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Other urls found in this thread:


Sport games are complete garbage and strictly for normies

>billion dollar licenses
sure, the license may generate billions of dollars but no publisher has ever paid even remotely close to that for a sports license

Could you imagine a world without the yearly sports games?

Oh no! think of EA Sports! poor thing we need to make a petition to allows them to sell their 60 dollar annual garbage with micro transactions every year

That would mean EA would cease to exist. Is that what you want, Yea Forums, you sick fucks?

Good. Yearly handegg and divegrass instalments keep EA going so they can go die.

madden and fifa have been around since the early 90s, we didn't have gachashit back then and they still were the top sellers

The only Sport game that’s worth half a damn is NBA Jam

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>could pay for the licenses before loot boxes
>suddenly can't now
So we're all in agreement that if Hawley's bill gets fucked it's because of Kotaku/Polygon/etc

damn i've been flaccid for the last week but reading this post just awakened the beast

Maybe if these ridiculously overpriced license deals went away, we'd see actual innovation in the sports genre, rather than the shitty games that are heavily regulated by the respective leagues that only succeed due to franchise rights.aybe some actual competition will come about.

What, you need a license to make a game about kicking balls or slapping at them with your hands? They probably only need licenses to use shit like real player names and naming their games after shit in real sports. They can drop all that and make literally the same game, can't they?

Baby, you have no idea.

Maybe you shouldn't spend millions upon millions on marketing you fucking retards.

>gaming journalists batting for the corporations when their most despicable practices are about to be banned
big think

You guys are fucking ingrates. EA has been a cornerstone of the industry for decades. Without them there wouldn't even be a videogame industry for you to abuse and defile like this.

>Anti-loot box bill poses a real threat to sports game
Can someone give me a logic explanation to that?


>Game ""journalists"" once again outing themselves as nothing more than cheap paid marketing for corporations

not convincing or funny, so I'm really not sure what you intended to accomplish with this post

sounds good to me!


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Oh no! These multibillion dollar corporations and extremely overpaid athletes and their teams might lose money! OH NO!


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EA has literally done nothing good for video games.

Then how did they pay for them before the lootboxes?

loot boxes didn't exist in sports games during gen 5, gen 6 and most of gen 7 and they did just fine.

slit their throats

Yea Forums teaming up with r*publicans to control and possibly destroy videogames is what's not funny.

Mass Effect is Yea Forums's favorite franchise.


>EA would cease to exist. Is that what you want, Yea Forums, you sick fucks?

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>yearly sports games die
>EA loses their lifeline and finally goes belly-up
>Sony loses FIFA, and thus their stranglehold on Europe, and has to finally give a shit

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EA has literally never done anything good for the industry.

doubling down isn't helping
get off the stage

This is such a good thread

how many other devs has EA directly killed off now?

>You will see a revival of made up sports leagues with made up sports teams in your life team.

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Best news I've heard all week

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I thought liberals hated corporations due to their massive wealth and lack of paying taxes. When did they become the biggest corporate dick suckers?

Yes, the licences give rights to player and team names but nothing is stopping anybody from making a game with oc teams and players.

>no more sports games

EA fucked Mass Effect into the grave

Yes, of course we want EA shits to cease existing.

When corporations became "woke" and started parroting their bullshit. They unironically love corporations now.

>think of the lootboxes
>think of the sports "games"
>think of the consoles
I can only get so erect.

When corporations took control of the public space and banned anyone for "wrong think", which is pretty much breaking your 1st amendment rights.

Yes and hangtime but thats just an extension

I just want to see a return to more “arcadey” styles of sports games like NBA Jam and NFL Blitz. Seriously the only sports games I’ve ever touched.

the games are mostly played now by the same people who play fantasy sports. its ALL about the real players. These games literally emulate opening packs of baseball cards

I believe you are confusing ea with nintendo

Nintendo is an obscure company that makes baby toys.

So, I went in thinking this post was tweet was fake.. low and behold it's real. Stuff like this is the reason people don't take "gaming journalism" seriously anymore. This BS falls square on horrible companies like EA / Activism for blowing half the budget on marking. Seriously, fuck them and fuck Polygon

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>Obscure company
>EA wishes it owned Nintendo IPs

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Yes, please

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Harsh but fair.

Far better than having to deal with having to spend money on FIFA coins. At least with Nintendo, you barely have these problems.

why do you dumb fucks think europeans prefer sony because of FIFA when FIFA has always been on xbox too?

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Thinking about it, what do you reckon the dev costs of the yearly sports games are? Outside licencing fees I don't see it being all that expensive as it's probably 90% reused assets from the previous one.

Another Liberal website defend corporations, what a surprise

>g-games are too big we need microtransaction or we won't be able to sell the game for only 60$!
Just make smaller games, faggots.It's not like your "AAA" game isn't shit anyway

>EA bankrupts
>IP's are sold for pennies to actual developers
>Skilled designers and programmers get hired by other studios
>Token diversity hires land with their ass on the ground
>EA bancupcy becomes a warning to other publishers
>The industry becomes better as a whole

I'll take 2 thanks

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>2K and EA getting completely fucked
we're finally in a good timeline again

If EA is the foundation of video games then video games should die with it

they made yearly sports games perfectly fine before lootboxes.

it's not like they're spending all their money on developing new engines and graphics updates...

"gaming journalism" is such a joke i can't believe gamergate was a blunder.

>no gameplay
>point and click 'shooter'
>favourite franchise

hmmmmmmmmm i wonder why

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the loot boxes were only affecting the retarded story modes zoomers love
the regular "season mode" where you pick a team, play games and manage it doesn't have them

>Just make less money
>Just eat less food
>Just sleep less hours
>Just have less fun
>Just live a shorter life

That's you.

