People shit on NuWolf because of MUH POLITICS but it's genuinely one of the more fun FPS games released recently
People shit on NuWolf because of MUH POLITICS but it's genuinely one of the more fun FPS games released recently
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very true. new order is better though.
>make all marketing leading up to the game "Make America Nazi Free again lmao kill drumpf supporters"
>cry when those people ignore your game
Still so satisfying remembering seeing it on sale like a week after it came out
TNO was good and didn't shove politics though. TNC is just outright shit thought and that's without factoring the marketing at all.
is this worth playing? was thinking of downloading from game pass after finishing vampyr
Yes, it's definitely worth playing.
I've put over 90 hours into TNC, and over 160 in TNO, and about 60 in TOB
It's genuinely the best single-player fps series in recent years. Only rival is NuDoom which is canonically connected to Wolfenstein, and the devs actually helped eachother out with each game.
idk TNO is pretty okay but at the same time I don't really like it that much. The games have a weird mix of stealth, run and gunning, and cover shooting that doesn't work super well
actually no, I went into game and didnt give a fuck about politics and so on, my problem was terrible sound design and retarded design decisions that hinder gameplay
for example why the fuck do I still have to manually pick up every piece of ammo and armor? why did they have to lock me in 50hp if I had gotten powerarmor which could be an excuse to give me 100hp? why is sound design so bad I dont know where shots are coming from?
gameplay-wise, it's the same as TNO and TOB, which is good.
i don't give a shit about the politics because i don't get upset by it, but the story was just weak. none of the levels were memorable. venus just felt like MEMBER THE MOONBASE? WE MEMBER THE MOONBASE.
I've been replaying them on PS4, the lean mechanic where you hold L1 to peek gives you another axis to aim with, it's not mouse aim but it's a spectacular improvement over typical, single thumbstick aiming. No one seems to talk about it in reviews or anywhere else but it's the single best element of the game mechanically. I want it in more FPSs
>People shit on NuWolf because of MUH POLITICS
No, they shit on New Colossus because it wasn't very good in general and a clear step down from New Order and Old Blood.
I shit on it because it's not that good. New Order feels like it doesn't know what it wants to be. One minute you're storming through a ship with dual automatic shotguns and the next you're having to peek around cover and chip away at a bullet sponge enemy with hitscan guns or you're in a bad stealth section. Then you have to run around the room and manually pick up each and every single magazine of ammo and +5 health bandage for some retarded fucking reason.
>for example why the fuck do I still have to manually pick up every piece of ammo and armor?
zoomer detected
>sound design
Sound design is fine retard, get some headphones or speakers that aren't fucking shit
>story was just weak. none of the levels were memorable
agreed, this is the main problem with TNC. Level design and story are shit, while the actual gameplay is decent
>zoomer detected
u wot mate, that's a recent thing in FPSes and it's shit
It's even better on PC. The cover system is one of the main reasons I love these games so much.
People on here bitch about how FPS games don't have "lean" anymore, well NuWolf took lean to a whole new level, being able to lean in any direction. And it works surprisingly very well.
>zoomer detected
way to look stupid with that argument
you didnt have manually pick up any of that shit in any Wolf game before TNO, it really fucks with the flow and instead of focusing on shooting stuff you mash interaction key while looking at floor because some fucker exploded into 20 different armor pieces.
and with sound design I should have said it was sound mixing, because its really all over the place, no mater if I played with sound coming from monitor or headphones.
>having to manually pick up things
>a recent thing in fps's
You're fucking joking, right?
new order and old blood are good
new colossus is hot garbage and will age terribly
i did have issues with some of the lighting, especially in daytime new orleans. some parts had way too much blur, and some shaded parts were way too fucking dark to see anything
This desu. Level design of TNC was shit compared to TNO.
>you didnt have manually pick up any of that shit in any Wolf game before TNO
Retard, you had to manually pick up a lot of things in RtCW. Only things like ammo and health were auto-grabbed when you ran directly over them. The radius for the auto-grab was also very small.
And due to complaints from TNO and TOB, TNC adopted the same system. Ammo and armor are auto-grabbed when ran over them.
>I should have said it was sound mixing, because its really all over the place, no mater if I played with sound coming from monitor or headphones
Fix your nigger-rigged shit faggot rather than blaming it on the game
This. The old blood was also pretty good.
The game looked and ran amazingly for me. The only problem I had was pixelated explosions above a certain frame-rate
I definitely agree that TNO is far better. Mainly because of level design and a story that wasn't shit.
However, TNC still isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
Even New Order was disappointing. Politics are the least of the series' problems.
