
Did you like it? I liked it. I love the fact there is melee combat as opposed to MechWarrior.

Attached: queen.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

I thought everyone liked giant robots with guns and fits and fist guns.

Attached: xaugla9yhozy4bdmfi2d.jpg (1509x805, 189K)

I thought it was trash, and this is coming from a huge BattlTech fan.

I love the bt universe

This game is boring, slow, unoptimized and unbalanced as fuck. I wasnt having any fun, no matter how i forced myself

elaborate if not lazy

Fucking terrible. I love the franchise but this was a massive let down. Fuck this game and the assholes who wasted a franchise license for this abomination.

>every pilot is a tranny
no thanks

Objectively glaring flaws aside (performance etc), the game is just very shallow. What content was there was okay, it just needed much much more.

okay, I can grant you that, the game doesn't perform perfectly and explosions can make my computer chug and I was hungry for more content and variety of optional missions as well, but they have expansions planned. Flashpoint is alright I guess, adds more interesting side missions with story elements, but that's not the most exciting thing in the world. However I got hooked enough to play at least a mission a day for weeks now and I've long since finished the campaign.

No fucking thank you.

/pol/ was a mistake. So was Moot bringing /news/ back after he felt bad for deleting it.

I love the fact it features non-binary genders and even a pronoun selector as opposed to MechWarrior and MechCommander.


I appreciate the bump

When it comes to rpgs of any kind. I always just stop at the end, telling myself I will finish it tomorrow. Took me years to finish final fantasy 4 because of it.


I was excited for this but the gameplay is atrocious. Even if youre past the bad loading times and turn resolutions theres no depth in customization efficiency or tactical decisions ingame.

Attached: aweawr.jpg (1280x1767, 575K)

> Developers ruin their game with political bullshit and disgusting content.

>theres no depth in customization efficiency or tactical decisions ingame.
I seriously have no clue what you mean. You have to balance your pays over repair cost so you can't just go yolo, you have different bioms to take account for (for heat managment), you got elevation, you got cover, you got pilot traits, you can damage different body parts on mechs so you can choose to try to take out a mechs weapons ASAP or risk getting shot at so you can just remove their legs and keep as much salvage as possible, you got all the weapons you love in Battletech and modules, you got a ton of different mechs...

>ruin the game
nope, fuck you faggots for ruining every thread that has a whiff of something not according to your worldviews.

I liked it
Beaten it a few times, tried out different mods.
I wish there were more mech variants, but flashpoint/mods help that. And working towards an endgame set up I find really enjoyable

Game was pretty fun, animations made shit really fucking slow though and I wish there was a way to speed things up.

Haven't tried the DLC

> Add multiple characters to the game who chopped their dicks off and sticks a plastic tube into the open wound to prevent it from closing.
> Not ruining the game.

I went in with the hope there would be interesting and entertaining party members like in the Shadowrun games
Was kinda disappointed

Attached: Npc_humanmale_racter.png (212x278, 146K)

The fact that every single one of them is non-white already makes them more interesting than most Incelrun party members.

yeah, exactly, you have to be a real easily upset faggot to get annoyed by that when the core of the game is about robots shooting tree sized missiles at each other.

Attached: tenor.png (500x280, 84K)

I like it, fuck them for abandoning Golem Arcana, the game could've been great if only they added multiplayer

A pretty strong element of the game is caring about your pilots and wanting to keep them alive.
That's kinda lost when you can only feel joy at their deaths.

>That's kinda lost when you can only feel joy at their deaths.
then you are mentally ill bitch ass nigga

Will wait for a Clanner expansion so that I can go and beat up Clanners, take their mechs, force them into fights and then conscript them in to fight for me.

tfw dekker dies on the regular so often that they made an achievement for keeping him alive and surviving the final battle

Attached: 1529011788938.gif (245x168, 795K)

they're fake video game characters, tranny.

>they're fake video game characters
yet you are still disgusted by them?

There's images of scat furry cub porn on the internet.

It's not real, why are you disgusted by it? Surely it's fine if it's in the bottom corner of the game you're playing at all times, isn't it?

eh, not only is your equation of scat and trans shit so fucking vapid, I genuinely stopped being disgusted by most shit by spending too much time here.

