Why on earth aren't you hype?
Why on earth aren't you hype?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't play dogshit games. You unironically have to be retarded to play a streamlined, braindead version of EQ. Fucking carebear casual shitters.
I wouldn't play that garbage when it was new
Fifteen years later and it's still a no from me senpai
Besides, the player base looks like absolute cancer in human form
i've emotionally moved on.
Shit game
Why would you be hyped for a 15 year old game that you can and could have played any time on a private server.
I'm not that gay
there'd be hype if it was free but they went with nostalgiabux pricing so their market is limited. probably more interested in reforged, especially in asia. much like heroes of the storm trying to sell $10 characters while league owned the world their suits need to be updated on the current year in terms of where classic wow really stands as a product.
I was actually there, played the fucking shit out of it when it was relevant.
Now i'm casually playing retail and don't plan to waste time living in the past.
it'll be worse than private servers, why bother?
>normies that play because of advertising or streamers.
>perma banned for saying nigger or wrongthink
>nu-blizz devs
Because it's modern fucking Blizzard
Because it's not TBC yet
bro i know one thing wow classic is the start
>more and more ppl are going back to games like the souls games
>more people want hard content like raids back
>casuals and solo shitheads are leaving gaming
wow classic is the start bros gaming is coming back to us
>$currentyear ActivisionBlizzard
Why would anyone trust them?
already played it to death, nothing new to explore
3.3 to WoD period completely burned out all my love for WoW, I probably couldn't enjoy it even if they released their most mind blowing expansion right now
the general attitude of today's players
everyone will be rushing to the top, no time to enjoy the game if I ever wanted to stay relevant
no time to play
me not wanting anything to do with new Blizzard, the studio I loved is long gone
EQ was always garbage compared to wow
i played it when it released
it was ok but not so great
i have no desire to play it again
Delusional. It has the same devs than vanilla did, and it uses no sharding. Layering is very different from that and actually a good thing.
EQ was far better but it was still shit
raiding based endgames are just no good because they arent sustainable. Consumable content makes for waning interest.
Because you guys post this thread, about 20 times a day, every fucking day, for over a year
Yeah, EQ was shit. WoW is an even worse version of it. It was obviously designed with braindead cockgoblins in mind.
Nah. Wow was by far better. Trying to argue against this is pure madness.
They simply took too long to release it. It feels like it was announced over 2 years ago. Why has it taken so long? Private servers exist. Could they seriously not just release a fucking classic server? Why the unbelievably long time for release? I had hype, but it has really diminished with them taking forever to put it out.
>haven't played in almost 12 years
>urge to play WoW never went away
What the fuck would you know about good MMOs you PvE mouthbreather?
Cause I didn't even like Vanilla?
>Private servers exist
A lot of the mechanics on private servers are fudged to what they thought was the "most appropriate" because all they had as reference were WoW wiki's, their memories, and other private servers. Blizzard has to actually put all the proper shit place, and not approximations.
I am hype. To see it flop miserably and die after 2 months.
Us Shadowbringers chads will be laughing at you.
interested, but I'll be fucking hype when they anounce a skip straight to wrath making northrend a level 60-80 zone with a fully realized Azjol-Nerub and Crystalsong forest
I already played it, why can't people see that classic wow teeming with nu-wow players isn't going to be an incredibly shitty experience? It's bad enough being forced to play with these shitters, now all the shitters are flocking to classic which will be considerably harder in all aspects. no thanks, eat shit.
Frostbolt Frostbolt Frostbolt Frostbolt
Wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand wand
Frostbolt Frostbolt Frostbolt Frostbolt Frostbolt
I sure am hype
i would be more hype for a server that included BC, WotLK and MoP. The problem with modern WoW is changes they made to the base world and game, not the additional landmasses. Class design was also a lot better and more fun around the MoP era than it was in vanilla.
because I played the original Vanilla 15 years ago, not this cash grab remake
Blizzard is shit and I don't have time to waste on a 15 year old game that I have already experienced. Especially not for $15 a month
Hah. Wtf even was crystal song forest. Dead wind pass had more there
>Humans can't ride mechanostriders
>Dwarves don't have the reputation racial
Friendly reminder that Classic is an entirely new game.
WoW was always dead compared to EQ.
What WoW did was basically sacrifice the mechanic-driven methods of building an mmo community (forced grouping to level and longer leveling so you actually need to hang out in a zone, chat, get to know people, encounter people in the actual game world to succeed), and replace it with a bunch of flashy scripted instances which felt really cool when first experienced but in the end just melted into the mundane and you were left with mundane world and solo questgrinding to the level cap then standing around waiting for your guild to do something after doing a few dailys.
In EQ on the other hand, someone always needed help doing something, and you could hang out in your favorite zone hotspots even if you were bored and had nothing to do. in WoW you just stood in town and watched a movie or something.
EQ was badly designed in many aspects but it at least helped build and maintain a sense of community and the world as an actual place. WoW was just a bunch of spectacles then boredom.
just stop
because private servers are HOTEL and official servers are HOME
all the guilds ive applied to don't need anymore warlocks! WTF /v you guys told me noone played them!
it had full questlines and content but was cut because Dalaran tanked the fps.
Because sharding will be a thing. And you’re a fool to believe otherwise.
>all these anti social shitters don't realize even old clunky games are fun when you play them with others
>game is going to fresh and full of people to interact with
Just hope a streamer doesn't roll on the server you picked with your buddies
>2 hour queues
>get in, server crashes
>streamers given priority Q's
Real question:
Will I get banned for selling gold for real money?
I'm not talking some massive 200 person Chinese gold farm, just me solo grinding away and selling my spoils for real money.
Also is it worth it? I hear of people making $50 per hour from gold farming back in the day. But is that just bullshit?
I see the retarded retail cocksuckers are awake. Fuck off retards. Classic will be a massive succes. It's a real MMO. Not your easy shit version of it. Retards
Classic is an easy shit version of older MMOs you fucking toddler.
I played on pserver, I'm cured of WoW. I think, maybe.
Because I'm not a literal zoomer who gets any form of entertainment out of playing casual themepark mmos.
It was considered casual kiddy shit ever since it released in 2004, cope and have sex, because you think you do but you don't.
1. Already played it. Already explored every zone, done every dungeon, every raid, seen and done it all.
2. There are other games I want to spend my limited time in rather than replaying one I already so extensively played.
3. The kind of people who will play it now are mostly total cancer from streamers to zoomers to twitch kids to retards all around.
4. Layers
5. They didn't even bother removing DHKs so city raids will once again be dead when phase 2 rolls out.
6. Pretty much 4 again but I just really fucking hate the entire e-celeb and e-sports wankery around it. For fuck's sake Method will literally have "racing teams" to get first lvl 60s in Classic.
>A reminder of how pathetic your life has become
>Says local man spending his time shitposting in threads about a video game he doesn't like
The ironing
It's never coming back. No matter how ''''authentic vanilla'''' or not Classic ends up being the experiences and joy you had back then can never be replicated.
And once the nostalgia wears off the panic will begin to set in.
First you will notice less travelers along the road. Getting a dungeon group takes longer. Off-peak hours turn home cities into ghost towns. Then, after the bandwagon praise died down the harsh analysis will come from critics and community heads. Next your friends one by one start logging in less, all that fervor to adventure and level to end-game starts to peter out by level 30.