>the game is pro-communism/pro-antifa
this one always makes me lol
I will never buy it because of its stupid ass political posturing, and I don't care that I won't. There are a trillion other games out there
Blazko calling them "Bolshevik cowards" when he was wasted says otherwise
did you get upset by the 'punch a nazi' thing?
why would a non-nazi get upset with this? unless you're not telling us something...
Tell me, how did you pick up items in the original Wolf3D, Doom, or Heretic? How about FEAR?
You do know what that means right?
You cherry-picking specific games or going over 20 years into the past means nothing, dumbass
>zoomer detected
You just walked over health and ammo in most old FPS games, retard. You're autistic if you think having to manually pick up every piece of equipment actually adds anything to the game but tedium. Even a game like STALKER, which is far slower paced and has an inventory limit, doesn't regularly have a bunch of items out that you need to pick up manually and it also has a loot all button for chests and bodies. It's genuinely bad design no matter how much you want to suck the dev's dick.
i know, he shits on the socialists for being useless too. i don't see how people got triggered by this game.
Way worse than new order. It was a disappointing sequel.
Still not buying it lol soz
The developers spoke on this very subject around the time TNC released and they were trying to emulate the system RtCW had.
Things on shelves or out of run-over reach can be manually picked up, or you can run over things like ammo and armor to automatically pick them up.
Not that I'd even expect your dumb zoomer ass to have played RtCW
Because people on here only want to get angry and shit-post. They don't actually play games.
It's certainly the most intuitive cover system I've played in a first person shooter. How does it work on KB+M? Holding L1 overrides your movement with a second camera control axis on console, I can't picture how that would translate.
The issue with that phrase is that it was/is being applied to people who aren't Nazis, just people who disagree with current year far left ideology. In the current political climate it translates to "you better agree with me or I'll defame and hurt you".
>WAH why don't the items automatically gravitate towards me!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO PICK THEM UP!
maybe they shouldn't have ran around with tiki torches shouting JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US if they didn't want to be labeled as nazis
How does it work on KB+M?
I have mine binded to ctrl so you hold that down and use WASD to move the camera around cover. Works exactly like it does on console basically.
Just no
It's shit because it doesn't have based not-Hendrix
No it isn't
What does that have to do with the actual gameplay?
Do you play games solely for gameplay?
>"No argument, better post a wojak!"
Oh shit, you got him there
Shut the fuck up
Anyways, much of the dialogue is weird as fuck, especially when you meet the afro nig. BJ's story is great though, he's tired of being the only one who can kill nazis when there's infinite nazis. That scene after the courthouse where he's on his momma's lap is kino. Speaking of courthouses, HOW IN THE UNHOLY MOTHER OF FUCK DO YOU BEAT THIS ON MEIN LIEBEN WHAT THE FUCK EVEN WITH MAX ARMOR YOU DIE IN A SPLIT SECOND WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK
I mean, doesn't everyone?
lmao seething pede. i bet you got punched for wearing a pede hat lmao
Not him, but I can swallow a bad story if the gameplay makes up for it. In this case TNC didn’t.
A what, what the fuck are you even babbling about?
stay rump-roasted
>"I LIKE regularly and manually picking up several items off a shelf in my video games, fucking zoomer"
I guess it's only you
>no mom, it's not a pede hat. it's a certified God-Emperor-Blessed MAGA cranial protector!
Except it isn't.
You're embarrassing yourself
Not him, cease avatarfagging.
What kind of cancer just posts shit like this without any counter-reasons.
Fuck off back to summer school you little fuckin niggers, I'm sick of dealing with sub IQ NIGGERS
>I'm the only one on Yea Forums who values gameplay over story
I wouldn't be surprised
Are you having a stroke
Are you okay, user?
shut the fuck up zoomer
>you're a zoomer because this game was actually trying to emulate a game that's more recent than the classic shooters you're talking about
do you even listen to yourself, retard
Where did I say I value story more then gameplay. I think they should both be equally good
You value story as much as gameplay?
>No ur a zoomer
*sigh*so many incels itt
I bet your all nazis two
RtCW came out in 2001, and like I already said that was the developers reasoning for designing pickups the way they did. You're really this mad because everything isn't auto-pickup?
Fuck off, zoomer.
>muh politics
i mean the game pretty much forces it down your throat but alright. the gameplay is generic as can be too.
the new order was good
>Spamming wojaks
1 is maybe acceptable but come on now
And a wolf thread goes to shit
Name some good single-player first-person shooters released since 2010
it was already a flamewar thread to start with
>thread about politically divisive trash-tier shootbang game
Saying that a game is fun is somehow a "flamewar thread"?
Nah, I shit on it because outside of a few maps there's a fuckton of walking through empty hallways and set pieces, lame-ass cutscenes constantly stop the action for no purpose whatsoever as they both narrative and interactively do nothing.