Sumire IS cute!

Attached: Sumire.jpg (557x720, 92K)

You've lost your humanity.

one day I might even get to be a cyborg.

i remember it tried to melt my GPU with how trash the games resource utilization was. I had to underclock my card by 30% to make it stable. Outside that it was a total let down and there was no real variety to anything. The game forces you to power creep right up to the most tonnage you can field and gets pretty boring. Story was uninspired and lacked replay value. Not sure what they did with it since but I might pick it up on sale in a few years.

there are missions that will punish you for having too heavy mechs because they will require really high mobility.

I didn't encounter anything like it. I had 2 LRM boats and two assaults that could snipe. Tanks weren't a problem and I would just knock everything else over.

I've encountered several missions where you have to protect a base or APCs getting attacked from several fronts. Usually a lance attacks from one side, forcing you to focus all your mechs on them, but after like 2 turns another lance attacks from the complete opposite side of the map. Shit like that.

I would've liked more stuff with light mechs. make it all based around weight limits rather than infinite weight but 4 guys

Is this post true guys? It actually makes me want to play this game.

It's alright but nothing spectacular

I've been waiting to pirate it once all the DLC comes out. But they are taking their sweet fucking time doing it.

you're gonna be waiting at least another year or so.

Aye i've had that before. It's pretty cheesy but the scout ability I forget the name of came in handy for just showering everything. Granted some were difficult but I found the highest difficulty to be the buggy ones with multiple lances of mediums. Trigger both and you would get overwhelmed almost every time.

I am fine with that, but yeah they sure are taking their sweet ass time.

I beat it all the way through, but the last bits were a tad slog because you basically max out like 2/3rds way through the campaign normally anyway.

>love mechs
>love this franchise
>Battletech free weekend
>try it
>boring as fuck

im sorry

You know there are no trannies in the game, right? That rumor was started from a photoshopped piece of dialog text.

tempted to reinstall every thread

Attached: 220px-Mechcommander_2_box_art.jpg (220x286, 22K)

Does this mean you haven't found any other good mech games too?

>lack of content
>Shit performance
>DLC up the ass
>Base campaign story is dull as a motherfucker and you cant join the opposing faction
This is why I don't pre-order anymore

Base game was fun, but I dropped it after 20 hours. I tried Roguetech multiple times but kept running into bugs that softlocked the game.

Attached: 1559053843242.png (960x720, 155K)

I could never get MC2 to work on modern hardware.
Replayed MC1 recently and it was not as good as I remembered but still better than BT.

Haven seen any.

Last thing I enjoyed was Hawken(RIP)

they are remaking Hawken


its shit fucking boring and lacks all the fun parts of the other games

Say again. I kind of regret not playing that more but the hacks in the beginning put me off it. It played like fat quake 3.

I'm trying to find articles about it, but I can't seem to. I am certain I heard they will give Hawken another go. Not making a new one, but reworking the old one. Maybe it was a fever dream.

I like the game a lot but the poor optimization is a real downside. Unity isn't always rough but when its like this is bad experience. Ive got no problem playing games that should be far more system intensive but with Battletech I need to close nearly every other program to get it running well and even simple alt tabbing risks crashes of the game and occasionally my whole pc.
That being said I like the mechs and customization of the game and the gameplay can be great when you approach a mission properly. I think it lacks incentives to field lighter units, maybe letting you field more pilots/mechs than 4 as long as you were under a certain tonnage
I'm looking forward to seeing what urban warfare has to offer

Yes, he might be slightly overstating the impact of a few things but all of that is in the game

You're right, I'm not sure why you aren't finding news stories about it

the actual reason i didn't play it

> Add multiple characters to the game who chopped their dicks off and sticks a plastic tube into the open wound to prevent it from closing.
big think

i liked it but the DLC fucks you too much. also not optimized at fucking all, but seems like nothing is these days.

just waiting MW5 at this point but im sure that too will get fucked by DLC

It's in a digital bros presentation pdf talking about a soft launch in fall 2019 with some updated features but no mention of PC. From what I gather there is a zombie server still up and a discord group with a small base of people playing the old game.

