/Golden Sunday/



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Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/yzltwh7zkdx00np/saturos battle.wav?dl=0

>wanting a remake
why? just emulate it, the games still hold up
besides, they'd just fucking ruin it anyway

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As a way to reboot the series. I don’t want to have to play DD to get in the story if they male Golden Sun 4

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Is this the best part of the entire series? Literally made me happy when it happened

No wonder many talk about the series this much, Golden Sun deserves more praise.

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That was a damn good thread.

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>Tennis isn't the majority.
Mario Tennis GBC is Camelot's best game.

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Trying to make Menardi cool instead of accepting best girl Karst.


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I said best girl, not best affront to god.

>wanting a remake
fucking why. the GBA games still look and sound gorgeous. They would probably ruin a remake with ugly 3D shit


Bros... I can feel it... We're going Home

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Well, in my case i kinda want a "enhanced remake" that combines 1 and TLA into one game, with MOAR DJINN and consequently MOAR CLASSES and snazzy things like changing who you control on the overworld without a MUH 3D overhaul or FF iOS Remake "sprite updates", and Dark Dawn was way too heavy on the POINT OF NO RETURN shit for my taste,and they would probably repeat that shit in the structure of GS4.

Jenna Battle Theme best battle theme.

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Would be a good way to introduce it to new players to be honest.
Golden Sun kinda needs it.

At that point you may as well completely redesign it from the ground up.

>Golden Sun kinda needs it.
You're implying this franchise has a future even if it did get a remake.

Dark Dawn's graphics were pretty fuckin' cool and good and I wouldn't mind if 1&2 remakes stuck with that.

Fite me.

>You're implying this franchise has a future even if it did get a remake
Why wouldn't it have a future?
If memory served it outperformed Fire Emblem on GBA, and RPGs seem to do pretty well on Switch and it's not oversaturated with them or anything.
Camelot has demonstrated with Mario Tennis Aces that they can manage nice looking visuals on the Switch which is more than you can say of, say, IntSys with Fire Emblem.
There's no reason it wouldn't perform well.

They were good but not great. I think it was pretty much just the DS that was holding them back, the same style with more than a dozen polygons would be just fine for the series.

Because if we want any hope of the series becoming relevant again, that's really the best option to go about it. Otherwise it's making a direct sequel to a decade old game that fans hated in the end anyways, so good luck selling that. With a remake they could at least pull a Star Fox and effectively "start over" and make the follow up adventure something else that would hopefully go over a lot better than Dark Dawn did.

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Man can you imagine them putting both games on one cartridge?
Doubt they would but no more passwords to play GS2.
If anything I would like to see some upgraded summons.

Best summon coming through

> Unironically liking Golden Shit
It's trash, literally baby's first JRPG, you're better off playing some superiror first-party GBA RPGS
> Mario & Luigi SuperStar Saga
> Mother 3
> Tomato Adventure
> Magical Vacation
All of these shit on Golden Sun, no wonder Camelot gave up on the series.

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>Why wouldn't it have a future?
A lack of strength as a brand. The video game market is full of remakes and ports, and if one thing has been proven it's that game series that ended on a downward spiral very rarely have legs when you try to revive them. Golden Sun doesn't have a strong hook as a franchise like most big JRPG brands do. The main draw for most people is seeing the story finished, but it's a simple story and full of weird holes between the first two games and DD; only people who grew up with GS would care about seeing it finished. Its next biggest draw is the Djinn system, but the JRPG market is flooded with franchises that have their own strange gimmicks. GS doesn't have the floor to itself anymore. The third element is music, but Sakuraba's not guaranteed to come back and it didn't help Dark Dawn. The fourth is the "feel" and art direction, but a lot of the old staff from Camelot is long gone, you can't depend on that either.

>If memory served it outperformed Fire Emblem on GBA, and RPGs seem to do pretty well on Switch and it's not oversaturated with them or anything.
Golden Sun started out with extremely healthy raw numbers and then went into freefall. NoA saw the potential to make it a big series due to high sales in the West and even featured DD at E3 as a major release alongside Donkey Kong Fucking Returns and Other M. And then it dropped off just as hard as TLA did.

The high initial base was a great boon, but the series looks like poison from an executive's perspective. When you're running this ind of business, a steady loss on a small profit over time is far better than a massive loss on a fairly big profit with each iteration.

