Capcom were actually worried no one would like Chun-li and thought she was too big and physical to boot

>Capcom were actually worried no one would like Chun-li and thought she was too big and physical to boot
>she went on to become one of if not the most popular and played characters in the entire game and is officially the reason that mirror matches exist in fighting games as per the next installment "champions edition"
>by the time Hyper fighting came out she was put front and center of the promotional artwork, pic very much related

Original and best. Girls like Lara Croft and such owe Chun-li a massive debt, while samus was there first, chun-li never hid who she was from the player and popularised girls in vidya forever. I guess i want a chun thread.

Attached: 2A29AE25-2BFC-4DFE-A3D7-140EE0DC87EC.jpg (720x960, 1.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to lick out Chun's bushy pussy.

well duh

Chun-li is REAL body positivity. She's a big swole ass woman who doesn't give a fuck who see's, in fact she is super proud of her body and will display it often big shoulders and all. I wish more people could point out how cool that is, instead its just reserved for fatties.

Attached: 096A065C-4678-480A-BFC2-8147AF9B160F.gif (384x216, 1.98M)

Attached: 63420218-5927-4424-BAC4-24B9B35839DB.jpg (1104x1600, 784K)

Cammy is better

reminder that SFV chun is the final step in eveloution and a work of art

Attached: 8739164E-76AE-4977-9A3A-FC3771DA9045.png (500x645, 481K)

sit down little girl, Chun has about 30lbs on you in the contents of her bra alone

Source of this info? It seems interesting, but I never heard it before and am wondering where you're getting it from.

Chun-Li never seemed all that "big" to me in SF2, either. But then again, none of the other characters did, either, compared to how they became more exaggerated later.

Attached: chunsprite.png (148x125, 5K)

Attached: 19412F78-4542-450F-B6E1-C967007C43CE.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

>Chun-Li never seemed all that "big" to me in SF2, either

Thats because people always post her side on. Her legs were fucking huge. Look at her calves.

Attached: 5378CB67-6C8D-456A-989E-FA6C14EDAD22.jpg (515x821, 165K)

I guess? Her thighs are definitely thick, but it still seems pretty proportionate to me compared to newer games, though.

>Source of this info?
Undisputed Street Fighter: A 30th Anniversary Retrospective ISBN-10 1524104663


Attached: 1B862CFF-AE77-4137-B446-4FC262C69497.jpg (2048x1536, 518K)


Attached: 16B4E279-767D-4BF7-AD8F-7201BBAC5B70.jpg (1536x2048, 628K)

Thanks for sourcing and confirming. Very interesting information here.

They big. And also, as well as posting the default side on sprite. most people post the SNES sprite where everyone was edited down. Look at her legs here.

Attached: 1831E2F2-E0AE-41CA-A5C9-F1AFC35CD903.jpg (323x538, 73K)

>most people post the SNES sprite where everyone was edited down. Look at her legs here.
To be fair, the SNES sprites are closer to the aspect ratio one would see the sprites as in the arcade. There was something weird regarding the sprites and the monitors used for CPS games, to where the sprites had to be made wider to display correctly. It's even more obvious when you compare the sprites of Ryu, Ken, and Sagat from SF1 (which didn't use this hardware) with their respective sprites from SF2.

Attached: BF9DF380-A6C6-44AC-93CB-21896FC3C363.jpg (1061x576, 231K)

Well i capture mine from the 30th collection in 4:3. People seem to really understimate how thick she actually was in II and Alpha/zero

Attached: 611955C5-A386-4D50-A068-1FD52F1B587C.jpg (430x523, 74K)

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Attached: C251DCA3-C17A-4C67-A4BA-FCC80A105865.gif (500x270, 2.66M)

I seriously cannot believe Capcom made this themselves and literally gave us official Chun-li nudes.

Attached: DC52037A-81D3-4293-A349-F029559D7A08.jpg (1280x1814, 281K)

i screenshotted all the pantsu shots in this sequence some time ago. i fucking love pantsushots

Attached: Street Fighter II - Movie [952E7D8E].mkv_20190302_180653.510.jpg (1920x1036, 146K)

>pantsu shots

Doot, they gave us full on official canon ass and TITS. Capcom showed us Chun-li's tits and nipples in a 100% official capacity. Its actually hilarious.