Because its a fact that almost nobody here buys xbox.

So were sports video games that used licenses always threatened before microtransactions and loot boxes become a norm or what?


Why don't these fans just pick a madden and crowdsource a mod that changes stats.

and when a player leaves, delete the name and replace it with a new one. The fantasy players that care so deeply WILL find it

>Sports games can't afford licenses

Madden is LITERALLY used as a sim in ESPN commentary for all these obtuse scenarios, how are they not getting a kickback?

It poses no threats. These games make more than enough money to be grossly profitable after licensing even without microtransactions.

How do you know?

Please please ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ

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Sounds like EA talking to the devs to push out generic sportsball game.

"Liberals" have always been corporatists, they're just pro-gay corporatists.

>having to do anything with ME1 outside of owning the rights to it




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Now ask every single person who bought and enjoyed EA sport games since years back and see what they think rather than this circlejerk. Not defending EA or lootboxes but this is a circlejerk opinion almost universally agreed upon by Yea Forums

I hope sports games get banned along with loot boxes.

yeah because the playstation was the first console to be big in europe so it had a stronger brand and ps4 launched 100€ cheaper than xbone
anyway the 360 did well in europe since it was cheaper at first
it has nothing to do with sports games since both consoles have them

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>and when a player leaves, delete the name and replace it with a new one
i think it'd be cooler if the player was brought into a database that you could draft from in the future for custom teams and whatnot

Corporations arent people. When they cant meet the demands of their customers, they cease to exist. Simple as that.

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Most of these people litrererly buy no other games.
Losing fifa won't make them switch to xbox, they will just outright stop buying consoles.

What can I say? The king is dead. Long live the king.


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People who buy them aren't worth listening to.

Calm down, Andrew Kikeson. You already have enough money to last you 5 lifetimes in luxury.

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why would i ever speak to someone like that
that's exactly why i'm here, if i wanted to know what normie gonzales thinks of the people who make Fifa, i'd go to gamefaqs

>Long live the king
No no. We don't want that.

Hey, EA Big was good for a brief time until EA killed them and ruined everything forever again.

>nothing more than cheap paid marketing for corporations
It's literally game corporations that get them fed. What else did you expect?

it all boils down to pic related

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im completly FOR lootboxes

if you are dumb enough to buy a EA game AFTER EVERYTHING THEY DONE, you DESERVE to ripped off.

most people don't buy FIFA yearly, some just buy one-two every generation

That's not true!!!!
They also buy CoD

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>create games that can only make back the investment through microtransactions
Maybe they should make games that are good in of themselves instead of making mediocre games and blowing hundreds of millions on marketing and licenses.

this would be the best thing for the industry in years

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Mass Effect was pretty overrated before ME3, but was pretty good until ME3 came out and totally fucked everything, and then Andromeda came out and was just laughably garbage, and then they """fixed it""" by releasing patches and turned it into just a shit game.

I don't know if sports games themselves have a serious loot box issue, but they bring in quite a bit of dosh to help pay expensive licenses to NFL and so on, which are massive beasts in the entertainment industry. If EA can't afford to get the actual teams in the game, normies will stop buying them, so they're actually losing two big sources of revenue.

did yall even read the article?

>whites are jews
absolutely bluepilled

Are you actually fucking retarded?

EA/ActiBlizz/2K/Ubi mostly profit off retarded kids who have their mommy's credit card in their profile, they don't understand anything nor have a stance of hating X company.


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This board is alright sometimes

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oh no not the sports games
ohhhh nooooo

Okay, this is bait.

I've been noticing articles like this pop up lately, 'subtly' trying to defend loot boxes. It's telling that the articles are being published on shit like polygon that are otherwise all about virtue signalling.

so you don't know?

That's what I thought. :)

Nice try twitter

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the F1 games never had microtransactions until this year and they're only for livery decals in multiplayer

>That would mean EA would cease to exist

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Both sides love corporations (and Israel)

Imagine putting a dick inside of that haha lol.

God damn that would be good, I got a semi just reading that.

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of course I didn't fall for the clickbait lol what kind of facebook mom do you think I am

if you don't care about sports games then why do you expect people to give a shit when steam censores your degenerate anime games?

>Honestly believing the Government is going to be some arbiter of video game justice that'll spank EA into submission.
You're not punishing anybody but allowing Politicians to expand their authority into a billion dollar industry. You're giving them what they sought for years.

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lol who are they fooling

and they deserve to ripped off so they can learn to grow up
kids got fall before they learn to walk

>food,sleep, lifespan equivalent to a game

>Owner of the most profitable media franchise in the world

Those sports games are more copy and pasted than CoD ever was. Lets not forget EA bought out all the smaller companies making sports games to have a monopoly in the early 00's. Seriously, fuck them

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Funny thing is that even normalfags hate modern 2K/EA sports games because they lock everything behind a paywall and strip the game of content every year. Lootboxes being banned will probably unironically kill most of them off since they've been losing their fanbase for years.

t. EA

Do you have this picture without the instagram meme?

im from arkansas, thats a perfectly normal thing to say
whats wrong?

They don't give a shit about my big tiddy anime games so I don't give a shit about their dudebro games. Simple.


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that would be so good.

I also remember 2k getting shit for allowing microtransactions giving direct advantages to whale players in their basketball games.

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>Clicking on click bait

Pastebin it or fuck off.

Walk down the street and ask people what a Nintendo is. They won't know what you're talking about.

