EN or JP dub?

EN or JP dub?

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JP, English voices are dogshit

Is the king of fucking braves still Link?

I don't know about this game, but in general Japanse voice acting is really bad, so don't risk it and go English.

What about the other voices besides those two?



>Zelda has British accent
>King of Hyrule has regular American accent

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english is the only correct choice if you're not some jap cocksucking sperg

it's endemic here

I mean holy shit, normies can just fucking take over for all I care because this really is a disgustingly autistic opinion that's widespread on Yea Forums

I'm never going to do a single thing to deter the normie invasion because the sperg infestation truly is worse

anything but english its literally garbage, jp is the best obviously but most of the other languages did pretty good, russian and italian probably the best sounding ones

Japanese voices if you can understand Japanese

that's because that's his wife's daughter.

jap voices aren't particularly good but HOLY FUCK THE ENGLISH ONES ARE BAD

nintendo give exactly 0 fucks about english dubs because their amerilard fanbase (aka this guy ) will eat that shit up anyway and this is the best example of it

>he prefers hearing some furfags over the original voices
Terrible way to out yourself faggot

Jap dub. Eng sucks outside of a single actor who's a degenerate furfag irl so its best to just turn that shit off entirely. The English dub is literally so fucking bad they gave the game dual audio post launch

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Only OoT Adullt Link and Fierce Deity is.
Still the best Link voice by a large margin.

>Voice actress says she originally wasn't doing an accent at all
>goofs off in the booth and does a fake accent
>Voice director loves it and makes her keep it
I don't blame the actors much (besides Mipha), the director just seems incompetent.

>Voice acting in Zelda
It's all shit, I want muh gibberish back.

I skipped all cinematics. Utter cancer in a Zelda game.

>voice acting in a zelda game

Quebec or European?

Mexican Spanish or French

It's the same dub, Québec only has one NPC at the stables near the Rito Great Fairy that's supposed to speak with a thick accent speak in joual, that's pretty much the only difference.

Jp purely because zeldas English va has no idea how to do a good loud cry.