Give me one reason why we shouldn't be excited out of our minds for Cyberpunk 2077

Give me one reason why we shouldn't be excited out of our minds for Cyberpunk 2077.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Open world meme.

It's sunny


I'm also fucking over shooters with tacked on RPG mechanics.

Because the witcher 3 was trash and this game plays just like the witcher 3

Attached: Witcher 3 is trash.png (1894x1067, 167K)

First person, looks like a bullet sponge fest (cue nightmares of the Division and the bullet proof beanies), and it takes place in California if I recall correctly. I might pick it up after reviews.


Outer Worlds will blow it out.

Yea Forums will never be satisfied. I’ll still play it though for the open world.


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V is a fairly set character so RP options will be limited

It will be at least 8/10 and you all know it

As a staunch Conservative the cyberpunk genre holds no appeal to me.

I will pirate day one and bitch about the bugs.

Only thing keeping me alive is the hope of this game not being complete garbage, if it ends up being trash ill off myself and stream it for u fags

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Even Judge Dredd?

This. Fuck every shooter nowadays having health bars and guns with stats.

If the devs actually made a proper cyberpunk game I would be excited. The main problem for me with 2077 is the devs are terrible and haven't made any great games, not to mention a cyberpunk game. Maybe in 10 years we'll get a decent one made by an actual competent studio.

Conservative does not mean "totalitarian". Judge Dredd is centrist as fuck.

But that’s how shooters work?

Temper your excitement. Get excited when the game is released and you can see the state it's released in compared to what the company claims the game will be released in.

Because you should buy death stranding instead

Explain lol, you don't like seeing mega corporations being shown in a bad light?

It will be at least 9/10 and you all know it
anti witcher fanboys gtfo and have sex

I’m excited.
I feel like there isn’t even anything else to look forward to, everything I’ve held interest in has dropped the ball in some way

how mad do you have to be to make this image?

First person only

MC is a shitty female character instead of a based guy like Gerald.

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But it’s a shooter?

Cyberpunk glorifies degenerate culture.

Why not both? I'm more excited for DS but I'll be picking up this too.















I like open world. You have to deal with my opinion. Go fuck yourself.

Sandbox is next best, free roam is third best as long as the area for free roaming is very large. Linearity can fuck off and die in a fire.

Released next year.

All witcher games are clunky a fuck slav shit. The only way you would be able to defend that trash is if you were an incel slav as well.

Looks too much like Fallout 4

This. Sun = no buy.

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There's still no release date and it could be in development hell, about to enter development hell or could suffer any number of changes before it releases
best not to get too hopeful until it's nearly done

I stopped supporting this company when they made a 'did you just assume my gender' meme joke
Transphobic company

*whistles for magic bike*
*R.O.A.C.H ver.2.77 lands and auto-drives to quest location*
*activate cybervision*
*follow cyber track*
*fight cyber downers with my cyber gun*
*complete quest, get 10 credits*

the porn mods should be good

It's like you described everyday life for me. This is the reason I won't get it, I want to escape my reality when I play video games not play something I experience everyday already.

Cyberpunk has never been about transgenders, it's about transhumanism. You guys DID know this, right?

Stopped reading here, opinion discarded. Go play your indie leftover garbage you got """for free""" with your PS Plus subscription.

Because you should buy death stranding instead

Same bro but I'll get death stranding first and wait a little while after cyberpunk 2077s release. I know little about it and I plan to keep it that way so I'm learning more as I play

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

back to /pol/, kike bot

tell that to the trannies trying to co-opt the genre

But you can make up their backstory?
Aside from having a few acquaintances that act like they know you I don’t really see it.

It certainly does not, everyone's collective greed whether a billionaire or a beggar has lead to society's downfall, there are no "good" guys, no one is celebrated. It's not glorifying degenerate culture, it's a catastrophe allegory for modern issues, that's the point.

is this bait?
if not, you're a clueless retarded faggot, maybe do some research before spouting shit

*respect +*

Cyberpunk 2077 looks like John Wick. hard pass.

