>Pirate a game expecting comfy space exploration
>End up with the sscariest game of the year
I feel tricked. How goes your loop ?
>Pirate a game expecting comfy space exploration
>End up with the sscariest game of the year
I feel tricked. How goes your loop ?
>get back to where you were in under 3 minutes
real scary
I couldnt play it because it gives me anxiety so I watched a friend play and it was comfy
Too bad it's a epic launcher game, i loved the demo back then
How the fuck are you supposed to get to the other sun station part? I get thrown out/into the sun no matter how careful i move
A shit load of the mysteries and mechanics are already in the demo so you're not missing much
I had no problem using my jetpack to fly into the other section, that's the only way to do it anyways
>finally get the moon to the sixth position with the tower at the north pole
>fly down to the south pole
>talk to to a living Nomai
>at the Eye
>he doesn't really have anything interesting to say
>can't even leave the moon for some reason
was all that just completely fucking pointless then
what is this game about?
Exploration mostly. You're flying around a solar system with weird shit happening practically everywhere you land, and every 22 minutes on the dot the sun explodes and you get sent to the past. The goal is to find out why this happen.
It was, the worst thing is that you can apparently skip the Quantum Moon completely and still get the ending because that's how little it means. They really dropped the ball on it, even the alpha did it better because once you got to the moon there was a completely ordinary hut sitting on the surface and nothing else. Spooky as fuck
Generally the Quantum Moon, the Interloper and the Ending are the worst parts of the game
The Ending is cool once you're at the campfire. It's absolutely horrific before that though.
The ending felt all style and no substance, like actually walking on The Eye was spooky but didn't really mean much, and there no no real emotional investment in seeing the other astronauts at the campfire. The fetching of the instruments could've been executed better as well I feel
Heh, it was alright, probably would've been better if you actually got to play an instrument too, but the music was good
Follow op example , if it is on the "epic" store just pirate it
That's the worst part, it's such an obvious thing to do that would made the ending 10x better yet they were too blind to implement it
Eat your fucking marshmallow and shut up
Fuck you I'm going to make fart noises with my hand
What games are similar to this game in terms of atmosphere? I know that's fucking vague but I don't know how else to describe this comfy motherfucker.
GOTY in my book. The ending was great too. I can see how if you rushed through and didn't talk to anyone or didn't explore everything it might've felt like too fast but to me it was great.
Subnautica in the sense that you're discovering alien world(s) with weird phenomenons happening, although it's much more based on crafting, but it's also that mix of comfy with occasionals spikes of terror.
Rain World
Real shit ending though.
> Nothing you did mattered.
> You can't save any of the characters.
> Your entire species was pointless, and all the discoveries you made meant nothing.
> But you're not stuck in a loop any more, so that's nice. :)
>Nothing you did mattered.
Stopped reading there since you obviously didn't understand what the ending was about.
Moral of the game: Nothing really matters because it all resets to 0 in the end
>Generally the Quantum Moon, the Interloper and the Ending are the worst parts of the game
It really seems like they rushed those aspects, doesn't it?
Specially the Interloper. It's hyped up to be something where you can get inside of, it might hide some weird shit. Then you get to the middle of it and; "oh it's just some crystal things that don't matter at all"
Quantum Moon is basically telling you about it being the Eye's moon, but in the end it doesn't even matter if you interact with it at all.
that sounds interesting, thanks user
You recreate a universe in hopes that the species that grows doesn't fuck it up again by trying to make a sun go supernova to explore for a mystical Eye of the Universe?
shut up faggot shill, this game pukes cum.
The aliens didn't manage to make the sun go supernova, it's going supernova because it's the end of the universe.