Then do the same except ask what a football is.

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If only

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I haven't played FIFA since 99. Never played the other shit EA churns out.

then stop abusing/exploiting the buyers, you fucking idiot.

The industry refused to self-regulate, so they're getting what they deserve.

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Good idea, I know a prime normie for this.

Healthcare is shit since the government got involved. How do you think Video games will fare?

Slippery slope. If a bill that removes fun from vidya would be made people would actually protest. A bill that forces multibillion companies to stop gating off content behind arbitrary bullshit garbage in order to get more shares to shareholders is more than welcome

I didn't know I wanted it so much today.

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Funny how Licensed Sports video games existed during the 90s and early 2000s long before the cancer that is live services and loot boxes.

It's only pure greed from publishers wanting more and more money from gamers

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Exploiting children is good because we can make money off of them!
This is your brain on corporate America.

Not going to bother reading the article but isn't the tone of that tweet neutral and not "OH GOD GIVE ME THE CORPORATE DICK".

Like they're just stating a fact, "EA's bottom line gets fucked if loot boxes get fucked."

>They won't know what you're talking about
Not him but this is quite possible the most brainlet post I've seen all week. Good job.

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Nigger what does the article have to do with his question, you inbred.

>Industry fails to regulate itself
>Consumer has no choice but to seek government intervention

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That's because your clapper governament is shit, healthcare works perfectly in the rest of the world

You're mixing up leftists and liberals again, dumb murifat. They are NOT the same. Liberals fucking love corporations.

t. videogame blogger faggot

>sports games

oh no

how terrible

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How did sports games make a profit before loot boxes?

Yea nice lie now gtfo

government intervention is also what the jew desires, gentile

Do you live in Nigeria?

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No u

Video games are already shit so it's irrelevant.

Leftists are corporatists too, they're just hypocrites. Look at all the faggots with apple products who shill for communism because it's chic and hip.

EA dying doesn't change the misery I felt when Simcity 2013 happened, but it can at least prevent it from happening again in the future.

Calling my reps right now, telling them to vote for this. Write to them too, printed out with a fucking postage stamp.

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imagine being so fat even sports videogames trigger you lmao

Have you seen games now?

>people dont know Nintendo

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Nothing of value is lost

>the jews WANT to be stopped from making money goy

sure thing

>regurgitate the exact same game with slightly different numbers and names every year for 25 years
>pay billions of dollars for the names and numbers
>this is a good investment

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Liberals are the ones who are helping this bill get through committee, moron. He's going against his own party to do it.

t. Discord trannies hating on white people lingo.

What about tecmo bowl?

Those aren't leftists, they're just fucking idiots.
You'll notice that most of them are also women, and everyone knows that women are moronic as fuck.

I've never seen duch a delusional faggot. Seek help.

>white people lingo.

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>there is no such thing as Jews trying to steal form other Jews

No, leftists are not corporatists. You're just a brainwashed retard.
Liberals have nothing to do with socialist ideals. "Culturual marxism" is a retarded buzzword that has nothing to do with marxism.
Get educated.


>Asking a casual gamer what they think about the market

Every gaming community across every website fucking hates EA, don’t act like this is a le epic Yea Forums contrarianism thing


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Because most of you guys are drawing incomplete ideas from the group with only a headline

That too, I am sorry
NBA Jam’s just the first one that came to mind
Rocket League is cool too

I wonder how they did all those years before loot boxes.

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oh boy you put a smile in my face

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because they release their accounting data every year

>Telling other people to get educated
Go back

Oh no! How will multi billion corporations pay for billion dollar licenses? :((

If it means lootboxes, lootbox style shit, and companies like EA get fucked over you can call me whatever you want user I would have won regardless.

I fucking wish sports games would die for these trash publishers can't keep counting on eastern euro trash buying FIFA #78 to prop up sales for they can buy and ruin more studios

>I thought liberals hated corporations
think again bucko

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Sorry EA, you're so fucking despised that nobody is falling for this garbage. I'd literally get pegged by Oprah Winfrey if it meant you faggots burned.

>sports video games
Good, I want fucking normies to FUCK OFF MY GODDAMN VIDYA

We'll have to reduce our investor share of 5%. Think of the millionares!

>/pol/ newfag
>telling anyone else to go back
Oh the ironing

>enjoying EA sports games
I feel theres a problem here


also lolberts in congress already came out against this because lootboxes are a perfectly fine business transaction for them despite it being the cancer ruining videogames

oh no, that sucks

I don't give a fuck about your political wank, I just want EA to fucking die.

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>a world without EA

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Grow up. Leftism today means following orders, whatever they may be, from the western news outlets. Name 3 ideals that conflict between the majority of leftists and the news narrative. This brain exercise is to help you realize your mistake but instead you will bitch that you don't have to, like your programming tells you to.

good to know Polygon is on the side of the consumers, which are most of its readers

wouldn't want to have games without lootboxes in them, would we

gaslighting tranny,
hang your self.

>represented by communist symbols
u wot m8

>Billion dollar licenses
lol. I work in a company that deals with sports merch (should be obvious I guess) and i don't think even with HFL, NHL, NBA, NCAA, And all the other big sports combined with all the teams we paid 50 million for rights to use their team names and name of players, mainly because they also profit off of it.
So yeah that's a fucking weird thing to try to say.

Now maybe there's something to say with EA and their exclusive deal with NFL games/Madden but as far as getting rights to use a Teams name it's super fucking cheap. Most of them will let you use it for little to no cost if you just split the profits. I have no idea about video game deals but i doubt it's any different.