That gameplay demo shows everything wrong with this fucking game and why it makes me sick. The style, the aesthetic, the gunplay, you know what it reminds me of? John Wick. I fucking hate John Wick. I hate how John Wick looks. I hate how John Wick fights. I hate how pretentious that shit is. It's so fucking retarded, and braindead morons gush over it because they act like its so damn amazing, so action packed. is it? Is it really? It's just people running around killing each other in some boring ass fucking setting. It's fucking garbage made for idiots. Oh, oh, oh, but the guys they wear suits, and leather jackets when they kill people! Look, they're fighting inside a fucking nightclub, omg the colrs, the lighting, oh wow, so amazing! Oh look, outside, it's night time, it's dark and raining! Oh look at all the neon signs, look at all the street lights, look at the rain soaked streets, wow, so gritty, so real, so cool, so stylish, oh the cinematography, oh the color usage and ambient. Oh it's sooooooooo amazing.

Fuck you, fuck trash like you that loves this shit, and fuck John Wick, and fuck Cyberpunk 2077 and Fuck CDPR for making this garbage like John Wick instead of true cyberpunk.

>get 10 credits
holy fuck

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>It's like you described everyday life for me.

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>Maybe in 10 years we'll get a decent one
Ahem, just from the recent years we've gotten:
Mankind Divided
State of Mind
Advanced Warfare

Only first game is clunky and even that's alright unless you adamantly refuse to learn. and if you hate unique slavic flavor of fantasy, that's your shame to bear.

I agree they are usually clunky, but the gameplay in this looks at least kind of smooth, especially with special abilities

Because I saw the first trailer and it looked like this:
>a character is asking you a question
>you have max 2 responses available
Yeah... no. Again, maybe that's just the beginning, but that's the impression I got.
If the choices in this game will have actual results, like in (say) Alpha Protocol, I will be interested. If not, then obviously no.

Have any of you fuckers even played Witcher 3? It's going to be amazing.

I fucking love the original Witcher 3 version of the meme.
>get 10 crowns
So good.

This pasta is growing on me


Degenerate criminals who desecrate their bodies and minds with drugs and cybernetic augmentation are the celebrated heroes of the genre.

Mankind Divided fucking sucked, Advanced Warfare isn’t Cyberpunk.
Never even heard of that other shit

Waiting for the third person mod

Couldn’t get into it. The world was great but the gameplay turned me off.
I’m hopeful for this, though. Easier to ignore gameplay in a shooter

Luckily this is an RPG with shooter mechanics then. At least it'll have actual stats and specialization rather than just a perk tree, with multiple approaches and even mission failure as a possibility. Looks set to be much more than a run-of-the-mill AAA shooter with zero player agency unless you're absolutely blind to everything we've read and seen so far.

Mankind Divided was great, what are you smokin? It was marred by bad business practice at launch, but the game itself is genuinely a great stealth game.

Didn't like the combat and didn't care for the protagonist. I'm sure it's a great game though.

There are cheevos for never getting more augments

braindead shooter gamplay with very light rpg elements that looks like every open world game released in the last 9 years
fucking boring trash

Core gameplay was there because the foundation was HR. However everything other than that, the story, heavy handed symbolism, and those aids microtransactions pissed me off to the point that I couldn’t finish it.
It pissed me off because I really liked HR

How exactly are the rpg elements light?

my pc can't run it

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Think I’ll be able to get by with some old SLI’d Titan Xs?

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

You’re late

>shooters with tacked on RPG mechanics
Stalker bad. Borderlands bad. VTMB bad. Fallout bad. System shock bad.

What are the recommended specs expected to be?

Cod fangay spotted
muh regenerating health

cdpr late showing straight male v if it even exists

>he thinks Borderlands is good
get a tripcode so I can filter you out


He didn't say those games were bad.

>degenerates swirling at the bottom of the toilet city
>this is a good thing for them!
Buddy, they're acknowledged as degenerates, they're not faggots and trannies as the corporate leaders, they are the bottom feeders where they belong. Cyberpunk is a redpilled genre.

They're also portrayed as the heroes who will strike back and overthrow their betters.

With those feet, I can't think of one.

because it's been hyped for years and will ultimately suck ass.

look here they prioritized showing female v and gay shit over straight male v cdpr still won't show straight male v

"heroes" is your own interpretation. Underdog is more apt.

Currently have a gtx 970, its definitely starting to show its age due to the 3.5 meme. I'm going to upgrade for cyberpunk, whenever the hell it comes out. Currently have my sights set on a 2080. Is there any talk of another set of cards coming out anytime soon?


It will be just Witcher 3: Sci-fi edition.

