bought an Xbox One X.

You know what? The Switch is my favourite console of this gen and my most played gaming device of the past two years.

Its sad to watch just how jealous you are. All because of a 'rival' system. Pathetic child.

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NNNNoooooo!!!!! you no suppose to pick side I no like you fanboy.

Please delete this. Please. my butthurt is killing me

Give me one good reason to ever buy anything digitially from Nintendo. Why the fuck can I not redownload shit I already bought on a different console?

Whenever someone adds an anime reaction image to their posts, I imagine a fat, smelly neckbeard.

you're not wrong but there's nothing you can do about it lmao

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They’d better not mess up the games for the latter half of the year, or the switch won’t really have much for 2019 in terms of first-party titles.

I honestly think the success of the Switch caught Nintendo off guard, and they've spent the last 2-ish years scrambling to figure out what to do with games they had slated for the 3DS (whether to rework the game from the ground up so itll sell more on the newer more popular system)

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you must be new here. before "comfy switch threads," there were the daily "why haven't you bought a wii u yet?" threads. i still remember nintendofags getting all hyped up about """leaks""" of a patch that was supposedly going to overclock the wii u and let it run ps4-tier games. i'm still trying to find the screenshots of that delusion.
point is, the wii u was shilled just as hard and just as delusionally on Yea Forums until it stopped being the newest nintendo console. then the hivemind immediately switched to shitting on it and anyone who bought it to justify all the full-price ports.

Absolutely based

You forget the hundreds of pics made of mario 3ds world becoming a ps4 game.
And there are still hundreds of threads a week about how the switch will die any second now.
One thread doesn't outweigh that at all.

>A unified platform
How many people fell for this meme


>Comparing a collection of games to a straight sequel

Repeating digits ring true.

Newfag or just pretending to be stupid?

>i still remember nintendofags getting all hyped up about """leaks""" of a patch that was supposedly going to overclock the wii u and let it run ps4-tier games. i'm still trying to find the screenshots of that delusion.
here it is. keep in mind that these same delusional shills are now the same people shitting on the wii u and pretending they didn't buy it now.

Attached: 7D7AF6A9-9BC4-4B1B-BE35-96EAF0502638.jpg (1637x1370, 650K)

>all one person
Probably (you) samefagging, as far as we know.

>expecting a shitposter to not just cherrypick posts that fit their preconception
the reality is Yea Forums is full of absolute retards of the highest degree on all 'sides' of this arbitrary consolewar shitposting scheme.

Bro all Yea Forums is just one person talking to themself

>what is EA ((((Fifa))))

snoyfags have gone further

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I was in that thread, shit was hilarious and it's great when shitposters that don't play the games they're shitting on are called out

you've either only played one of those three or are blatantly shitposting

I got a switch yesterday, along with pokemon and zelda. Havent played zelda yet but its a nice little console so far. Anyone got any recommendations on games?