8/10 first game
10/10 second game
2/10 third game
How did Rockshit fuck up this badly?
8/10 first game
10/10 second game
2/10 third game
How did Rockshit fuck up this badly?
Other urls found in this thread:
but thats all wrong
10/10 1st game
8/10 2nd game
8/10 3nd game
How did Op fuck up this badly?
yikes, commit suicide
i unironically have a noose sitting next to me im not gonna do it yet but its only a matter of time
Max Payne 2 is the worst. No one gives a shit about Mona Flowers or whatever her fucking name is.
2>1>3 is always right
Her name was More Money I Am Jewish
You made this thread a few days ago. If you truly believe the second game is better than the first, you're a retard. The first Max Payne game is perfect, the second game comes along and tries to polish it up way too much. Here's your fucking (you), you faggot.
wrong, shut the fuck up
I played Max Paybe 1& 2 about a year ago and I didn't even bother with the third one.
It doesn't even look like it's a sequel.
please dont do it user-kun someone very close to me just hanged himself and the pain is never ending
OP is right in that the 2nd game is the best. But MP3 was not that bad at all
>max payne 3
I know going from 1 and 2's turbo tropey noir style to 3 is a bit of a shock and letdown but 3 is still fantastic and has a deeply noir style. It's the Chinatown to 1 and 2's Maltese Falcon. And gameplay wise it's the best imo
>retard stupid dumb idiotic imbecilic reload animation for no reason
>max payne 3
all other opinions are wrong
>And gameplay wise it's the best imo
stick to cover alone makes it the worst
>for no reason
it was 2003 and everyone was obsessed with The Matrix, plus using bullet time was already so much like dodging bullets in The Matrix. You don't have to reload during bullet time if you don't wanna see that animation
Max Payne 2 is just a more tightly focused albeit easier and shorter version of 1. I prefer it, but that's up for debate.
Max Payne 3 is clearly the superior game in all respects, though. Mechanically the old games cannot hold a candle. Movement, shooting mechanics, and level design improve dramatically in the third game. Yes it loses a lot of amazing things from the first two (analagous plots in television/radio, more exploration in the levels, etc) but every encounter is a 10/10. The story is also the best, fuck you if you don't like it. The cutscenes can be skipped, it's 2019. Seriously, playing Max Payne 3 from beginning to end is one of the best gaming experiences you can have today .
>max payne 3
2 is the fucking worst.
like 1 hour long.
completely broken overpowered bullet time.
vlad is an enemy for no reason.
who cares about mona.
and i don't even remember what it is even about. what was max doing during the game. why was he killing all these guys? it made no sense.
You can skip the cutscenes and just playthe shooting from beginning to end. There's about 6 hours worth of it and all of it is incredible.
>cutscene of max rushing to cover
>cutscene of max jumping out of cover
>forced slow mo
>headshot 5-10 perfectly lined up enemies
>rail shooter segment
woah so epic dude, truly the pinacle of third person shooters
3 was great though.
All of the MP games are 8/10
How about you don't play it like a cover shooter you fucking retard
see Max Payne 3 is not a video game
Skip the cutscenes you barely functioning piece of human trash. The actual game play is the absolute best there is.
I hope you are sexually abused.
Max Payne 3 combat is inferior because at least half the time you just go from combat-arena (where you are attacked by spawning enemies) to unskippable cutscene to another combat-arena. Sometimes it plays like the old games, but usually it's just waves of dudes rushing at you in a big area
>The actual game play
what gameplay? headshotting lined up enemies in forced slow-mo?
>Skip the cutscenes!
Maybe they patched it but it would say that when it was not even loading a new area. It's like Rockstar just wanted to make sure you watched them every time
Same criticism goes for MP1 and 2. All the max payne games are much more fun if you don't abuse bullet time
that's not what I said rockshill
That is just absolutely not true at all. There are literally zero segments in the game where you have a combat arena with spawning enemies. That doesn't happen even once. Why the fuck would you say that?