>Camelot has demonstrated with Mario Tennis Aces that they can manage nice looking visuals on the Switch which is more than you can say of, say, IntSys with Fire Emblem.
Why are you latched on to FE for this? FE survived because it went full otaku pandering. GS would need a similar new hook to work.

Even if they were still separated games, passwords would still likely be a thing of the pass since Switch saves data directly on console/SD card and the second game would be able to just read it directly. Times sure change.

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It’s dead, dead and buried

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Lemuria... Home...

>Why are you latched on to FE for this?
three houses is ugly nigga

>Game still forces you to input the code even though it could easily do it itself

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Yeah, so?
That's not the point.

>Weekly Golden Sun thread
I wonder if we'll get more Babi memes.


I'm replaying Golden Sun right now on my 3DS. Let the Kolima tree girl die bc i forgot to move her so I missed out on a hard nut. I feel a bit bad, should I restart? At Altin Peak rn.

>Golden Sun doesn't have a strong hook as a franchise like most big JRPG brands do.
>but the JRPG market is flooded with franchises that have their own strange gimmicks
I like how you say it needs a hook, but then after you point one out yourself, you completely 180 to "well every game has a hook so it doesn't matter"
>Sakuraba's not guaranteed to come back
He's pretty much a lock, he has a strong relationship with Camelot. If they got him for Mario Tennis Aces there's no way they wouldn't get him for a Golden Sun reboot.
>Golden Sun started out with extremely healthy raw numbers and then went into freefall.
TLA faced the challenge of being a very direct sequel which is naturally going to hurt numbers, and DD had a similar issue with the added problem of being 8 years after TLA and getting released on a dying system (less than half a year before the 3DS released). If a reboot combining the first two games performed well and any later games had more self-contained stories, all of these issues would be averted.
>Why are you latched on to FE for this?
It's the only long-running first-party Nintendo JRPG series (well, SRPG, but same difference) so it serves as a good point of comparison. I like the franchise, not trying to shit on it or anything.
>FE survived because it went full otaku pandering.
FE survived because Awakening was a polished game that was accessible to newcomers and Nintendo figured out how marketing works. "Muh otaku pandering" was a part of it, I admit, but it's just the delusion of butthurt fans that the game only sold because a bunch of neckbeards crawled out of their basement and bought it so they could jack off to Tharja.

E3 is ours bros, I can feel it...

>the game only sold because a bunch of neckbeards crawled out of their basement and bought it so they could jack off to Tharja.
I dont want to interrupt your bickering, but I'd do the same for Mia, honestly.

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Bros, this E3 will mark the 10th anniversary of this announcement:


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>unlockable swimsuit costumes for the whole cast
>make Mia stacked
>jiggle physics
There, now the GS remake will sell like hotcakes.

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Declare DD non-canon, remake 1+2, add a playable epilouge dealing with the aftermath with a new final boss. Add in new postgame events in all the locations, as well as a couple of bonus bosses and an ultimate dungeon. Keep the battle arena and move it to the actual game.

Its coming home, the sun is finally rising again...

>I like how you say it needs a hook, but then after you point one out yourself, you completely 180 to "well every game has a hook so it doesn't matter"
I said it doesn't have a strong hook, and the second strongest thing it had *isn't* unique anymore because everyone's doing the same sort of shit. You're trying too hard to 'gotcha' my post instead of paying attention to what I'm saying. There's a reason all those JRPGs that have "that one weird gameplay gimmick!" tend to flop, user. They don't have anything truly unique or special to pull anyone in, at least in the eyes of consumers.

>Sakuraba's on lock
Again, we can't be certain and it didn't help DD.

>Excuses for bad sales going forward.
Even if I want to pretend you're totally right, the point is that this looks like cancer to the business people. Nintendo of America bet on TLA's decrease being a fluke and it blew up in their faces. They don't have any incentive to remake them in the first place, and anything short of a goddamn sales miracle won't spur more. That's just the reality of business. It left a nasty mark.

>Fire Emblem is the only long-running Nintendo JRPG series.
Except it's not? Pokemon and Mario & Luigi are more similar, started in a closer timeframe, and are still going. Mother lasted a long ass time considering. It's really not a good thing to bring up.