The interloper tells you why the Nomai died out, but that's literally the end of the Ghost Matter storyline. It should've led to even more story but it abruptly stops there. Similarly the Quantum Moon was setup to be a holy ground for the Nomai so you expect there to be some shrine or something with loads of lore of the Nomai, but all you get is the not-dead Nomai who gives out some snippets of lore
>hopes that the species that grows doesn't fuck it up again by trying to make a sun go supernova
Nice job speed reader, you completely missed the point. Did you even bother going to the Sun Station
The sun didn't explode because the Nomai tried to make it happen, it was simply the universe's time to end. However the Nomai's Ash Twin Project was still active and used the supernova's energy to send your memories to your past self, over and over again, until you reach the Eye of the Universe, effectively the end of the universe, and recreate it all with your friends (or your image of them).
True, but I mean, point still stands that they might try to make the sun go supernova to get the energy again. Maybe they'll make it work.
But if they only knew it required getting a warpcore, some squiggly line coordinates, would lead you to the Eye of the Universe, they wouldn't need to.
user, pretty much everything the Nomai built is why you're able to find the eye of the universe. Think about it. It isn't just a warpcore and squiggly lines that lead you there.
The sun needed to go supernova to power up the Probe Cannon's signal to the past. The Cannon doesn't aim at the Eye, it just fire randomly in a direction until it finds it. It fired thousands of times by the time you're included in the loop, you can see it in the Giant Deep's core.
errrmaghherddd its on epic?/??? errrr no saley from mememey errrhhhh ahhhhhhh *bloink gadoink*
it's FREE dude
You really are a massive fucking retard and that has nothing to do with the bile that just leaked out of your head into our realm.
They only need the sun to go supernova in order to get the power to send the memories back in time. Once they get the coordinates of the Eye they have no reason to blow up the sun
Allright, what the fuck are you supposed to do with the jellyfish. Just fly into them to reach the core?
But they need to repeat the loops since they have only one cannon that can fire only in one direction, you do realize that? Basically the Nomais plan was to keep their whole clan on in a groundhogs day for ages until the cannon finally found the eye and then they would not blow it up and travel to the Eye. Unfortunately they all died before they could realize the plan.
When I flew into their tentacles and upwards they seemed to automatically descend into the core. Dunno if you just have to follow their movements or they automatically descend when you fly inside them
Yes, specifically stay inside their tentacles and let yourself be pushed down
Yeah, that was their plan, but it didn't work since the sun station was useless.
I think they just go back and forth. They never go to the surface, but they never disappear either.
Those aren't mountains.
>pirate game
Do games get pirated that quickly? Also do all games get pirated? You can't go online, right?
t. Consolepleb
How the FUCK do I get to the Nomai vessel?
>launch probe into seed
>shows probe is in a different seed
>go into different seed
>get raped by fish
>even the slightest joystick movement makes them sperg the fuck out
>not that it even matters because launching a scout into that seed shows something completely different
this shill is broken, we need another one in here
Holy shit.
Go explore the Ember Twin
The fish react to sound, you need to drift past them
How the fuck do you even get close to them?
Follow the beacon.
Use scouts to check for fishes. If you are close to them (like half a kilometer away, to be safe), stop using your engine and just let yourself be carried. The fishes never move unless they hear you and when you enter a seed you will be put at an angle that makes you pass by every fish safely if you don't use your engines, even in that part where there's 3 of them.
But, for what purpose?
They'd all still die, they'd just die on the eye instead, as you did.
What's the Yea Forumseredict? I don't know what to think. Sometimes I feel it's just a walking simulator but then I get stuck or can't figure out things and feel like a brainlet.
magnet link?
Well they didn't know what was inside the eye.
Are you fucking kidding me. On of those angler fucks just grabbed me on the planet where you have to bump into jellfish. How the fuck are you supposed to do this. Also I just shit my pants and he's still holding me and I'm not exploding or anything.
Because for the Nomai knowledge is everything and the Eye is older than the universe itself, hence they would want to find it.
Look like a bug and one I'm thankful I've not encountered.
Are you sure you're not just stuck into coral or got very unlucky and was right below the thorn island when it crashed down from the sky ?