For me?
It has to be Chel

That's literally all Ive wanted since they ate Westwood.

when the left became dependent of social media to exist.

Yes, the cornerstone where a bunch of great companies go to get shot.

>i'm not /pol/, I'm a commie.

Mass murder supporters fuck off.

>Muh pol


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>poses a real threat to sports games

But that's exactly what Hollywood did in the 60s after their big budget releases started to be unprofitable. They scaled down the budgets and gave more creative freedom to the directors. They made smaller movies


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The current industry is fucking garbage. We need another crash

>sports games might go away

I liked the NHL games but not enough to care.

>Name 3 ideals that conflict between the majority of leftists and the news narrative
Labour law

Woah, that was easy.
Liberals aren't "leftists" just because retarded american politics define them as "left of republicans".
Hell, Trump is more in line with leftist ideals than Obama ever was.

Yes, for i am the sickest of fucks.

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Whoever kills EA gets my vote and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

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The headline is the conclusion of the article. If ((((journos)))) slimes think otherwise, it's their problem.

Being against lootboxes is a regressive leftist policy. Debate me and I'll argumentatively assault you.

>muh boogeyman

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>sports games
and nothing of value is lost

Again you low IQ trash, what the fuck does his question have to do with the article?

t. gay election tourists from rebbit

>a world without NBA2KXX and Madden NFL XX

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NBA wants sports games. If the video game companies cant afford the license, the license price will drop as no company will pick it up.

>raise reasonable point

The license price only went up because they pay. If they lose the money, the price will fall. Sport companies always had this nearly pyramidal system of getting their money, since their "costs" are not tied to physical values, just speculation on itself.

>that gigantic jaw
>that normal ass haircut
>the 5oclock shadow
Is he doing a bad job on purpose?

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Y'all isn't actually used by people in the south anymore.

Shh...there are people who think that every mobile game with a sports license is somehow a billion dollar corporation

They cry out in pain as they strike you

Neoliberals are represented by monopoly guy.

You're pretty new to trolling, I see. 2/10 I replied.

sports fans are worse than faggots

t. seething Euroach

>Calling anyone a tourist
Make sure you put me in le ebin screencap

>you own a bakery
>another bakery opens up across the street
>both your bakeries are equally successful
>you find out that at their bakery they offer fancy gift bags for take home purchases
>what's more is: they don't even know what kind of bag they get when they buy one. the patterns and designs are random
>for some reason this bothers you so you call the police
>the cops come and ask what's the problem
>you explain to them
>they laugh at you and politely ask you to never waste city resources like that ever again
>but then you see it
>a boy buys a gift bag hoping for a blue one
>he buys one but it's red
>he buys another and it's green
>another red one
>a pink one
>finally after several tries he gets a blue bag
>they scoff at you and tell you that you should be so thankful that they both like your donuts more so they won't fine you for being an idiot
>this pisses you off to no end
>you go into the back and grab a wooden spoon and a large saucepan
>you go across the street and start banging your pan with the spoon and screaming "DON'T BUY GIFT BAGS HERE, IT'S NOT ETHICAL"
>even your most loyal customers think you're an idiot (despite some of them agreeing with you)
>one of them tells you to not worry about it and just tend to your bakery since their bakery's practices hardly affect you
>you wipe away the snot and tears
>"b-but i c-can't.. i-i have t-to tell them"
>everyone realizes you're a lost cause and call the police to take you home
>"b-but i wasn't d-doing anything illegal just l-like them!"
>they police assure you that you were not doing anything illegal but given the sum of recent events on your behalf, it's certain you have autism and need to be put down
>you promise to behave
>the cop driving does his best to ignore you as he's heard this before a million times
>it's apparent you'd sooner court death than behave rationally
>you're taken out of the car
Stop being stupid

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I thought commies were ok with trannies? Do you want me to report you to your discord manager?

Deadass if Hillary explicitly said she’d kill EA I’d have voted for her

Fuck EA

who gives a shit tho
>t. someone who hasn't bough a game in a decade

>Liberals have nothing to do with socialist ideals. "Culturual marxism" is a retarded buzzword that has nothing to do with marxism.
You keep trying to pull this with every bullshit ideology you follow
>lists 15000 examples of feminists hating on men
Those does not count!
>lists a bunch of commies on twitter/reddit being retarded
Those are not real communists!
>people with literal MARX in their profile
Marxists do not exist, it is just a /pol/ boogeyman

Literally no one can define anything that comes from the left, when people point out the flaws its "not real feminism, not real marxism, not real communism, not real sjws"

Don't tease me like this user.

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Liberal is leftist
Libertarian is not liberal

Cultural marxism is the analysis of culture to render it into a commodity and sell it. The "marxism" part of cultural marxism refers to the application of critical theory to culture. YOU get educated.

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I love my nanny state, they know what is best for me

not that user but if licensing a sports really did cost billions rather than millions literally no one would sink their money into it
yeah the sports themselves are a billion dollar industry but that's from direct sponsorship and the actual games themselves not from some video game
use your head

>based mutts ban loot boxes
>this also destroys the sports game market

God bless those right wing loonies. Where were you when conservatives saved gaming?

western news is dead as fuck and leftists are the most aware about it. It was the far left that first called Trump's victory once Hilary rubbed Bernie out, the media continues to refuse seeing their mistakes despite their huge loss in 2016

>Name 3 ideals that conflict between the majority of leftists and the news narrative.