The Max Payne gameplay you stupid, vile, evil, lying scum
There's a mod to skip any and all cutscenes in the game without that "still loading" message. Upon the release of that mod, zero criticisms of Max Payne 3 held any water any more
the plot of 2 basically boils down to random chance on Max's part
if he didn't respond to the call at Vlad's gunsmith, he wouldn't have seen Annie get killed (death of a woman is a great way to get Max involved), he wouldn't have run into Mona, so he wouldn't try to investigate and wouldn't have discovered Vlad's power play
what I don't remember is why Mona gives a shit about all this; hired by Woden, maybe?
yeah, every single cutscene is edited out
fuck off rockshill eat shit
>8/10 first game
>10/10 second game
How can you think the second game is better when it has those dumb escort missions.
8/10 MP1
9/10 MP2
8/10 MP3
>Mona and Vlad are on a crash course
>Max, we should stop meeting in these circumstances
>You're the sheriff! Why not make me your deputy, eh?
MP2 problem is that it's too short, other than that its better that MP3 by a mile. Only zoomers where PS3 was their first console think MP3 is by any means even comparable to MP1/2
>slow movement speed
>heavily scripted
>weapon limit
>forced weapon switching
>shit weapons
>forced slow-mo
>garbage euprhoria engine ("b-but m-muh epic ragdolls",it's dogshit KYS)
>shooting behind covers is totally broken because Rockshit is garbage
>awful story
>awfuil characters
>awful dialogue
>3 hours of ""gameplay"" + 4 hours of cutscenes
Max Payne 3 is undeniably dogshit, kys Rockshill
This is the most bizarre opinion I think I've seen written on this retarded board all year.
I'm baffled someone can actually think this.
I agree
>forced AWFUL social commentary Rockshit style that noone cares about
>retconning Max Payne 2
>ruining Max's character by turning him into John McLane from Die Hard 5
Couldn't agree more
Why is everyone humping max payne 1 like it’s the greatest thing I played that shit back in the day it was 7/10 at best.
also this level is a crime against humanity and clearly shows that Rockshit has no idea how to design games
they should've went bankrupt after San Andreas
that is the best level in the game you fucking retard.
>Mona and Vlad are on a crash course
yeah but why? why is woden in the game? why is vlads goal?
>2 better than 1
Not as long as it's 10x easier than it, has a worse story, and those horrible escort missions thrown in there.
You cant skip them you autist. R* forced load time parity with all platforms. The game assets can be loaded it but you are still forced to watch up to a certain point. No one to this day has managed to unfuck the PC port.
If they did, I'd be playing the fuck outta it.
The gameplay mechanics are fine in MP3, but literally everything else about it was a departure from the first two which is why it blew dicks.
max payne 3 is absolute trash. the writing is godawful even by rockshit standards.
it's one of the most pretentious movie games ever made and it has even less gameplay than a fucking naughty dog game. you can't wipe your ass in this game without everything stopping for a cutscene.
jesus fucking christ you have shitty taste.
Pain would end if you hung yourself user
>not playing mp3 with a cutscene skipping mod in 2019
>OP was being about as gay as two guys blowing four guys. I wasn't surprised. He always had a reputation of being light in the loafers but I never expected him to devolve into complete faggotry.
you are a complete fucking idiot.
what exactly was good about max payne 2's writing and story other than
the game is 1 hour long with a i win bullet time button.
max payne 3 doesn't present itself on the box as a "FILM NOIR LOVE STORY" like max payne 2 does so go fuck yourself with the pretentious game claim.
max payne 2 is complete garbage and you haven't even played it. you just want to feel hardcore on the internet like the 10 year old you are.
dumb idiot.
consider suicide
seething redditor
yeah no argument.
just like i thought.
go fucking kill yourself retarded boomer.
i posted my arguments earlier and got no actual responses rockshill, also it's hilarious tthat you call mp2 pretentious and proceed to suck mp3's cock
fucking pathetic
>let's set it in favelas
insta dropped. try again rockshit.
Max Payne 3 is a magnum opus, 9.9 out of 10, maybe even 7/5.