>Awakening sold because of quality alone.
Which is why Fates sold well and Echoes flopped, right? It sold because it was in the right place at the right time (like GS1), had shipping as a core element, and was accessible. The brand going forward has sold heavily on waifus and husbandos. It's making a shitload of gacha money as we speak because hot girls. Don't be obtuse.

I am cum

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I'm gonna pre-emptively amend that "quality alone" before I get an "Acktchually" back. Yeah, polish, accessibility, and marketing.
And titties. And being in the right place in the right time.

where'd you find these holy images?

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Almost Heaven, West Mt. Alphes
Mogall Forest, the sweet of Vale

Life is old here, older then the Djinn
Older then Sol Sanctum and older then Kraden

Golden Sun
Can't you come
To my switch
Just this once

I'll take a remake,
Or a reboot

Golden Sun,
Won't you come?

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Shoo shoo reddit forced memes

I thought people hate this one

>There's a reason all those JRPGs that have "that one weird gameplay gimmick!" tend to flop, user.
That's not true. Look at, say, Bravely Default. And then there are plenty of RPGs without particular gimmicks which do well anyway, while others fail. Frankly I don't see any sort of correlation between such "gimmicks" and success, upwards or downwards.
>Again, we can't be certain
Sakuraba composing for the series is just about as certain as you could reasonably expect, you're just being obstinate on this point. Might as well say "well we can't be certain the lead programmer won't get hit by a truck"
>Except it's not? Pokemon and Mario & Luigi are more similar, started in a closer timeframe, and are still going. Mother lasted a long ass time considering. It's really not a good thing to bring up.
Again, I only bring up Fire Emblem because it's the most appropriate comparison in the cases where I mentioned it. I'm really not trying to fixate on it, I brought it up all of two times.
Mario and Luigi isn't a reasonable comparison because it has the Mario brand stapled to its face.
Pokemon is in a league of its own sales-wise, so a comparison on that front will often not be appropriate (though it might be worth pointing out that Pokemon's third versions also tend to see significant dropoffs in sales not entirely unlike GS->TLA). Comparing it on the graphics front is fair, though, Camelot could pump out a better-looking GS game than the upscaled 3DS title SwSh is, but Fire Emblem looks worse so it was a better comparison on that point.
>Mother lasted a long ass time considering.
Mother is a good comparison in some ways (dead RPG franchises with 3 games), but on the points I mentioned, it A) didn't have a worldwide GBA release, so it's harder to compare it to GS on that system, and B) it does not have modern games to compare a theoretical GS reboot to

Anyone else remember that part in the desert where Mia keeps complaining about how sweaty she is
She has like three different lines about it

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>browsing the boorus for Golden Sun lewds
>fucking Agatio of all characters has more high quality lewds than most of the cast
This is a crime

>Would be a good way to introduce it to new players to be honest.
>Golden Sun kinda needs it.
that's what golden sun 3 was made for

>Look at, say, Bravely Default.
You mean that thing that got one sequel which lost a ton of sales and then died? What a great example of a series that gained longevity due to a gameplay gimmick.
Like, think about your examples for three seconds.
>Might as well say "well we can't be certain the lead programmer won't get hit by a truck"
Several of the old programmers don't even work there anymore, user. And you're STILL dodging the point that it isn't a sell considering we've seen two games in a row drop significantly in sales despite a Sakuraba score.

>FE is the only good example because it's the only one with modern games.
Your point of comparison was "it had bad sales on GBA" and "their new game looks like shit," neither of which have any relevance to if a GS remake could get off the ground or the potential of following up on it if it sells well.
The only point of comparison that would make sense is looking at how FE came back from the brink by changing its brand identity. Golden Sun has shown no evidence that it can sustain itself and has given the people in charge reason to think it's a toxic brand.

You keep focusing on how things aren't *necessarily* the case instead of making the argument for how the brand can prove its worth going forward. My argument is that the brand doesn't have a future without massive reworking because it DOESN'T have a strong brand identity and that it DOES have a nasty trend associated with its sales.

Give me something that's not couldashouldawoulda and maybes. Pretend I'm fucking Doug Bowser. Why should I bring Golden Sun back aside from "cause I want it"? Why should I bother commissioning Camelot to make a big remake when they've been making solid, stable cash working on sports titles instead. Tell me why we should try and appeal to NoJ to give us a third chance with this franchise when we could be remaking games that the West never got to play in the first place on a cheaper budget for a guaranteed profit margin.

