What do you put on in the background whilst partaking in vidya?

what do you put on in the background whilst partaking in vidya?

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nothing, i just listen to the game

A stream

if im grinding in a game i will play a podcast. recently been getting into bill burrs monday morning podcast

either smoke a bowl or take half a tab beforehand

cringe and bluepilled

if i put on a movie i just get distracted by the one or the other and get nothing out of either
playing fighting games i just constantly check discord between rounds, or when im being combo'd

My parents arguing

Typically nothing. I like to immerse myself in what I'm playing. That being said, if I'm playing minecraft, grinding, waiting to que up or some other mindless task, I'll have a podcast going on in the background.

Usually tv shows unless I'm really interested in the game. Rewatching Hannibal at the moment.

Faggots like you are why so many games have shit ambience and audio design.

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simpsons episodes, usually homer the heretic and flaming moe

This has become a serious problem for me lately. Often I will refrain from playing certain games, if it's a game where I want to listen to in-game audio. Usually I just want to have music or a podcast or something playing in the background, so I'll just opt to play Rocket League matches for the millionth time instead of a game I'd actually enjoy

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I listen to The Majority Report while playing quake

im talking cod or eso or something
shit that doesnt require you to listen to it


I like to listen to classical music or operas when I play civ or other strategy games. Sometimes I'll have a show I've seen a million times on in the background, like Stargate or X-Files

Wrestling podcasts

Lesbian squirting bukkake videos.

This, nothing.

dvd of malibu's most wanted on loop on tv while i played on PC

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Paying attention to the audio is paramount when playing games like Resident Evil 2 remake or Alien Isolation

trance music

News usually, philosophy ebooks lately
Only for grindy games though

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podcasts for racing games is unadulterated kino

I really don’t know how anyone could believe some people listening to music or podcasts while playing games has caused an industry wide change to audio design. I also have no clue why there’s people like you who take principle with thinking people doing this is wrong or aggravating. I see it here often and it’s extremely bizarre.

I forgot about this movie

>Not 2 tabs

Youtube, just anything

What an absolute waste, unless you guys play like every two months


no thanks I like to not attempt suicide.

Either Pod casts or YT videos. Music sometimes but it depends.

>Implying 2 tabs is that much
You'll trip hard but you're still you

It depends on the game. Some I'll listen to music, some I'll listen to podcasts/yt videos, and some I won't listen to anything because I don't want to fuck with the atmosphere or because it would be a bad idea (like in tarkov).