- Russia didn't hack Trump into the White House, a failed capitalist enterprise has forced it.
- China's suppression of unions and laborers is itself fascism, and cannot be otherwise excused
- the west merely exported all it's pollution to China and banning plastic straws or gas cars won't do shit when solar panels are made in filthy Chinese mines
- America wages war for Israel and Trump is the biggest Zionist to ever inhabit the oval office
- Israel is a fascist country that wants to replace a multi-cultural society like Jerusalem with a Jewish state
- black people are disproportionally affected by gun control

Corporations aren't people, and the laws that treat the corporate entities as persons are vile, wicked satanism.

If loot boxes get banned what would be the next worst thing EA can do?

Trannies are mentally ill, my dude. That's why your memery is nothing but a gigantic circlejerk that only you think is funny or accurate.

buy fromsoft


Let's face it, it's basically just TV

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Just outright selling the shit that would be in the boxes.

They'll find something. Remember online passes and how publishers quickly gave up on it as they discovered that used game buyers would just not buy online crap at all instead of coughing up for a pass.

I'm sure Jap pride would lead to them showing the offer to Bamco they selling themselves there for one extra yen.

put me in the screencap!!!

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>retarded american politics
I hate this argument. If you don't want retarded american politics do not talk about the US. You can't just bring up a country as an example from a different continent that has absolutely nothing to do with the US whatsoever and use it as a baseline.
The US and the rest of the world are different and things should be discussed within context.

YES!!! Our vengeance will be fulfilled and then we will move on.

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>>you go across the street and start banging your pan with the spoon and screaming "DON'T BUY GIFT BAGS HERE, IT'S NOT ETHICAL"

That's exactly what happened in the 19th century and is why 49 states ban gambling. It's also why the one state that does allow gambling, Nevada, prohibits minors from gaming. Nevada also bans exactly what you are suggesting, where paid random gift bags given out as comps are 21+ only.

Seriously, what you are suggesting is literally illegal in most of the US.

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There's a reason why we don't allow schools to have casinos.

Hopefully Blizzard will be affected too, and HOPEFULLY in a big way. Both EA and Blizzard should cease to exist.

This is normal vernacular across a lot of america

Weak effort, but bonus points for food analogy

>most people don't buy FIFA yearly,

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Absolutely. I would take great pleasure from witnessing ea die. When shares hit rock bottom, I'd buy a controlling interest just so I could take a massive steaming shit in the room that saw ea executives pull the plug on Westwood. Then I'd sell.

Sony would actually die, without Fifa they have nothing

Hurry up and pass this bill you government niggers.

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sports games (specifically madden and FIFA) are consistently the highest selling titles on the market, at $60, each and every year.

if someone tries to tell you that anti-lootbox legislation is a threat to them you should slap them in the face for either being too stupid to think for half a second or for being such a corporate apologist.

Just because your country only has two real parties that doesn't mean one is "right" and one is "left". Fucking learn what the words mean.

Yikes, take your own advice corporate slut

Why do you think arcades give out tickets and can only give out predetermined prizes, listed clearly on a back wall? Because if they gave out random gift bags like you suggest, they'd be caught under gambling bans and forced to close. This is also why many cities ban all forms of arcade machines especially mechanically-driven pinball machines, since pinball was the patchinko of it's era. Bans on electronic gaming devices due to the prevalence of video poker machines and online gambling also hurt arcades in the 90s and 00s because actual poker rooms were fucking things up for everyone else. It's also why Chuck-E-Cheese and Showtime Pizza are banned in a lot of places, too.

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>I AM SILLY food analogy

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I’ve seen some retards in my day but Jesus Christ you’ve taken the cake and gone nuclear!


After Mass Effect 3, I think I would cum gallons if they suffered.

Does nobody remember trading cards? Pogs?
Cereal box toys? McDonald's Happy Meals? Kids have been buying "loot boxes" in some form for age. This is nothing new, and as much as the death of lootboxes gets me erect, this will never get passed.

Well the first problem is you’re from Arkansas.

The second is your shitty vernacular was co-opted by liberals on twitter and is now used to directly refer to their opponents in a condescending manner or as a rally cry for their transsexual counterparts.

Sony has the fatherless movieshit consumer monopoly, they'll be fine.

This is exactly what happens and how gun ranges, horse tracks, smoke shops, and liquor stores are closed. Just last week my town banned our last liquor store because the mayor's kid died in a DUI sold by the jewoid cashier.

Same for Planned Parenthood.

they don't make that much money
how they wouold pay that much money for the license alone retard

I know you're baiting for reaction images, but here's one more user.

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hell yeah, it's been a long time coming.

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lootboxes will never be the same as things like trading cards because trading cards are physical goods with a secondary market value.

Of course

physical vs digital

When a nuclear Apocalypse happens you at least have your nicknack, good luck trying to sell the local raider a a skin for fortnite

I just played a FIFA for the first time a month ago and there was more single player content than Smash Bros Ultimate. I'd rather see Nintendo go belly-up if they can't even outdo yearly sports rehashes

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The irony is that EA is the reason licenses are so expensive because before, everyone was able to use sports teams, it was only when EA paid a shitload of money to give them exclusive rights.

So EA can eat shit. Polygon can eat shit too.
Go Mad Ants!

Notice how there's been many calls for banning cards, and many cities ban mcdonalds toys outright.

Also again 49 states (again, 98% of America) banned gambling outright and has no problem expanding it's definition at the Federal level. This is the same Federal government that banned US-based escort sites last year.

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it's not on EA themselves it's on the NFL. NFL 2k5 was fucking 20 dollars and that competition forced EA to make their yearly madden cheaper (think it was still like $30 or $40 though.) Seeing this "devaluation" of their brand made them throw a fucking hissyfit so they monopolized their license and EA won that bidding war. with no competition, why bother competing price-wise? People will pay for it anyway. It's disgusting but that's just how it goes.