RPG shooters was always boring with Fallout, but it was pretty fun when Borderlands came out, then 2 came out and you realize you didn't have that much fun even though the map is bigger and the enemies are more diverse. Then even more RPG shooters came out and you finally realize RPGs literally only work in medieval fantasy settings.

Skrillex haircuts were stupid as shit when every college girl got one 6 years ago. The game already dated itself.

i dont have those soles on my face.


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because it will blind you to possible flaws.

those games differ on so many levels that putting them together makes you post pointless.

why did cdpr show this shit before straight male v it's fucked up straight males are their fucking audience

it looks crunge

you saw the gameplay trailer right? because it looks like trash compared to cyberpunk 2077. Even fallout 4 looks much better...

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Do you really think Poland, an eastern euro nation(eastern europe HATES gays and homosexuality is illegal there) would make a game where you can't be straight?

they both look like trash sjw bullshit

CDPR has been pozzed, it started with GOG. The leftists have infiltrated their ranks.

>have a P&P where you can have deep and varied character backgrounds, unforgiving combat that will kill characters left and right, 8 damage in 1 hit destroys a limb, most weapons deal 2d6 minimum, getting injured is a big deal and takes weeks/months of recovery if even possible, combat zone is literally Detroit x100...
>decide to make a video game out of that
>yeah cool
>dude gay sex lmao
>healing is now huffing on an asthma inhaler, instantly fine after being riddled with bullets
>combat reduced to generic FPS with floaters like Boredomlands
Fuck, to think I thought they'd stay true to the source material and make it a turn based isometric RPG or something. Or atleast translate the P&P to real time FPS as closely as possible.


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i don't know if they will or won't but they haven't shown straight male v it's not important to them but it's important to them to fucking show gay shit read this

>homosexuality is illegal there
No it's not you fucking retard.
And yeah we hate fags, but w*rsaw is fucking poztown just like any other major city.

>Another thread with 2-3 samefagging autsist wo try desperatly to throw shade at Cyberpunk 2077

Lmao will you guys finally commit Sudoku when the game will be sold 20+ million times? or will you resort into shitposting with a WEBM showing a glitch?

>game will be sold 20+ million times
Yeah good fucking luck. It'll obviously sell and normies will eat it up, but the game will be a fucking forgettable, generic turd. I thought Pondsmith had this shit in hand.

no mods

cdpr new employees are fucking american california sjws sucks for poland man

Bloodlines 2

Is not a Japanese game.

It's distressing that Shadowrun managed to stay truer to its P&P origins than Cyberpunk.

If you're too hyped you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

fucking cdpr all they had to fucking do was avoid woke gay shit witcher 3 was goat straight male protagonist fucking cyberpunk v is fucking gay they need to show straight male v fuck this woke shit get woke go broke lmao

Unironically this. Not every game needs a day/night cycle just make every mission take place at night.

>Give me one reason why we shouldn't be excited out of our minds
Because that's what the jews want. Hype is really bad for the consumer

have sex, preferably with a woman this time

The Witcher games didn't have the writing worthy of the books either. In fact, the games are pretty fucking bad in that regard if you compare

>defending gay shit

It seems to be popular and well received, that's usually a big red flag for me.

Gay and lesbian shit ain' gonna go anywhere, it's gonna be normalized even further in the future, you can't do shit about it :^)
You just gotta accept it, I've already did and it's for the better.

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lmao this is new cdpr target audience how are those fucking thronebreaker sales lol sold like shit

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Because the revel has been shit and CDPR mantain radio silence ever since, meaning they don't have anything exciting to show

Does she have bolt-on tits? Because that's a real nice sideboob.

have sex, my dude
Straight people aren't going anywhere and homo people aren't going anywhere either, if you see some gay or lesbian shit publicly, like they're doing something that wouldn't be acceptable in public if that would have been done by straight couple, just beat 'em, lol. Or if you see some clown that is wearing high heels, long nails and having some California's bitch accents, laugh at them for being retarded.
They're not really targeting for audience, they're just making what cyberpunk really is and in cyberpunk something like homosexuality is really common thing and nobody don't pay much attention to it other than: "Oh yeah, I date this person with same sex" and that's about it.