Aww shit based GS anons

On mobile tonight so wont be able to partake in comfy thread. Enjoy yourself anons

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Fuckin neat.

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>You mean that thing that got one sequel which lost a ton of sales and then died?
It made the same mistake Golden Sun did of not evolving. Don't fall into this trap this time around and you avoid this fate. Dark Dawn introduced framework for evolving the concepts of the series further with Light and Dark but did nothing with it.
>Your point of comparison was "it had bad sales on GBA" and "their new game looks like shit,"
No, my point of comparison was "it outperformed Fire Emblem on the GBA" and "a new game would look better than Fire Emblem does now" which are absolutely relevant, nice mental gymnastics though.
>You keep focusing on how things aren't *necessarily* the case instead of making the argument for how the brand can prove its worth going forward.
The point is it began successfully and its failures were all avoidable. I fail to see how that's an unreasonable argument when discussing the potential of a franchise. There is nothing but "couldawouldashoulda" when we're talking about the future, unless you're a literal psychic.
>Pretend I'm fucking Doug Bowser. Why should I bring Golden Sun back aside from "cause I want it"? Why should I bother commissioning Camelot to make a big remake
If a Golden Sun remake happened it wouldn't be Doug Bowser pitching to Camelot, it would be Camelot pitching to NoJ because they're interested in making it.
And they have a pitch:
>RPGs perform well on the Switch (Xenoblade, Octopath, etc)
>Nintendo lacks a first-party traditional turn-based JRPG on the system, GS doesn't encroach on the niche of Xenoblade or Fire Emblem
>Camelot has demonstrated that they can make a polished-looking AAA Switch title

I never played DD, did it actually end the story or no?

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I played this game when I was like 14 and didn't have internet so this never occurred to me as perverted, but now that I know the world at large, I bet the japs were trying to be lewd about this.

Is it just me or the thing that killed Golden Sun was:

1) Lame characters. Very uninteresting set of characters.

2) The Takahashi Brothers NOT wanting to make JRPGs as they don't have the dedication or passion for them.

But if you ask me, it's the lame characters what killed Golden Sun from being Nintendo's Final Fantasy. After all development can always be passed around to other developers. But the characters never made a big impression. Even Tales has better characters.

It ended on a cliffhanger after obtaining the mcguffin about halfway through so no, it didn't

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>1) Lame characters. Very uninteresting set of characters.
For all its dialogue, Golden Sun spent very little time developing its characters.
Like for instance, what's Mia's personality? I couldn't tell you.
Though, in the rare times that it did, I think they did a decent job. Like those little scenes on the ship TLA occasionally had with just the party talking to each other.
They really could've seen a lot of benefit from Tales-style skits like is often suggested.

I'll agree with you, Bravely Second's flaw was not moving forward.
>"it outperformed Fire Emblem on the GBA"
That doesn't matter if your games plummet in sales every single time, my man. If it worked that way Fire Emblem never would have made it past the GBA in the first place. We've seen series start with more initial sales than GS die horribly before. Your trends and performance vs expectation is way more important than raw numbers.
>"a new game would look better than Fire Emblem does now"
Nintendo clearly does not care given their output. Look at em. If that's all they have to sell them on, Nintendo would be picking up every single CC2 pitch instead of even bothering with Camelot's ass.

>Mental gymnastics.
Okay, now you're just being disingenuous. Why even bother if you're going to start mudslinging? Your very first reply was to turn one of my points into a "HMMMM DOUBLE STANDARDS MUCH ;^)" If you're gonna just keep arguing in bad faith there's no point in talking about this.
>Failures were avoidable.
You're operating under the logic that the games and their appeal bear 0% of the blame and it's all extenuating circumstances. That's not fair from a business perspective. You have to take all elements into consideration.
>There's nothing but wouldcoulda if-
Bitch. Come on. I'm asking you to give me clear, concise logic for why this has any hope instead of MAAAAAYYBE and I FEEEEEL. You're not giving me anything of substance so far.
Speaking of
>Entire pitch is "Nintendo doesn't have traditional JRPGs on Switch and we make pretty graphics."