This isn't even a ban, its another "you have to be a proven adult to do thing and you can only sell thing to proven adults." law that we have countless others of.

Everyone's going on about EA, Blizzard and 2K, are you forgetting someone?


I'm not defending them, fuck valve too because their system is probably the absolute worst of all of and one of the major reasons MTX is so pervasive today

Journalists should be beheaded on worldwide livestreams

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Motherfucker I want EA to be nuked and everyone who makes decisions at that shithole to be killed

Valve has an aftermarket so that you can just buy the shit you actually want.
Its not nearly as bad as the other's shit when you have no choice but to play the gamble game.

Commies are using trannies to attack society in order to create disorder, weaken insitutions and create an 'oppressed minority' they can incite to rise up. They then will be taken outside and shot after the Party has control.

In the US it's not legally gambling if the thing you are trying to get has no value. This is why this type of bill has failed in just about every other country that tried to push it through.

Careful with that edge there.

If you wish death onto others, don't be surprised when the knife is against your throat.

It already is.

The only people who are in favor of lootboxes are people making money off them or idiots with impulse problems

I knew someone would do this. Thanks for rewarding my faith

>Valve has an aftermarket so that you can just buy the shit you actually want
God I fucking love it. Other games see the what Valve has and go "oh yeah that's great, let's also sell keys for $2" but having something you can barter with or go buy directly is really nice when you're vain but lacking a gambling addiction

I'm not american but you have to think in context. Whats considered left and right in Europe, China, Japan or Russia is entirely irrelevant to the US. Might as well bring up some small African country because why not

Yes. Is one of my wildest dreams.

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Sure, let me just remortgage my house to get all the skins I want.

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Happy Meals were random? I used to get to choose which toys I'd get


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yeah but it would defacto kill the industry, as the only practical way of implementing it would be to sidestep the ESRB and create a rule where any game that includes lootboxes would have to list itself as such and could only be sold to people over 21 with an ID check. Not only does this defacto ban online sales of lootbox games, but it also means that any pissed off soccermom or mormon can sue a store they think it sold a game that has a microtransaciton in it as a lootbox game. This would immiedately lead to a chilling affect as physical retailers would start demanding games restrict online features, meanwhile online retailers would be dealing with constant litigation alleging they're online casinos.

At the very least it would destroy the current business model, most f2p mobile games and live service looter shooters would get hurt.

I agree, but act like the exact same thing isn’t true of the right and “real” capitalism

>people actually think if EA can't do lootboxes they'll go "oh damn guess we stop every shitty practice ever, time to make a new Monkey Island or something"
If this gets passed it will just be another "are you an adult" checkbox that kids will click.

Only people that play sports games are dads and black people

Why do you want those skins to begin with?
Is it simply because they are rare and hard to get and thus have value simply because of that fact?
Rare hard to get things are expensive, user.
That's how it works.
Just don't allow yourself to be pulled in by the allure of rare hard to get things?
>he has to re-mortgage his house for something worth 1800 bucks

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i want justice damnit

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That's neocons, neolibs would be california tech yuppies

>A website that is all about being anti-corporation immediately changes their tune the second that sports vidya could be negatively impacted by the anti-loot box bill

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Link to the bill so you can read it yourself.
It's actually very coherent and entirely consumer friendly.
Literally nobody here should be against the bill.
Only possible argument against it is "muh slippery slope" which is not an argument, the bill in question is an unequivocal good.

>implying im not supporting this to accelerate the videogame crash
let it all burn

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Read the bill, loot boxes can't be in anything that minors might enjoy. Not even according to the ESRB, according to them, and it's a much broader net .

I mean, what reasonable person wouldn't want this? I'm all for their demise.

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no because the government will regulate it at the point of sale, making any merchant (everyone between walmart, google, visa and wells fargo) liable if they don't take steps to enforce the spirit of the law. This already happens with existing gaming services, guns and liquor. In the lattermost cases, damage from illegal sales is borne directly by the merchant which would readily be the case here due to jurisprudence. Visa is not going to let people buy a lootbox game if they're constantly being sued by women claiming their ex-boyfriend cleaned their card out with it.

There is no punishment too great for killing Pandemic.

... And if you bought lootboxes, you definitely could get them all for just $999.99! Basically a hamburger!

Damn straight

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>No Eyeshield 21 Type videogame
>paying millions to have someone's likeness

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fuck EA, holy shit.

>Governments reining in corporations
>Anything but a good thing

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With a chainsaw.


"You may say I'm a dreamer"

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>China's suppression of laborers is itself fascism.
list at least three(3) core beliefs of fascist doctrine.

>deserving eyeshield 21

>Read the bill, loot boxes can't be in anything that minors might enjoy.
Please don't spread misinformation.
But yes people should actually read it for themselves.

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>lootboxes for dumb kids to buy with mommy's credit card and I get free DLC
Is a damn sight better than
>no lootboxes and paid DLC

Are you just figuring out how this lootbox stuff works now or something? This bill isn't just a stab at EA and 2K, they're targeting the practices you specifically laid out. They're only rare and hard to get because Valve made them that way to siphon cash.

>>he has to re-mortgage his house for something worth 1800 bucks

The first 5 pages are full of items over $1000, the next 195 are over $100

>sports video games

Who gives a shit about Wiggers, niggers, spics and dune coons.

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So fucking kino
We need a new Mario basketball

They can afford the licenses. They had no problem before they started riddling every game with microtransactions, they'll do just fine without them again.

