So can we all agree that Dark Souls is the best game in the series?

Attached: 1554534291976.jpg (960x743, 123K)

i like the irony of this format

if you're a pretentious retarded fuckwad, then sure

So this is the average Dark Souls player

where's sekiro

Attached: 1518339608088.png (225x227, 119K)

Why do you niggers keep spamming this in the Facebook group?

I am pretty sure thats not how graphs work. You actual brainlet.

that is not how iq works you literal fucking retard

What does the horizontal axis mean?

cringe humorless nigger

Back to Facebook

Is sitting on a chair made of my own brain a desirable thing? Is that what I want?


>this thread again

Attached: 1554542322046.png (1257x8000, 3.14M)

No, nearly all of those strange men are bald, you want to be the one who has hair (possibly a toupee?) on the far left with the strange dog(?) ears

X axis: IQ
Y axis: amount of people that like the game
Seems accurate.

I dont get it.

this would be a lot better without the replies

the original is good because you can laugh at the caveman who graphed it, OP is just a copycat

truer words, never posted

ban test

Oh yay its another thread where op posts dumb shit while pretending to be retarded and a bunch of either newfags or people also pretending like they haven't seen this thread a hundred times already all call op a dumbass

Enjoy Dark Soul III.
The red lines are supposed to be vertical.

Its tradition, back to resetera

Dark souls was the most impactful because of how much it improved on the demon's souls formula and the fact that it went multiplat. The other games after tries to put a twist on the formula but overall it's the same thing. Personally, Dark souls III was my favorite experience, the game was much tighter especially the online experience. Back in dark souls you had to use the microsoft live trash and you could never find anyone unless you installed 3rd party programs

so DeS > BB > das > DaS3 >das2
that's what your graph implies.

>defining yourself with redditjaks
tastes pretty stale to me

Attached: 1558741473841.png (1031x754, 68K)

bell graphs peak at the average, so that bell graph indicates higher iq at Demon's souls, and lower near dark souls 2, dark souls one sits right on the average iq, not the high iq end.


look up Gaussian distributions.

is your favorite game DS2

OP here, this one should clear things up

Attached: plot.png (1173x1024, 436K)

This image is visually disgusting. You should be ashamed.

>I don't understand how a normal curve works
Good bait, chuckled/10. Otherwise consider going back to school, it'd be good for you user.

Attached: 1398293420434.jpg (427x300, 34K)

swap das2 and das and the image is more accurate.

>Watermarking memes