It becomes harder to convince them to come online, the excuses "oh I need to spend time with the kids/wife/work" more frequent, and eventually the worst comes to pass. Your closest group of friends are online, sure, but playing a different game. Maybe the latest battle royale, maybe some other nostalgia fad or, most likely, a different MMO entirely. Probably retail WoW instead.
Once the population has dwindled to only the most die-hard then the dreaded news arrives. Classic hemorraghes subs, Classic is a failure, Blizzard says servers unsustainable, Classic WoW shutting down for good.
You thought you do, but reality is not just that you don't, but that you can't.
Not real nostalgia. Fake nostalgia.
Like playing NES games on a bootleg console on an LCD, with a different gamepad and widescreen hacks.
Nostalrius was fun for a while (I only ever got to Barrens) but I could never get into it because I knew in my soul it was bullshit.
Didn't care 15 years ago
Don't care now.
Are they going to put out a separate cheaper sub option for Classic?
I don't like the idea of paying $15 a month so they can take that entire fee and put it towards the next retail expansion and adding more junk to the cash shop.
>itt: "people" with a low enough IQ to think they do when, in reality, they don't
I played it when it was new and don't care to re-do the same content over again, but flooded with a hundred thousand teenagers desperate to join a nostalgia club they had no part in.
It will just be the desecration of a long-since rotten corpse, and I want no part in that.
Because it won't be the same.
It's not about playing the game, it's the experience of playing it for the first time.
Literally seething.
>Directly Funding Retail.
>Cross Server BG's.
>1.12 patch from day, 16 debuff slots, no Item progression.
>Streamers, Yea Forumseddit and modern video game "culture".
No thanks.
Especially the last point. It'll be so fucking shit.
They already have LFG addons for the classic beta too. Zoomers following their favorite e-celeb will absolute ruin this.
Man swifty is bad at the game.
>bored, check out his stream
>keep spamming shadowmeld when approaching people
>explains that he makes the shaman lose target so that he can charge the shaman before he gets frost shocked
>when shocks have a 20y range compared to charge's 25y
>okay game
>absolutely insufferable community
WOW in 2019
I am incredibly hyped. Rolling Druid and never looking back
You can't recapture what made classic WoW good anymore. People have moved on already.
I play DK.
Yeah but you can join your favorite titstreamer's guild
She'll play a ret pala dps and you, together with all your fellow whiteknights, can help her get thunderfury and the black qiraji AQ mount
If you do she'll send everyone an exclusive snap!
Don't forget to support her patreon and send her ingame gold too.
Layering and sharding are 90% the same, just different names to avoid riling up people who want pure vanilla.
You're delusional if you unironically think they will disable "layering" after a few weeks. Lmao, their servers can't handle more than 50 people in one spot.
Meanwhile, you had 400+ people on Nost in one single zone and everything ran fine.
dekys delusional deeepshit. devs aren't a brand. they aren't really developing anything anyway.
using approximations because they don't know either. just fucking stop.
social gamers run to the latest hyped pile of shit whether it's clunky or not. you might have fun like you could any other decade+ old game with a couple hundred users on the servers but new hotness this ain't.
i'd like to say they'll go free after it crashes and burns but this is blizzard. so long as they scrape by they'll keep subs to save face.
Imagine all those retards playing Classic come August, all having their faux fun. I pity you people.
>play with chinese and russians on servers ran by corrupt gms
Your private servers are shutting down and there's nothing you can do about it. Pay the sub, cuck.
Because I’m not the same person I was back when Vanilla launched. The experience won’t be the same for me even if everything else lines up. Blizzard could do everything perfectly and the community could be perfect and I still wouldn’t enjoy it like I used to
I’ll no doubt spend the beginning fondly rediscovering all the things I’d forgotten about. But after maybe a week tops, that phase will be over. Will I still have the drive to log in after that? I have my serious doubts. Maybe I’m wrong and it’ll recapture that same feeling from all those years ago but I just don’t see it
>Why on earth aren't you hype?
Because i remember what it was like. And even though i got talked into playing a bit on pserver, it was just not good unless you just want a simpleton everquest meets farmville game.
PvP sucks, PvE is boring as fuck, grinding, more grinding, unfinished classes.
Everything people love about classic, would be considered shit in any other game. 10/10 nostalgia, but if you're not nostalgic enough it's 20/60 because that's how many levels you get before it sinks in and you quit.
Ofcourse if you don't like any PVE, any PVP and don't like any of the classes you shouldn't play it, that goes without saying.
and I haven't played it properly in 15 years but I don't remember much of any grinding, especially not compared to modern mmos (usually from the east).
>implying there will be any difference between pservers and classic
>using approximations because they don't know either. just fucking stop.
But that's just not true. Stay seething, nu-WoW zoomer.
reminder that the female tauren hunter who sniped Asmongold got banned for a while. streamers will have free reign terroring the realms
>Boring and grindy leveling
>All forms of PvE is easy and way too time consuming
>PvP is as broken as the classes, rank 14 is way too time consuming
>Farming consumables is boring as hell, and after AQ opens it will be take up far more time than you want to commit
>Most classes are stuck in unrewarding specs until they get gear, and even then they have marginal use in groups
>Talent trees are pointless, as everyone will just use minmax guides and make no attempt to learn the underlying mechanics
>Everything is measured in time, and nothing is measured in skill. The game is too easy.
>Farming DM is worse than endless mephisto runs(and less odds of a soj dropping)
The game is old and busted, just play on a private server, dont' give ActiBlizz more money to buy niggers and dykes to ruin your favorite franchises.
Fuck off shill. WoW had its time and now is in decline. It's over blizzdrone wake up, it's 2019.
I'm currently trying a warrior - only level 17 - do they get more fun later levels? at the moment I'm just fucking rage starved also should I go DUAL WIELD at 20?
The magic is just gone.
Worgen appeared only in Cata.
Therefore there is no reason for me to get into Classic.
I only play as Gilneans
Blizz has said that it's your own fault for streaming if you get stream sniped.
The thing is i LIKED it back in the day, but it just aged poorly. The only reason to like it is nostalgia, which is legitimate, however insisting that nostalgia makes it good is not a legitimate reason.
If you don't remember vanilla being grindy, then i'll wager you don't remember much. 1-60, professions, mounts, weekly gold farms for consumables, raiding new and old raids for months without major upgrades. That's just the outline, if you don't think it'll be grindy, you're in for a shock.
You can enjoy your nostalgia as much as you want, it doesn't make the game decent or less grindy. It's literally just OSRS for people whose parents could afford to give their kid a WoW sub.
pic somewhat related, its a gnome with fat tits
the most accurate representation of both communities
he is so dumb and his followers are like "oh he's just been away from vanilla for too long" No, he's just stupid.
There's a clip of him about to kill a gnoll in redridge with about 1 heroic strike away from dying but instead he spams rend and dies
Warriors get fun at 60 with a healer, but they will kinda suck until blue pvp set or BWL gear.
Don't go dual wield, arms + a SLOW 2hander for 1-60, use hamstring to kite mobs between 2hander swings and ability cooldowns to minimize damage taken.
Seriously you need to find a healslut to keep your health bar full, feet un-snared, and balls dry. Warrior is the worst class to level and play without gear.
because i snapped out of the wow trance permanently during legion
i just kind of started seeing it for what it is.
Takagi is cute
Because I already played it when it was relevant. Is a pretty bad game and one of the worst MMOs I played. The only reason to play it was my casual RL friends, and they won't play it again.