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Possibly a bolt on benis as well.

they shouldn't fucking prioritize that fucking shit over straight male content ffs they showed female v and fag v over straight male v they still haven't fucking shown straight male v when the fuck is cdpr showing straight male v

8cuck levels of mad

>That guy who screencapped his own shitty post and spams in every Cyberpunk and Witcher thread...

I remember in Dragon Age 2, Anders flirts with Hawke regardless of gender. That made so many dudes angry. Bad call if they decide to keep male V with a man.

>You will be able to customise your character!
>Game is first person
>Vast majority of interactions with NPCs are from a first person perspective
>So you'll maybe see your dress up shenanigans a few times throughout the story in cutscenes

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shills keep saying there will be straight male content but cdpr won't fucking show it they showed gay shit already what the fuck when the fuck is gay shit more important than straight male

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>a turn based isometric RPG
Kill yourself.

It's the other way around. The games have much better writing, the books are pretty bad.

geralt was goat straight male protagonist cdpr fucked up with v fucking gay shit all they had to fucking do was straight male protagonist

between Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong, Prey (System Shock 3), and both the new Deus Ex games there has been lots of good cyberpunk games to go around.

Also Perfect Dark is the peak of cyberpunk games and FPS in general.

1. There is no highway to hoon on or it's too short
2. no outright LAW option

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>forced into gay shit
hard pass dog

because it's like cyberpunk but sunny and with nice beaches and palm trees

its going to be comfy as fuck

I can customize my character in Skyrim, too, and that's a first person game

>he played Skyrim first person

oh no no no

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I like cyberpunk, but I for one can't wait for the obligatory "hacking" mechanic where you hit a bunch of bubbles together.

>Give me one reason why we shouldn't be excited out of our minds for Cyberpunk 2077.
It's not coming this year.

>why would they show gays first!
because it shows variety. we've seen thousands of trailers with straight men, showing another straight man is nothing new. Showing that you can be a gay male means you can do something in this game that many other games won't let you do.

hence why they show it, because its a notable feature of the game.

wants to prove a point and brings up gothic as an positive example. lmao. gothic and elex are both utter trash

>VTMB bad.
The gameplay IS bad. It's the atmosphere and conversations that make this game memorable.

why the fuck won't they show straight male i don't give a fuck about gay it's fucking stupid not showing straight male

Did anyone here even play or read the original cyberpunk 2020 game?
It looks and feels like a 57 year jump in the setting.

I'd rather have another Shadowrun game. Dragonfall and Hong Kong were great.

Cyberpunk 2077 just looks like first person GTA. That's probably a great thing for many people, but I hate GTA.

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Because its obvious you'll be able to be a straight male.
I'd rather see new gameplay than a feature I know is going to be there.
>b-but they haven't shown the pause menu! How do I know if I can pause or save the game!

Don't bother. He's just trying to bait you.
He's been doing it for weeks.

it's fucking bullshit their audience is straight males they should fucking show sttaight male v

Shadowrun are mobile games you braindead zoomer

to be honest cyberpunk 2020 is probably the worst of all cyberpunk settings. it's just completly outdated, i mean just look at the dumb gangs. literally every other cyberpunk ip is more nuanced

>blade runner
>android: netrunner
>deus ex

all better depictions of cyberpunk, cdpr should have just bought the shadowrun ip or make an official blade runner game

im hoping you can fuck a robot

I like how it's more focused on low life and your average dipshit trying to get by. You're not there to change the world, you're there to try and get money and survive another day.

also some of those gangs are fucking inspired. I want to see if the Abraham Lincoln gang is still around in 77.

Because getting excited means you'll get disappointed


i like the bozos because i'm just into the creepy clown aesthethic. but most gangs in 2020 are retarded, pondsmith just thought of one gimmick and that's it.

God imagine worshiping those feet

Something CDPR will improve upon hopefully. We have 8 days before we get new information so hopefully we can withstand the wait.

You're the cancer that is killing videogames

2nd GTA was great. Almost like a cyberpunk city but in the 70s-80s alternative universe. Amazing style too.

e3 demo was played in 1080p30 on 8700k and 1080ti, but that was a year ago, they had time to optimize stuff even more

Graphics are much better at least compared to last year.

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they should show him as straight male v


haha he looks weird on the left there don't you think haha

He has that 'taking pictures of her sleeping but she woke up' posture.

honestly do you guys think what was showed in the trailer to be possible?