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atleast with paid DLC you know exactly what you get

Ill take normies over ironic weebs user

No it isn't better, are you fucking stupid?

You legitimately could get everything in something like overwatch for that much, and that's one of the worst systems.

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>I don't have to spend money
>I do have to spend money
One of these is better than the other.

Don't threaten me with a good time


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>I get a piece of shit for free
>I get to pay for a product I deem worth the money
Maybe if you are dirt fucking poor lootboxes are a better deal but otherwise, God no.
Much better to just pay for and get what you want.

Gambling is already illegal is most states because people waste and ungodly amount of money on this shit
Also they aren’t paying taxes on those lootboxes
Especially not the gambling tax rate which is 10% higher and funding state’s education grants
There’s a reason we don’t let this shit fly

Game journos were always sock puppets for the AAA publishers' marketing departments.

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>says whilE saying "normies"

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>celebrate corporations putting their shitty flag on products
>not corporatist
>companies and corporations cultivating the urban "gay and queer" lifestyle TM for decades because faggots spend more money AND IT FUCKING WORKS because they have tons of disposable income
>b-but we're not c-consumerist
you exist because a) people don't care about you and b) companies make money of you
and increasingly both of those things are slowly becoming less true

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>EA dies

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i seriously don't understand who is buying these games outside of europe, which has a serious addiction to this shit

in my 28 years i have never seen any person pop in and play a sports game. i've probably met less than 5 people in my life who own a single one. how the fuck does a new edition of every single sport come out in game form every year??

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Fucking finally.

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The newest fifa is now AO right next to Playboy and Haterd

Good I hope the entire industry collapses at this point


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You only had to listen and now uncle sam's going to put his dick in your ass.

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Absolutely based and redpilled

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

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It's been the reason for my continued existence since 2012

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I hope there’s 1/2 a billion dollars in fines and 5 years jail time for each violation

Ah, you really are retarded.

are you triggered my dude?

That's what you should say to the ESRB when they refused to regulate lootboxes.

COD is next

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That has to be fake.

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It's not fake, you slobbering faggot. Wake the fuck up.

yes please

Yeah, apparently no one thought to just ask.

how do you pronounce arkansas
is it like kansas but with an R in front? r-kansas?

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Game journalists love sucking corporate dick when nignog and faggot progressive shit is involved.

burn it down .

Who shoved a dildo up your ass? I'm sorry game "journalists" have reached a point where it's hard to tell if they're doing a parody or being serious.

They don't. You buy a copy one year, your boy gets a copy the next year. That's how I've always seen it done in southern ontario

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more than ever

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Don't you fucking get me rock hard like that and walk away you god damn tease.

I'm sorry it took you 6 years to notice.

lol they're not even trying to hide it anymore

man i wish i could show my younger self who was being angry about horse armor this strange future

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>southern ontario
Ah, that's the problem.

I have a co-worker who has every iteration since 2008, I have several acquaintances who has bought them since 2013, hell you go to certain Football forums and the chill euro pals loses their mind every september.

they DO buy that crap annualy and they DO chugs thousand of dollars/euros onto FUT

French influences from the times of old world colonization of the Americas.

Are can saw

My bad also it's pronounced

Yeah, lie some more. Left and right are words with real meaning in the English language in regards to politics. Learn your own damned language.

THE licenses wouldn’t be worth as much if lootboxes didn’t make them so profitable

why isn't Yea Forums taking active action in the downfall of shitty business practice?

i meant for fuck sake, we're the letter next to Yea Forums, how do we make companies go down?

Through legislation seemingly. tell me the only recourse doesn't rely on spamming congress until they do something

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>Did you read this polygon article?

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6 years? I haven't bothered with game news sites/magazines since 2002 or so. It's spiraled out of control in the past decade or so.(along with the rest of the media)

How the hell did they get the licenses on all the previous gen?

Since 2009 at least
Burden of proof is in them

Oh no, imagine how horrible that would be

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How did they survive before?

>can't afford to make disposable roster update games anymore
>forced to bring this back
Thanks Drumpf

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Yeah, that was when they dropped all pretenses and went full retarded.

oh no, they actually have to make a video game now? yikes, the end is here!

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they didn't, they made up names.it was upt to early gen 7 that they started to put real names atleast in FIFA

>Belgium passes anti lootbox law
>Fifa stops selling lootboxes in Belgium
>But nowhere else
People will start using VPNs to buy loot boxes so they can keep up with the countries that still allow them.

its whole a chain of sock puppets.
they create controversy and then let their puppets report it as news .

>2 rupees have been deposited into your account, Pajeet


Well you’re retarded and definitely not from the south.

>People will start using VPNs
Maybe .5% of people will, the rest of the morons who buy cards in games like FIFA are dumbfuck console gamers who wouldn't know the first thing about a VPN.

Get fucked you greedy jews! Now we might get actually good games.

This game was cool

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that would bring me enormous joy.

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There's probably a massive licensing hike when shit started becoming more profitable.
The difference between NBA Jam and fun arcade simulators and modern penny gouging broken dream simulators.
Reminisce Reminisce

The erection I have over my porn and this is enormous and life threatening.

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Wow, THATS what tipped you off? Yea Forums is really getting stupider.

when they realized they could force corporations into doing what they want by sheer pressure of fear of investors.

Total annual revenue and annual national TV revenue




So that means each league is making the following from things like merch, tickets, local TV, video games, etc





There's basically no way that the NFL makes "only" $3.8B from non-video game, non-TV stuff. Same with the NBA. There's no way that they make only $1.6B from local TV, merch and tickets. MLB The Show gets outsold by NBA 2k so how could it make more? Finally >NHL

Maybe FIFA costs $1B to license each year but I doubt it

There was i time when i loved them.
Specifically, sega's 2k games for dreamcast.