The devs said they did it so you could view your surroundings to see all the enemies around you. bitch
>slow movement speed
then run
>heavily scripted
so is max payne 1 and 2
>weapon limit
it was cool having you pick your weapons
>forced weapon switching
so press 1 key and equip the weapon you want
>shit weapons
no. max payne 2 is full of shit weapons
>forced slow-mo
so what. it was cool
>garbage euprhoria engine ("b-but m-muh epic ragdolls",it's dogshit KYS)
kill yourself you dumb nigger. rockstars euphoria engine is literally the best ragdoll system in the world.
>shooting behind covers is totally broken because Rockshit is garbage
dont shoot behind cover then casual
>awful story
better than max payne 2s shit story that ruined multiple characters
>awfuil characters
yeah and vlad was butchered.
>awful dialogue
max payne 2 had terrible dialogue
>3 hours of ""gameplay"" + 4 hours of cutscenes
better than max paynes 2 30 minutes of gameplay with 4 hours of comic book panels
>forced AWFUL social commentary Rockshit style that noone cares about
there is no social commentary you dumb retard. how about not being a fucking idiot
>retconning Max Payne 2
max payne 2 already retconned 1. and 3 didn't. just like how at the end of 1 when max said it was all over and smiled while saying he was a winner he was still depressed in 2.
>ruining Max's character by turning him into John McLane from Die Hard 5
max's character was the same. you don't even know who john mclane is.
terrible arguments.
kill yourself.
Indeed, Max Payne 3 is god-tier. Best 3rd person shooter released to date.
9/10 first game
8/10 second game
10/10 third game
3's gameplay is literally perfect and unmatched TO THIS DAY. the most satisfying gunplay or any game ever period, third person or otherwise. fucking fight me.
well not a single argument was refuted, pathetic attempt rockshitter
umatched in shittiness sure
not a single argument refuted kill yourself you dumb boomer.
quick what was max payne 2s story.
>not a single argument refuted kill yourself you dumb boomer.
seething rockshill, you lost the argument
case closed
still no answer on what max paynes 2 story was because it was so shit and either you dont even remember it or more likely you never even played it. but you are a 10 year old pretending to be hardcore on the internet for big boy points.
pathetic. worse than fucking cucks.
still no arguments refuted, pathetic rockshill
what is max payne 2s story cuck?
We are here for our love. You are here for your hate. Max Payne 3 is the tightest, tensest game I've had the pleasure to beat many times.
I've played 2 and 3 (1 had sound issues on my PC so I couldn't play it. Both are good but 3 is much better and I agree with this poster.
number of refuted arguments:0
I agree with your analysis.
I don't remember 2's story, something about Max Payne getting set up by the cops. Don't really remember 3 either, he's a bodyguard in Brazil and his friend betrays him at the end?
>rockshill so pathetic he is replying to his own posts
2 has better meta stuff -- TV shows, dreams etc., while still being a fun and engaging game to play. I didn't play 3 yet, but from my understanding they didn't even bother with that layer of story, which is undoubtedly wiser then trying to ape Sam Lake's writing.
what is max payne 2s story cuck?
Nope, nigger.
>The story is also the best, fuck you if you don't like it
Max Payne 2:
>I had a dream of my wife. She was dead, but it was all right.
Max Payne 3:
>Nah, just kidding. Also, I have a drinking problem now.
Mona's ass
That's pretty much it
>mona is alive
>mona is hired to kill vlad and max
>mona is being chased by vlad's assasins
number of arguments refuted by rockshills: still fucking 0
It's amazing how 3's gameplay and soundtrack elevated the series to something it had never been before yet nostalgic retards like OP say its shit because of
it literally doesn't even matter the gameplay is that fucking satisfying and good. This is coming from someone who played the first endlessly when it came out and the second too. When i saw the trailers leading up to the third coming out i couldn't believe it, it looked like my dream game and it delivered in a massive way i couldn't put it down and have replayed about 10 times since. You never knew what max payne ever was OP and you should fuck off for trying to force this meme that you are somehow better for liking the older games more. If you loved this series and cant appreciate the absolute masterpiece in gameplay design that is 3 you don't enjoy games, you enjoy the story, go and watch a fucking noir film faggot.
