Some time has passed since Sony started the retarded censorship...

Some time has passed since Sony started the retarded censorship, it seems that the normies that don't care about it and keep buying garbage games, greatly outnumber the few fans and game studios that complain about the policy changes.
Not even the otakus in Japan changed a thing.

I think it's save to say there won't be any changes to the policy in the near future.

So where do we go now for Japanese games?
The former weebstation is now heavily censored, xbox has literally no games and the switch's games can also be counted on one hand.

Am I stuck with my PC now?
Steam isn't flawless either but I guess at least you can mod and patch your shit...

What do anons?
How can anyone of you get hyped for E3? I'm not looking forward to a censorstation 4+1 or fuck all announcements from the over two.

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I want to keep a Kobold

PC + Switch seems to be the way to go. For now.

is it just US localizations that are being censored? That's par for the course. Or is censorship universal across the sony platform internationally?

Switch is shaping up to be the next Vita
Steam has Super Naughty Maid now

Toranoana, Melonbooks, etc. are all still open for business, not really seeing a problem.
>Relying on western releases
And there's your problem.

uhm what game is this
asking for a friend

Wait, is this a real game?

>How can anyone of you get hyped for E3?
By not giving a shit about ero games.

Moero Chronicle H, recently came out on Switch.

>So where do we go now for Japanese games?
Switch. I agree it has few games which is why I don't own one yet. Give it a year or two and then buy one. In the meantime just suck it up with what you can from your backlog.

It's affecting Sony games even in Japan, not just localizations. JP game devs are actually getting annoyed that they need to report to California now (IN ENGLISH) even if they are working on a Japanese only game.

Pretty much just PC. I'll still buy the PS4 versions if they're available, just to support the devs. But I think they (devs) will get more PC friendly over time.

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Look, in fact I hoped the new policy would get rid of the fanservice over substance trash games, but it's affecting literally everything.

If you accept this, you might have to accept censored blood and weapons next.

>JP game devs are actually getting annoyed that they need to report to California now (IN ENGLISH) even if they are working on a Japanese only game.
Sounds like Sony is just shooting themselves in the foot here, that's extremely antagonistic towards nip third-parties which make up a pretty big portion of their dev base. Why put up with that bullshit when they could just go to Nintendo instead? Even Xbox has a fucking Tokyo office.

>Sounds like Sony is just shooting themselves in the foot here, that's extremely antagonistic towards nip third-parties which make up a pretty big portion of their dev base
Well yeah. That's exactly what it is. And then you get stuff like Omega Labyrinth literally trying to humiliate sony in their promo video out of spite.

Oh. That's a bummer.
I can't say I want to take any sort of action though.

I think you should just have sex bro

Should I get Moero on PC or is it better to buy it on Switch now? Am I missing out on any content if I get it on PC?

Did you really think censorship on weebshit games would affect people's purchase habits? If weebshit had any power Vita wouldn't die since it was the weebshit handheld.

The Vita had an astonishing attach rate, people who owned them bought a shit load of games. It wasn't a success for Sony and the hardware sales weren't amazing but for small publishers selling games digitally it was utterly fantastic.

You got a point, but seeing as the Vita stayed alive for quite some time in Japan, I expected Japanese otakus could have some influence.

It's universal, Sony are stepping in to censor games at the development level, often to the point that it delays releases or otherwise fucks with the game.

That's true but think of it like this. While Vita was doing that 3DS with some Mario and Pokemon rehash was selling truck loads of units and games. In turn devs of all sizes were flocking to the system. Just switch 3DS with PS4 and switch Mario and Pokemon rehash with Fifa and GTA. I also don't like this censorship or the market that squashes small devs but its what it is.

By that logic everyone should just flock to mobile.

Switch version added a very convenient feature to auto-move to any point you've already mapped out which is great while backtracking, plus it's more fun to do bumping scratch (the minigame where you touch the girls) on a touch screen, but the Steam version isn't outright missing any content.

They did but mobile fucked itself with its pricing model.