I guess that could happen, or more like will happen to a lot of people. That said if I get to run SM a bunch of times and kill some people in low level AV with my warlock before I get bored it will still be worth it. At least then I know it was just nostalgia.
I'm really, really looking forward to Classic but if it turns out to be nostalgia and I don't like it in 2019 it's not the end of the world.
Good riddance furfag
Just get on lights hope, it's free. Pick the low pop server. You can get your fix, and find out if you want to get into classic in a day or two.
Yeah, the first guy had a true point, you are just plain seething.
I have moved on, but i'm too ugly and dumb for sex. Should i just go back then?
But retail WoW was an easy way to have sex.
Didn't Lights Hope stated that they will be closing the server once Classic gets released?
Because I played it when it first came out, and it slightly got better with each expansion with all the quality of life updates.
I don't have time to no life it
Huh didn't know that. Any way unless you're going to commit to 60 and just want to test it out, then it's still good.
Because it's no longer 2004?
I just want to kill low level people trying to quest all day or be a warlock summoning doomguards.
yes, you'll get banned if you are discovered.
Honestly it might be worth it to just go Rogue for the sole purpose of ganking and stream sniping.
>Why on earth aren't you hype?
Because the more i think about it i realize that these days i'd rather do other things than play video games as much as in my youth.
Will i throw 15-30$ for a month or two eventually? Maybe. Getting excited for something i've played more than 15 years ago? Nah, i'm not a streamer.
retard cringe big Y I K E S
I wanted vanilla, not vanilla content in legion client with sharding. Confirmed DoA.
most fun and highest skill cap caster, shammy lock or mage?
But user, in the time since vanilla I've gone from being a literal child with no friends, stuck in my tiny village, to having a masters degree, a girlfriend and a job I love.
I dont long for that time, but Im looking forward to unwind after work by slowly working towards 60
Only a few months more friend
never played wow before is why
but if I did paladin or warrior looks like my stuff
I've already played that shit years ago and nu-Blizz is guarenteed to fuck it up.
Because I'm not so desperate for a game that I will ride on nostalgia like some boomer who reminisces about his high school football days. People will just drop it in two weeks after they find out that it's not the same game they remember. Streamers even said they're just doing it the easy money bandwagon.
Layering is just sharding that only instance you with people from your server. It'll still poof people in and out of the game. It's sharding, and it's never going away.
Mage is piss easy, all you have to do is hold on to defensive cooldowns. In PvE all you have to do is cast frostbolt.
Shammy can heal for gear, and then turn Ele once you have BWL/AQ40 gear and instadelete a few enemy dues every few minutes when you have cooldowns, and then be a healbitch while you wait for them to come back.
Mage is unironically the best PvP class, warriors are only OP if nobody CC's them and their pocket healers, mages kick ass and get money.
Shamans are shit, but deleting people with chain lightning is fucking badass, sick burst, but you'll be a dumb healslut betacuck outside of BG's. And that's how most will think of you anyway.
I like to press more buttons than 2
Then playing Vanilla is a dumb move, you will hate it. Also Warrior is HORRIBLE to level, unless you have a healer buddy with you at all times. It will be a LONG and HARD road to get gear, and you wont be a badass until post BWL(a phew phases in, and then several months of farming it). Paladin is boring as fuck, and you will always be a healslut, hope you like wearing dresses because ret and prot are old and tired memes that were never funny.
EQ is the only mmo that managed to get fear of the environment, and exploration right.
Same reason I dropped WoW back in Pandaria.
never said I would play
> haven't played it properly in 15 years but I don't remember much of any grinding,
Yeah, the fact that you havent done something in 15 years is largely the reason you dont remember the grind
Because while the design philosophies of the game were fantastic, the actual spec designs were absolutely horrendous. That's why BC was better - it still had the same design philosophies (as well as some more good ones) but had massively improved, though still not perfect, spec designs.
Okay lil zoom
>old bad
Also I already know of all what you said
I did my research before then
So this is going to be the death of Blizzard, right? Not immediately but when this flops Blizzard will slide into irrelevancy. Do they actually have anything on the go bar this??
Jesus christ you're retarded
because im an adult now, who dont want to waste my adulthood playing video games
I hope you have fun with your game my man
Might be cool and fun
I never played vanilla wow but I'm surely gonna give it a try. I'll probably make a human priest.
What is blizzards official stance on multi-boxing?
I know it is forbidden on the free private servers because you can make unlimited accounts etc etc.
But Blizz doesn't really care as long as I pay them 2x the money right?
Just make new friends, jfc. If private servers were popular enough to have a community, I'm sure there'll be enough people on the official server to sustain at least one server. If your old friends don't want to play, just join a guild that does.
And if HotS is still up, I'm sure Classic WoW will be safe.
Could be, Overwatch and Hearthstone players are leaving in droves, and their Twitch numbers are heavily inflated by viewbots. HoTs and Diablo are dead unless they succeed at mobileshit.
WoW is the last franchise that people have ANY hope for, after the Classic boom fades absolutely NO ONE will care about retail, and it will ruin the normie hype for TBC Classic(best xpac represent fight me bish).
Blizzard is being broken down for parts by Activision-Chinkcent, they will never make a new big game, they will never do anything creative again. WoW classic is the last big thing they have in the bag.
Classic isn't going to flop. WoW is one of the biggest names in video games and everyones said vanilla was the best since fucking cata. Hyper normies will flood into classic and classic will be the main source of WoWs subs which isn't hard to do since they're sub 1 mil now.
Classic will be blizzards biggest money maker now, they just need to do something like OSRS and it will perpetually make money.
You had to press more than 5 buttons with every single class. Your meme failed
Normies playing is unironically a good thing, they keep games from being srs bzns where you need an exact race/class/spec/gear to even be considered for a raid.
Layering is trash, no argument there.
As bad as Blizz devs usually are, they'll be holding back. Each sub is $15/mo, so they have an incentive to not ban people. Meanwhile, private servers would ban you just because they felt like it, on top of letting gold farmers run loose and selling power-ups.
I'm assuming you're talking about pvp because in pve everything is easy.
Out of those 3, the one with the highest skill ceiling is mage, though it also has a fairly low skill floor. It's not particularly hard to be an effective mage, but reaching the top requires a lot of practice. You're squishy but your toolkit is very versatile. Positioning is very important, you need to know how to properly utilize your defensive tools and not waste them on unnecessary things.
Warlock is very strong 1v1 once geared but the gameplay is mindless for the most part. 1v1 your gameplay revolves around dots and fear, in group pvp fear and burst. Skill ceiling is on the lower end. Skill floor is a bit higher up because retards get confused by too many buttons.
Shaman I don't have that much personal experience with it, but it's definitely easier than mage.
because I've done all this before. I'm not going to do it again, and sure as fuck not for 15 bucks a month to play an ancient mmo
Its not back in the day anymore bruv, no one is gonna be buying gold
Classic won't last 3 months. There is only so long people can press the same 2 buttons in 2019
That is based on the assumption that Classic will continue to be popular, i'm sure it will be with the hardcore vanilla fags, but for everyone else, getting to 60 and doing molten core and onyxia once will be enough.
It'll be a big boom, and then a steep decline. Once the streamers get bored with it, a shit ton of hype will disappear too, don't underestimate how much they influence the eternal zoomer.
because vanilla is trash and I won't play it
>getting to 60 and doing molten core and onyxia once will be enough.
like it was enough for 14 years of WoW doing same thing?