>max payne 3
uh, no
Max Payne 1
>They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger. And then it was over.
>Woden grinned smugly. It was the grin of a winner. That made two of us.
Max Payne 2:
>This is a sex hotline sweety
>3/3 points of the story isn't even about max payne.
>retarded cuck thinks this helps his argument that 2's story was better than 3
this. this so much this man
>mona is max's love interest
>"story isn't even about max payne"
absolutely pathetic lmao
>irrelevant slut disappears in an elevator in 1
>second game is MONA MONA MONA MONA MONA before the game even starts.
number of arguments refuted: still FUCKING ZERO
You should kill yourself sooner rather than later.
Max Payne 2:
>There are no choices. Nothing but a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask "why me?" and "what if?". When you look back and see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning. If you had done something differently, it wouldn't be you, it would be someone else looking back, asking a different set of questions.
Max Payne 3:
>I'm a fat gringo with a gun and I shoot bad guys, but I'm also a bad guy, and my arm is for drinking, and also my other arm is also for drinking and I love painkillers.
>crappy new feature doesn't reflect on the quality of the game
>just ignore it bro lol
8/10 first game
7/10 second game
9/10 third game
It's when you reload in bullet time only.
number of arguments refuted: still FUCKING ZERO
i can do this all day cuck
i stated facts why max payne 3 is a dogshit game and you refuted nothing
"b-but max p-payne 2" is not an argument especially because everything you posted is objectively false
kys rockshitter
Man, people are still butthurt about MP3?
because it's a horrible game that ruined and killed a great series
you stated no facts. just your terrible opinion that was easily refuted.
and you haven't refuted anything i said.
Max Payne 2 played better but the story was retarded.
everything i stated is a fact, you failed to refute anything
You're just a sad, angry little man, if you're even of age.
All the Max Payne games are 10/10, you retard.
But you can love or hate 3 since it's a Rockstar game and not a Remedy one. But they are great anyways.
3 has the best gameplay but the worst story
still haven't refuted anything i said.
Honestly MP3 with the movement of MP2 would be aces. Max is just a bit too chunky for his own good in 3, in a game that has arcade modes encouraging excess precision.
because you didn't state anything, only "b-b ut m-max p-payne 2"
man this gameplay is something else, truly the pinnacle of third person shooters
still haven't refuted anything i said.
You must be fucking retarded. You can insta kill that guy and skip that sequence.
Too bad NPCs are not able to think outside the boxes.
if i had the autism to post webm's of events in max payne 1 and 2 you had no control over i would but I don't have autism
The no choices part is my fav MP quote.
man this gameplay is something else, truly the pinnacle of third person shooters
>b-but you can shoot h-him
>b-but m-mod will fix it
>b-but limping around with a bullet in y-your left arm f-for 10 m-minutes is f-fun
jesus christ, i'm glad that rockshit destoryed this series
zoomer subhumans need to be dragged to the street and shot
>first game
>not a 9
>2nd game
>not a 6 or 7
>3rd game
>not a 8/10
Fucking hell the amount of underage in this thread. If not physically then mentally at least. How can You monumental faggots not see that, generally speaking, if you love everything about how 1 and 2 are put together then most of 3 is going to suck? If all you want to do is shoot mooks in slow mo and fuck now noir presentation then 3 is great. Personally I still think it’s a shit sequel but it’s great fun in isolation.
Only remotely reasonable critique is weapon limit. Everything else is a flat out fabrication or not a problem at all
fucking spastic, I'm 31.
I grow up playing MP1, loving it. The same with MP2, and the fucking same with MP3.