You get how weak that is, right? This franchise has a history of bleeding sales, and Nintendo has a history of being real damn fickle with projects (Criterion F-Zero) regardless of if a niche needs to be filled. And your logic for them is "it's pretty" and "you could own an old school JRPG franchise" when they have FUCKING Dragon Quest and Pokemon on the system.

Give me some solid reasons. Why this project?

That's a big chunk of it. The games are all about that "my lore, my world, the big happenings, the epic build up," but it fails in very basic ways at writing. Not just characters, but in environmental storytelling and instructing players in general. The game's design is kinda shit, which is a shame because the mechanics are cool. DQ has the market cornered on gameplay-over-story RPGs (and stuff like Wizardry and its clones claim the super hardcore gameplay crowd), so it kind of fucked the franchise utterly.

have sex

I would rather have new RPGs developed.

One of the most overrated games of all time built entirely off of nostalgia and graphics that looked unique

>That doesn't matter if your games plummet in sales every single time
Only happened due to mistakes which can be corrected.
>Okay, now you're just being disingenuous.
How is calling out your mental gymnastics as being mental gymnastics disingenuous? Maybe make a good argument instead of some nonsense to try to dismiss the track record of a franchise and capabilities of a studio as irrelevant to its future.
Ooh, who's arguing in bad faith now?
>I'm asking you to give me clear, concise logic for why this has any hope instead of MAAAAAYYBE and I FEEEEEL
When did I say "maybe" or "I feel"? I have been giving reasons, and you've responded to them with counterarguments. How is your speculation about the future any less "MAAAAAYYBE and I FEEEEEL" than mine? It seems to me your views are at least as skewed by your pessimism as mine are by my optimism, and your perception that "But I'm the one using FACTS and LOGIC!" is even more skewed.
>You get how weak that is, right?
"We can fill a niche and make a marketable game in a market suited to it" is not a bad pitch, nice spin though.
>they have FUCKING Dragon Quest
Last I checked Nintendo didn't make Dragon Quest.
I don't really get how "it works for Dragon Quest, so why would we do it?" helps your point. Seems like it helps mine, actually. Hadn't thought of that, thanks.

Okay yeah, so you're gonna just continue to be disingenuous instead of have a conversation. I'm sorry for even bothering, I should have known better after the first "Hrmhrmrhm, I have caught you now! /:^)"

The only thing I'm going to add to this that "Hey, let's just do Dragon Quest for ourselves" has been tried many, many times, and the only real non-failure was FF. Also that, seriously, when we take off our love for GS, Nintendo has absolutely no incentive to go back to the franchise now. There's cheaper, easier revivals they could attempt that they've left on the table, and Camelot's busy pumping out sports games. I just can't see a situation where Camelot is down to try yet again, and Nintendo looks at the series trends and lukewarm interest online (seriously, even when it heats up again with speculation fanart is super dry, these threads are the same couple pics every single time), and looks at what they already have and the third party stuff that's on their platform and says "Yes, we should definitely invest a lot of money into this extant brand with a rocky sales history that we jointly own instead of starting over from scratch internally."

I'd love it, but it's as much of a pipe dream as Mother 123 and Sin and Punishment 3.

Vale.... Home

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I love the souls games. And I love dragons dogma. And I love golden sun. Played golden sun when it released. Played demons souls when it released. Didnt play dragons dogma until about a year ago. In the souls games and dragons dogma I always made all of the golden sun protags and antags from 1 & 2 and played the souls games and dd multiple times. Weeks worth amounts of time have been spent in planning out each character, making them as unique from each other but as distinctly similar (atleast in my mind) they are to the golden sun characters from their character creation, equips, and stats as possible and then actually playing through each character. No regrets. I have the best kind of autism.

Golden Sun 1&2 getting a remake would be cool but they'd have to put in a lot of effort into expanding on the story through skits, voice acting and such since the original games didn't really develop most of its characters properly. The gameplay balance would also need some overhauling too as they're way too easy. Camelot alone wouldn't be able to handle it I feel.

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>Golden Sun started out with extremely healthy raw numbers and then went into freefall. NoA saw the potential to make it a big series due to high sales in the West and even featured DD at E3 as a major release alongside Donkey Kong Fucking Returns and Other M. And then it dropped off just as hard as TLA did.

TLA sold 1 milon. In which world is that "bad sales" for a RPG?