Eh. at this point I won't even get a PS4 at the end of it's lifecycle. I got a PS3 a year before the PS4 was out and got more than enough playtime out of the fucker, but that was due to the gorillion of exclusives and nip games available to it. Now that most stuff is multiplatform and Sony is at war with the nips, I guess there's no real reason to get one anymore.

Holy fuck I just noticed that out of my PS4 collection only bloodborne and gravity rush 2 are still exclusive, everything else became a multiplat down the road.

Yeah. I still don't regret getting mine over an Xbone, I only would've gotten it for Scalebound. At least the PS4's """exclusives""" actually got made.

>How can anyone of you get hyped for E3?
>ecchi fanservice games
in what dimension do you live in?

They even censored DMC, whats your point?

Thanks friend

>tfw have this game on PC (got it from a humble bundle I think) and never played it but now considering buying it on Switch instead

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>game is garbage on sony consoles
>port of the same game on shitch is EPIC

Guys, serious question. How's Moero Chronicle on the Switch?
1. I heard that it randomly craches. Is it true?
2. How awkward are the rubbing mechaninc in docked mode? I've never used touch screen in Switch games and I have no intentions of using it just for this game.

It's on sale now, so I'm curious if it's worth the money. It's not like I don't have games, but still... 1st person dungeon crawler RPG. Best genre ever!

PC has a decent uncensor/nude mod, there is no reason to get the shittier version.

>1. I heard that it randomly craches. Is it true?
It happened twice in 60 hours to me, nothing too bad but it's best to save often.

>2. How awkward are the rubbing mechaninc in docked mode? I've never used touch screen in Switch games and I have no intentions of using it just for this game.
You lose the tactile feel, but the minigame is actually easier with stick + button controls because it's easier to mash a button rather than repeatedly touching the screen. You move the cursor with the stick and different buttons correspond to different kinds of touch, pretty straightforward.

Lurk more newfag. I know you've been here only since 2015, or later.

>words hurts my feelings! it's CURRENT YEAR
It only infuriates you because it describes you. Just like leftists and NPC wojaks

Thank you, Eric.
Thx, user. That's all I need to know.

>t. newfag that has been here since 2014
Fek off, acting like some hot shit cause you've been here a year longer is such a newfag thing to do.

>Not owning a switch

Nigga, It's literally the only safe place for weebshit.

Mary Sketcher 2 and Omega are literally exclusive to it.

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It also still costs 300 bucks and loses all non nintendo exclusives like octopath for example.

I don't want to shit on it, but not only does it lack games and exclusives that would justify the cost, they also censored several games in the past (tokyo mirage, bravely second etc.)

is the switch version diffrent from the pc version? i noticed the pc version doesn't have the H in the name but they seem basically identical

>Mary Sketcher 2

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Switch. Yeah there's nothing now but give it a year or two for the knockback on this censorship policy to affect games that didn't already ink deals with Sony beforehand and you'll see where everyone's jumping ship. Keep an eye on PC too but the Japanese are notoriously bad about bothering with that market if they don't have a gigantic western presence or they're making VNs

I got it. Don't regret it one bit, it's fun as hell.

1. It's crashed twice on me so far. Once was a seemingly random crash, the second was a bug with Scylla. Apparently her "blushing while wearing alternate job panties" artwork doesn't load properly, and the game will crash during a few of her cutscenes unless you're wearing her default set.

2. Move the cursor with the sticks, press button to rub. I don't remember whether you can move with the left stick, but if you can't it might be a little awkward because you're moving and pressing with the same thumb. Other than that, nothing wrong with it. Works well, feels responsive.

It's a great game, I'd recommend it.

You don't draw sketches first?

This game isn't actually good, is it? I remember trying it and thinking it's super repetitive very early on

so what are the odds of not having to import omega labyrinth life? I'm interested in it but I don't think I'd bother if I gotta import.

>So where do we go now for Japanese games?
PC of course.
Everyone that has been playing VN and doujin games since the 80's is on PC.

If you are a weeb with a console you're a retard.

Switch version is remastered. Graphical update, new auto-move feature, etc.