Stick your head out of your ass, incel.
max payne 2 is the worst one but i still like it a lot
>decide to play max payne 1 and 2 because i got it for cheap
>absolutely loved the first one
>couldn't even finish the sequel
the story is shit, the bullet time is op, i dont give shit about ragdoll psychics, the dialogue was a step down, and i hate them for not re-using sam lake as the playermodel
>post yfw you can enjoy mp1 mp2 and mp3 because you don't have autism
because 2s story was shit and i didn't like the heavy handed noir stuff.
the gameplay was poor with bullet time being completely overpowered to use.
i didn't care at all about mona.
max payne 3 has great gameplay. a good simple gritty story and is fun to play.
fuck off snake, mp2 was bad
>I grow up
you never did, manbaby
who the fuck are you
>Less gameplay than a naughty dog game
a) that's not true
b) cutscenes are a thousand times better than walk and talk "cutscenes"
10/10 first game
8/10 second game
6/10 third game
MP3 is alright so long as you don't compare it to its predecessors.
don't go out tonight
MP2's atmosphere wasnt nearly as good as Max Payne 1. It was short and forgettable. The PC games from my childhood I remember the most are the ones which had unique and remarkable atmospheres. Music was often at least half of it. Age of Empires 2, The Sims 1, Diablo 2, Max Payne 1, Morrowind, Starcraft etc.
said the incel
>you will never be as cool as Sam Lake
why live?
No, you're supposed to stick to cover. Just not play the game like gears of war. Is that too hard to wrap your tiny brain around?
It has roughly 6 hours of gameplay in-between cutscenes and all of it is 10/10
>"Max Payne's journey through the night will continue."
>Returns as a loud, bald, out of shape alcoholic loser in Brazil
Pretty clear to see how it went so wrong.
Enjoying Max Payne 3 is like feeling relief after getting rid of diarrhea lasting for 20 minutes. It's a good feeling but you'd better not have to go through this in the first place.
The mod exists, learn to use Google you fucking retard
It'd end if you did the same.
hows the xbox version of max payne? I want to play it
Because Bioware got bought out by EA.
>How is a shooter on a console
This. Story at 2 was shit, and the enemies felt like paper.
yes thats what i asked
The answer is self apparent
call a prevention suicide line just to see how its
>then run
Makes barely any difference, most importantly I cannot shoot during Max's retarded "run".
>so is max payne 1 and 2
Max Payne 3 is one of the most linear video games out there, MP1 and 2 let you explore the world, interact with objects and NPCs, MP3 shits itself, taking control from your game all the fucking time
>it was cool having you pick your weapons
Not worth it.
>so press 1 key and equip the weapon you want
It's annoying when the gun switch happens in an intense situation
>no. max payne 2 is full of shit weapons
Not really
>so what. it was cool
zoom zoom zoom
>kill yourself you dumb nigger. rockstars euphoria engine is literally the best ragdoll system in the world.
You're a dumb cunt, this isn't the point, their retarded engine is terrible for play and gives each of their games terrible input lag, it's shit
>dont shoot behind cover then casual
Not what he is talking about, when you are lying down, you can shoot people through walls when you shouldn't.
Also, if they didn't want people to use covers then they shouldn't have added them in
>better than max payne 2s shit story that ruined multiple characters
You're a fucking idiot.
>yeah and vlad was butchered.
No, he wasn't, and even if he was, he is not nearly as bad as Max's potrayel in MP3 which is an insult to the character.
>max payne 2 had terrible dialogue
It had the best dialogue out of the entire Max franchise, whenever you like the game's story or not.
>better than max paynes 2 30 minutes of gameplay with 4 hours of comic book panels
MP2 had objectively more gameplay.
>there is no social commentary you dumb retard. how about not being a fucking idiot
You are a fucking retard who should cut off his dick with a razor, were you deaf when they were talking about police-men who were shooting on sight, killing civilians?
Max Payne 3 is fun as fuck and I'm replaying it right this moment except for a lot of the absolutely shitty kill boxes they like to force
max payne 2 was embarrassing fanfic.
this but unironically
ops, made a mistake here, it should be
>max payne 3 was embarrassing fanfic
Boomer opinion dude. 3 is obviously the best.
I too, on occasion, partake in fishing for (you)s.
boomer opinion > zoomer opinion
go back to fortnite kiddo
>max payne 2 already retconned 1. and 3 didn't. just like how at the end of 1 when max said it was all over and smiled while saying he was a winner he was still depressed in 2.
This isn't a ret-con, this is a natural character progression which makes perfect sense for Max from the first game to the second. The second game was all about letting go and accepting the death of his wife, this is all shat on by MP3.
