What a thrill

What a thrill...

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I hope we get that "See that mountain? You can climb it" experience from this game

Gonna be comfy as fuck exploring this world

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>eventually build a ladder to the moon
>you climb in-game for six minutes while I'll Keep Coming plays

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I hope this is the case, if they completely do away with a minimap and you actually have to explore and traverse shit I'm probably gonna pick up a ps4 for this, unless the rumors are true that it may come to pc

It's box art and online description doesn't have the "Only on PlayStation" tag. It's coming to PC.

>if you walk too much you fuck up your feet
>in a walking sim
What did Kojima mean by this?

It's literally an in-house Sony development project. Keep seething, I'm sure someone will post a best buy listing for xbox one/PC soon as "proof" of a port.


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Nobody's seething, you're just wasting your days away trying to goad strangers into arguing with each other.

Yeah, so much fun exploring an open world grass desert with nothing to do.

why in Gods name would you put somehting like this in a game Kojima?!

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... with ladders and silence through the day...

>See if it leads to Iron Keep

>You're just wasting your days away trying to goad strangers into arguing with each other.

Isn't that Yea Forums as a whole?

>tfw no game will ever give you the feels MGS3 did

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I mean people were spouting 'comfy' before RDR2 as well and it was just tedious, not comfy

RDR1 was pretty comfy to explore.

You can sometimes spot the difference between the ones who just need to cause turmoil, and the tourists who think they're raiding a basket weaving forum.

That's just because you've forgotten how to have fun.

So is this grow home but kojima edition? Sounds cool

Fucking kek

Maybe I don't play enough open world games, but it's the first time I see one where you carry around a ladder that you can place and freely use.

What fucking happened to America that it suddenly looks like the Mongolian Plains? Just how hard did President Jack Shit fuck up?

>climb a fuck huge ladder in MGS

>ladder in DS
>booh! walking simulator!

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>OPTIONS: fold ladder
what kind of keybind is this

Yeah I'm sure MGSV fanboys are the ones roasting this garbage.

Only if they give me 50 hours of cassette tapes to listen to or a radio station.

I unironically thought RDR2 was the comfiest game of 2018, maybe I'm just a sucker for the setting but I loved it


He watched Die Hard once

Maybe it's not a walking sim?

>Kojima took the concept of not being able to climb when it's raining in BotW and made an entire game built around similar ideas.

Absolute madman. Death Stranding's gameplay is gonna cause a lot of asshurt.

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