Redesign thread.
Redesign thread
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why does squirtle have two designs, and no blastoise
teeth are too scary it should look like this
This is horrible
What is this retarded formatting
Please delete this thread.
>The new pokemon aren't ba-
jesus fucking christ no
Charizard and nidoran looks kind of cool and that's the onlypositive thing I have to say
Also stopping shilling a single artist
I hate all of these
I wanna fuck that Nidorina
Its cus of design filters like this that no good new pokemons can ever exist. all pokemons after gen 3 are so ugly.
I bet you'd never post that moron's garbage art if it didn't have the words Pokémon attached.
i like this
never post these again
Wow, this is terrible.
I mean that's how they would look if they were made in current gen.
I hope California secedes. This is just all so tiresome when they make even Texans more tolerable in comparison
How come pokemon fans always complain about new designs and when they do their own they come with something worse?
Implying there were any good pokemon designs after DPPT
I thought it was imitating the new designs.
>turning Toad into a racial stereotype
I kind of like that Fearow, if only for the cooler colour scheme
the entire point of those artworks is to make them look like nudesigns
Jesus christ, these look awful. kys
These are terrible. Some of them aren't even changed at all. They just though they had some good ideas for some redesigns but were too lazy to much much thought into other ones.
wow, a "kill yourself immediately!" thread.
well, OP. since you're a faggot I dare you to kys.
there's no other way around it.
People will ignore this since it's good
The new designs dont look as bad
Even fakemons looks like shit
>gay numale luigi
Thanks I hate it
I hate the cutesy chibi look with the dorky looking details. They should have kept them like simple looking animals.
TTGL was a mistake
rip dong armor
I kinda like ballboy ivysaur
the rest are whatever
>Ekans-Arbok is literally just Salandit-Salazzle
I like some of these, of course I could act like an npc and >new and different bad!
That Nidoking and Nidoqueen are the most disgusting things I've ever seen
The fact is that all new pokemon look like shit. The designs form PSAS will be even worst
>take away soul
>especially from luigi
That’s the point
it's just as well. they removed his balls in the remake
>bulbaSAUR, ivySAUR, venuSAUR
>dude let's make it a frog lmao!
I don't even care about the rest, whoever is doing this have no idea what he is meddling with and is just subverting things for the sake of subverting.
more like SOU-
How big was his dick to have armor plated over it?
The left’s idea is that everyone acts like they’re in a minstrel show. All black people are buckwheat and all mexicans are the Frito Bandito. If they act otherwise it’s gentrification and cultural genocide.
Watch out user you're going to trigger the retarded bulbafags who think their Pokemon is only a frog.
I'll say it: I hate pre-90s anime styles.
>what if Gen 1 was designed in Gen 8's time
So what makes these seem so amateurish and lifeless? I would really like a full critique because I can only say shading, posture, and angles; but I have no idea on how to fix it.
>I'll say it: I hate pre-90s anime styles.
>he doesn't enjoy the 70s and 80s
what the fuck did they do my boy Geno holy fuck
That is exactly what I just said, yes. I shouldn't be surprised that someone who likes that crap is barely literate.
Daily reminder that every aspect of the art world was systematically destroyed after the world wars and the elites who led the effort to do this should be shot dead in the streets
Imagine the arrogance it takes to think you can improve on an iconic design like FUCKING PIKACHU
I've only seen maybe one or two really good fan redesigns of video game characters in my life. I wish I saved the Bowser design I saw a few years back.
Hawlucha, Pumpkaboo, Rowlett, Bewear, and Mimikyu are pretty good.
This thread is giving me a hernia in my brain
>using the burger name to prove your point
>ken sugimori literally said venusaur was based on a frog
I can't believe nobody posted the terrible Sonic redesign, yet.
you know which one I mean.
Posing? Colour style? Some of them feeling overdesigned?
Because it's not as if the artist is bad.
Absolute shit-taste
>official name doesn't count because I said so!
>taking dub names as a canon source
Nah I'm just a bit shocked by your taste, but whatever
Fearow is an improvement. It always looked boring
Why is Kakuna staring at it's own asshole?