The sewer section was boring and obnoxious, nothing to do but swim back and forth. The moon was similar, all that build up for a 10 second moonwalk and shooting a drone and then it's more corridors before finally there's some real action near the end.
Too often Blascowitz is taken out by a cutscene only to have a random character of the day swoop in from nowhere to save the day, this is not how you do support characters or have allies help you out, because both the mess you're in and their involvement is a complete ass-pull every time.
>People shit on NuWolf because of MUH POLITICS
Nice reading comprehension
>OP literally says "besides politics"
As expected
>literally says
>except he literally doesnt
You're literally misusing the word literally.
Go back and read the original post.
>"but it's genuinely one of the more fun FPS games released recently"
Way to conveniently leave out the rest of the post, not surprised that everyone focused on the POLITICS part though
>"people shit on it because of MUH POLITICS"
Maybe some instigation or baiting there, are you defending the fact that you took the bait?
>Way to conveniently leave out the rest of the post
I didn't need to add that in. It's still a flamewar thread because of what OP's post first said. Kys
Why does /pol/ invade every board on this damn site? They're like cockroaches.
I loved TNO and TOB, the gameplay was very good, how does TNC keep up in this regard? What about levels?
Refer to this post You're defending yourself taking the bait?
Level design and story = shit
General gameplay/gunplay = just as good if not better than TNO/TOB
The game had actual fucking problems and nobody knows what actual politics even are
Fuck all of you, i can't even tell which one i hate you more
>You're defending yourself taking the bait?
So you are admitting it's a flamewar thread. God you're stupid
Nuwolf new order and old blood are good (fuck the forced stealth that almost killed the start of old blood for me.
The problem is the new colossus, aside from a few moments where they really let you loose it wasn't fun.
I'm not OP dumbass, I have no way of knowing. The fact that you're obsessed over it is telling where your priorities are at.
Even if it wasn't an obvious bait thread you'd probably be in here spewing how offended you are that the game got political.
Grow a pair you fuckin pussy.
Glad I made you sperg out. Kys
This was great in VR if you're not a motion sickness baby.
Better than descent for sure.
>heh i was just trying to piss you off. kys
Gonna post "kys" a third time? Fuck off with your projection you fuckin loser, the ropes out in your dad's shed. Use it already so we don't have to deal with your retarded ass anymore.
>repetitive corridor shooter interspersed with YAS QUEEN SLAY and FUK DRUMP cutscenes
What a mystery as to why it's shit on
>"Make America Nazi Free again lmao kill drumpf supporters"
that is fucking bullshit
I didn't enjoy it very much, preferred nudoom even though that had problems of its own.
>People shit on NuWolf because of MUH POLITICS
>People proceed to shit on NuWolf over nothing but politics
As expected
>FUK DRUMP cutscenes
citations required
>Durr they said kill nazis they think I'm a nazi?
Literally a game about nazis, dumb fucking cunts.
>people dont like Wolf2 because of poltics
No they dont like it because compared to TNO/TOB its hot fucking garbage in every regard compared to those 2.
Bolsheviks and communists are not just cowards, they're worse then Nazis. That entire "game" is disgusting.
The game itself is fine. the game-play is phenomenal and more FPS games should basically plagiarize this shit.
that being said some character stuff is somewhat annoying and feels forced, but the big issue was the marketing and message that went along with the marketing. I loved the game, but I didn't pay them a dime.
Fun game did poorly because snowflakes didnt like MachineGames were calling Nazis "bad"? Never change broken-brained Yea Forums.
I thought that TNC gameplay was fine, but it took major steps back in level design and the ability to balance the tone of the plot between ridiculous and serious, falling too much on the side of ridiculous.
I know, Wolfenstein has always been silly with its super Nazi cyborg soldiers etc., but at least TNO was suprisingly good at keeping things somewhat grounded despite the ridiculous premise, and I liked it for that. It shouldn’t have worked, but it did, and that was an accomplishment on itself. But TNC? Feels like it takes too much cues from Tarantino, has stupid plot points like that body replacement shit, tone-breaking shit like shirtless Anya shooting nazis, and I’d even say that the scene with Hitler was just weird and offputting. I mean, he’s the one behind all the shit that Blaskowicz has suffered, so it felt weird to make him all about some weird, demented black comedy. Also, Deathshead with his disturbing positivity about his life was much more memorable villain than Engel in TNC, I don’t know how they made her so boring in TNC considering that she was fine in TNO.
Ultimately, didn’t regret playing it, but it could and should have been better, not a minor downgrade from TNO.
I generally agree with everything you said. TNO and TOB are some of my favorite shooters, TNC is still good but lacking because of basically everything you listed.