Attached: CF972D24-DA71-41B7-97FC-2A641C1CA7D4.jpg (500x291, 28K)

Attached: 68DBB982-E2D0-4A29-B87A-735E42E14AA7.jpg (640x640, 50K)

>read ntr chun li doujin
>feel filthy afterwards
>look up image of Chun li showing her pussy and extending her arms to welcome
>feel instantly better
I think I love Chunners

>Think this is going to be a SF thread but it's just waifufaggotry
How many of you people even play SFV let alone SFIV or ST? Fucking poser faggots I hate you

>"guess i wanted a chun-li thread" right there in the OP

Stopped reading when Lara Croft was namedropped

I do

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reminder that physical asian women were always cool.

Attached: E6D5792E-BF98-44EA-AE10-7DC46378DCA1.gif (400x225, 1.95M)

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Who is rhis semen demon

The madmen.

Michiko Nishiwaki

Attached: F8B68D85-5375-4D0F-9222-F2DC5A4FDF3C.gif (497x400, 1.88M)

They seriously were not fucking around, out of nowhere they sexualised her so hard

Attached: 0312D389-CE37-4ED5-8173-1200F30BC174.jpg (311x162, 6K)

what's up with the mirror matches thing?

I know, that doesn't change the fact that i love pantyshots.

I want miss Chun Li to step on my face

Attached: 1515267442321.gif (500x269, 1.97M)


Attached: Street Fighter II - Movie [952E7D8E].mkv_20190302_040321.210.jpg (1920x1036, 272K)

They didn't exist in world warrior, they introduced it in Champions edition specifically because everyone wanted to play chun-li at the same time

Attached: A11D816E-F756-477E-8F2A-4DB39F6747BE.jpg (1110x1600, 219K)

thx bbe

Attached: EF1CDE4F-7F9D-42C5-B4D7-34262255CF8F.jpg (500x500, 40K)


You just know there people back then who thought what Capcom worried about

Attached: grrr anime.png (621x387, 44K)

>chun-li's official ass, pussy and tits

holy shit, a bunch of SFII arcade kids must have started hyperventilating when this scene happned. Imagine maining a waifu and then Capcom are just like "YOU ALL WANT MOMMY RIGHT? EVER SEEN A NAKED WOMAN BEFORE"?

Maximus was a fucking incel

Attached: Street Fighter II - Movie [952E7D8E].mkv_20190602_131947.931.jpg (1920x1036, 190K)

>want a copy of SFII animated movie so on blu-ray so bad
>amazon lists one copy for like £30+


They straight up made her fat in SF3 onward. 5 is a freak of nature and looks like nicki minaj but asian.

i bet chun-li's asshole looks like a little cherry blossom. Fuck.

Attached: Street Fighter II - Movie [952E7D8E].mkv_20190602_132242.610.jpg (1920x1036, 226K)

her tits are way too small, yuck

You aren't poor are you user?

Attached: Street Fighter II - Movie [952E7D8E].mkv_20190602_132231.266.jpg (1920x1036, 193K)


gayest post all week.

Attached: 2E8300DF-80D9-40CA-B85C-84177FD8B2CC.png (500x500, 135K)

why is her ass flat?


None of that mentions them thinking she was "too big and physical", rather them thinking she was wouldn't be well-received for being "a strong female character". So it doesn't have anything do with her body and everything to do with her being able to keep pace with the men.

that literally looks like nicki minaj's body, and nicki is FAT

Attached: fat bitch.jpg (640x427, 49K)

Good taste user, I love pantsushots as well.

armpit kino

Attached: Street Fighter II - Movie [952E7D8E].mkv_20190602_132326.458_cen.jpg (1920x1036, 349K)


Attached: 85A51687-95FC-45DE-8EEF-186679E22790.jpg (4000x4000, 2.42M)

but it literally does not? I have seen you before, fuck off with your niki obsession

If you honestly think Chun-Li in SFV looks like Nicki, you have downsyndrome.

