Should I get it?

Should I get it?

Attached: tt.png (976x630, 700K)

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that's a tricky question

its good, sorta like bullshit tetris, but only get it if you want local co-op

I want local co-op

No it's boring.

its fun against friends


Got it for free from PS+ Free games month. It's basically tetris pile up with real physics simulation


its worth it even for online imo, but that might be because I've been looking for a fun game that I can play while listening to music and this fits the bill.

op if you buy it let me know, I need someone to play with

As this user mentioned
the stacking physics are what make it stand out from Tetris. If you are just looking for co-op/multiplayer tetris, there are better options out there.

here's a vid of me dabbing on some noobs

Attached: 1559002670765.webm (600x336, 2.72M)

Would this be entertaining for get togethers? Lots of multiplayer game advertise themselves as "hours of fun with friends" but is that true for this?

100%, every time me and my brothers are together we always play it.

How are pcfags so late? PS4 chads have had this game for 3 years thanks to PlayStation Plus.

Depends on what kind of taste your friends have. If they like puzzle games and Tetris, then yeah. I recommend overcooked as another get together game.

Holy shit, I've never seen someone break past 20. Are you a physics major?

Should I buy this on PC or Switch?

nah, I've just played the game enough to know all the ins and outs of the physics engine

Alright, I'm convinced. It seems like a lot of fun and paying a third of the price seems like a good deal, and probably one I would regret if I left it.

how did they get away with using Tetris and calling it their own thing?

because it isnt even close to tetris besides the block shapes you brainlet


Get a vasectomy instead

yo, add me on steam lad

only if you have friends.

It's fun with friends, but it gets stale pretty quickly.
There are three difficulty scales for each game mode, where "difficult" only mean "there's wind". Wind blowing your tower is fun and all, but ther's not really anything else to spice things up.
The power-ups are unbalanced as fuck. Most are pretty useless, and some are press x to win button (looking at you, stable flying platform). You have the choice to use the powerups against you opponents, but it's never worth it (sometimes it's actually helpful to your foes).
It's not an understatement that Puyo Puyo vs Tetris is a better multiplayer puzzle game.

puyo puyo tetris is better if you're in the "pro-gamer" mindset, and I don't mean that in a bad way, I just mean it in the way that you enjoy games with an extremely high skill ceiling and that encompass the whole "easy to learn, hard to master" element. Tricky towers is much more of a party game in that even the best of players can easily make mistakes while building or can be set to having to rebuild their entire tower due to the wind or other players powerups being used on them at bad times. I think if you are introducing new players to a game and are just trying to have a good time tricky towers is the way to go. It's much more of a casual game but is so in an absolutely good way