>but it's genuinely one of the more fun FPS games released recently
But Wolf II was a shit game even without the politics, TNO and TOB were way more fun.
>TNO and TOB were way more fun.
I meant the whole nu series in general, I honestly should've picked a different pic for this.
I completely agree that TNC isn't as good as TNO or TOB.
It's still good though.
The New Order was amazing. The Old Blood was an excellent expansion that gave us more of the gameplay and environments.
The New Colossus was cinematic trash with more cutscenes than gameplay. Even if you ignore the "REPUBLICANS = NAHZEES" bullshit, it's a bad game with poor replay value. What's there for gameplay is just as good as the first game but there's a lot less of it, and you are really just paying for a dumb sci-fi movie that brow beats you with retarded politics.
Also a shame that most of the levels felt so dull. Even Venus, which apparently should have been a ”whoa” moment felt just like a rehash of the moonbase in New Order.
It looks like linear easy as shit schlop. Not even worth pirating
TNO was on the verge of being annoying though. BJ going being a bitch about MUH FATHER in between the nazi murdering was really grating at times.
They should have looked at nuDoom when designing TNC since that game got it mostly right for a reimagining of a classic game.
I liked the burning New Orleans and the Courtroom scene, but sure, that’s a rather short list. The sub levels were just OK, New York was somehow much more boring that it should have been, Area 51 was just generic base built of concrete, Venus felt like Moon rehash just like you said, and the finale at Ausmerzer didn’t feel like a finale at all.
Worst of all had to be the finale. Just compare that forgettable shlock through Ausmerzer to the finale of TNO, where you finally bust in to Deathshead’s compound and fight through those imposing corridors with this playing in background, it was fucking kino:
TNO had it's share of issues too. At times you felt like a murdermachine, but then you'd have some retarded stealth sections inbetween, enemies with gorillion HP and BJ being a bitch in cutscenes. Nigga is the epitome of manliness and still has time to reminisce about family issues he had as a kid.
TNC got even worse as the guns felt more shitty than in the first game, and didn't really imrpve anything from the first game. Politicizing shit didn't help either and was more annoying than BJs bitchfits in the first game. At least Hitler was somewhat funny except for the PEEPEE POOPOO thing. Still disappointed aboutj no MechaHitler though.
>enemies with gorillion HP
That's wrong, every enemy has a specific weak-point where they can be taken down extremely quickly if not instantlyexcept for the final boss. That's one thing TNO did really well.
Those big bots have a glowing circle on the back of them with a thin layer of armor, all you gotta do is stun them with a grenade and then shoot that a couple times and they're done.
Super Soldiers are extremely weak against the laser weapons, and if you hit the tank on their back they die very quickly, same with shotgun soldiers.
Panzerhunds are weak at their sides and rockets do the most damage.
The fact that they ditched most of this and have even less enemy types in TNC is one of the reasons it's not as good as TNO or TOB
>enemies with gorillion HP
If there’s one thing that TNC did better, it’s probably this. TNO had some moments with too durable enemies that felt like you were basically supposed to cheese them, for example that underground ammo depot thing in Berlin with 2 Ubersoldiers at same time. Maybe I just sucked, but it felt like that the only real good way to kill them is being a huge pussy and hiding inside the rooms that they can’t fit in to.
Rocket Troopers were also kinda shit, bit too durable even for an elite mook.
Refer to this post That weapons depot with the 2 super soldiers you're talking about, it was extremely obvious that you had to shoot down the hanging concrete slabs to crush them.
>That weapons depot with the 2 super soldiers you're talking about, it was extremely obvious that you had to shoot down the hanging concrete slabs to crush them.
Pics or I'm calling shenanigans.
Start at 2:43:12
This guy didn't actually do it but you can see those big concrete things with glowing chains that you can shoot. I've played this game countless times and kill those super soldiers every time by luring them underneath and shooting the chain, instantly crushing them.
>final boss of new colossus
>genuinely one of the more fun FPS games
There is no real final boss in TNC. Just another one of the reasons it's not as good as TNO or TOB, and a dumbass decision on the devs part
>There is no real final boss in TNC.
That was my point
Also 1/3 of the game is cutscenes
Other user didn't mean those guys, the two 1960 Super Soldiers you fight in the train depot are way meatier.
Aren’t those guys some old model Supersoldiers forgotten in that one storehouse you happen upon while you stumble about the tunnels around resistance base? I meant the part where you go first through those watery tunnels below Berlin to reach that underground train station.
Ah shit yeah, those you pretty much gotta tank with the laser and try to pick up one of their mg's
Yeah my bad. Those ones are a bit harder to take down.