That seems to be the general artstyle change the SF series got over the years. Everyone used to be slimmer, even Zangief. But now everyone is roided out, bulky, and have gorilla hands and feet.

Their bodies and legs look the same. Nicki even did a music video called Chun Li and a photoshoot of herself as SFV Chun Li's fat bloated ass. Chun Li IS Nicki Minaj.

It was elsewhere i read specifically about her vascularity. Her official promo art looked like this and i read that some were worried about it, and yet Capcom have managed to double down on this aesthetic for 30 years while other fighters dont. I cant find where i read that part though

Attached: 490AD2A8-C669-49A7-8414-16EEA0FB5EDB.jpg (1024x683, 203K)

I don't think there is puss.

literally kill yourself

>Nicki even did a music video called Chun Li


fuck off. You always ruin threads.

Its behind mm of cotton whites that you do get to see

Attached: 5B1098DD-CB1B-48AA-A945-3EDAE1793A8D.png (1021x558, 265K)

Other fighters have the right idea, no one wants muscle bitches in fighting games, we want waifus, like Tekken has. Josie and Lucky Chloe and Lili>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chun "I have a dick clit" Li

Not him but there was nothing in this thread to ruin. Try talking about fighting games for once.

I can see all of your fantastic contributions to such user.

thicc mons

Other fighters have not been around for 30 years to talk shit so i guess not. At least Capcom never fucking compromised on these body types.

Attached: 1D689094-92FD-4154-AA03-8F8803333CD4.gif (250x288, 240K)

Ironically, Mai's shower scene in Fatal Fury's motion picture was cut down.

>got something you want to show me little man?

Attached: 9140DB9C-0E03-46F4-AA86-7AC216158F8A.jpg (554x625, 192K)

That's why Capcom is irrelevant now. People want waifus, not this muscle shit. It'll never be mainstream. Women were meant to be soft and delicate looking like God commanded. Other Japanese fighters adhere to this, why not Capcom?

I feel like this is falseflagging to start a fight over different fight game franchises.

Like I've been saying, it's the art style direction Capcom's taken with SF for a while now. It's especially apparent with SFIV and SFV. It's not just the women, it's the guys, too. Even Dhalsim, who's considered "skinny", looks roided out.

>That's why Capcom is irrelevant now
>it will never be mainstream

How fucking underage are you?

i wish they had made her hair black for this outfit like pic related. I was actually really pleased to see her asiatic black hair in SFV, but this one costume its dyed brown, damn it Capcom

Attached: 5AE8C78A-3736-4EC9-A1EA-C95909BF88A8.gif (540x662, 1.99M)

there are people who think her body went "too far" here.

Fucking faggots, it's great.

She has the legs and ass of a literal fucking horse. If I'm a faggot, you're a horsefucker for liking this.


Attached: natasha-encinosa.png (600x450, 459K)

>chun-li is why mirror matches are a thing

thats actually pretty cool

Attached: 85E6CF7D-CDFE-4F21-9D70-52148B0EE67E.jpg (497x750, 92K)

Not at all, you really are just a feg.

Attached: 414B752B-FC94-4462-ACA3-3D3824F0AEC7.jpg (498x701, 203K)

Not asian

Attached: 85F761FF-A22E-45C0-9F19-4C2426B5E990.jpg (1580x2048, 487K)

that woman is disgusting

>people saying chun-li shouldn't be so /fit/

Attached: 7D95D360-6D74-47BA-88BD-693CA09A2344.jpg (662x1024, 145K)

She's a bad bitch and i love it.

Attached: B422A40A-1E25-4EF3-A626-85291B4EAAB6.jpg (400x225, 106K)

Attached: 5A42133B-032F-45C0-8DA8-41306D374422.jpg (411x500, 102K)

This is so awful it hurts and I know ur not baiting. Remember when chun was, ya know, Asian?

Attached: 1559328421403.jpg (847x640, 73K)

>Remember when chun was, ya know, Asian?