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>Forced to be in a relationship with a man even as a man
Yeah, I'm thinking there isn't going to be a buy.

the pre-demo state was identical for both genders, hence waking up next to the exact same dude for both of them, in the real game you don't get forced to be in a relationship with anyone, they're covered this, it baffles me that you've done enough research to know about the other closed door demo but not enough to know about this.

>identical for both genders
>female v is the default
>same man for male v
>didn't even bother adding woman for straight male v
explain this

I don't need to, you just did, the demonstration was a set vertical slice that starts after the point where you set up your date or whatever, they decided that fem-V would be the publicly shown one so they set it up for her.
In the real game you can choose to fuck a woman, or indeed, fuck nobody and just have a hangover.

He's being wilfully ignorant to fuel his bootyblast and turn people against the game for making him bootyblasted even though he's only bootyblasted for being a fucking idiot.

why is cdpr forcing the sun and homosexuality on us? i thhought they were based?

>turn based isometric RPG or something.
no one wants to fucking play that.

it means content for female v and gay male is the priority they show it first develop content first it is first priority there's less content for straight male v it's lowest development priority lowest content it's bullshit

Oh fuck off.


I hope the next trailer is a 15 minute long gay gang bang with cybernetic magnum dongs just for you.

>not 10 eddies
missed opportunity user

>straight male v
>straight male audience
>straight male v
>straight male v

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>Not sandbox
>World looks really boring compared to the books

you can play it in pc too, WITH MODS AND MODULES

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>n... no don't show straight male v show gay shit
lmao what the fuck is in it for you if they don't show straight male v lol why you against showing straight male content

>whistles for magic motorcycle
>autowalks on road to quest marker
>Pinwheel vision activates
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a BT™, gotta be"
>"Come on, fetus"
>follows pinwheel
>guys in BT™ costumes appear
>"President of jack shit" ALALALALA but on cello sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic walk and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm.... Hazmats™ pretending to be BTs™......better tell the post office head about this"
>"Come on, fetus"
>autowalks on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as BTs™, here's proof shows ladder"
>10 packages received

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Cyberpunk is originally a tabletop rpg though.
Its not tacked on.
If anything the shooting is tacked on to the rpg mechanics.

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No, it will be downgraded by at least 20% but that's the industry norm.

Are your genitals falling off or something?

I don't want them showing gay or straight because I don't plan on romancing anyone in the game because fuck that but hey if fag v keeps you being mad then fuck it dole out the faggotry

It's a GTA and Mass Effect mashup.

Gee user guess you're just not going to have to play the game. All well.

I kek everytim

>mature RPG
>"Fuck, shit, piss, cunt, whore, cocksucker, cabron, pendejo, hijo di puta, ass, bitch, fuck, fuck, fuck"

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they love making things that would be impossible outside of a demo. Example, climbing with claws. Imagine how the entire scenario would need to be modified just to make this viable. Or driving cars, creating a multitude of weapons (why you think that leveled loot with rarity was made for?)


Voiced protagonist

how mad do you have to be to replay to poor bait that has been around for a year?

Because hype is hard to live up to. If you get EXTREMELY hyped, there's a big chance the game will dissapoint, while if you remain carerully hopeful, you have a chance the game will positively suprise you.

>writing made by a 8 yrs old, only has swearing
>only three options
yep, best gt- i mean cyberpunk evey

>turn based isometric RPG or something
Turn based rpgs are shit.
The only reason it exists in tabletop is because it has to in order to have any sense of stucture and rules. Only reason it existed in old video games is cause of hardware limitations.
Modern video games are not limited by such constraints and can have all the real time action they want.
Turn based rpgs are lazy and a relic of the past and need to stay there.

The Witcher has trash combat.
While this is a FPS, so there's going to be much less of a chance to fuck it up; they've set a precedent in releasing games with subpar gameplay.

how are bloodborne so brain damaged?

plus you're forced to have a mexican sidekick, and follow orders like a little bitch.

Wrong. Gibson was inspired to write Neuromancer, see webm below, by him seeing the rapid growth of corporate power over any other by using computer networks of linked data that for the first time in history allowed them to manage risk if they only kept amassing more and more data. And he called that alternate reality of data cyberspace. The cyber in cyberpunk is short for cyberspace. That the internet or cyberspace would mean people linking up with it by sticking computers and electronics in their bodies giving them extrahuman capabilities is incidental.