I wonder how much staying power this healslut shit has.
It's entirely a result of the current braindead support paradigm in assfaggots/shooters. All of these faggots wouldn't even be able to heal WC.
>two buttons
go back to 3 button bfa then
classic will die when the new expac comes out
I would much rather play "classic" official version of Ragnarok Online.
Anyone else who played it back in the 2003-2007 era and preferred RO over WoW?
so pvp retard
They have no problems with multiboxing as long as you're actually controlling all characters simultaneously by broadcasting the same key press to each one. So basically as long as you're not botting.
>two buttons
it literally is though
I didn't play it back in 2006 not playing it now
False equivalence, it's not like people have been doing vanilla content, with it's busted broken unbalanced classes and other nonsense. It's 7 expansions past that in retail a lot has changed for better or worse.
I don't think it has anything at all to do with assfaggots/shooters. Being a healbitch has always been a MMO meme, men DPS, women heal. So man up or put on something pretty for your party.
RO is the SOUL Yea Forums choice
WoW is reddit
>playing unbalanced pvp
>a healbitch has always been a MMO meme
has it been? we respected healers because nobody wanted to do it, it is a pain to find good healer, always been
>believing balanced PvP exists in any game
thanks user, i'm glad i got to see this.
Sure, but "respect" is more like appreciating a good blowjob when you're used to awkward shitty blowjobs. If you like to heal, i'll be sure to uh, respect you for taking that load :^)
>giving shekels to modern Blizzard
No thanks
it's literally never been an MMO meme because until WoW women didn't really fucking play them, and even then they were still rare, just less rare than they had been
How many times you need to be bamboozled to learn? The only way I would give a crap about it if it gone the runespace route thus it would be vanilla+.
because once you get even a bit of gear, you'll rape people often enough for it to be extremely fun. especially if you're not trash.
do world pvp where you just look for opportunities to shit on people. you're looking at the game wrong if you can't find something fun to do that also pisses someone off.
id rather do it on retail, at least the gameplay isnt boring
I was young when EQ came out, only 12-13. I had several friends that played it also and we had a blast. Best gaming experience of my life. I was reading through Lowtax's old articles a while ago and came across some about EQ and he roasted the game pretty good. I could see where he was coming from, but it made me reflect on how different my perception of the game was at the time than his was. I think if you come in to an MMO being cynical, you are sure to find the disappointment you're looking for.
ok you're free to do that. it's not nearly as fun but that's your prerogative.
how old are you? there was none of this even a decade ago. it's entirely a result of the role becoming useless as the other user said
>retail, at least the gameplay isnt boring
I'm really glad people like you are contaminated to retail.
I hope you're not expecting the arrogant shitheads of Yea Forums to exhibit some semblance of self-awareness.
>it's another Yea Forums thinks they know what games are failing
always funny to read these post here.
I played both vanilla and current wow and vanilla was by far the version of the game with the most boring gameplay
Cope. All specs have at least 6 buttons. That is 3 times as many as vanilla
It's funny remembering back to how every other MMO fanbase gave WoW shit for being so casual.
Now those are forgotten and vanilla WoW is considered hardcore.
I do. I'm not a doomposter but I do have future sight.
Classic is not a game for average casual shitter blizzdrone, it would flop hard
>i only made it to lvl 32 in vanilla
go back to nursing home grandpa
Know how i know you didnt play before tbc?
dunno son, all healers I knew were hardasses.
One guy was a department chief, the other worked in construction. They could say " attention" and raid would listen.
It was during bc/wotlk though, healing was harder back then, wotlk was hardest to heal from what I remember.
I tried healing in legion when I returned for a little, it was pretty boring. I can see how people don't really care for healers these days.
I remember people making fun of healers for being effeminate since Star Wars Galaxies. Maybe you don't remember, or maybe your circle of friends didn't judge you for loving cocks, but it WAS and IS a thing.
I'm 33, how you like them numbers Lil' Zoom?
pic somewhat related
between 50 and 60 actually but I don't see why it would be less boring at 60
>play rogue
>slow as fuck energy regen
>only 2 damaging spells
Will Shaman or Priest be more rare on the Horde side?
sure, but they all play the same with same resources and mechanics only animations and names are changed
oh you didn't actually play the game and your opinion is invalid? i see
Lemme guess, you also cleared naxx got r14 and multi r1 glad on top of that? And your name is Athene?
I did and my opinion is valid
slow gameplay
priests are always rare
it's acquired taste class.
He was much better in the past. Even in Vanilla he was a good player, not just "for the time because everybody was bad". He was still competitively relevant in PVP metas much more difficult than Vanilla until recently.
Age deteriorates him. Only a fucking zoomer without a clue could disrespect something as humbling as he is now. You will experience the same as you grow older, when your his age try to remember the time you shat on him (your brain won't be able to). Its even more saddening because of how much emphasis he put on healthy lifestyles back in the day. The first actual gamer to grow popular and incorporate health and fitness into his fanbase. Probably broke thousands of people out of their clicker/keyboard turning comas introducing them to competitive techniques. Only big WoW streamer I would be fine with letting my kids watch.
no, he didn't play shit and has no legs to stand on in this.
why would I play a shit game for so long
You have less, but pay the same price. Honestly it's fucking dogshit, however it seems it will be quite popular thing and Blizz might made a bank from literally nothing. If they announce other expansions too, im not gonna play them either, because I can do that for free on pserv anytime and im not autist enough to care for number here and there or small bug. You cant relive your past. Wake up. However im jealous for the fags that enjoy this unironically.
Good* Priests. There will be a plague of UD priest shitters who simply rolled their class for shadow memes.
i don't play mmos for displaying skill or "fast gameplay." take up a fighter or a shooter if you want to do that. not to move the goalposts but i wasn't contending that mmos had fast gameplay from the beginning, only that your opinion doesn't have enough experience to make it a valid one.
I play arcane mage tho
lying to yourself is an important part of happiness in life. just look at religious people. maybe you wouldn't be so cynical if you lied to yourself, user.
weird question, do you know why vanilla 1.12.1 client goes black screen when I go windowed?
it works, doesn't crash, but picture is gone
if I don't move mouse and click on windowed again it goes back same with desktop gamma option
Either you're a projecting faggot, or you're just lying. Everyone replying to you is telling you are wrong, and it's very simply to see why: you don't want some retarded faggot playing the only role that if you stop paying attention for a few seconds, everyone dies. Once your tank has aggro, they can go afk. Your DPS can go dilate and half the people won't even notice. Heals stop and people have to run back, and that leaves an impression.
Priests aren't rare, and if you believe strawpolls(not just from here either) then priests are as popular as any class.
Trolls are ugly niggers, anyone with taste would roll a femdead priest. And healing is piss easy, you can literally have any half-decent priest spoonfeed you which ranks to use and what to decurse, and you're set.
the fact that it's 15 years old is your answer
>only that your opinion doesn't have enough experience
ok bro
Its not about reliving your past, maybe that's the problem you're having. It's about playing (newer) content from blizzard. I really enjoyed playing vanilla when it came out, but I don't remember it vividly enough to think of re-playing it as a duplicate experience. I'm excited to go through older content again.
Pservers all suck, I've played many and none have been really good, even when you join a guild and set yourself up in a community. It doesn't have the same feel.