>broken as fuck tranny soi game

Wait, do you realize that there are alot of mixed race people in the Battletech universe?

its not true though

>Wait, do you realize that
fuck off soiboi

Wait, do you realize there aren't nearly as many as you claim?

it's clear the devs had an agenda

>implying Yea Forums even knows what battletech aside from "MOM BUY ME THIS GIANT ROBOT GAME WITH MY 30 GOOD BOY POINTS"

Eh there's like one kickstarter backer pilot that's "ambiguous" but even then it has like zero effect on gameplay plus you don't even have to hire them.

no it isnt, I played the game

Fun game play
Poorly optimized
LOOOOOOONG load times
Weak RPG mechanics
Unengaging story
Characters range from bland to unlikable

>I'm looking forward to seeing what urban warfare has to offer

>They make up a new nation for the game just so they can fill it with brown people

for real? You reckon it's gonna be compatible with my current saves or will I have to start over?

maybe not to you, but it's clear to the rest of us

i'm a huge faggot for tactics games
i'm also a huge faggot for SR and i like Battletech too
Dragonfall was my GOTY 2014 so i consider HBS a very good developer

imagine how happy i was when a developer i love announced a game in a setting i like in a genre i can't have enough of
then imagine my horror as one of the devs goes insane in a matter of months and he takes the whole studio with him
i'll never not be mad

what the fuck are you talking about

Look I hate shitty gender politics too but that shit simply isn't true.

I wouldn't lie to you about VIDEO GAMES user. Dunno about saves though.

Attached: URBANmech Warfare.jpg (645x912, 147K)

the rest of you that saw some dumb screenshot and filed it away as a some sjw game with not further info or context

I find it amazing that they managed to make hulking giant mech combat boring. Besides that, i didnt like the story or the characters

if you followed the development, you couldn't help but take notice of all the tranny shit, kiwa wouldn't shut up about it

where's the tranny shit?

take a look at the character designs. they tell you everything you need to know about the dev's intent

I never had a problem with those and just kept on using the heaviest mechs I could field. I never felt like I had to go with smaller mechs.

You do in Flashpoint. Also Urban Warfare is giving you the Raven and ECM so the scouts will have extreme importance now.

just toss it on a windows98 vm

>Winter 2019

Fuck I guess I'm not playing it for a long time.

I've played the game user, there is only one kickstarter backer pilot that's gender indeterminate literally as part of their snowflake backstory and you never have to hire them. They have absolutely zero bearing on the game or the story.

sorry tranny but aesthetics matter...

Waiting for the inevitable GOTY/Gold edition eh?

Divine is more aesthetic while chewing literal dogshit than anything /pol/fags made.

Attached: PinkFlamingos.jpg (620x465, 41K)

I cant play games knowing that they are unfinished. Same shit with TV shows. Unless I know it is 100% done and nothing more will come out I cant play it.

but now you've conceded the point

I can respect that decision user.

oh, fuck off

No I haven't what I have established though is that there is a rare chance encounter with a character that looks odd but every other generated pilot in the game has nothing to support your claims.

single player was really enjoyable but roguetech really makes it vastly superior

all the clan tech stuff is amazing to play around with and all the new weapons / 100s of mechs

shame the author is a massive autist who adds utterly retarded ''''''''''''''''''features'''''''''''''''''''' aka shit mods that nobody wants to roguetech

>trannies, fags, shitskins and women

Yikes that'll be a pass from me


I dont look at shit like this and think tranny

everything that guy described is only really shallowly represented in the game
biomes for example give like a single bonus to heat generation/reduction, its not something you really need to give a fuck about unless youre a turbo autismo minmaxer

pilot traits are also pretty garbage and are for the most part just +1 states, mech equipment is also absurdly shallow, some categories are so empty of items they may as well not even fucking exist

thankfully a lot of this gets remedied by roguetech, but i wouldnt say its worth buying even then, since the gameplay is always always the same stuff no matter what. it will always be the same missions, the same patterns, the same buggy ass ai

the good old days

Also FYI if you think this game has some stupid far-left liberal agenda the Muslim engineer in the game has a backstory where she marries a guy who is the in-universe equivalent of Bill Nye the Science Guy except he taught children how to make bombs. THE MUSLIM CHARACTER MARRIES A GUY WHO IS GOOD AT EXPLOSIVES.