>long time fan makes fanart
>has played all the games
>completelly misses the point of each character/mon
>gets mad when pointed out and hides on his retarded fanbase hugbox
rip everything.
I enjoyed it, but you can't ruin a simple and solid design like that because of a show
This thread is causing me physical pain.
I wish Nightmare got more recognition from HAL. Fucker was the main villain from the anime and they only brought him in for a cameo in KSSU and an Assist in Smash and that's it.
>short stumpy legs
>slow and massive
Well he sure as hell is doing his best to convey it as anything else but a frog.
Why can't I just dislike it without needing your approval?
The old good, new bad thread
How come every few years people push the gen in which pokemon stopped being good further? It used to be gen 3, and before that gen 2, and gen 1 earlier.
Well even Gamefreak did that given Pikachu stopped being fat.
I like Niggaroth.
Holy shit the people who made these need to kill themselves. These worthless faggots... I bet they think they deserve "fair pay" for their bullshit as well.
>left SOUL
>right soulless
Masuda is a hack. He's a music dude that got promoted to director, he's never designed a single pokemon. he knows nothing.
these are pretty trash
most reboot/redesigns are just different for the sake of being different instead of fixing what didn't work
like Wartortle
>it's a turtle
>now it's a bigger turtle that draws inspiration from a Japanese myth
>and now he's got guns
>No "i'll crush these bastards!" line in Echoes
probably a bigger sin to the game than keeping the old map designs
Everyone but Cloud actually looks pretty cool
Well, the artist did manage to catch the soullessness of Gen 5+ neopets Pokemon quite well, I'll give him that.
>game freak director knows nothing
>official localization team knows nothing
>they only know something if they agree with me
Aging fanbase means more people who played the higher gens are getting older.
He also did Sora recently.
Toad looks adorable.
>Gen 5+
White Barret gets me every time
>being this defensive
i was just asking, but actually never mind, keep it.
how do you ruin bowser jr so badly?
Why do I not mind this while feeling disgust when other images that do the same thing appear in these sort of threads
I wanna fuck that Ivysaur
>Yea Forums will act like these are shit
Have sex.
Literally all of them are improvements
baka that better not be the key to a jail cell
Did people not pick up on the fact that this was the point of these redesigns? It's fairly obviously a commentary on the designs of the newer Pokémon.
Literally Soul vs. Souless
niggaroth would be a good fit for a nmh assassin
Unironically much better
Better cute girl + monster bodysuit design than Riot had with Kai'sa.
That Fearow makes me think the artist is a bit afraid to draw anything too big. Maybe they just aren't using a big enough canvas, I guess.
Even worse than OP's
Why us this so unorganized? The starters at the bottom, Blastoise not even appearing in the first pic, no Pidgeot, this whole thing is just a mess.
From this to....
>Adam Jensen and Balthios
people can reee over race swaps but these are pretty good
changing stupid anime hair to dreads is great
What did he mean by this?
Probably cause the artist is actually pretty good instead of your regular dime a dozen tumblr artist and tried in keeping the spirit of the original design despite making changes to it.
don't post it nigga
Chikorita's kind of an improvement in that at least something's going on, but it was foolhardy to even try and compete with Cyndaquil or Totodile. Those two are nearly perfect starter designs before they evolve.
No-one would have any issue with this whatsoever if it was just some "here's what Gen 1 pokemon would look like in Gen 7!" or whatever
but the fact that it's a "reboot" immediately makes these pretentious as hell
The tiger is fine. Polar bear is ehh and penguin is ugly.
If the point was that new Pokemon designs are worse than it's a failure at that since a lot of them are legitimately great in their own right.
sugimori, the designer for venusaur, claims they are based on frogs here can you not read?
and yes, gen 1 localizers didn't care.
>PS1 had disgusting Kawaii uguu eyes
Why does Scooby Doo look like such a smug cunt? Isn't that like completely opposite what his character is supposed to be?
cyndaquil... easy on the berries...
That's why I said "commentary" and not "criticism."
Imagine being a retard zoomer and thinking your shitty designs are better than the originals.
>They're supposed to be shit!