She has literally never looked more asian in a game than V. They actually gave her black hair for a start. Show me the in game where she looked more asian than this?

Attached: 59EB2DFE-B2A6-47F4-900D-4A15857B73F1.gif (250x336, 2.64M)

she looks like nicki minaj with lighter skin and black hair

You know who else is a "bad bitch"? Nicki Minaj.

Attached: 1E39786D-6D1A-4C71-B15F-7BCD6DBBE980.jpg (670x510, 128K)

do you think they all get in the shower with chun and cuddle each others soapy bodies and butts after this? Girls do that btw. just google Kirsten Stewarts nudes for proof

>while samus was there first
I mean, you are going to have to quantify a very specific first for that statement to be true. Even the "secretly a woman in a body covering suit" thing was done already.

It almost feels like you're secretly shilling Nicki Minaj bringing her up so much when nobody else is talking about her.

>Chun li has a single bed with a shirtless pic of Bruce Lee over it

rofl wot? Is she a female incel?

I should probably say i try to use the disclaimer "popularised" because 30 years i know who Chun-li is and i cant name a single girl from your link.

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Chun scratches an itch you cant find almost anywhere else for really femenine really pretty/cute girls with ripped bodies and mass. She eats big too, its so fucking cool. Like this, i love this artwork a lot. The idea of this little flower who's also a fucking gym shark.

Attached: 009870D7-6ECE-4FF4-8760-4CD137FFC5F1.jpg (1200x891, 157K)

>tfw you're 6'1 and want to be dommed by a 5'8 woman.

You might enjoy Jordan threads but unfortunately, she's sticc but she ticks the fuck outta the tall box and has a great resting bitch face.

Attached: 56C1C50A-752E-45C4-B7A8-7DBF8ED3E817.jpg (616x783, 514K)


She's incredibly thin for my taste but I'll keep a look out for them.

>Yea Forums manages to sneak Jordan even in Chun-li threads of all things

Im actually a bit impressed user, but please, this is a thread for big stocky heavy chun.

Its not weird to you that a 23 year old woman has a single bed in her apartment?

>girls in urusei yatsura

>Chun-Li will never train you and make you a better person physically and mentally.


Attached: 49C6F7F9-ED38-4F36-869D-4CB97A44E4F7.jpg (341x548, 58K)

Just hit that last big rep bro and think "what if chun-li WAS real!?" Then imagine her picking up a heavy deadlift or someshit. You might get a boner but you will hit that new pb and no one will fuck with you in the gym bro

One day. Right now I'm a tired and depressed fat ass.

Attached: aceb02dfdda129581de88a3d74360eed.gif (400x642, 3.22M)

>one day

Make it today.

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She gets knocked out by samo in that movie.

Attached: EAFC41A4-C4FD-4A3F-B60C-8463CFCB0C4C.jpg (878x1237, 287K)

Chun li is such a proud thot but idc i love it about her.

>this pic
I wanna attack her puffy mound with my tongue

Attached: 1551513733189.png (212x214, 81K)

Dont forget, its a drawing by Tsukasa Jun which makes that chinese pussy mound is hairy as fuck. Here bro, have this one on me.

Attached: 8781F151-9CDE-4306-9EBD-8A3448E9AC6D.jpg (905x1280, 182K)

Huh, interesting she started the mirror matches thing and didn't have fireballs in the beginning.

Attached: r3CmiPq.jpg (600x315, 15K)

>that perfect amount

Japanese artists are fucking based. Shaved fags BTFO, and you just know every female character invented by a Jap from Chun-li to Jill Valentine have the same pubic hair tastes. Canon.

a LOT of people dont know how significant a thing Chun-li was. She was a big deal in 1991, but people just think of her as so established now amoung many female characters that they forget she was the first REALLY big one to just be what she was.

ikr. Imagine it, a tough bitch like Chun-li, all the doods on the force wanna fuck her so bad, little do they know she goes home and stands around playing with her hairy pussy and shiet getting all kinds of excited and turned on.

Chun-li is real waifu material. Only retards obsessed by underage and frail loli-shit can't see it

lads i just suddenly want to say Women are a miracle of the fucking universe and i love them.