>gameplay is more engaging if I have to press two buttons to use my basic stab instead of one
do you people have cerebral palsy, or something?
It was you and one other guy, i'm just one of the people who can actually remember more than just a hazy picture of the games we're discussing here, maybe because i wasn't fucking 12 when it took place.
And now retail tanks are the gold standard we compare to when discussing whether this meme is older than a decade? You're an idiot, go dilate, have sex, and grow up, crypto-zoomer.
you just told everyone that you made it to a "level between 50 and 60" meaning you didn't play majority of vanilla meaning your opinion is invalid.
I don't like WoW or MMOs. If they never had a subscription back when it first released, maybe I would
why would i be
it is valid because 55 or 60 doesnt change shit, you still have the same number of spells and the gameplay is still boring as shit
>actually getting butthurt that no one takes you seriously
Anarchy Online isn't more "hardcore", it's more tedious. Most of that extra shit gets in the way of proper gameplay more than anything else.
kys my man
Notice anything?
ok ok I will play wotlk or cata in 2030, dunno why I'm so angry about all this fuzz
Dueling tournament today niggas place your bets
literally no arguments and absolutely seething
Swifty is the perfect reflection of vanilla. Just because it was good back then doesn't mean its good now. He shills hard, thinks he still matters, and tries his best to compete, where its obvious he can't, but his devoted fans circlejerk around and do everything to put him on a pedestal and polish him to make it worth more than it actually does simply for others.
>re-releasing WotLK
God I wish
>Be shitter
>Never use class for more than 20% of its potential
>Never pve or pvp
>Have worthless opinion about things you know nothing about
Typical Yea Forums poster
Really makes one think, huh?
People with great taste all seem to hate it.
Yup, autistic anime fags (probably ff14 fans) are easily distracted by shiny particle effects and kawaii-ugu characters instead of 200iq level gameplay.
>every streamer losing and whining about their class, or that level 30 benefits every class but their own
>losing to guys who got 0 handouts, vs streamers being handed gold and items
>beta's limited to 30, instead of playing and earning items be handed them so you run out of shit to do and just afk watching youtube videos(stealing views and $ from youtubers)
>being a vanillafag
>calling other shitters
good one
I expect people will be banned for stuff that the rules don't even mention, like "Stream sniping" or "Toxic attitude".
opinion disregarded.
Why is it that every time I see this face I get a real feeling of disgust and cringe? Is it the eyes or shape or what?
im not hype about giving blizzard money
MoP babby on top of that, why am I not surprized
The premise of this whole vanilla wow enterprise is that people entirely stopped caring about nu-wow but didn't stop caring about vanilla so let's recreate vanilla. Why in the world would anyone here care about anything you did in the achievements era of wow?
Because I am not underage and actually played it when it was released.
yeah vanilla was so much better and harder am I right my fellow classicbro
no zoom zoom zoomies allowed in this thread.
I never played Vanilla
What should I expect?
were you a salaryman too who turned into a loli?
>people entirely stopped caring about nu-wow but didn't stop caring about vanilla
>cant reach max lvl in vanilla
>kills supposedly hardest content in furyland
Vanilla was ultimate pleb filter
streamer swifty is some old dementia ridden boomer who bought the original swifty account
Yes they did
Bored housewives loved old mmos and got along pretty well with the male community there, it wasn't until wow that mmos got thot infested though
frogposters aren't people. you wouldn't understand.
Because I saw everything but Kel and I'm not wasting half a year worth of time again, to get a shot at it.
you also wont understand when everyone will drop the game when the new wow expac drops
literally all of the horde participants are faggots with a garbage personality or disgusting subhuman mutts, i hope they all lose to some nobody who got in to pad out the numbers
lol @ this sad nigger who never had guild moms
they all played warlock
i still don't know why
do do dodo dodododododo do do do do dodododododo
classic will be a cringy mess of 30yo manchilds who acts like they're 15 again
baaaaaaaaaaaa baaaa baaa
>Doesn't like cute
Get the fuck out lebbit zoomer piece of shit.
It's the misunderstood underdog who was secretly super good all along.
So lots of these narcissistic streamers see themselves in it.
Because I'll be playing ffxiv, the superior game
I'm going to buy this shitty game and play if you guys say how to get an e-mommy. Otherwise I'll shit on classic every day, and make people turn away from it.
So is Yea Forums and yet you come here.
>Anyone else who played it back in the 2003-2007 era and preferred RO over WoW?
Mah nigga.
I can't get hyped for WoW Classic because I can only see it as an inferior version of RO on almost every aspect.
Yep anime spergs trying to make fun of others despite being smelly repulsive neets most likely 30 bmi+
i am bro. im upgrading all my specs. getting a nvidia 7800GTX gpu, two sticks of 2gb ddr ram, and upgrading to a brand new 1650x1050 monitor. gonna be cruising at a smooth 30 fps
I don't have the time for WoW anymore, it was fun when I was a lil shithead kid who only worried about his parents getting a divorce.
redpill me on ffxiv
E-mommies are going to be a dime a dozen in classic. Everyone who wants one will find one.
You're deluded, there are so few mommies to go around, most of the women that play wow are NOT venerable guildmoms but rather FELSLUTS of GUILD RUINATION.
Can't wait for all the zoomers fooled by these nostalgia fags to reach the level 30+ draught and go "wtf is this?" and then flood this board with shitposting.
tranny dress-up game
Join one of those friendly friends casual guilds who do voice interviews and are more concerned with personality than performance. The kind where everyone uses each other's real first names. That's where they all settle in at.
Zoomers have been (((influenced))) into thinking that vanilla WoW was some Dark Souls of MMOs
I dropped them for GW2 and never looked back, you can play your social-less, static combat garbo yourselves.
You know, it unironically is.
>streamlined mainstream game that perfectly encapsulates the genre with a perfect difficulty that retards hail as the hardest thing ever
DS1 is my favorite game of all time
I never see that happen. I assume that only happens in drama whore guilds that anyone who isn't a drama whore avoids. Normal guilds will have mommies because everyone playing this is mommy and daddy age now. Except for the horde of kids following streamers around I guess.
Here is a another fun fact about those very same zoomers, they didn't even play those Souls games either, they just watched their favorite eFriend simulator do it.
Did they destroy everything worthwhile in cataclysm to try to memory hole old wow?
I am, but only very little. I don't really get hype about games anymore.
>voice interviews
Because I didn't get into the beta
I feel kinda bad that thing is going to get memed into the 40% meme, but at the same time, i can't stop laughing.
That's just the average horde player.
Because I played it 13 1/2 years ago.
This is your daily reminder:
>The Horde, moon coons high on double moon coon jenkem invades
>refugees welcome, the faction
>orcniggers have a beautiful and vibrant culture(now pay them)
>trolls are one of the oldest races on azeroth, still lives in tents and never figured out how to use shoes
>smelly zombies in ragged clothes insists they're victims whenever they're not busy zombifying humans
>cow people are funny haha can't run though, so betamax they just do whatever warchief tells them to
>entire faction lives in mudhuts, tents, or ruins left behind by superior races
>endless "actually we're just misunderstood"-storylines sponsored by the goblin anti-defamation league
>it's just a coincidence that all the furries play horde(stfu about worgen no one plays retail idiot)
>deforests any part of kalimdor that isn't a desert already, shitting where they eat like true niggers
>not a single race worth sticking your dick in, a ugly and disgusting bunch
>Will insist that alliance is the tranny faction, despite having a overwhelming population of faggots, furfags, trannies, and other degenerates
>Shamans are just gay hippies LARP'ing, more deluded about their non-healing roles than druids
>ogres are cool but you can't play them because reasons haha cows are funneh!