Even though you have great points (and also you forgot Camelot lost their RPG team, a lot of their key members left the studio), TLA did well.

But for Nintendo, sales doesn't matter a lot (they give a lot of opportunities, but obviously if you fail like 3 o 4 times you ). Xenoblade 1 (including its port) and X didn't reach 1 million of sales. Fire emblem until Awakening sold like shit.
Nintendo wanted to do a new Golden Sun game after TLA ASAP (there is an interview with the Takahashi brothers and the Nintendo's producer), but Camelot did an idiot move and partnered with Capcom to do a PC golf game.
IMO, Golden Sun was "killed" because:
- Their last game, apart from not selling like its previous entries, it wasn't as good as the previous ones and was heavily criticized.
- The Golf and Tennis games sell much more and, probably, are more cheaper than GS.
- And, the most important one, I think Nintendo didn't like the "betrayal" of Camelot and they don't rely on them a lot unlike other studios as AlphaDream, so they won't invest a lot of money on them.

Sorry for my bad english btw.

A real pure ply

Give it to Atlus or Monolith.

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Probably Monolith. They could probably recreate the feeling better.

What's the best way to communicate to Nintendo that we'd like to see this series again? Can I write it in in those surveys that connect to the account/get coins?

This has been the go-to petition for the last 8 years:
And sadly that's as good as it gets.

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>petition for the last 8 years
>8 years

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>the remakes have bonus content that makes the password even longer

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>Lemuria was hyped as fuck
>is a short town like Tolby minus the colosseum

It tells you that the world gets eaten by psynergy vortexes.
Then you go to fix a toy that you need to inspect a psynergy vortex.
Then NOT-Saturos-and-Menardi lock you in a dungeon, which your party agrees they shouldn't solve.
After solving it, this unleashes basically the apocalypse on an entire continent. So you go about unfucking that. You finally get to the last dungeon that unfucks everything. Suddenly Alex shows up and drops maybe half of an explanation or something? Anyway, it turns out NOT-Agatio-and-Karst were Darkness adepts from an entire empire that came on a ship from the moon or something.
Anyway, they fuse into a demon and you beat them up and this fixes this specific apocalypse.
Anyway, so after all this you get back home in the epilogue and oh yeah, right, your house is still about to get swallowed by a psynergy vortex. I forget whether you actually brought the thing to fix the toy to inspect the vortex or if you lost it again after you found it half-way through.
Boss themes were fun though.

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Motoi Sakuraba recorded a couple of songs in the studio with real bass and drums when they released a special edition of Dark Dawn's OST:

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>the games still hold up
They didn't even hold up in 2001.

I was pretty let down by Lemuria to be honest. Which, I guess, was kind of the point but still. You think it's this place of Alchemical greatness and then it turns out it's just a withering shithole which is simply stagnating.
Almost as much of a let down as realizing that Prox were actually just a bunch of villagers living their lives, with the notable exception of the 4 you met outside.

DD was fun I guess, but the plot reads like a fanfiction

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Camelot wanting to make SF4 (but not being able to because fuck Sega) gives me hope that one day in the near future... we can go home boys

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A while ago I bought the Sound Canvas SC-88 Pro VST for FL Studio so I could remaster Golden Sun music. I know some people have already remastered some of the OST but I think Isaac's battle theme hasnt been done yet. So I made it myself. Please enjoy. soundcloud.com/user-503130878/isaac-battle-theme-remake-v3
I'm thinking of making Saturos' or Felix's battle theme next, I'm still undecided.

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Good choices, I'd do Saturos's battle first though. Give Walking Forward with Determination a go when you get the chance.


>Camelot just did Tennis twice in a row, they're not going to do it again
>Jumping right to Aces to fix the mess that was Ultra Smash couldn't have been their initial next step, you don't plan to fuck up. And they've already released the final update for Aces anyways.
>Roughly during US development is when they would have been notified for Isaac's notable turnout on the ballot
>They could make Golf next, but the last Golf game was a complete disaster, it sold worse than DD despite the Mario name being attached
>Golf has also not had a trademark renewal, while GS has
>A relatively recent interview has the brothers express interest in making another Shining Force, but Sega won't let them. At the very least this proves they have a hankering to make an RPG again.

