Critical mode Technically Makes KH3 *More Engaging* However


The problem is Most of the game is NOT even the combat itself. Most of it is irrelevant, tedious monotony, like collecting crabs, finding pieces, or forced mini games and such.
And yes I know the other games were like this, but other game’s faults do not excuse KH3 either.

Same goes for the post game. Anything combat related lies in the 15 battles gates which last maybe 5 minutes tops each on Critical. The other 30 hours of post game are all literally gimmicky mini games and collect-a-thons.

Attached: 66C5B7C5-4B6B-4C24-84CC-383011B19D1D.jpg (1440x810, 134K)

The thing about this game is that it did everything worse than its predecessors. EVERYTHING, except graphics.

You think we'll get it on PC at E3
I hope so

>Cringdumb sharts

kingdom hearts pee

the thing about this game is even though the actual combat is decent, every encounter is literally 15 enemies of all different types either flying at you, firing fireballs from behind your back, or some other garbage stunning your shit up

You never feel like you can actually do combos and get blocks off, it's just a complete cluster fuck of mashing half the time and pressing magic.

>tfw the entire Xehanort battle was just me trying to dodge his attacks

People will just tell you “Git Gud”, and my response to that is “Yes. I’d love to Git Gud. But I have to dance with Rapunzel and run through Hiro’s VR rings first”.


i know people hate hearing about kh speedrunning in this conversation but seriously, just compare one of biz's KH3 runs to his KH2 runs. Even his vanilla ones. The difference is night and day.

Sora just has way too much lag on everything he does. He doesn't feel 'snappy' or fluid at all. Unlike in KH2 you cannot act the moment your feet touch the ground. Your third combo swing in KH3 has this bizarre midair slowdown for seemingly no reason. it feels like Sora is just flipping out and magic shit is bursting out of him at any given moment, but not in a controllable way.

It feels like a combat system someone would design after spending an hour in a bouncy castle.

the only decent encounters that make you learn i-frames and block timing, are the human sized enemies, but the human sized enemies also feel really underwhelming to fight because you can barely fuckin see them. There are many points during the Xehanort final boss where you can barely see him under the massive lock-on reticle.


To be honest, after reading the interviews with Nomura and Yasue, I think a significant and crippling amount of effort went just into the visuals and maintaining a steady framerate with those visuals. They admitted that every Disney/Pixar thing had to be run by a chain of people (literally every step, they were emphatic, like changes to storyboards, every frame of cutscenes with their characters, and they had to adhere to a bunch of arbitrary rules like "Would x character do this?" and "How does this reflect on Y as a brand?").

The graphics and Disney content basically took so much time that it's a miracle it plays well enough, but its pacing and writing are because spectacle and visuals and Disney came before anything else.


>speedrunning autist
Back to red.dit

That’s fucking atrocious. Proof that most of Disney is holding KH back.

Thanks for that fascinating contribution to the discussion. Finish your juice box champ

>the human sized enemies
Too bad there are so few of them until the last world.

what did you expect from weebshit?

Are we being raided by /vg/? What's with the sudden burst of KH threads?

>except graphics.
Even that's debatable, have you seen Yen Sid's tower? The characters all look like wonky plastic too because they relied on UE4's lighting to do all the work for them.