I don't think so bub, he wouldn't have made Beedrill look like a character from his favourite anime if that were the case
Wart actually looks better
How the fuck do you go from this...
why would someone do this Kawase
These are absolutely terrible
Wouldnt it be funny if mods actually move d these threads to the appropriate board haha
That Butterfree looks like a lost member of the Animanics cast desu
Adding details where they aren't needed and taking away details where they are.
Take that Yoshi and that Donkey Kong. They sure do look more like a dinosaur and a gorilla. But that doesn't make them less memorable and endearing rather than more. The thought process behind these designs is to sorta reverse engineer a character by looking at the real life thing he's based on and then twisting it into looking more like the character it's supposed to be. That's an ass backwards approach to character design.
The actual Mario characters mostly came about by taking simple designs that work in an 8 bit or 16 bit game and then adapting them to evolving graphics. The art style we have now emerged from that approach. What that artist did was to discard that evolution and start from scratch and the result is both overly complicated and not memorable.
He's pretty smug when he's not in imminent danger.
Zorua looks weird, but that Pikipek looks great.
i unironically like that Venusaur
Beautifully put user.
>Artist makes redesigns
>hurr durr he thinks his pokemon look better
Yea Forums being retarded as always
Beedrill is the only good one
They killed off all the shipping manchildren who took the show seriously, so to keep them dead TPC decided to appeal more to kids.
even when their gen 1-iffied I still don't like them. though that grookey is hitting the right spots a bit
Probably because it's basically Sora with a different ethnicity with some new details, instead of changing his entire body and putting him in re-imagined street clothes.
Kawaii uguu eyes
Superior asian man eyes
I feel personally attacked by this entire thread.
This show wasn't that bad. Best version of Daphne since they gave her an actual personality for once.
>re-imagined street clothes
They look worse
Other than those lines on his cheeks becoming huge and looking like a spindly mustache, this is much better and more expressive.
Seriously what are those lines?
jesus fucking christ
I had to take a moment to process that those were real words.
Human Kirby is cute!
cringe and kyspilled.
3 was okay, still had that gen 1 and 2 feeling early on
gen 4 designs had oversaturated palettes as well as an overuse of stripes and shapes on the designs
gen 5 started the chibi design trend but it wasn't untill gen 6 where it was at full force
>Literally nothing but frames where he's doing comedic, super-deformed expression
Gonna be a yikes from me dawg. Put some effort in your bait
These are just way overdesigned and too cartoony, Pokemon are supposed to look vaguely like real creatures. These are just awful.
>clefairy and clefable
Gijinka/humanization don't count lol
>3 was okay, still had that gen 1 and 2 feeling early on
>projecting this hard
It was on gen 3 where they all started to make these retarded toyish, balloony designs. Literally all of them. Gen 3 was the death of pokemon
indeed,corruption and gacha doesn't count too.
>claims they are based on frogs
Yes. And he never claims it's based ONLY on frogs. Can you not read?
>The nidos
Those damn things represent pussification of civilized society nicely. Burn the artist.
That Fearow looks dope
>It's a boy
Not bad. I can see these working in a neo-Pokemon game
A pretty interesting take on the type/name pun.
Staight outta Gen V-tier
>this entire thread
That's the best part. I'll fuck you til you love me faggot.
Holy shit, all the "realistic" designs on the right are 100% improvements.
>Staight outta Gen V-tier
They all are
>Nicole the Holo Lynx
What the fuck.
here's your new sonic game bro
I legit kinda like it. It's not too unbelievable. Knuckle's snout seems unfitting though.
Looks honestly better than anything the Sonic Team made past this decade
only decent one itt
That's Torchic's kind of cool. Maybe it's just the color scheme I like.
outfits are cool but they faces lack any kind of soul , wario looks the best
> not a fat kid
Ruined it
> shadow trying to catch sonic and slips on his fucking ankle ribbons
Makes one wonder how much of the distinctive style the first two generations had was due to the old Gameboys limitations
>Super sonic strikers
Kantocucks are so eternally asshurt at modern pokemon designs. It's hilarious.
Why so many ribbons?
Can't be worst than the jap shit.
The clefairy is stealth unnerving looks like it killed a jigglypuff, skinned it and uses it as its own
bulbasaur still based
"yo dis is the kangdom key, finna unlock the best buy and swipe some shit fo' da crib at destiny islands namsayin"
I like the design but the model is just bad. Though some of that may be lighting.