If only I could have made it stop existing before it ruined the industry.

the only sport games worth a damn were in the 80/s90s you mean
>nfl blitz
>mutant league football
>ISS deluxe
>mario golf/tennis gbc and n64
>tecmo super bowl

my dad is from arkansas and made the mistake of trying to settle down in California, which is why I'm from here.

Now the climate seems to be "why are we still here, we need to get out asap"

>There's basically no way
this is where your shit crumbles completely. you dont' know how to read your own numbers, while dodging the fact EA and all of the companies you talk about publish their own shit every quarter.
You are some sort of revisionist insect that can't even go in the past, because you are lost with present time already.

Are you comparing a private japanese company that makes videogames with literally an entire SPORT?

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I don't know a thing about FIFA, but the NHL series has been using real team and player names since 1993 or so.
I have a hard time believing these license deals suddenly cost billions of dollars, even for the bigger sports games, this article reeks of corporate dick sucking.(Or just plain ignorance on the author's part, which wouldn't be all that surprising since most game journalists on the big sites are pretty fucking stupid.)

i play nba 2k and i guarantee the bill will not change anything for sports games, since they have built in auction houses. that technically gives access to all the content even if you dont buy loot boxes.

mfw playing this in middle school with the lads

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>I have a hard time believing these license deals suddenly cost billions of dollars,
user, you have no Idea how much it will costs using the name of Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi, in that regard it is justified those rights are DAMN expensive, but that doesn't mean that we the users should pay for them.

This seems like an epic thread. Can I get a (you) too?

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If you wanted (You)s
Just ask next time

the EA is the beast, the natural incarnation of the greed of modern system. You think getting rid of EA will solve the problem? No. It will only create a huge gap which will be vulnarable for filling up with something even worse than EA.

The thing about licensing deals is that, especially with the IP usage, they are never renewed on an annual basis.
These deals are usually for 10 year periods, see EA's Star Wars and some of their earlier NFL deals. Even then at most they have been on record paying roughly $52 million for both the Madden name and the NFL game license. This is probably so low because they will get more than enough money back from a percent royalty agreement with both parties. Which given the sports franchises make literally billions then a 5% kickback is more than reasonable.

I'm pointing a finger at them too. Stupid motherfuckers were all told the government was going to get involved if this shit got too bad and they won't stop at just lootboxes.

Yes please.

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Boo hoo they’ll have to actually work

>gacha games will be saved thanks to dudebro Madden and FIFA whales
Thank you so much normalchads.

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Actually it's all good advice. It's called moderation you massive retard. If you eat too much, you become obese, if you sleep too much, you become a slob, if you play too much, you become edonist. It's by doing all of that you shorten your lifespan.

The blame isn't partially theirs, it's entirely theirs. They had one fucking job and it was to prevent this but when push came to shove they just threw their arms up and said "Yo, not our problem."
No wonder the government stepped in.

sportsball leagues shouldn't be able to sell exclusivity in the first place, and their license costs would be lower as a result of lower profitability due to resulting increased competition and also the ban on gambling boxes
polygon is real good at economy as usual

“Look at you participating in society”

I'm not sure how FIFA works, is there a PA that the players are all part of? If not, then yeah, okay, I could see the FIFA costs being high if each individual player owns their likeness.
The NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB though? All active players are a package deal with each league's Players' Association, there's no way the PAs are going to be demanding billions all of a sudden.(You might just see retired legends/hall of famers removed from the ultimate team modes in those games, if it even sticks around without MTs.)

>Americans defending corporations
heh, classic

Yeah fuck em, what they've done to the industry has been so destructive it's absolutely mind boggling.

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>nooo STOP exposing my hypocrisy!11!1

some goddamn integrity or for them all to die

You're wrong as hell.

If I say Nintendo to people, they'll say "okay, Nintendo". If I say Football to different people, they might think of two completely different sports

the price of the license increases as the profitability of the games increases, because they are just rent seekers arguing over the split. there is no competition in this space at it exists now

Yeah I know, I was making fun of how they pretend to be for their audience.

In FIFA there are some players that own their own rights so the licensing issues with FIFA are alot trickier.

Also I think that not all stadiums can be used so freely even when they are FIFA aproved stadiums.

IS a fuck up with loyalties too expensive but the renew this generates is just too damn big to ignore.

>If I say Football to different people, they might think of two completely different sports
lol wrong

Why the fuck are y'all faggots hating on the word y'all?

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>Without them there wouldn't even be a videogame industry for you to abuse and defile like this
>Cucktivision Blizzturd
>Epic Games Store Massacre 2019
>gook MMOs
>indie pixeltrash
I can go on and on.

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because southerners aren't human and neither are the progs that have purloined it as a gender neutral pronoun

>someone should think of the corporation's money
>they should be allowed to abuse consumers!

yes it is important to preserve psychological exploitation of addictive personalities and children with undeveloped brains so that rent seekers may continue to make large piles of cash for recycling the same shit every year

No, fucking commiefornians and liberal faggots aren't human.
Y'all ain't a fucking (((gender neutral))) pronoun, it's fucking y'all.

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What they did to visceral games?


Imagine being this assblasted over a state's mere existence

between their love for fascist economics that they inexplicably conflate with socialism and their need for strict cultural hygiene they have more in common with third positionism than communism

Are these sports games really that profitable? The gameplay has always been shit I don’t see how anyone could want them