We're going Home, bros

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I'm fine with "Darkness" psynergy, although they shouldn't have called it that.
Sounds much less retarded in the context of the games if you just call it Luna (and Sol?) psynergy. Come to think of it, both sun and moon were actually represented in... sol... sanctum... thinkgen_emoji.ascii

The plot interrupting itself like three times over is pretty terrible though. As are all the irrelevant party members. And the new breed of furries when the old one was still perfectly good to use. The first two team members being copy pastes of their dads is also dumb. I'd also complain about the villains being copy-pastes AGAIN, but at this point it's practically a staple.

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Generals don't belong here

Any other game use a similar class mechanic?

but it's called umbra, not darkness

Isn’t that an accurate representation actually? Everyone’s just trying to live their lives

no one said it was a general, don't worry

I would kinda be upset if they didnt have two red and blue assholes with ambiguous intentions causing you problems throughout the next game if it comes to pass.

I know at least one remaster project has gotten through all of the songs once.
Wouldn't call it entirely perfect though.

Still have this that some user dropped in these threads, which sounds better than the equivalent from the entire remastered album.
dropbox.com/s/yzltwh7zkdx00np/saturos battle.wav?dl=0

Yeah, I figured it was that bleak. 90% of the reason I'd want GS featured in smash would be for the series to be in peoples' views again.
But I don't want to bring rosterfag autism into this thread so please disregard.

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It's a huge clusterfuck
>So as a result of the Golden Sun, there are these things called Psynergy Vortexes which - wait, you know what, forget about that, new idea
>So there's this giant spooky tower that triggers a never-ending eclipse if you turn it on
>It does this by who fucking knows how it does it, does it literally move the whole moon? Isn't there a civilization up there? Oh well, who cares.
>During the eclipse super-strong evil monsters infest the land because I dunno darkness is EVIL and stuff
>There is a giant laser gun on top of a mountain somewhere that can turn off the tower by shooting a huge laser at it
>The villains want to turn the giant spooky tower on, but instead of just going and turning the giant spooky tower on, they for some reason manipulate children into doing it for them
>They want to turn the spooky tower on because, uh...
>Maybe because they want to use the big laser for nefarious purposes. But why couldn't they do that without triggering the eclipse? Don't worry about that.
>Alex ALSO wants to turn the spooky tower on. But NOT because of the reasons the OTHER villains do, because he betrays them at the last moment. The reason HE wants to turn the spooky tower on and then turn the big laser on is, uh...
>I dunno, I'll figure that out in the next one
>Oh and shooting the spooky tower with a laser gives all the nearby furries light powers. Let's just tack that on at the end.
It really does read like the sloppy first draft of a fanfic

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>tfw no Mia gf

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Who is Matthew's mother?

this saturos sounds amazing indeed! I tried recreating it but I couldn't find that synth at 0:23 and gave up

Jenna the Cute slut

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I seem to remember them using both terms.
Like there was the Umbra Gear but if memory serves, Blue Sephiroth and Slut with Horns were called "Dark Adepts" but were from the "Umbra Clan"
Really bad choice thematically in my opinion, we already have "Sol" and "Luna" established, do they mean to tell me that "Umbra" is its own different element from "Luna" and that the same is true of whatever the light element the Apollo lens had and "Sol"?
Sometimes I wonder if Dark Dawn's story started out as a complete original and then got rebranded and dumped in the Golden Sun universe somewhere down the line, since there are so many completely new plot points and locations that the brand new ones outnumber the old.

>Prefering remakes over closure for the story and series
You are literally pic related.
Probably you also claim in social media how now all games and film are just sequels/ reboots/ remakes and have no new ideas while consuming said products. Fucking kill yourselves, you are everything wrong with capitalism.


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Garet, Ivan, and Mia married [generic villager], presumably.
Piers is still a bachelor.
Felix and Sheba both fucked off to who knows where.

You literally ask about the one single character in Dark Dawn who we actually know the other parent of.
Who the hell did Ivan, Garret and Mia fuck?
Also how did Mia fail as a parent so hard that Rief is now a character? Why didn't we get his sister instead? She seemed decent at least. Scratch that, why not just tide us over until Amiti shows up? At least his father is Darth Vader.