>pitiful attempts to justify their savagery makes everyone wish they'd just get back on demon jizz and shut up
>and that's just vanilla, 7 expansions later and the rampant faggotry continues unfettered
Don't fall for the propaganda. Alliance is the white mans faction, come home white man.
>EQ was bad
Thank you for agreeing with what we've all been saying.
nublizzard SJWs are going to ruin it
>when you are a part of both the 40% and the 56%
for all of 3 weeks, just like every other expansion since wotlk. retard.
I remember alliance was where all 12 year olds were.
Man, I was going to roll undead because I think they're funny but, I'm rolling nelf or gnome now. (Human and Dwarf are too basic)
and classic
never thought about it this way.
No gear drop or exp letter on mmo = shit, not gonna discuss this further bye
The only reason I'll have to come to Yea Forums in December is to see the screenshot compilations of naysayers being BTFO when the game continues to live beyond their expectations.
>naysayers being BTFO when the game continues to live beyond their expectations
sure I'll be waiting for you when the new expansion releases
I don't play retail and haven't since TBC.
>great taste
I'm not 12 and it's not 2004
You guys are aware people are going to trade items on classic for wow tokens/gold on retail right? Since they're both the same subscription the value stays the same. The economy is going to be fucked from day 1. I imagine top guilds are going to sell items on classic to make up the money they lose on the world first race.
what private servers other than northdale are worth playing and not packed to the brim
>not packed to the brim
No IRL friends to play with
No time to play it
I can't work 50 hours a week and play this shit at the same time. I was a school kid when I played Vanilla, and never played any xpacs.
who the fuck wants to play alliance
literal disneyland faggots eating White Castle in their designated faggot white castle huts in the middle of every zone (complete with some vendors, less quests then horde and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a boat or free transport thrown in) while running away from anything that moves alone only despite rolling for pve racials but actually always 1vNPCing to use them
then porting into their literal disneyland faggot White Castle city called "stormwind" more like fartwind lol blizzard literally took some german shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic faggot to the faction le non monster races br0 check out these SHOES so mundane better name myself something lame like johnny to fit in btw get owned kid totally bubble hearthed out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:
- literal tree shithole with aids and bear feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded mine thing where you fall off into lava and die
- literal faggot White Castle german city
>Streamers, Yea Forumseddit and modern video game "culture".
holy fuck this.
itd be nice if they gave us server where streamers werent allowed to play on so we could avoid the ecelebs and their cancer fanbases
>he doesn't replay old games
>t. brainlet
are EU streamers that popular? can be okay on EU, they also will grind to 60 and be out of sight for normal players
themechanic would win everything but he's alliance.
This is beautiful, rogue perspective too. I want to go back, I want to go HOME.
Redpill me on prot pally
reminder to play on the eu servers to avoid the streamer mafias
Because I'm not interested in playing an old MMO with the modern MMO audience
based Ally shitting on Horde shits
His point is that nearly all the obnoxious eceleb streamers are american
how is this different from retail? retail simply got more animations to blind you mechanics are essentially the same
The only thing I never really got to do in Classic was clear Naxxramas and to get to there would take up so much time again. And on top of that since I cleared raiding Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm and Mists of Panderia I'm quite good.
cause it'll be ruined by streamers, zoomers, and tryhard autists
Obviously people are hyped.
>retail simply got more animations to blind you mechanics are essentially the same
>half of those people are in brill
absolute shitfest
Give me TBC instead.
>look around
>run away
>stick together
here, I solved WoW raiding for you.
PvP montage players are always bad at PvE
>go from a 14 year old playing wow on my summers off to a full career with a new truck
>sad adult
Yea ok projecting .jpg
dios mio...
imagine thinking retail raiding is sitting under a boss looking around while chatting on /raid about the meal you had 10 minutes ago, then killing a few adds and going back under the boss
on normal it is.
ah te Vanilla experience..i can't wait old.reddit.com
even on normal there's more mechanics than vanilla rag
I am hype. Gonna race to 60 then stream snipe everyone I can on alliance. It's going to be epic, lads.
t. Xiao Bao Miao
Do you think it would be possible to reset all raids that came out(not time walking scaling bullshit)?
basically have DPS check bosses at each raid of every expansion so you wouldn't be able to progress without gear from previous expansion. Making all raids relevant, not catch up mechanic. I'm asking if it's technically possible, I know nobody would do that.
Yeah because those MMO had on average 10k players and every shitter like who pretends to be an oldschool MMO gamer is either a zoomer LARPer or some faggot who plays an """MMO""" like BfA/FFXIV and is scared of a real MMO killing his garbage game.
stop shilling your dogshit channel you zoomer piece of shit.
because i'm not a brainlet who thinks me having a good time with wow in vanilla was because of its superior game design
nor am I brain dead zoomer sucking streamer cock 24/7
Are private server owners chinese now? I thought they were russians. Either way, if you support nuBlizzard you can't call anyone out on gargling chinese cock aside from maybe epic store users since they're basically run by china these days.
So why is everyone so pissed about streamers?
I haven't watched any of them because I don't give a shit, but how do they supposedly ruin servers?
most of them are ching chong and poorfags who cant pay a sub also asmongay and sodapoppin are shilling classic so its normal private servers rises
they have 50 people entourage following them.
it's like locust swarm.
>He thinks SwoleBenji is a zoomer.
Video is good lad, keep it up.
why the fuck is that faggots guild called "make azeroth great again" anyway?
I thought political shit wasn't allowed in wow
why do brainwashed amerishart "gamers" have to contaminate absolutely everything on the internet with pro-blumpf/anti-blumpf shitflinging
fuck them
fuck classic
fuck zoomers
fuck amerifats
and fuck asmongoloid
>muh rotations
do that in pvp and you're dead
Why would i pay again to play the same fucking game?
Also i'm not in highschool and i don't have free time.
i agree with most of your pot, but being mad over a guild named like that is borderline autistic, silly guild names have always existed.
>reeee you must be a blizzard shill, how dare you defy my overlords who are known scammers.
kek every time. Don't even @ me you subhuman.
> 361 replies
> 171 posters
Dead game. Lmao
are you okay user? I think you need to take your meds and lie down for a bit
i'm mad at retarded fucking gamer/streamer "culture" in general
this guild is just one example of it
What if SwoleBenji lead a Yea Forums and /vg/ guild? He's lead a 1000+ member guild in Cata before that was hugely successful.
He's not a Raid Chad so if you're into raiding and leading raids you can totally do that and he wouldn't fuck with you in the slightest.
He is a PvP Chad so if you're into that you and him could do some epic in-game trolling.
He's the most Chad'est person here so you wouldn't have to worry about cliques forming like all the other wannabe Discord groups popping up around here. (Believe me, I've checked them. The second you step into their parlor you get targeted by the blue pilled incels to the point the Discord madmin bans you from all the main rooms.)
There would be some rules to the guild though, and if you have a problem with them you wouldn't be welcomed. It is a rule set for all good vidya guilds to follow:
- No Women (Grill gaymo's ruin guilds and a sense of brotherhood. Get your e-girl pussy elsewhere.
- No little kids (Immaturity, lack of availability, brings groups down through lack of development.)