That was entirely the fault of the lighting engine. Her model actually wasn't bad.
Rouge and Blaze are so cute.
So you are implying they were always shit, right? They just couldn't fully express the shittiness because of graphical limitations
Not even a genwunner. These designs are fucking awful.
>le smug Dreamworks faic #2531
When will this trend die?
All your image says is that real artists are underpaid and underappreciated
Objectively correct.
The Sun/Moon ones in that picture are a little out of control but they're meant to be some kind of artist shorthand to imply youth. You take them away and it instantly ages Ash's face by a good 5 years.
Eh it could be good for a spin-off RPG or phone game or some shit.
Pretty much. The technical limitations of early video games probably contributed a lot to what we now consider iconic. Not only in visuals, also in music. Back then they were forced to come up with stuff that's both simple and distinctive.
They all look like shit end yourself famaland
You can't redesign something that's already been distilled down to near perfection. Other than general expressions, the biggest change to the Mario characters in basically 30 years has been Peach/Daisy's dress getting a redesign somewhere back in the early 2000s
>That Rouge
The artists just do this for fun though
>That Geno
I think Superstar Saga's designs are the closest thing Mario will ever get to a redesign, and even then it's just kind of little tweaks that fool with their designs to give a slightly deeper sense of the characters.
I would suspect some are trying to build a portfolio but to me it just suggests they don't get what makes the designs "work" in the first place
sonic battle 2 when
what the actual fuck.
this picture makes me want to die
The Nidoran male line looks pretty good desu.
triggered lol
Damn all of those are really good. Wish this was real
I think i'm gonna vomit and why the fake legs
I opened up the thread and there was more of them
I don't think I can take this
Blaze looks really comfy.
This is why murder should be legalized
Look at the original Star Fox box art, they've always had robotic legs
Please tell me this is supposed to be parody
You must know much about star fox.
they're not bad but they're not pokemon
>That pic
We need a nuclear war
That totodile is dope though.
While I'm not a fan of most of these, I do kind of like the semi-Captain America soldier thing that Wartortle and Blastoise have going for them.
t. Picrelated
My bad didn't pay too much attention as a kid
The body on Pidgey isn’t small enough.
Looks terrible.
Is Jessie dead?
Arbok looks like fucking shit.
Venusaur hops around like a toad in the Switch games.
>ah! this art makes me angry! ah!! :(((
I like how you can tell they didn't know what to do with Mudkip
>tfw no luigi girlfriend to comfort you
Why live?
All I can hear is George Takei's voice out of all of them
>man of shad
We can read his signature in the bottom corner anons, chill the fuck out.
>I-I think I'm gonna vomit guys ;_;
Why don't you post a video of yourself crying on tumblr while you're at it, faggot
Kill yourself
Bottom right isn't that bad, but top left is ugly.
How can one man miss the point of those cards so hard
Until you said this I thought it was pretty cute
Shut the fuck up sandnigger.
And its legs are shaped like a dinosaur's in all games.
>Warioettes braps
It's fucking shit you retard, slit your wrists
Jesus christ. What the fuck is that.
Why do they all look like men
I'd fuck that moth
>internet tough guy is angwy oh no!! D:::
You would be dead.
Honestly, these aren't bad. I like the scarf on Sonic. It reminds me of the long scarf for the Shinobi game. Who the fuck is Nicole though?
Humanizing, changing their species, genderbends, or fetishizing do not count as redesigns you fucking mongoloids.
I apologize for posting this.
Good Redesigns:
The bad ones:
>gen 6+ design philosophy
burn it all
Is he supposed to be raceswapped AND genderswapped?
Why won’t those stupid furfags just accept that the girl from SatAM was based on preliminary info they had on Amy, and the whole show was an ad for Sonic CD?
Says the guy who posts on a Cambodian flip book image board
Who the fuck finds that remotly close to being good, and attractive ?
pikachu looks awful
that being said some of the others are neat
these are hideous
That's the point.
I bet you some tlumbr cunt would.
Negro negro nii~~
The jealous, lumbering cow that drew it and her cohorts.