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very based

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>maybe letting you field more pilots/mechs than 4 as long as you were under a certain tonnage
Oh you mean like you could do in fucking mech commander? The game that came out in 1998? I don't hate new games automatically because they're new, but goddamn, they're almost all downgraded in terms of gameplay because faggots focus on graphics above anything else.

no one cares faggot

lad. there's an entire faction who are JAPAN PLUS NORWAY.

Attached: Clanner.jpg (604x532, 168K)

Ok this is epic

citation requied.

>lasers instead of AC's

where is it though? if it's so prevalent, you should have no trouble showing it.

>not knowing the medium laser is OP

Attached: IndianThriller.jpg (190x180, 12K)

>Battletech on Yea Forums

Pinch me, am I dreaming? This isn't /m/ or /tg/. God bless. Hunchback and Urby a best.

Attached: battletech.png (1848x251, 36K)

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That's a hilariously accurate description of the Battletech timeline.

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how much of a NPC can you get?

Attached: doesn'tmatter.jpg (264x191, 13K)

I still play it, it's really fucking fun
Don't care for the main story at all, I just play career and suck up to some faction
It's a shame that the eternal rightwing hivemind on Yea Forums decided that this game is wrongthink for literally no reason, I haven't seen discussion since release because it was clear people were going to derail every fucking thread with the same shit

The game limits you by giving you only 4 slots for each mission. No weight limits, but only 4 mechs.

>some androgynous characters and a four letter word


>can't spam jenners for ebin M Laser fest
Yeah that's a fair criticism

i'm fine with this. standard lances were 4 units anyway.

this made me smile

Attached: averageclanplayer.jpg (548x493, 97K)

>lasers inside knees

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>anti-trans fervor is so high on this site that people lose their shit and LARP as ultraconservative moralists at the drop of a fucking hat
What the fuck is wrong with you people, go outside

The difficulty gets a bit fucking ridiculous for me, I realize this may make me a casual at tactical games like this. Currently I'm stuck at the beginning of the 2/3rds (got the Arvo and started doing missions) and people just reck my shit.

If you guys like it though, fuck it, I won't complain. I love the gameplay loop that's in this, I just wish there was more to do, more missions, more characters to recruit, more upgrades to make to your ship, more robots, more biomes, more places to visit, etc.

Attached: 1538298365296.gif (573x636, 369K)

They ain't got shit on my baby heavy medium laser

>baby heavy medium laser

>and people just reck my shit
please elaborate. just take on each target when your whole lance and it's fine.

Attached: 20180602170754_1.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)


You got memed then, retardo

I haven't played in a long time but I usually just got barraged by people which either pelted my guys from far away by uncovering my position in the map, getting close with some grunt and shitting on me with PPCs or long range artilery, or just got shit on by way better mechs than mine (which, by the way, usually outnumber me).

There's also the annoying aspect of some dude hitting you with a peashooter from across the map and getting a critical on the pilot - have fun spending time in the infirmary. I made this shitty edit for my character since I'm a waifufag and couldn't stand staring at the fucking abominations that the game gives you by default.

Attached: Picture8.png (320x320, 187K)

focus fire with your mechs, try to shoot them their weapons or heads (can cause instant death if lucky)

Well, I'm probably just shit at it. How is the expansion?

>implying it matters
a piddling light show will never compare to the raw physical power of an autocannon

eh, whatever. Adds more interesting side missions that require multiple deployments without the chance to repair and those missions can have interesting mini stories, but nothing special.

The last two Shadowrun games were one of my recent favorites (albeit definitely seriously flawed), so it's kinda sad that Battletech is just "good". They have talent, they should just work harder on shit and cut down on the SJW stuff.

