Silent Hill: Shattered Kino is the only Silent Hill game that hasn't aged like a pile of cum-stained handywipes

Silent Hill: Shattered Kino is the only Silent Hill game that hasn't aged like a pile of cum-stained handywipes.

Attached: shattered_memories_ps2_esrb.jpg (728x1024, 564K)


Isn't this the game where you colour a book?

This one has the stupidest name by a long shot

The name is absolutely perfect, though. It ties into the central theme of car crashes, ice, and other things that shatter when you hit them.

Cause it was a pile of a cum stained handywipes on release

Didn't like it that you can easily predict when the supernatural shit starts happening instead of living in constant fear.
Honestly the run sequences were the worst part of the game.

>Didn't like it that you can easily predict when the supernatural shit starts happening instead of living in constant fear.
You create your own monsters. Don't forget that the monsters are only trying to comfort you. Pet you and hug you so you can accept the truth about what happened.

There's a reason the "monsters" only appear when Harry is in denial about something. things only go wrong when he blocks out the truth.

>it hasn't aged well
has gotta be the most beta argument against something you can make

>hasn't aged like a pile of cum-stained handywipes
weird considering pic related looks like a fucking ice bukkake
i liked shattered memories too op but you're wrong, it's not THAT good.

Silent Hill 1-4 suffer from dogshit central gameplay that has only become more glaringly dogshit as time has passed. "Aged poorly" is being generous towards them. And Homecoming/Origins/Downpour just aren't kino in the way that Shattered Memories is.

Why mods hate SH threads?

You mean SH3

Attached: SH3.gif (500x500, 738K)

Silent Hill 3's camera and combat are fucking awful.

but user, combat being awful in silent hill is deliberate :3

>Caring about combat in a pure survival horror game

Fuck off faggot

Weird how Silent Hill was allowed to have awful combat but people got mad at Metal Gear Survive, aka Silent Hill: Survival Edition, for having less than amazing melee combat.

I will say that its worth playing as much as the best games in the series and if you liked those and havent played this you should. Atmosphere is up there with the best of the series. The psychology gimmick is aldo clever.

Love the focus on exploration rather than inventory management. Love the fact that theres no combat. However the game is just not scary at all. The monwter sections are just tedious.. and ice theme? really?

>Metal Gear Survive, aka Silent Hill
You have never played a Silent Hill game and is obvious.

All the games before Homecoming have aged fine, you just have to not be a little bitch about tank controls.

I'll admit, the game was surprisingly enjoyable. Played it right after Silent Hill 1 and it somehow felt just right.

It might made sense story wise, but it didn't really help my gameplay experience.

>You have never played a Silent Hill game and is obvious.
Huge sections of the game take place in a mysterious grey fog. The monster designs are by Masahiro Ito. It's a Konami game. Do the math.

what about the gameplay is bad exactly? gameplay encompasses pretty much everything in a game

Because it was already shit by the time it came out.

Garbage game

Typical western trash

I am not gonna defend the controls, but any SH fan knows that the combat is the least important thing of the series.

Attached: SH2angela.jpg (500x300, 17K)

>ice theme?
It was originally a game called Silent Hill: Cold Heart where heat/cold mechanics played a huge role. This was scrapped. Ice theme was kept.
>what about the gameplay is bad exactly?
Shitty cameras.
Shitty combat.
One is tolerable. Both is a problem.

>t. never unlocked the light saber and princess heart

How come people shit on Downpour so much? It's wasn't amazing sure, but leagues better than Homecoming. I remember having a pretty good time playing it, and I remember the monster design being pretty okay up until near the end of the game.

How did the Japanese Silent Hill games portray America and average Americans better than actual Americans did?

Downpour is pretty solid, DESU. It suffered from being a technical mess, and being a bit less polished than it should have been. I enjoyed playing it on RPCS3 recently. Shame the PC port was canned. The soundtrack was really good, too.

You can clearly see the influence of Downpour on The Evil Within 2.

1-4 are the only SH games worth playing and 4 is pushing it.

>How did the Japanese Silent Hill games portray America and average Americans better than actual Americans did?
By plagiarizing-slash "paying homage to" Jacob's Ladder.

Also, Shattered Memories isn't American. It's British. Downpour is Czech. I'm pretty sure the only American Silent Hill game is Homecoming.

Too american. Also it had too much other human characters to feel isolated

Origins is american too and maybe the only good SH after the first 4

How did they drop the ball so hard with 4? It has so much going for it in terms of atmosphere and the general look of the overworld. It's the scariest one out of the first 4 but the shit stock sound effects and horrible gameplay choices like the limited inventory, barely any health items and cheap enemy placement really make the second half a chore to get through. I know the limited inventory was intentional to make you return to the room frequently but juggling your low health and ammo with keeping the room clear with the candles just becomes a chore. And of course on top of all that the second half of the game is an escort mission with an invincible enemy chasing you around on top of the other invincible enemies that were already chasing you around.