That's why DX revolved around this exact theme and was better for it, the three endings are ultimately about deciding the fate of the human species by making a judgement about being interlinked and at the mercy of a vast global superintelligence and who controls it, or it not existing at all. Even Blade Runner can't be said to be about transhumanism given that replicants are closer to bio-engineered machines than augmented humans even if it makes them as sympathetic as humans, a theme as old as R.U.R (the 1921 play) and of itself not a defining characteristic of cyberpunk rather than sci-fi. If Cyberpunk 2077 is to be worth a damn, it'll play with cyberpunk's core theme too.

Is it just Americans getting triggered over polish people making better games than them or is it still Bloodborne fags from GOTY2015 taht are shitposting?

Either way may god have mercy on their souls.

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>better games
>no straight male content
read this man

How brain damaged must you be to not understand what a game's tech demo is?

Did your nigger mother use crack when she was pragnant for you? You dont even understand what you are shitposting about anymore.

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It's usually a bad idea to get excited for things in general. Just let it come to you and if it's good, great, if not, the disappointment won't hurt so much.

my dick, is this an actual documentary?

Christ you faggots whine like feminists. Don't buy the game if it makes you cry so much.

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Why would I ever be excited by a game with a dystopic future where Bailey's Irish Cream still exists and is apparently drunk straight by punk-rock cyborgs who haven't done enough augmenting to stop getting hangovers?

>tech demo
>show off shit nobody wants
>don't show straight male content

Just because you want to stare your character's ass.
Nothing was said about mod support or the lack of it.
Nothing was said about weapon mods, all we saw was a project in progress
Same as above
We dont even know the story...
What the fuck!? I saw a lot of white people in trailers
Never played a ps4 game?
Same as above
The world size was not revealed yet
Well, you can try ingame a etnic cleansing...
Just because punkish hairstyle and clothes!? Sad to be you
That was already denied.
What the fuck are you talking about
I certainly enjoyed saints row so thats a plus for me.
2/10 you need to do more research

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It's just that 1-3 bloodborne fags samefagging erverythread.

Why? Because they got the idea that Witcher 3 in interferior to Bloodborne and because it c
cucked Bloodborne's GOTY award on the GOTY 2015.

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on the rail first person combat
that killed all the hype for me

Thats pure mental illnes nigger just go play some Bloodborne and kys yourself.

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>don't show straight male content
i have good authority that the new demo has male V raping a woman at gunpoint.

so better give CDPR your shekels incel.

really doubt, i guess the right is just some high quality render

what the fuck i don't want rape ffs i just want straight male v cdpr won't even show straight male content

>responding to bait
also there's word of no official mod support but it's not like that ever stopped modders, still plenty of nude ciri mods for the mod supportless witcher 3.

Cyberpunk is going to have mods bros. All games have mods that are not related to super exclusive DRMs and Cyberpunk is coming Steam so its going to have mods.
If you are generate that wants day one futa and pregnant furry inflation mods just kill yourself

Attached: 105_016.jpg (1800x1200, 1.59M)

I'm stoked for it. CP2077 is the only game that lets you fuck trannies and become a tranny all in the game. It's like GTA but with real content.

>not posting the full version
>dials number for neon car
>autodrives on road to quest marker
>cyber toucan vision activates
>”Mhmm...giant slash marks all over the victim...a Android™, gotta be”
>”Come on K2000”
>Booysters™ in Android costume appear
>”Shit you stink”
>perturbator starts playing
>sets guy on fire with cybernetics and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash with robot chainsaw and cuts guys in half”
>”Mhmm...Punks™, pretending to be Androids™ … better tell the Mega-corporation head about this
>”Come on K2000”
>autodrives on roads back to higher districts
>"Just some bastards posing as Andriods™, here’s proof "shows hologram"
>10 credits received

The driving is going to be shit

It's not going to be out until 2021.

Imagine seething this much.
Daily reminder Bloodborne was shittier game than Witcher 3.

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It's always sunny

>western game

I hope you live a good life user. :)

Poland isn't western side of the world.

Make sure to name the stream "CD Projekt Dead"

Imagine having autism.

Dont say that, both are good games, just ignore the burgers obsessed with their black cuckage and gender issues culture.