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In this case a remake/reboot is probably the only future the franchise has, though.
A Golden Sun 4 just isn't viable.
>Hey, Golden Sun fans, remember that DS sequel from 10 years ago that a lot of you didn't even play? I ended on a cliffhanger, and here's the exciting conclusion!
>It's fine if you didn't play that one, though, we'll just have Kraden drop his pants and drop a big steaming load of EXPOSITION right onto your face for the first two hours of the game to get you up to speed.

I remember when I was in love with Mia

I just remembered Kraden is immortal since GS2.
Maybe we should bury the franchise after all.

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holy fuck that's pathetic

We can salvage it
>GS4 begins
>Babi is the High Empyror
>He kills Kraden 30 minutes into the game because he knows too much


Is fireden down or am I doing something wrong?

Oh well, makes sense he had the cutest kid.

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>more mia porn never ever

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>check out paheal out of curiosity
>it’s all buff bara shit

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Has there ever been a more iconic villainous duo in any vidya than pic related?

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They don't need to overhaul it graphically, but it at least needs 1/2 merged into a single experience with backtracking between the two.

not as SOULful as those two

If they do remake it, they need to add a feature where you choose which team to play as at the start of the game.

I'm glad you saved the saturos battle remake; the version 2 of the remaster is still being worked on. Trying to finish up uni

>There wasn't just one but TWO GS threads that were healthy and full of discussion

Thanks for reminding me why I come to this board.

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I think Golden Sun and Golden Sun:The Lost Age are excellent games!

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You weren’t eavesdropping on us were you user?

I love them too, one of my first jrpg’s

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>6 hours
>No one took your bait
That's sad. Have a (you) on the house.

But Kraden accomplished his job.

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>combined remake of the GBA games
>Isaac's campaign expanded so it's a little less linear and your levels are on par with Felix's squad when you join up
>you get to control Isaac and Ivan when they fight Karst and Agatio, with a special scene if you somehow manage to win
>you can go back to the rest of Angara later in the game to pick up Djinn you missed from the first part and maybe do some sidequests
>Dark Dawn's unique Djinn designs return, the Djinn menu has them physically appear, they idly chatter about the plot and characters. Djinn that are actually contributing to your class group up and are visibly "linked" to each other while extraneous Djinn are noticeably separate. The Djinn give tips on the class system, suggesting things like "If we had one more Venus Djinn, we could upgrade your class!" or "If you trade me for a Mercury Djinn, you'll switch to a different class family"

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Got some good art from last thread.

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Exactly, he has outlived his usefulness

Your pasta is cute and all, but it's destroyed by the fact that you literally fail to provide a single argument outside of your own personal opinions. And no, "baby's first JRPG" buzzword isn't an argument.

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>8 years
>~17,000 signatures
I wonder if any of the people who signed when this was first made are in this thread. I wonder if any of them remember signing this. Maybe some of them are even dead. Wild to think about.

why taking it now?

>tfw 9999 days until new Golden Sun

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>> Mario & Luigi SuperStar Saga
>> Mother 3
>> Tomato Adventure
>> Magical Vacation

Gay taste.

I did; iirc the person made it after the producer said "we'll make more golden sun if the fan response is big enough." Used to frequent the golden sun realm forums. I knew it would never get any traction but hey, who knows.

The only similarities they share is the hair color. You have literal autism if you're incapable of distinguishing them.

That's a fair take on it. Only thing I'd disagree with is 1M sales being hunky doory. Thing is, when your debut game is nearly 2M and your followup that's agreed to be bigger and better drops that hard, it's a bit worrying. Not enough to stop, but it raises red flags. The further drop of DD is what killed it, yeah.

Why do people seem to dislike TLA in favor of TBS? I always loved tla more

Take your time.

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> Shit graphics
> Cliche as fuck fantasy setting
> Boring characters
> No humor
> Backtracking up the ass

Only good thing is the music

Can confirm, when i was a younger i read Golden Sun fanfiction on Fanfiction.net, when Dark Dawn released i was fucking stunned how much was basically plot point that appeared in several ones i read.

I think backtracking is only really a issue in the first half of TLA, specifically the "WE NEED A BOAT" and Trident Hunt, GS1 was pretty lenient on it from what i remember, and even if you want to back track half the game only happens because a bridge is out and it is repaired shortly after you get back to it, so running back to Lunpa for the optional dungeon wasn't THAT big of a deal.

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