Attached: 2767E3CE-85F9-4F77-A2A3-A0FB996F7077.gif (162x280, 853K)

That's beautiful. Your sacrifice won't be in vain, user

That poster was really drawn by Bengus or it was another artist?

I always liked it.

Always hated Chun Li in SF and has always been one of my least favorite characters. Was glad when SF started adding women that wasn't this ugly, talentless fuck of a fighter.

This kind of hairy pussy is literally so fucking sexy, i dont get why zoomers are so obssesed with shaving it all off.

been fighting for stand out attention since the old 1991 arcade days then have we?

Been fighting for a decent fucking woman fighter in SF. I don't know what the fuck you're on about.

Fucking hell. I feel like Jun knows Chun-li aeasthetic better than Akiman himself, why the fuck did he never just draw actual porn of her getting fucked? Its always arty like this.

Started earlier than that. And hairy sucks when you get hair stuck in your teeth.

yes user, yes, EVERYONE else is just sheeple, yes. Thank god you came along o say you DONT like chun-li.

I have ate out girls with pussies like that pic and i always manage just fine, im heating her cunt hole not her hairy mons

I remember some girl from my early schooling telling me 'chun li's legs are too big'
and we're talking about the relatively conservative SF2 sprites here
so the idea of her being too big or having insanely large thighs was definitely a real issue back in the day
standards have just changed dramatically

Every time I see this image I think of a post where a guy breaks down just how much Chun would need to eat to maintain her figure.

Attached: Chun.png (690x1269, 827K)

fucking hell, this is really fucking sexy

Attached: CA1782F5-0D94-4814-9C6F-DBBCD2A66A5F.jpg (640x645, 229K)

user no one cares what the people you went to high school last year with think of Chun-li's legs. There is literally a source in this very thread showing everyone, boys and girls thought she was abaolutely based as fuck.

are you having a stroke
I specifically said the conversation was based on the arcade sprites, so we're talking about the early 1990s, 'kid'
and nothing that I said disagreed with anything in the thread, I was confirming that the social and cultural reaction to chunli was that she was physically large

user i think i was in that thread. I myself have said this before, when i have known girls in the gym and they as women look at girls like chun-li with big legs and assess they ALL say the same thing first: "she must eat a LOT." Thats even just the trim girls with the BIG gym assess, they all agree that the bitches with crazy assess and legs are NOT just eating salads but are eating like men.

Attached: B63D80D3-1BF7-468A-AD15-A12F621CB77C.jpg (640x663, 369K)

Oh ok, sorry, but everyone still liked her though. I think its great how big she is.

kino art.

This guy is a fucking god

Attached: B2FB4284-F661-4347-8A97-EC62831CFEA1.jpg (545x800, 92K)

It honestly is, i wish i could find a high quality print and frame it. Like in 61 x 91.5 size

imagine how tight she can make those pink walls. Good fucking lord.

Attached: AB019DF7-5621-4438-8FC1-F7B2EB23F7CA.jpg (1024x514, 55K)

going by wikipedia here which lists the SNES version as "World Warrior" and it had unlockable mirror mode. Is wikipedia wrong in that case?

Its wikipedia bro what do you think? see straight from Capcom themselves.

Like a very firm handshake on your hard cock, only its connected to the hairy crotch a sweating shaking chinese muscle girl

excuse me anons i need to be alone fo a while.

I love this low key fanservice we used to have. Now is either we go full muslim or full tits and ass in your face.


shut up homosex

Attached: 167263A3-C33C-4D24-9961-9FDDA51C87A6.jpg (586x900, 97K)

This. Im here to apreciate big muscular girl legs.

Attached: 23AFB8F7-0FB4-4DA8-BD8C-250EBB273D0B.jpg (640x640, 59K)

Is it weird that I find that hot? I think it's firing the synpases related to my WG fetish without any of the potential guilt related to it being unhealthy. Perhaps fetishizing bulking is the true enlightened path.