Then why are Bloodborniggers seething still 4 years after the defeat about Witcher 3 and CDPR?

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Who needs to imagine?

Maybe you should but to me it´s just looking like a FPS. The potential of a cyberpunk setting is on having some unique forms of interactivity. Being locked as a merc and having 9 out of 10 dialogue options end in a shooting just doesn´t interest me. To me the point of this game would have been to be able to choose how you wanted to play it. Instead it´s a shooter, with some huds, where you can´t see your own cosmetic builds but you can fuck whoever you want. I find all of that incredibly shallow and uninteresting. So much so that i am not even interested in pirating it to check it out. Now if for you an RPG is supposed to be about shooting shit down regardless of your choices and romance options, well, good for you. Go, enjoy.

good taste user

Attached: ero anubis.jpg (468x702, 68K)

no straight male v options confirmed yet lol

Some might be, but I loved Bloodborne and Witcher 3 and am looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077.

Shit dialogue, awful writing

bloodborne and witcher 3 had straight male protagonist tho

>Yea Forums so assblasted that you can't play as a straight male IN A CYBERPUNK GAME

Only the most based for a based board.
Admit it Bloodborne has the worst following from all of the Souls boos

Attached: 125_0063.jpg (2400x1600, 1.81M)

ah yes i remember the defining aspect of cyberpunk: literally everyone is a faggot and everyone stopped reproducing and died

>Admit it Bloodborne has the worst following from all of the Souls boos

I don't know, maybe, but I've been in a lot of comfy BB threads that were fun and civil. Good and bad to every following it's just the bad are always louder.

Imagine thinking cyberpunk is about being a straight white male in 2077. Pure delusion.


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So GoG or Steam?
Will GoG Galaxy be released at the same time?

Die faggot

Seething porn spammer

>Lets you create a male or female protagonist whose sexuality never comes up

I'm genuinely interested in how long pretending to be retarded can possibly entertain you.

>muh tumblr meme future

>bring up a furry paradise for no reason
Stop projecting.

The ID posters havent grown faggot. You keep spamming the same shit over and over again.

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Imagine being this dumb on Yea Forums that think that among 40 people only 1 can have the same general opinion. Yikes.


reminder that the LGBT movement is a fad that can only survive in an environment where most people have no real problems.

Imagine samefagging in the year 2019 on mobile.
Eat shit and die underage faggot.

Attached: 108_0046.jpg (1600x2400, 1.83M)

What an odd collection of posts to assume samefag on. I'm
by the way

Have sex incel.

Why are you still alive, faggot?

my peenus harf :)

Pathetic samefag.

Attached: 031_031.jpg (2400x1600, 2.35M)

No, user, I'm dead serious, pls share the source

Just post her feet already. damn.

The girl has a sculptural body. The dude Is an ugly fat slob.
Cqn you be more transparent? At least in anime games the guys are cute too.

you piece of shit

Attached: 156_0094.jpg (1600x2400, 2.11M)

That sounds awesome.

>It's always sunny
in Night City

>discord trannies are always seething
in Yea Forums Yea Forums

Attached: 072_071.jpg (1200x1800, 1.41M)

>Gayness make my feel feels hurt!
>REEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEeeee take out gayness in the games, it'll make everyone gay

You idiots sound just like the feminists who don't want naked women in games or the 1990s mom's saying Doom will turn kids into killers.

the shirt stick to her chest


Can I be a lesbian and fuck hot robot babes

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Attached: autism.png (3860x1168, 352K)
I won't always be here to spoonfeed you

Attached: dead-eye-boomer.jpg (680x641, 66K)

another FPS? oooh so cool im so excited

Haven't payed any attention to this game. But will rely on dlc to empty my wallet

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in philadelphia maybe but not in night city

Imagine getting your opinions from Yea Forums posts.


The two demos that will be shown at E3 (Public and Press) won't be streamed or uploaded for those not attending E3. If this insecurity about what they have doesn't say anything to you about the development so far I really don't know what to say.

It's because they are tired of people hating on them for having a day night cycle.

Is this her latests set?

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so I heard that you have to play either as a female or a faggot in this game. is it true? I will have to pass this game if so. sad to see CDPR die too.

Yet people want to see more regarding the development of the game. So their response is to not show the demos?...seems logical. I don't know but to me that just screams they're really not comfortable with what they have so far in development.