Go look at some gameplay footage on youtube. In particular, the dungeon map/background and the inn menu sprites. They've polished off the jaggy fuzziness that comes with being a game for low-power portable hardware.

S e e t h i n g

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I like it when pedos like you are sad.

Turn up the difficulty. The combat system has depth, but normal mode makes it way too easy and convenient to just ignore it all and auto-battle or skip everything.

I want to date chuuni

>being a game for low-power portable hardware.
What portable is that?

You are on the wrong site, tranny. This is Yea Forums, not resetera.

Thank you!

Fair enough, I forgot about a difficulty choice. I might try it again


Vita, you cheeky little shit.


Oh, that piece of shit with nogaems. I forgot ot existed.

Are you braindead?

No u?

>Oh, that piece of shit with nogaems. I forgot ot existed.
Literally has 500% more games than the switch.

this is fanatical dellusion at this point

is this better than moero chronicle?

No it doesn't.

Switch is surviving with Vita scraps.

It's on Switch too now, just get LayeredFS

You have no idea how many games it has in Japan do you?

It does, though. All third party titles on the Switch are literally Vita ports.

I thought being a vitard ended in year 2019. I was wrong.

This is getting sad. Not only you guys believe in vita having games, you also believe in Switch somehow relying to those imaginary games

Sony killed Vita years ago, but people who bought it still defend it for some reason. You gotta admire them for the dedicated shitposting.

We're in a thread about a Vita game that got rereleased on Switch and finally got a western console release. What's the point in arguing about the two systems?

>Vita game
It is a Switch game, sweety.

Dude you are retarded, there is no reason to defend the Vita anymore.
I don't even play it anymore, it hasn't seen the light of the day for 2 years now I think, especially since almost every Vita game released in the west got a superior steam or ps4 port.

But I swear if you compare the 5 vita games they have in retails stores in the west with the 100+ games they stack in Japan you would understand.
I have to admit most games are literally who tier jrpgs, anime adaptions and VNs, but it has plenty of that.

Glad we come to the understanding that vita has no games.

I think the Switch will eventually become the new weeb machine. It's just going to take some time for Devs to finish what they had started on the PS4. I'm mostly worried about the state of Senran Kagura at the moment. If Senran 7 wasn't completely scrapped after Sony went full San Francisco then it's going to be butchered as fuck. Sony really fucked a lot of Developers who had games mid development I'm sure. Thinking about it pisses me off.

Anyway make sure you preordered Omega Labyrinth Life on the Switch.

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You are one click away from all the depraved porn you want

Keep your low brow fanservice and degeneracy away from my games

Even here in Japan the Vita isn't really doing that great anymore.

If you don't consider them games, that's okay in my book.

Understandable, guess Switch took it's place, way more successful.

>I have to admit most games are literally who tier jrpgs, anime adaptions and VNs
So, basically, it's full of shovelware. Japan gets all those games that not a single person in the West would play (kinda like PSP with those visual novels) and the few good games are ported to other systems... So what exactly are you trying to say? I'm retarded because I have no interest in literally who tier JRPGs and VNs?

Something lewd doesn't have to be full blown porn for everyone to enjoy it. Looking at sexy girls is also enjoyable without needing to jerk off. Stop being retarded

Nope, which is why Takaki left Marvelous with SK 7even unfinished. They stepped in during development to throw their weight around. If and when 7even comes out, it's like to be the last SK game on Sony platforms.

>So where do we go now for Japanese games?
PC/Switch. I have no issues with buying these games on Switch, they never require heavy hardware to play and being handheld means I can relax and play anywhere. PC for the heavier games or whatever doesn't make its way onto Switch, there's always uncensored patchs/mods as you stated.

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I won't preorder it. I'm buying games from eShop and if you get a discount, I will preorder it. If not, then there is no point.

>This is Yea Forums, not resetera

Unfortunately that line is beginning to blur

I really want Microsoft + Nintendo to BTFO Sony after the censorship shit. They've gotten too up their own ass again. Shit's fucked

>Fight Killer Bee
>One of her breakable clothing pieces is the jar of honey
>It's called Favourite Honey
I felt bad.