I don't see the problem with this. Ugly fanart meets ugly source material.
just imagine being the artist
soulless west cuck redesigns
holy shit
these are horrible
are you new or just gay
Yo is that boogeyman from the powerpuff girls
Venusaur looks alright. Blastoise looks absolutely horrible. Beedrill looks like it's having one hell of a time.
I'm neither. I'm just tired of the constant "OH NO HE POSTED ART FROM 'THAT' GUY!!!!! EVERYONE POINT IT OUT IN DISGUST!!!!" meme.
No more, I yield, I yield!
Not as angry as your disappointed father, you dipshit nigger.
Some of them look kind of cute
fucking MARIO is a racial stereotype
>racism outside of Yea Forums
uh oh!
can i get the source to this?
The only good one posted in this awful thread
none of these even look like pokemon anymore.
i actually like beedrill, butterfree and blastoise here.
arbok reminds me too much of seviper now.
totodile is actually an improvement, the real one just looks like a blue agumon.
this is CUTE
I love this
Why did so many posts in this thread get annihilated for no reason?
I deleted them
I kinda understand the Charizard at least. He looks more like a flying type now than he used to. It really feels like the redesigns are putting more emphasis on the original typing and making them look more like what they're supposed to represent, especially with the nidoking line (even if I hate it).
But the Clefairy/Clefable redesigns are absolutely atrocious.
>uhuh huh huh, we're like, so kawaii Beavis.
this is cute
Why are Twitter/tumblrites so obsessed with making everyone brown?
Hey wait a minute, isn't that Plague's Rogue on the top right?
because the mods don't know what is on topic and what isn't
why does cloud look like xxxtentacion?
this is unironically better than the normal designs
these actually look kinda nice
Which is fitting because Cloud looks like a dork in the original too.
wow you're right, first gen mons aren't simple designs at all
look at the detailed limbs on this bitch, this is crazy well done
wow baby mons looking like cute babies and not overdesigned digimons? no way
clearly not a biased comparison picture you got there senpai
WOW I fucking hate that.
I mean clearly, pic related was made to look cute for kids and stuff
>Nigger outside of a zoo
Ruh roh!
Literally no other pokemon looks as stupid as that thing, stop cherry picking
Also here's a good redesign. Sonic's mohawk thing is pretty soul, don't lie to yourself
>stop cherrypicking
you mean, what you did?
90% of first gen mons are just as simple as anything else that came afterwards
The scariest things is that a lot of stuff like this actually goes across desks for approval as an actual option when series are rebooted or redesigned. I feel like we're saved often, but then you get things like Donte and Sonic Boom. It slips through.
Looks like something you'd see in a mobile game
Your shitaste is not appreciated
I'm not the same dude
It's not necessarily the fact that all pokemon are "realistic" in gen 1, but rather that there significantly fewer pokemon in newer games that have realistic features
Like, I would be really surprised to see this much detail in a pokemon's limbs in a new game.
Also, there's no "realistic" depiction of a fairy
You have the big gay
>Better than the original tier
>As good as the original tier
>Great tier
>Good tier
Nidoran Male
Nidoran Female
>Okay tier
>Bad tier
>Shit tier
I don't get many chances to post this classic
Is your point that Dragon Quest has better designs than pokemon, because if it is, I agree with you
Akira Toriyama is a god
Huh, now I finally know WHY I hate new Pokedesigns so much.
but who gives a shit about the details going into the artwork since at the end of the day, it's not what it looks like in game?
and you're wrong too, anyways
Fawful looks literally the exact same as he did in the legit games. I guess it was the ONE case where this faggot decided not to fix what isn't fucking broken.
So both
"you're wrong, but also if you were right it wouldn't matter"
That's less detail than what I posted, but it's pretty good.
Also I'm not positively biased towards the overly detailed designs, Pidgey's feet look gross to me
But if you try to argue that Pokemon's art style hasn't become a lot more simple, you'd have to be blind. The newest starters are the biggest example of that.
Lefty here
No, why would I think that, that's ridiculous.