>max's character was the same. you don't even know who john mclane is.
You're. Fucking. Blind. You. STUPID FUCKING CUNT.
The way Max expresses himself from first/second game to the third is absolutely different, he speaks different, he acts different, rather than being cold and empty, he is screaming half-the time. He acts like a completelly different person.
It's best to play Max Payne 3 like a slow version of Vanquished, cover is meant for you to heal and reload, you need to keep shot dodge from safe point to safe point especially on the harder difficulties because the enemies have uncanny accuracy and will rush you
>every encounter is a 10/10
Whoa there Max 3 has some shitty encounters like the outside walk way in Panama where all the goons appear on the pier above you
MP3 has awful design in a lot of areas, satisfying gunplay, but so much of it feels like shit, Max's weight feels like cunt, you can't even properly strafe, whatever happened to my input being noticed right away? This shit sucks.
This is the Persona conundrum where all the games are great but each one is different in such a way it causes insane autism and hatred between the members of the fanbase but at least theres no waifu war bullshit that would have made things unbearable
>gtaseries players
literal retards arent representative of actual gameplay
Has charm of it being made by a smaller studio, hiring families, dark atmosphere with a gameplay that demands you to learn its mechanics. You cannot be killed in shoot-dodge but you get damaged in it, you cannot use it when you are out of slow-motion.
Is a more polished experience with a far more fast-paced combat, far more gamey, arcadey. The bullet-time mode went through a massive over-haul, you can be killed in shoot-dodge, you can use it any time you want to though.
Massive tone change and aesthetic change, introduction of 4 weapon limit system, slower gameplay, bullet-time charges the slowest out of the franchise, apart from your shoot-dodge being able to be interrupted by jumping into walls, it is easily its most over-powered version, if you ever run out of magazine in shoot-dodge, Max instantly reloads it, you cannot be killed in it, you can use it even when you are out of bullet time and it goes on until you land.
You're not supposed to stick to cover at all. If you even attempt to peak out of cover on the higher difficulties, you're dead. Especially if aim assist is off.
Even shoot dodging can fuck you up massively, because you have that 1 second interval where you've got to recover from the ground to standing.
so, how i am supposed to plax max payne 3?
I can get through MP1 without a scratch, but something feels clumsy as fuck about this game.
>I have bad situational awareness
Get good
Learn to not spam movement keys, when you Dodge plan on staying on the ground and shoot from there.
what is the story of 2?
>when you Dodge plan on staying on the ground
That fucks you up massively though. Especially on Hardcore+.
Nigga you have to fight like 20 guys who have a height advantage over you and all the cover is glass
Is there any way to actually avoid bullets without bullet time in MP3? The roll never seems to work for me.
And bullet time seems to charge too slow and goes away too fast.
Max Payne 3's writing felt "off" compared to the other 2 games. Instead of a somewhat corny Noir with some great lines thrown in, it went for a more """"""""realistic""""""" approach, and suffered for it.
Gameplay was still great through, arguable the best of the series.
On the boat? Sprint, Roll, Bullet Time, Sprint, Roll, Bullet Time until you get to the door. You should have enough momentum not to get hit and dodging that many bullets should generate enough adrenaline to keep you going.
All third-person cover systems suck, and MP3's isn't much better. The John Woo bullet-time hybrid and plain third-person of the original games is simply better than Rockstar's quasi-cinematic take no matter how detailed and well-crafted it is. It's not a bad game but it is inferior for simply being so incredibly on-rails and feels so scripted like some of the worse GTA missions. Of course scripts run most of the things under the hood so here is referring to the linearity and invariability. It is, for much of the game, literally nothing more than a corridor shooter.
holy shit these shots
holy shit there's a real mona sax out there somewhere
OP literally BTFO, so many butthurt bait replies
Agreed, Max Payne 3 is superior in almost every way. One of the most satisfying 3rd person shooters ever made
Would love to see Rockstar do a complete remake/remaster of the first two, or do a Max Payne 4. Better yet, would be cool as fuck to see them do a John Wick game
3 shooting over everything
what rock have you been hiding under