Games where you fall?

Games where you fall?

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Max Payne 2

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Shadows of the Empire

Ironic or not imagine actually typing this. Holy fuck.

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San Andreas


this is your meta for the next two years, please look forward to it

yeah okay fag

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>friend keeps basically saying I'm not allowed to have an opinion on the game because I don't savage raid
so sick of this shit.


DRG and SMNs laugh at you

Just savage raid then. It isn't hard.

World war 2. I'm hoping they find a way to bring my boy back in the sequel.

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I'm planning on it, but that's not really my issue.

he's not really wrong in terms of combat balance tho
if you're talking about literally everything else then yeah he's dumb

>he's not really wrong in terms of combat balance tho

I mean the principles of the game are pretty easy to grasp just from observing high end raiders and the concepts they talk about.

You don't need to raid yourself to know that most fights in this game for nearly any class are a matter of mapping out the largely scripted fights based on timemarks and knowing when to best use the tools in your kit.

animal crossing

B-b-b-but Job A can clear a fight 10 seconds faster than Job B so Job B is LITERALLY unplayable! Think of the gold parses!

Boy I wish they'd let you earn Estinien's Nidhogg armour as an in-game reward.

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Just dye the Drachen Armor red.

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But what about the eyes and the broken horn?

Actually he is. People think job composition a is way better than job composition b because of a tiny percentage, when you call them out on this they basically say its because you don’t raid.
Tldr they grab the meta job composition that can skip x mechanic during prog because of its tiny better dps and they yell that out as some gospel like the game is imbalanced as fuck. Its pretty annoying.

Did fomeone fay fall?

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Adult Noctis can't catch a break, can he?



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>t. never even cleared EX trials
The "meta" has absolutely nothing to do with individual damage.

>DRK never taken because Living Dead is fucking terrible and forces a reaction from both healers. GNB will not be meta for this exact same reason.
>MNK rDPS utility applies only to the other melee DPS, potential pDPS is basically the same as DRG's, who has a raid-wide critical hit boost
>DNC might take priority over BRD if their utility boosts party damage enough to justify their abysmal numbers
>BLM is terrible for prog, has no raise, or any other party utility for that matter as opposed to SMN who has a magic DPS increase, a physical reflect buff, a raid-wide damage and healing increase, and a raise

>ready to jump ship to GNB
>Remember that I'll need to level 60-70 before doing new content

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You don't need a game for that.

Come on, user. It'll only be around 45 HoH runs.

Get beast tribe turn-ins ready and do squadrons for exp manuals.

>wow I might need to play the game, i can't do that omg

you wont be the only guy in the same position, pretty sure you'll find leveling parties in the PF


Roses are black Alphinaud's ribbon is blue and once the rose is white Alisaie dies too.

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>Alisaie dies
Thank the Twelve.

Is there a glamour dresser for housing yet?

Brotherhood applies to tanks as well, but you're right that it's still weak as far as utility goes

>Alisae dies
>Alphinaud gets more screentime as a result
And everyone wins as a result

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>Sequel keeps getting delayed
i know it's supposed to be a big thing but hot damn they're taking their sweet time with that one