As soon as you learn how extremely exploitable the AI was in MC2, it completely kills the game.
MC:DM always.

>cut down on the SJW stuff.
stop this bandwagon reactionary shit

>complaining about SJWs in the current year
2014 called, they want their boogeyman back


I'm not bandwagoning, I've played and enjoyed the game, but they could at least try to make some attractive characters and don't go full retard with the whole "pronoun" stuff. Maybe it makes me a bigot but I didn't like that aspect of the game.


Attached: green.jpg (480x360, 31K)

dropped comma, sorry. My baby, heavy medium laser. Well worth the +1 targeting penalty.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (241x497, 34K)

>wtf why no madcat :(

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.25_[2018.10.25_18.13.41].jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

I want more mercenary company management/tactics games. No need for shitty story. Just let me roam the world, intervene battles and commit war crimes for profit.
Only game over conditions should be financial and being obliterated by some faction who's had enough of your shit.

just play career mode.

Attached: jewmech.png (1030x969, 959K)

when devs stop pushing it people will stop reacting to it

I don't think that was in when I last played.

it's basically the campaign, sans-story. pretty much exactly what you're after.

Attached: madcat.gif (949x1117, 239K)

Always keep moving or if your mech is slow as shit use wooded cover and brace. Also remember to orientate your towards a particular side to the enemy, for instance the Centurion has nothing in the left arm, use that left side of the centurion to be facing towards the enemy when possible and attack them within the far left radius area of your firing arc.

I love how the game just offers to let you pick the pronouns for your character and now Yea Forums can't discuss it without going to dilators and 40% and whatever other tranny bullshit you reactionary cunts jump to.

Attached: madcat.jpg (800x608, 81K)

if the chef put poison pills in your meal you'd eat somewhere else


Attached: harebrained schemes.png (1218x662, 698K)

comparing a pronoun setting to poison is absurd, even metaphorically.

Yeah, this game is a blunder compared to their Shadowrun games. Then again, HK was already inferior to DF so a drop in quality was expected.

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wish them luck with that

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>the longest and most expensive one has less sales
this doesn't seem surprising.

I love the bushwacker!

Attached: MechWarrior-3-Bushwacker-Mech-Paper-Model.jpg (525x381, 26K)

based, thanks for letting me know, gonna enjoy the game even more now.

Attached: Henry-Winkler2.jpg (820x1024, 153K)

>We do NOT encourage straight, white males apply
>This is where the creator of the Battletech/Mechwarrior lives now

Just when we thought Harmony Gold was the biggest threat, we still have this bullshit to deal with. JESUS CHRIST.

Attached: 1559464840710.jpg (540x516, 30K)

The tranny on HBS is the lead developer for this game. Jury is out if this is also the reason why the game is an unoptimized piece of shit.

they were all full-priced at one point. you're looking at diminishing returns

>>We do NOT encourage straight, white males apply
who are you quoting.

>put trannies on spiders
Get fucked, abominations.

Attached: ho ho ho.gif (150x150, 112K)

>When the bully plays the victim in front of the teacher to get their way
Yea, you'd have to be a complete retard not to think sjw shit hasn't gotten worse in vidya since 2014.

Look at the picture again, dumb fuck. They encourage everything but those things exclusively. If they encourage everything else, they are not encouraging what isn't mentioned. I know English is hard for foreigners, but come on now.

Battletech has by far the highest concurrent player count out of all those games. Which means it sold the most during its first few months, those months bring in the most profit.

Get woke go broke, amirite? Oh wait.

only brain dead reactionaries have a problem with that.

Is there a sale going on or something? Did they migrate to the Epic store? This thread reeks of tourist shills who've never set foot on Yea Forums before.

>the shittiest game sold the most
really makes you think

can you show me where they explicitly said
>We do NOT encourage straight, white males apply
take off your /pol/ goggles for once.

Attached: KizunaRetard.png (711x664, 314K)

update in a few days.

bitch, I might be an onion boy leftie, but I've been here for 12 years. This site was ruined by gamergate.

Did Kimo get v&?

Attached: 300px-Intelligence.jpg (300x216, 17K)

you go girl!

