E3 Bingo Thread

With one week to go, it's time to get cracking on the e3 bingo. Let's get it done!

We try to find a good mix of dumb on-stage tropes and actual predictions and balance those out on the bingo chart so that getting a bingo is a good split between actual fun and classic e3 garbage.

To fill out the card, I need:

Bethesda: 1 announcement prediction

Square: give me everything, its harder to fill this one out fifty-fifty so whatever

Devolver: same as square

Ubisoft: 5 tropes/dumb things they do

PC: 1 trope/dumb thing

Nintendo: 1 announcement, 1 trope/dumb things they do

On the bonus round. we are looking for any trends that are larger than just a single conference. If you have anything that you think is better than what's there right now please let me know

Lastly, if you think a square is WRONG, ALREADY ANNOUNCED IMPOSSIBLE or just BORING, please let me know and I will see about changing them!

I'm looking forward to your suggestions!

P.S. If you want separate cards, I will be posting those when they're finished closer to E3, so keep an eye out for that.

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>devolver digital
Talos principle sequel .

Pc gaming show maybe, host/dev puts on/appear on a hat/costume related to the game they gonna talk about?

>STD shilling
>video compilation of le epic gamur moments

>Prime triology announced
>"Let's Switch to *thing*" said atleast 3 times

>sleeping dogs 2
Don't play with my heart man

For DD I would add poking fun at fake overenthusiastic gameplay videos

I fucking hope

I need to replace Burnout with something since EA already confirmed no new stuff.

Attached: E3 Bingo.jpg (1024x1200, 668K)


Lol I vaguely remember this, putting it in

STD? added the compilation one

I left ojut prime since its allegedly in dev hell but I added the switch to thing thing

sure why not

The point is to keep you on thje edge of your seet throughout the corporate drivel


Your bingo card is shit. That's not how free spaces work, they're supposed to have safe bets in there that are sardonic jokes at the expense of the host of the conference. Your boxes are fucking words words words B^U tier. You don't have background pictures on any of them except one, and it's a shit fucking bet considering we know for a fact it's going to be there. If you put shit that you KNOW and is FACTUALLY CONFIRMED to be there, you're not playing bingo, you're making a fucking spreadshit you shit eating retard. And the biggest fucking factor that shows you're a dumb little reddit newfag is that you put mountain dew and doritos on the PC gaming show despite the fact Xbox was the one that came up with it.

Also your font sucks ass. Neck yourself before you fucking check yourself.

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shut up cum boy youre probably a huge cock choker anyway who likes to be bummed in the anus

This poster is white and based

>free spaces are supposed to be sardonic jokes
they are
>boxes have words in them
wow can you fucking imagine having to read
>you dont have background pictures
why would I
>considering we know its gonna be there
thats the point once again retard theyre tropes and announcements mixed they cant all be speculation. hwo the fuck do u expect to fill 25 slots with actual new game announcements. enjoy never getting bingo
>wahhhh doritos and mtn dew are an XBOX THING
yet pc gamer touts the whole bros we are le epic pc master race gamers more these days

fuck up you anime picture posting retarded faggot

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post (spam) the full bingo sheet the day before E3 please, this looks really good

>they are
You left out the part where they are still supposed to be bets, of which there is none.
>wow can you fucking imagine having to read
hurr durr I don't understand how brevity or memetics work, I can't boil messages down to their core components and repackage them in a way that makes them memetic. Uneducated mongoloid.
>why would I
Because you don't understand how images can convey messages it seems.
>thats the point once again retard theyre tropes and announcements mixed they cant all be speculation. hwo the fuck do u expect to fill 25 slots with actual new game announcements. enjoy never getting bingo
You're implying that a bingo card has to consist of only game announcements and not tropes and bets on the conference itself as well.
>yet pc gamer touts the whole bros we are le epic pc master race gamers more these days
That isn't the same thing, you could use something that is actually related to each specific conference. WHICH IS THE POINT OF THE BINGO CARDS.

Really laying down your cards on the table about your undiagnosed autism eh? Go get a fecal transplant. Actually I'll be nice and personally give you mine, it'll cure you of your retardation.

Attached: smug(you).gif (500x650, 839K)

Anyone have a high quality template?

Nintendo: MM2/Pokemon SS demo

I don't know how realistic it is, but I hope Bethesda announces The Evil Within 3

it's weird that Metroid wasn't added to the tendies bingo.
I am pretty sure that they will say "oh yeah, about Metroid Prime4 last year! we are on it!" or some shit furthering the cancelation announcement date.

also, I am more interested in indie games now than I am in big AA or AAA games.

>You left out the part where they are still supposed to be bets, of which there is none.
then its not a free space
>hurr durr I don't understand how brevity or memetics work, I can't boil messages down to their core components and repackage them in a way that makes them memetic. Uneducated mongoloid.
hurr durr I cant read more than five words in a single square because im the human equivalent of a single cell organism
>Because you don't understand how images can convey messages it seems.
ah yes let me just add an image to make things more abstract instead of clearly outlining the point of the bingo square
>You're implying that a bingo card has to consist of only game announcements and not tropes and bets on the conference itself as well.
thats what im saying you dumb FUCK
>That isn't the same thing, you could use something that is actually related to each specific conference. WHICH IS THE POINT OF THE BINGO CARDS.
youre free to make better suggestions otherwise I dont care faggot

I'll gladly take your fecal transplant from you and bring it to the medical professional to do an analysis on it, they might discover previously unknown types of gay butt aids

I will for sure

it was on there initially but another user pointed me toward some info that said the whole game got canned and is being redone at the start of this year

Attached: 2cool4u.png (236x176, 2K)

here's mine

Attached: e3 2019 bingo sheet.png (1443x892, 1.48M)

Where are the 2 new Switch models?!

nintendo said they wont be announced at e3 this year

FYI, the PC Gaming show is sponsored by Epic Games.

There will be butthurt.

I made this. I like it because >muh graphics

Attached: pT0U9Cu.png (905x1304, 1.11M)

ah yeah I havent been woprking on it since that was announced thanks for pointing it out

I added minecraft steve to nintendo because of the great posts about it on v


Nintendo will still say something about MP4. or they will be like "Metroid DREAD is not DEAD" which is what I hope.

is that steve model more of a problem than the digby vore art?

>surprise revival
Wasn't there a rumor going around not too long ago about Nintendo reviving a dead game? Everyone thought it was scalebound, but some insiders said it was something else. I know "insiders" but I wonder what it is?

Holy based

I need to pirate photoshop again.

Attached: NintendoE3Bingo.jpg (816x876, 150K)

Template pls

Attached: 35740563_p0.jpg (600x900, 379K)

here you go

Attached: E3_2019_Bingo_Big_Empty.png (5121x3200, 366K)

thanks fám a lam

Thank you daddy

Daddy I spit up :(

Attached: 32699729_p0.jpg (731x900, 145K)

dont say that again or I'll delete the template again



ubisoft trope
>pls play r6 siege we cant stop updating it

ninty trope
bowser isnt as good as reggie
ninty announce
New Switch® XL™

bethesda announce
another mobile game

already mentioned something about bowser

No new switches this year is already confirmed

added the r6 one modified to
"Keep playing Rainbow SixSiege forever we will never make a new R6 game, give up’"