Attached: 1536467149303.png (181x256, 59K)

>didn't have fireballs in the beginning
The reason she has one is because of a hack actually. There was a now famous SFII hack known as "Rainbow Edition" that basically broke the game. You can homing projectiles, stay in the air infinitely, and switch characters mid battle. The hack became pretty fampus though since the machine was cheaper so it was popular with non arcade owners who just wanted a cabinet for their laundry mat and such. It was so famous in fact that Capcom took inspiration from it, giving Chun-Li a fire ball and increasing the game speed by 50%, both ideas this hack created.
Please do not post such vile art of Chun-li.

Attached: 36a71439-4a03-4bbb-91a1-ef88c1d3d998.jpg (800x1200, 304K)

Find what hot? Thick muscular bitches? Welcome to the club. Thats most men.

Attached: 705EAB2B-15B9-45CE-B32F-75CA2A0BCB02.jpg (640x623, 246K)

>Please do not post such vile art of Chun-li.
It could be weirder.

Attached: cosine.jpg (805x836, 142K)

Rainbow did more for SF than Capcom did when you get down to it.

Attached: SFIIRETitle.png (300x225, 44K)

>that pic

Thats hilarious it that official?

Just fanart.

Capcom does have a cheeky side though. In Alpha 2 on Guy's stage this happens if any female characters passes by Cody.

Attached: 6d4b6e79-db52-4e8e-b49b-199cbbf4f8ae.gif (474x238, 221K)

Yeah i remember this

>those stats


Attached: 8729DA0F-10D5-48FC-90E2-02B5D06EB566.jpg (365x318, 71K)

Attached: 6C5157DB-0B18-4654-B98D-7263EFE3095F.jpg (720x1034, 196K)

Lets talk about the elephant in the room, Anons.
Futa Chun-Li

No. The only futa in SF is Poison, and she is for being interrogated by Chun about Mad Gear by teasing her dick with her huge body until she gets the information she needs.

Just short of 50 pages of that shit if cosine vagina's do not scare you.
COSiNE Project Secret Zone 1 and 2

w-whats "cosine"?

i remember being 7 or 8 when i first played sf2 on the snes and even back then my dick knew chun li was fine as fuck even if i couldnt comprehend why

>my dick knew chun li was fine as fuck even if i couldnt comprehend why

Literally the strangest point of your life for that shit. Saw my first real life pussy at 10 and she had hair and i remember thinking that was more exciting than to see the pussy itself but i had no clue why i just felt inside it meant something amazing and important that she had pubes

I'll find you in the wreckage brother.

Attached: 30_bane.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 29K)

And that's how it should be.

Virgin here, eatting hairy pussy sounds great in theory but I feel you would get too many hairs in your mouth. I like the hair better aesthetically but I imagine it makes it more annoying to eat a girl put.

Attached: 1543014126675.jpg (798x747, 46K)

You're not supposed to pull the hairs, retardo.
It's not like people lose pubic hair randomly at contact, especially if you prepared to fuck a turbobeta Yea Forumsirgin, user.

That Makoto pussy looks like some mad shit. Would i go to prison for having some part of my body exist inside of it?

Attached: 7606DD44-F7E2-479B-BFF5-E1AC7CE0298B.png (279x237, 3K)

I just imagine there are loose hair and such. When I go to pee I'll notice pubic hairs will get on the toilet and I have to wipe them. I imagined it would be the same for women.

goddamn Cammy's looks amazing

>When I go to pee I'll notice pubic hairs will get on the toilet and I have to wipe them
What the fuck user.

Look how perfect her body is

Sometimes hairs fall off, I assumed it was normal. It like in blowjob pics when you see a hair or two on the girl.

fenson what the fuck

I'm pretty hairy so I guess that's just me. I don't like I find dozens of hairs or anything, just on occasion I'll notice a hair or two came off when I go to pee. I thought this was pretty normal.
still this intro is the best in the series. I wish they make sf6 like this
better quality

How can I get Thunder Thighs like Chun Li?

Bike and don't skip leg day

Snes version came out after arcade champ Edition

Go to a hair doctor

>specifically because everyone wanted to play chun-li at the same time
proof of this?

work office chun?