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Other urls found in this thread:


can't keep a good proooohhh down


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Finns are the strongest race.

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Finland needs to be gassed.

Oh god, no.



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Reminder that finn memes will go the way of pepe and wojak

bud why

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We don't even know if FInland exists.

I always feel happy when i see him

This is a good thread

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Based and pröööhpilled

big brain
small brain

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why did you post this

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finnfags pls go

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unbased and cringepilled

benis :DDDD

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fuck you

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crai mor bits :DDD

Attached: raep time.jpg (333x227, 26K)

spudro spadre

liberal faggots, who gives a fuck they're just animals

I know Japn zoos during WW2 poisoned their animals but did this specifically happened?

you are mean and should stop being a mean person

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oh no (/oдo)/

skyrim :)

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Bet this post made you feel like a real big guy

Attached: o01.jpg (320x411, 23K)

According to Wikipedia yes. Apparently they also strangled some animals.

>to play videogames
>or to spurdo spärde

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Couldn't they just shoot the elephants? Or try to evacuate them?

i should quit my job and cite this article for neetbux

They won't, they're too innocent and silly.

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ah yes lets kill them in the slowest way possible instead of going bang bang and then draw a cute cartoon about it 80 years later

very serial killer child post

>Reminder that finn memes will go the way of pepe and wojak
Not gondola. He is too pure and innocent. Normies will not understand him.

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People still use those pretty frequently, doge would have been a more apt example.

Their keepers requested for the animals to be relocated, but the government refused. God knows why they didn't shoot them.

>someone posted my oc
bajsed :-DD

Attached: t. american bear.jpg (1024x741, 273K)

ITT: redit

are we in a finnish thread :D

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They didn't care about animals and bullets are resources. So they did the cheapest possible thing possible with zero regards to animal suffering.

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salty ruskie

They used spades and bayonets to kill PoWs, what makes you think they'd waste valuable bullets on animals

>can't stop the pröööööhhhh :D


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t-thanks freud

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was geddin gats pardo de blan

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Even Hitler liked animals. What does that say about you?

are you angry about hockey

Humans are worse than animals.

based elephant loves the thicc



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pröh brings me genuine joy

he gettin it

>Anonymous 06/02/19(Sun)22:27:53 No.464477
you just know


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Hitler liked animals because he knew they were better than communists, jews and niggers combined.

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I know people will make sex jokes but the baby is just trying to get her attention. It's why it stops as soon as she turns around.

>mental disability for not finding a cumdumpster
>have a waifu and love her so much doctors think you're schizophrenic
>enjoy neetbux

>Let them starve to death

Jesus fucking Christ, why wouldn't you just shoot the poor bastards?

elephant brains are even more gyrally-complex than human brains
the only thing holding elephants back from a society as technologically-advanced as ours is the lack of complex appendages such as hands with fingers

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>nobody socializing with each other, just hiding in different rooms
yep, /ourguys/

söön, brös

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/pol/niggers successfully ruined Apu yet Gondola remains pure. based

Attached: gondola smoke.jpg (1024x1024, 127K)

Thanks for the gondola, fren. He looks comfy.

Also they're just way too naturally aggressive

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>S-SHUT UP!!11!

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>tfw no games for this feel
Oispa huumeita sodassa.

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How hold gun if no arm?

of don't
gondolas are peaceful creatures

With the power of sheer vitutus.


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look at this buttslut

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Finnish memes are the closest thing we have to the old internet, where it was innocent are people were okay with being retards.

i believe it's mostly african elephants that are easily aggressive


beeb bheeb :DDDD

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>As per the elephants, Potassium Nitrate was tried, but the elephants were too intelligent, and threw the poisoned food back. In the end, no method of poison worked. The mayor would not allow for the elephants to be shot so as not to cause an scene for the public. In the end, the elephants met their end by starvation. One elephant, John, is pictured below once he collapsed.

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invisible arms like homestar runner

I hope you die a very painful death.

He can't. Gondola has no arms and is mute. He's just an observer, destined to watch and never interact.

>Despite making up only 12% of the population...

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Reminder that zoos are already inhumane and if you truly care about animals then you would not support them (outside of preserving endangered species)

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That's legit disgusting, should've shot the mayor.

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There's only 2 main kinds of elephants around today, and African is one of them. Indian elephants have the opposite problem, they're too docile when it isn't musth time.

Come on user, we both know little elephants and elderly elephants aren't going to be the violent ones here. Its more like 6%.

sleep tight, prööööper