Attached: 1550551359566.png (738x669, 186K)

good luck crowd funding the next one

Not him but that's exactly what it's saying.
>When job openings are available we encourage women, minorities, and LGBTQ community members to apply.

This unfortunate phrasing is probably a result of an honest mistake on their part but unless you have worse reading comprehension than a five-year-old, this literally means every demographic except straight white men are encouraged.

Attached: 1546909734311.png (700x734, 320K)

omg v lets ignore this!

>Not him but that's exactly what it's saying.
it clearly doesn't though.
>oh shit he found out i'm a retard
>better post wojak!

fuck em then, just pick some bullshit identity they can't verify. What's the one where you don't bang sluts on the reg? Demisexual? ezpz

this doesn't at all mean they will not get the job if they are qualified enough over their "minority quota" or whatever shit. On the slight off chance some lesbian chick is equally talented as you, that's the only time they will get preferential treatment.

I will spell it out for you, since you lack social queue understanding, basic English subtext and ocular ability:

>When job openings are available, we encourage women, minorities and LGBQT community members to apply.

At no point are the words "white", "straight" or "male" mentioned in that sentence regarding the sorts of individuals they encourage. When you are actively encouraging one thing and exclude reference to someone else of the same schema, you are not encouraging it. I will repeat myself: IF IT ISN'T INCLUDED, IT IS EXCLUDED. That is English 101. That's how the language works. You are not "kind of yes kind of no". You are "yes" or you are "no" when it comes to language. Are straight, white males maybe included? Is there a maybe there? English, motherfucker, do you speak It? If they wanted to be all-inclusive, they easily could have tacked on " - as well as anyone and everyone in between!" and then that would be plausible inclusion. If you're going to be a brain-dead shithead, learn grammar first.

Can't tell if you're illiterate or just pretending to be retarded but it's pathetic either way so you get no more (You)s.

>The snowflake takes a silly wojack picture as a response to be defensive

It's literally so goddamn obvious, holy shit.

again, can you explicitly show me the 100% exact phrase
>>We do NOT encourage straight, white males apply.
oh wait you can't.

>he thinks an autist will understand this shit
Social shit like this is their goddamn kryptonite. You're talking to a wall.

It could also be to encourage non white dudes to apply the available jobs

>posts wojak
>reddit spaces

>At no point are the words "white", "straight" or "male" mentioned in that sentence regarding the sorts of individuals they encourage.
so you admit that they never said the line, gotcha.

I'm sorry, user. You're right. Sometimes I feel like I'm more than a newfag here with how I still have yet to realize, or how no one really cares. People who are open enough to critique are generally not confrontational when given opposing viewpoints and generally don't need someone else to show them what they're interesting in learning more of baseline. I forget that.

I never said they said that line, you ignorant mongoloid. I've been telling you about the subtext this whole time. Please do don't give yourself a false sense of achievement when you clearly lack the intuit.

shit is based as fuck, I don't get it?

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your subtext is bullshit, your understanding of what you consider affirmative action is derived from right wing propaganda.

it's worded explicitly to state their implicit hiring bias. you can't really be struggling to understand this.

The 'subtext' of the word "Open Position" is that it is, well, open. Anyone applies for open positions. In addition to that subtext (that everyone is free to apply) they have put out a special invitation for those specific groups to apply as well.

God damn. I hope that this seriously isn't the quality of bait that's being accepted around here. Even if it gets replies, it's hardly entertaining enough to merit sticking to. You're not gonna be able to go to anyone and be like "Hey you won't believe how many replies I got being this retarded"

> Just accept the agenda, goy.

Too bad you're too stupid to understand what 'encourage' means. I (as a straight white male) don't need to be encouraged so they don't have to list me

You have no idea about their hiring practices. The post you linked to is nothing but speculation.

>I (as a straight white male) don't need to be encouraged
Why not? And even if you don't strictly need it, what's the harm in encouraging everyone equally like someone who's not bigoted as fuck?