- No trannies (Hormones are out of whack.)
- No old people (Unless they're really based and redpilled of course. We don't need oldcucks trying to be our dads.)
- No homos. (Hormones out of whack.)
I've done similar things with Yea Forums in the past. There WILL be third worlders / poo-in-the-loo's / dark nigs / Mexicunts / Amerifags / Europoors as those are the MAJORITY of people that post here.
You'd be free to say / do whatever the fuck you want and not worry about a /gkick (even if you ninja loot randos, say the N word, grief and troll daily) and you'd have a bunch of based bros to play / raid with, assuming people are on board. You'd have a Discord where you'd never be kicked / muted / banned for being autistic. You'd absorb redpills and other manly things from SwoleBenji and would become based and redpilled simply by proxy.
We'd change landscapes of the internet, work towards the common goal of BTFO'ing streamcucks and twitch thots.
that faggot may be a larper , but what he's stating is true . the game is a casual magnet that created its own circlejerk of casual fags thinking its a hardcore mmorpg experience. ultima online is the peak of the genre and also proved the genre is a failure , because gamers themselves ruin the world-game for themselves and everyone else. This is valid for most multiplayer games to be fair.
>He's lead a 1000+ member guild in Cata before that was hugely successful.
oh a cesspool guild, fuck off fatbenji
It's going to be great.
how long until you stop playing because mommy wont pay for your sub?
Kinda late but the new Elysium server seems okay. Launched 2 months ago and while the pop isn't as massive as Northdale, at least you won't constantly get your asshole shredded apart by bored 60s
For an AP Frost mage, should I get frost talents first or arcane talents first?
welcome to 2019 and the vanilla experience, glad i am staying out of it and i hope it dies
You can play classic WoW right now if you want. For free.
Server population: 2000
zoomer mentality
>hurdur muh e-career and opinions
KYS desu
just play retail its the exact same game
100% a zoomer retard burn out, no ged, sounds like a 17 year old, and uses a name like 'swolebenji' so you know he's a fat fuck that recently started going to the gym
funniest thing about this post is talking about swolebenji in third person then
lmao good one swolebenji
I couldn't handle how boring and singeplayer leveling was in vanilla so I doubt that going back is going to make that and the mind numbing boredom that is instanced dungeons any better.
Wotlk was better in every possible way, nostr baby
He has old world rares he can AH for gold to buy tokens for his entire guild / besties.
I'd say play with SwoleBenji so he'll pay for your sub.
He can't. Anyone save that brainlet image post of him trying to mental math basic algebra?
Ya boi!
>tfw gonna join based asmongold's guild and lead a warband of zoomer attack dogs to hunt down all Yea Forums and /vg/ attention whores who try to fuck with him
Played too much on private servers I know exactly how it's gonna end up.
I want to join a guild that griefs people i dont care about streamers in particular or favor either faction
reminder you can and should report posts for advertising/begging
In retail you can autoattack and stay in all mechanics, then get mythic loot.
In vanilla you instantly die to all mechanics, need to actually do deeps and probably would never get loot anyway.
Idk if I should play or not
When you are 40% and 56% at the same time
>In vanilla you instantly die to all mechanics
Good thing the bosses don't have any mechanics
>literally nothing
there's a lot of work and effort put into wow classic that costs blizzard money
but they know they'll get it back
it doesnt invalidate my point, there's still more mechanics
no one plays on normal difficulty anyway because you can get better gear in m+ dungeons
>Stand in all mechanics
>Anything above heroic
>Get mythic luck
>Anything but mythic or stupid luck (forging is a meme tho)
I have literally never seen anyone so misleading, are you jewish?
user, that's a gear addict he only understands games as:
>me get shinny stuff dat mean game good :)
>t. spreadsheet nigger
This is so based. I am so glad someone like you has the balls to make these vids.
Nice tanking btw.
I never understood this kind of delusion. Retail (or BFA I should say at this point) is garbage because of homogenization, forced grind and intentional gatekeeping to make you feel like you are doing something, when in reality you are just filling artificially locked bar. Raid mechanics and maybe rotations are not the issue of retail, far from it. Although some might argue that rotations are retarded mechanic created to appease ADHD children.
Because I'm not 12 years old anymore. Fucking cringe at all these boomers on twitch trying to relive their childhood (imagine the highlight of your youth being playing this soul sucking Jewish game) by playing classic wow.
Just yikes.
>0 mods
>can do every quest in the game and still not reach 60, so game is more about the journey then grinding, unlike retail
>no more stinky elves in the Horde
comes "free" with the purchase of a sub, so you can treat the sub as classic access and retail as a glorified erp chatroom
>get to experience the beginning that i missed out on due to nomoneys
Can't wait.
Vanilla-WoW embraced an era of socialist values for the community. Certain classes were very difficult to play alone, certain classes played different roles, it made for better group and socal content.
Classic-WoW will embrace modern values, it is less about the community and more achieving artifical 'metric' numbers. This mob-mentality is what killed Retail with 'end-game' radiing among hardcore gamiong circles instead of just -having fun-.
I really old school G-mod (not this youtube shit like TT and Prop Hunt) but just fucking about.
Tl;dr - Not hyped becuase WoW playerbase is completely different, addons will spoil it, and the streamer phenomenon.
>this level samefagging
Holy fuck this is embarrassing, you do this same shit every time you post. Do you think that one day everyone is going to stop hating you? It's not gonna happen. You're an obnoxious cunt and constantly attention whoring and samefagging just makes everyone hate you even more. There is no person on this entire website who likes you. Is there any reason why you keep trying to make people like you despite everyone telling you to fuck off everytime you post? Is it a mental illness?
>get to experience the beginning that i missed out
see you on layer 10 user
>addons will spoil it
Why do newfags always pretend to be oldfags? It's getting kinda painful at this point.
Some of us were too busy in highschool to play vanilla user. I also didn't have a part-time job alongside school.
I hope you're playing an ironic character in that piece of shit video
Lol deranged xivtranny.
I fucking hate that you took FFFFRIDAT/SSSATURDAYNIGHT MOTHERFUCKER as your avatar. You fat piece of shit. Get a heart attack.
rent free
>Classic bull: Home brothers, home soon
>Classic bull: Lol kill yourself 40%
>XIVtransfreakazoids: H-heh... rent free... layers... heh....
Jeez who's livin' in who's head rent free?
Dear benji
Please fucking stop, or at least stop pretending to not be you by referring to yourself in the third person.
I actually subbed to you when I first saw you because i thought it might be fun, then I saw all this incredible faggotry that your routinely post in Yea Forums and promptly unsubbed.
Quit being such a fag.
>Not real nostalgia
>Meanwhile Classic runs on a fucking Legion Client and has shit that wasn't there in 2004
What do you mean by this retard
>implying I've ever touched that weebshit
You are a shill, nobody that stands for vanilla wow wants to see sharding.
rent free
>pay to play with chinese and russians on servers ran by jews
how is this any better?
It's just for launch window so there aren't 8k queues.
Sorry but I moved on to GW2, not looking back
holy fucking based
this just shows you are from veddit.
blessed frogposter
havent cringed this hard in a long time
There weren't 8k queues back then either unless you went to a full realm, they are getting paid to do this, they HAVE TO deploy sufficient hardware to answer the demand.
kill yourself retard.
holy shit how based can you get
This sounds like the most fun thing. A men only guild with no weirdos where we run around killing girl gamer streamers all day.