It's not calarts you fucking idiot he's redesigning gen 1 to look like the modern pokemon games
I prefer this one if we're going with human Kirby.
exactly,pokemon had soul and came first
while dragon quest is soulless and came years after pokemon is released.
Why does Sticks (official version too) look absolutely nothing like a badger?
I know Sonic is blue, but I feel like a badger that isn't black and white is like a bee that isn't yellow and black.
There have been good and bad pokemon designs in every generation. It's also subjective to a degree so no one is ever going to fully agree which ones are good or bad.
What a dumb and pointless discussion. What we can all agree on though is how poke-girl designs have gotten nothing but better with time.
>tend to
That's not what sableye looks like
That's so fucking hideous Jesus Christ, and then you'll complain about new pokemon looking like toys.
That Clefable is kino
Venusaur and Weedle are the only good ones
Why do all these redesigns add so many unnecessary details?
I would play this Majora's Mask 2
Penta penguin =/= the penguin that jumps on dingodile in 3
No, Sally was loosely based on "Ricky" one of the tiny animals that Sonic rescued in the first game (the same way the characters in Fleetway and a few in Archie were).
The only connection to CD that Sally has is that one manual that tried to pass Amy off as her.
this 1000x
>Sonic Boom
>Not the Sonic movie redesign that even Sonic's creators were horrified by.
nothing on those pictures are kino, maumesart
>asgore, gay
>literally married to toriel at one point
Gee I fucking wonder
The penguin on the right looks right about to mug you
Probably because artists think "more complex = better" when the opposite is usually true?
user please stop, I do not in any circumstances want to masturbate to a Sonic character and you are being disturbingly tempting
they've toned down the details because the fanbase screeched "DIGIMON!!! OVERDESIGNED!!!" at any non-kanto pokemon that had details.
>what I meant to say is that there are shit designs now and there were shit designs then
and now we can agree
Asgore is a female that identifies as a man and is attracted to males.
Toriel is a male that identifies as a woman and is attracted to masculinity (I'm as confused as you are)
tyrantrum was for you, and also, no, it's definitely not less details
only reason hitmonchan got these 'details' you call out is because it's basically a human with a monster's head and sugimori just slapped a line to define a armpit and a second line to define the knee
Holy shit that torkoal is high as a kite
>Bowser Jr.'s design took a while to get down, and featured a lot of experimenting. I wanted him to appear larger than before, but in an awkward stage. To counterbalance his "baby" fat, I gave him rough features, like a scar going down his mouth, a bandaged arm, and using black/dark blue to keep him from looking young/cutesy with softer greens and yellows. I gave him a shoulder pad representing his heritage that also helps identify his regality...He is the Prince of the great King Koopa, and wearing armor of his father's army is almost ironic. Having given his old bandana/bib (he quickly grew out of it, literally) to his new apprentice Nabbit (made sense to make Nabbit the apprentice since they share the bib design as seen in their official renditions), Bowser Jr. adopted a new one for the sake of protecting himself from the poisonous goop that drips from his paintbrush when used.
>I gave him more hair than he had before, combining his old "Akuma" styled ponty tail with his dad's slicked hair. Combining the two gives him a youthful appearance. I changed up the style of the brush as well, turning it less "Play Skool" into something more industrialized. Now that Bowser Jr. is one of the good guys, E.Gadd has no problem upgrading the old brush that Bowsey had stolen, so long as he would do twice as much good for the people to make up for the havoc he's caused over the years.
The push toward more rounded, less detailed, more 'cutesy' shapes has been a symptom of anime in general since the 2000's, not just pokemon designs. Gamefreak is simply trying to appeal to whatever kid's tastes are these days.
I do think the more recent stuff looks SOULESS compared to old animu (not that there wasn't shit art in the 80's and 90's, don't get me wrong), but maybe that's just me getting old and jaded.
They unironically look better.
why is everyone transgender or no gender? real people exist.
I haven't the words or the reaction pics to adequately express my disdain for this shit. I think I'll just go to sleep now.
It is the latter.
80s and 90s by far had way worse production values and plot standards, hell Gundam was seen as pretentious and fucking stupid at first.
...I could get behind this.
This is why Tumblr is shitting itself.
>Didn't take the chance to correct the Venomoth / Butterfree swap