Not him, but:

>Some of the worst optimization in a game ever.
>Utterly garbage story and characters.
>Missing the vast majority of features you would expect from both a battle tech game or a RTT game e.g. no enemy or friendly aircraft, no fire support, no infantry at all, no player vehicles, no LB 10-X cannon, no enemy ejections and so on.
>Very poor balance that heavily favors one lance build over everything.
>Very few human build missions and very poor mission balance and planning.

Just a really lazy, incomptent game.

I was pretty hyped before release, but it turned out to be a boring slogfest with a mediocre story and unlikeable characters which made me drop it completely

Kinda insane how Front Mission 3 which was released two decades ago had more enemy variety than this.

Small question.
Is it still trying to melt your PC or they fixed it?

They fixed that but the loading times get even crazier even on SSD.

I am still making my way through the campaign incredibly slowly but the story is so shit.

I really like Mechwarrior Mercenaries and MechCommander(1 more than 2) both in atmosphere, settings and gameplay. Love that audio chatter all the time.
How this game stand compared to them?


I see that glamorous transgender discord drop squad is valiantly defending this fantastic multicultural game. How was your dilation today, miladies?

The economy felt broken and the use of money as a de facto timer was obnoxious. I'm fine with resource management in a Battletech game, but other games handled it better than this one.

I got, but it had issues.

I found it frustratingly slow and it sucked almost all of the fun out of the game. I love turn based games but I haven't played something this slow since the PS1 days, animations just take too fucking long and the load times are not much better even after patches.

Try speedhack in cheat engine. Won't fix loading times but the combat will be far less frustrating.

>People trying this hard to deflect SJW practices by HBS
>People trying this hard to gaslight any opposing thought as extremist and far-right
>Doing it for free

You click on the other mech and shoot it with RNG
Taking account of those things impact, but not in a fun way. Abilities are non existent and positioning is slow and clunky. It's a big babble for a deploy and click the same attack forever, sometimes punch them to throw the balance off their feet.

There's now an option to speed the turns ingame

Still looks like ass, loads like ass, plays ass and missions are unbalanced ass. Might be the worst optimized game I own. One single """"fight""""" can take an hour and a half, and most of it is walking through the big ass map turn by turn.

No, he's a shill. The winning strat is always to knock down the mech with a stability damaging attack like a missile barrage or melee (usually not worth it) and then shoot it in the head or legs. Doing anything else is extremely time inefficient and opens you up to taking more damage.
If you want to win the game without even trying you can just strip everything out of a missile capable mech and stick as many launchers on it as possible and then just yeet enemies into oblivion from across the map while your designated tanking mechs provide vision and finishing shots. The AI is too stupid to try to find your missile mech, so you don't even need to worry about positioning it properly, just shoot over and over until they're done.

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they really fucked up by setting it so early in the setting and limiting themselves to designs available in MWO. They should have set it later if they were gonna be too lazy to make new designs.

Too much faggot diversity shit thrown in by tranny devs

They could set it whenever but if all you fight are turrets, tanks and mechs, the enemy variance will still be the same.

Setting it later at least triples the amount of weaponry available and makes different variants common enough there would be some unexpected shit at least, you wouldn't just see a hunchback and know it has an AC20 without even seeing it enter your hud.

We've all seen your shitposts, you can stop replying now

I always thought that it shouldn't matter but it does show on other ways when the devs and creators are like this.

Their stories of war and glory never have tragedy, discussion, polemics, gray areas, exposed double standards in their characters, pain or sacrifice; it's all a pretend scenario akin to saturday cartoons. Real discussions about real or believable subjects are sanitized to NOT OFFEND ANYONE. And it always taxates the setting or enthralling storytelling.

I mean nowadays every hollywood movie or american anything is so fuckinf sanitized it tastes like their food. If it's not a propaganda theme, they're so safe they do not challenge the viewer or player to think about anything. That's why the campaign in this game, their characters in the ship, and the slog they put you through is not worth anyone's time. It sucks.

Attached: awful cat.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Well the next expansion comes out in 2 days, so this shouldn't be unexpected

Isn't this game's entire campaign nothing but SJW propaganda?
Like the cringefest type

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It got repetitive long before I finished it.

Not really but it's certainly a boring one.