Where do I sign up?
Because it was fun back then, it's not going to be the same now...
>college grad with a good job making good money
>played a little during BC but only really started during wrath
Yea, no.
Knock it off, this kind of shit might get you subscribers on reddit but it's just annoying here.
Keep telling yourself that. You will never get those old days back, and that is final.
Woah! This is really based! Im gonna subscribe right now!
Reminder to not reply or even watch this "SwoleBenji" shit.
he is just a sad fat fuck trying to make bank on classic and literally begging to get bought games.
he is LITERALLY copy pasting his posts in multiple wow-related threads.
he gets bullied out of every discord bcause of his e-begging and autism.
literally the lowest form of lifeform in this planet.
Fuck off bad to plebbit already, nobody fucking wants your here. you are just talking to yourself.
He doesn't want subs bro he just wants people to play with.
go back fuckface.
I think he just honestly believes that being a sockpuppet retard is entertaining. It takes a concentrated effort to remain this oblivious to the fact that nobody cares about anything he does
People arguing about how much they prefer classic over retail in chat all day is exactly how I remember it being 15 years ago though
yeah kind of obvious the guys a massive tryhard faggot
squeaky voiced pencil neck nerd lmao
Kill yourself.
Listen to this man, for he speaks the truth. I hope that faggot gets cancer in the balls.
WoW was never my cup of tea, so I have no incentive to play WoW classic.
Region NA-Northeast, Server ActivisionViacomDisney-3, Realm ForcedRPPvP-46, layer 4689, shard 791484B, department TraderJoes-154, aisle FrozenFoods-32, guild Asmongold Subs Overflow4.... Home
Cleared Naxx with fellow boomers on LB and had a great time.
Feels good I can avoid pic related like the plague.
The game itself is not bad, but I highly doubt it can stand its ground now. People changed and the mentality is completely different now.
That you’d animu obsessed whales that would find blizzard with their obsessional personalities have moved on and that spells the death note for Blizzard Entertainment?
Yeah we all know.
>perma banned for saying nigger or wrongthink
And whats the problem?
Because I played it already, multiple times. This is only going to be SLIGHTLY better than nostalrius.
It's classic. Not BC.
Why'd I be hyped?
Because this game fucking ruined my life and made me drop out of highschool
>no layers
>join lower pop server at launch
>server dies when initial hype dies
>have to deal with realms merging, name changes, new people etc
>everyone on the same server with a few different layers
>hype dies down
>layers get merged
>still healthy server population with no name changing, lots of people you already know
the only way you'd be against it is if you were a braindead tranny
>What do you mean I can't use serpent sting? I will get outdpsed without it!
>Why should I bother with consumables when I'm not even allowed to use all my skills? I'll never be top of the damage meters anyway
>What's a debuff cap?
oh lordy the fallout will be glorious
Just saw this vid on my feed.
Youtube is pushing it you guys!
SwoleBenji is awesome. I love that he kills reds. Everyone else is such a pussy and lets the enemy faction live, why?
BC is shit.
WoW died when BC came out. N I G G E R
swolebenji here, I'm officially coming out of the closet as a bluepilled cumguzzling homo
Fuck off back to bfa, you wont last 20 levels
I'm tired of remasters. WoW, Halo, Runescape, CoD, FF7.
Remasters are good and all that but I play them more than current games. 15 years and devs can't figure out how to improve their game or make a new good one?
this is a fucking redpilled post
I got bored of WoW at level 30
WoW- Fortnite
>>join lower pop server at launch
how about you don't
No fucking shit, sherlock. Everything went to shit after '07.
I'm semi-hype. Just gonna have a months fun with some friends for shits n giggles. I look forward to leveling actually being the bread and butter of the game again.
>10k queues
great idea
When they announced it like 2 years ago, I was hyped as fuck.
But by now, I hardly care anymore. Why even announce it so far ahead? As if I didn't know: they needed at least one interesting announcement at Blizzcon. Nu-Blizz can't plan past the current business year because it's run by bean counters who get paid by the current year's result, not long term success and who change companies all the time after their short term strategies give them 2 good year bonuses, but before profits start to plummet due to their terrible effects on the long term (firing senior developers for being expensive, reducing new features for being expensive, scaring away long time players in favor of a short influx of normies who won't stay long, but generate massive short term profits etc).
I really hope this cancer dies out before it infects and kills every single major gaming company.
Male dwarf holy pally for both pve and pve
Male troll 30/0/21 shaman for both pve and pve
I look forward to being support so I can help everyone else do better :)
because I'm now a bitter jaded 30 year old boomer instead of a 16 year old who's playing his first MMO
joined a launch server and it was fine through TBC when I stopped playing
What's wrong with actual servers, without making your own problems?
Because ActiBlizz has disappointed me too many times in the past.
Healsult meme was made on /vg/
No one but autistic people from Yea Forums and reddit think its true.
I have been a support caster since EQ and have always played support and heals if I have too, it has never been seen as a beta bitch thing to support or heal. The GMs gf and beta people always played hunter
It's just a /vg/ meme m8
>join normal pop server
>no queues
>enough people for the next 4 years
based retard, you never played retail back then, like I said, kill yourself.
I'm going to create a guild on the streamer's server and fuck with them
People seem to forget what wasn't fun about this game.
>spending 15 minutes on a kill quest that should take 2 minutes because all the mages and warlocks are tagging everything in sight
>they won't group with you because they don't need your help
>90% of gameplay is just walking around waiting to get where you're going
>raids are mostly spent trying to get 40 people together, then running back in ghost because 1 or 2 people made a simple mistake or just got unlucky
>raid for weeks and get absolutely no gear
>people constantly jumping ship from your guild after they get bored, taking raid loot with them that is essentially wasted now
I could go on but for me, this is why I stopped playing.
Well I tried to get into a pserver but things are different now. The people who play this game now don't have this slow take your time mentality, but rather how to get from A to B as fast as possible. The people very rarely talk, and only group up when it comes to a mandatory quest then disband. I didn't felt that organic and living at all. It felt like you put a lot of modern MMO players who already have the knowledge needed. The younger generation was raised on these queue matchmaking simulators will definitely leave, and those who were active in the golden age, will be bored as fuck, people usually quit around lvl30 because this is where the game becomes incredibly tedious and that drive to push further vanishes.
If you mute the video, it's really nice, solid tanking.
Fuck off retailtranny
15yr old game. It's already been solved.
It's beyond done to death.
I'm not stuck in 2004 where 2 button rotations are acceptable
>he's still shilling
Too obvious dipshit
He usually stops after the vids get 1k views.
>those damage control comments
top juj
Classic unironically has more abilities per class on average than retail.
Yeah I can see what you mean. Add to that the fact that the game is pretty much solved at this point, from leveling to gearing to raiding, I can't see it having much staying power after the final content patch
please start using a tripcode, so I can filter your posts
Having more abilities is quite meaningless if you don't use them user (see x-bolt spam or the great mechanic of 16 debuf slots). Or they really do nothing special at any point and you always use them in the same way (xiv 1-2-3 combo shit).
I’m personally really excited for ShadowBringers. My old friend from elementary school started playing with me about two months ago and we’ve been able to reconnect of friends in a big way because of it.
Just finished all the MSQ for Stormblood and now we’re just leveling alt jobs and crafters. It’s been fun as fuck.
I grew out of it and MMO's.