Tales series

Which ones are the best?

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You posted one of the worst

Symphonia, Rebirth, Destiny R, Destiny 2, Abyss, Vesperia

Berseria and Vesperia.

vesperia is my favourite rpg of all time. outrageous amount of content. getting all the side quests and costumes and titles and shit will take you hundreds of hours.
abyss is also good. i actually enjoyed zesteria and berseria because im a talesfag, but theyre not the best ones. destiny is good but its very old. i wouldnt start with it.
just play vesperia as your first one and if you like it, give some of the ps3 ones a try. or berseria.

What about Xillia 1/2?

Rutee a best

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Which tales girls fuck black men?

Not him but I fucking loved Xilia. Haven’t played 2. But 1 was excellent, the pacing felt great and you felt you were going on a grand adventure the moment you began the game. You also get to choose between 2 protags which encourages 2 playthroughs.

To this day it’s still the only Tales game that has held my attention enough to fully beat it, and I’ve played all of the “modern” mothership titles on ps3/ps4.


I’d love nothing more than to watch Teepo get the stuffing raped out of it by a pack of feral niggers.

There's not a lot of black guys in Tales of and the few there are never get laid

Shes literally the only good thing about Zestiria. Shame she cant still save her game like Magilou from Berseria though.

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Do I only like Symphonia because of nostalgia? It was my first Tales game back in 9th grade (2007ish) but I play it at least once a year.

I've played Abyss, Vesperia, Phantasia,, Berseria, and Xillia 1, but Symphonia is the only one I can only play more than once

Vesperia, Abyss and Phantasia.


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Xillia PC port when.

There's a bunch of features in Symphonia that makes the game more fun to replay than later games, even if I find the gameplay of those other games more fun.

Tales games in general have one of the best if not the best NG+ system in any JRPG.


I'm really trying to think what was in Symphonia's Grade shop that wasn't in the later entries, and I'm almost completely sure it was directly upgraded upon, you couldn't even carry your items over in that game so the joke weapons and Nebilim arms were almost pointless

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Lots of folk say Symphonia is too clunky because it was the first 3D Tales game, not sure if it's still enjoyable without nostalgia glasses.

>fucking NOTHING is carried over

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They all have good NG+ features, but what I mean is that TOS actually gives you reasons to play NG+.
You can NG+ Vesperia but there's no real reason to unless you really like the game.

Phantasia, Destiny, Eternia, Rebirth

Fuck all the 3D games

>oh look at me I'm so contrarian

I finished Berseria and never looked back, does it really not carry anything? How can they fuck up something they’ve done right for so long?

I liked that character when I played the game. One of my favs to play as. people hate him and i don't know why.

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1 SP cost is a pretty good fucking reason to NG+ Vesperia

Fine Symphonia is cool and Graces has good combat but shitty everything else

Tales games should never have been more than 25 hours long, I felt my brain melting out of my ears towards the end of Abyss and Vesperia and I dropped Berseria 5 hours in because it's clear that nobody involved in anything about the game, from the battle system to the world design to the music was trying at all

Symphonia, Vesperia, Berseria

OK, here's what I mean
First of all, the way the costumes work makes it impossible to collect them all in one playthrough. You originally needed at least three playthroughs to get them all, and I think five playthroughs in the PS2 versions.
The Zelos/Kratos splits makes the late game a different experience that I think is worth playing for at least twice even if you don't care about costumes. You'll needed to do both to complete the Collector's Book too, and a third time where you pick Colette during the Flanoir inn scene, as each one gives you an unique item, so that's another reason to do three playthroughs. Even if you've collected them all, picking a different character at the Flanoir inn scene still changes the endgame a bit.
Finally, at the beginning of the game, there's a bit of non-linearity in the way you do things. You can cross the sea with the boat to get to Palmacosta, or walk around and reach the continent from the North. You can do some of the dungeons in different orders, fight Kilia before or after the Palmacosta Ranch, do the ranches or the seals first, recruit Sheena early, waiting until you have Sheena to do the seal or go back after getting her or wait all the way until you come back from Tethe'alla

The only other game with stuff like this I can think of is Xillia 1 with the Jude/Milla split.

Who is this semen demon

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Alright, you got me, my last 20th or so run of Symphonia was three years ago and I'd forgotten about most of those things somehow

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>wanting your superpal to get raped

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Meant for

The smelliest one.

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Xillia 2 is really miserable, in a good way.

Hopefully the one they'll announce at E3 this year.

Is it worth finishing Zestiria? I'm playing it right now and I don't hate it, though it's not best game ever.

It's set in the same world and shares some characters with Berseria. If you want to get those references, then it's worth it I guess.

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Just watch anime and stay away from the worse pile of shit of a game.

You won't get a honest answer here. There's nothing wrong with the game, or any reason why you shouldn't see it to the end.

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Looks a lot like Magilou, who is it?

The Tales series needs more christmas cake girls.

Is Tales of the Rays worth playing?, I'm kinda intrigued since nobody seems to mention it here.

Innes from Tales of Hearts

We do need more cakes but she's only 24

You're only saying that because of the armpit.

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>still no xillia on steam
What the fuck are they doing? Even fucking Vesperia made it.

>i'm going to be older than innes this month
I want to bully her for being my junior

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It runs fine on RPCS3, there's even a 60 fps patch, but yeah, I suppose it will be coming later since Vesperia sold well.

user is turning into a christmas cake!

i think my cpu is too potato for rpcs3, i tried emulating vesperia in the past before the definitive edition was announced and got silky smooth 17 fps.

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