go to sleep
Go to sleep
Other urls found in this thread:
good morning
gonna go to sleep forever soon
I hope i died in my sleep tonight
I need a good cheese dip recipe to fuel my 3 am gaming that I can make with a 2 pound block of cheddar.
But it's 10am.
it's okay user, we all have the big sleep sometime
God damn it not again
Just put it in a bowl and microwave it bro
in society its 4am
I can't I'm at work phone posting.
>past tense
It's time to let go user
And you close your eyes for the big sleep
I hope you think of me.
I can’t
Then go to sleep, burger.
I might start another game dev thread so I can ask for ideas to steal. Please post in it if I do.
4am glober time
I'll shitpost in it.
Need to fap first
i'm not even 20
how does that work
so hows everyone holding up?
use utc faggot
Who /fasting/ here
I had to wake up to eat a meal before sunrise because I'm "fasting".
but I'm not going to really, I just want to make it seem like I will for my family.
im not Muslim, and they dont know that.
I hope they won't kill you when they find out, Achmed.
I did 3 days last month, and 5 days 6 months ago.
Good luck snackbar.
Proud of you user
i'll leave pepes and wojaks in it just for you user
What's up with this new millenial trend of "fasting"?
Just say "skipping breakfast" cause youre broke as shit. stop changing labels on shit, damn.
I'm ok.
Just recently got put on anti depressants. Not really vidya related though.
Excited for E3 soon,not looking for anything in particular to be announved but I always like to see new shit,even if it's not really a series I care about much.
Just like watching shit get announced I guess.
no i'm high as fuck
I'm too busy being all "Everything will be okay" to people on Yea Forums because my empathy has suddenly kicked in and I just want to brighten someone's day on this site, no matter how people think of it. I just want people to be happy.
Plus I had a good time with my new GF.
Just believe in yourselves anons and you can do it.
We're all gonna make it, bros.
make what?
i can do what??
Are they going to kill you or disown you if you don't do that?
I'm christian and we do this thing too, but it's not forced, so if i don't want to do it, then i can just eat normal food.
>What's up with this new millenial trend of "fasting"?
Dumb faggot it's a religious thing existed literally for thousand years.
enjoy. iacopoapps.appspot.com
>anti depressants
You fell for the pharma jew bro
Awful. Antidepressants stopped working after about six months of stability. Literally the first time I felt stable in my life. I also developed severe acne for the first time in my life and really taking a toll on my mental health. Also failed all my college classes so I lost my financial aid. Shit is fucked right now and don't know what to do. Excited for E3 though. Excited to see what Capcom has and maybe a new Metal Gear.
I wish I could, but this one customer at work really got under my skin for some reason
>Hispanic guy
>Wants to buy cigarettes
>Claims he's 21
>Ask to see his ID
>Doesn't have it
>Tell him I can't sell it then
>Begins yelling at me that I'm racist and he's going to get me fired
I am just so tired of people.
Good luck user. They really changed my life and don't give up if these don't work. I wish the best for you.
Maybe,figure it couldn't hurt. Worst case scenario is they don't work and I try therapy or something.
Good luck user. They really changed my life and don't give up if these don't work. Baby steps my dude. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
My LDR partner is landing early in the morning and I can't sleep
Janny's awake, bye everyone ( ´Д`)
fuck you, im gonna fuck up my sleep schedule and there's NOTHING you can do about it
sometimes I wish it was a dream
other times I don't.
>figure it couldn't hurt
it could
Thanks. I know a couple people who were on them for a while and they seemed to help out in the end,even if they had some issues with them for a while,so I'm trying to stay positive about it even if they take a while.
Oh well...
been there, the mindset I tried to help get through that hell was basically, nothing this person says right now matters because they literally won't exist after they walk out the door
during the last few months before I quit that job I repeatedly caught myself being surprisingly curt with shitty customers, and despite always saying some shit about telling a manager once they walk out I'd never hear of it again.
I can’t, I’m working right now.
i already did, i just woke up early as usual.
I'm writing smutty transformation porn though, and practicing my drawfaggotry afterward. It helps when my insomnia kicks in.
I feel empty.
Are you aware of time in a coma Like in a sleep you feel like you dreamt for like 20 minutes but slept for like 8 hours. I read stories of people being in a coma but being fully aware of what’s going on around them.
too bad i cant watch right now
god's work user, play something good for the cow fight for me
I made a pizza. It’s tasty I guess.
Could be better, I’m having bad craps right now, but I only got 4 more hours to go until another shitty 12 hour shift later tonight.
So how's that sleep schedule going user?
Wrote more of my visual novel today. Probably going to draw porn and play more shenmue tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!
Its summer and I don't have a job, I can do whatever the fuck I want while I have the availability.
Someone's gotta do it.
If you get fired for being racist, you've dodged a bullet given that business would patsy you in a heartbeat for something more serious.
As long as you follow the Law, they can't do shit to you, ese.
I don't have a job or any sort of schedule so it varies pretty frequently.
Currently I'm up at around 4:30am though and have been up most of yesterday so I'm probably gonna sleep all day today.
Sleep tight user.
God, I wish I could sleep easily. It's so fucking difficult to go to bed, I don't understand it.
Help me
Get sunlight, exercise and eat right.
I wish I could help you but I'm always tired.
I'm in a long distance relationship and suddenly tonight I just got all philosophical and tired of 2019 Yea Forums's crap so I went around telling people it'll be alright.
I'm scared of my future in college (18, make fun of me later) and the future in general.
She tells me everything will be alright but the doubt is eating me from the inside out.
I'm scared, anons.
>Have to wake up at 7am on workdays and barely get 3-4 hours of sleep
> sleep at like 8am on free days and get like 11-12 hours of sleep
My sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up
Oh fuck off