What... that was a serious question
I would assume if all games get pirated quickly, nobody ever purchases games on PC
Bretty good and fun exploration. Accidentally fucked up the ending by grabbing the core and walking back into the Ash Twin teleporter. Panicked as the Supernova ended me permanently
Worth a pirate if you like exploring and uncovering lore combined with spooky shit
Don't worry too much about it, it just adds an extra minute to get back into the game since all it does is sending you to the title screen. You don't lose your ship logs or anything.
I think one of those flying island just fucked me really hard and I got stuck into it. Looked like a fish though.
Also I tried ramming the planet full speed to touch one of those magical untouchable jellyfish. Didn't fucking work.
I also finished the game myself and the one part I didn't get was the Dark Bramble. I still have no idea what it is other than it being some kind of plant parasite thing that plants seeds inside of other planets and links them together somehow with some pocket dimension shit but how and why? There's also a Dark Bramble root shaped darkness thing that happens if you break the fabric of the universe at the High Energy lab so are they somehow related? It's a huge plot point in the game since that's where The Vessel is too but it's just kinda glossed over, unlike the Interloper
>magical untouchable
Everyone loves brute forcing Giants Deep instead of playing the actual game
People with a disposable income buy games. Pirating is for shitty games or games with shitty publishers. Or you're just a jobless poorfag ;^)
Just get below a jellyfish and let it carry you down
Doesn't really change anything. The universe still resets, you just don't get to see it.
They basically left all the planets unexplained so you're meant to think of them as "natural occurrences", which is a giant fucking shame because Dark Bramble could've been way more. Instead it was basically unchanged from the demo except for how to navigate it has changed
So play the fucking game and find out what you're supposed to do faggot
That's good. I did want to get into the Eye but not really do everything over. It was admittedly a funny way to end it all
Ah, well then you should explore Ember Twin
I want to tell you what to do but you seem like a retard undeserving to be told.
Even if you told him what to do here he'd just struggle some other mundane shit, let alone the harder stuff like getting inside Ash Twin
Getting inside Ash Twin is objectively badly done though. It doesn't respect the logic of warping that you use in every other location.
Getting inside Ash twin was bullshit though. There are pretty much nothing to indicate what you need to do to get inside.
Jesus, people are retarded... There are texts on the planet that say one of the parts they were trying to send to space went below the water, and where to go to find out how.
Do people just find something they can't figure out and immediately ask for him? Kinda defeats the purpose of the game.
The Eye could have also been way more expanded on. From the ending I understand it's some paradoxical stuff like the Eye is supposed to be the first concious observer of a universe since a universe cannot be born if nobody is there to see it, so the protagonist becomes the Eye and collapses a quantum state into a universe. That would explain how you're able to see the whole universe at the end and the Big Bang of the new universe. The Eye also has no shape of its own, instead it's some Dark Matter shit it's made out of and can take any shape with any properties. There's a rock that appears in the ending too and the higher you climb, the more it shapes into a tree. That's about all I got. I still have no idea if the Eye's purpose is supposed to be that it has to find some living thing or not..
Given the number of posts I've seen in these threads saying
>I tried bashing Giants Deep at high speed and couldn't get in
>What am I doing wrong
The answer is apparently yes
Okay hold up. These nomai crashlanded into buttfuck nowhere because their ship got fucked by tentacles. They decided to settle down on different planets and this all happend very long ago before my reptile four eyed fucks came into exsistence?
Or did they ever live at the same time?
I looked that up. It definitely made no sense to me. Is the Ash Twin project supposed to be in the core of the Ember Twin or something? I don't understand why that teleporter takes you there or why it needs to be lined up with Ember Twin.
The Eye is a quantum state of the universe. When it's observed, all the endless realities collapse into one, which causes the big bang.
It's the core of Ash Twin, you see two electrical pylons inside which correspond to the two on Ash Twin whilst Ember Twin only has the one pylon
I buy on gog/humble store, if i really want the game i'm ok with steam. Epic hoverer is a really slow garbage launcher with no functionalities so they can fuck off
They should make a game like this (different art style of course) based around Interstellar. That would be sick.
If you played the game you'd know
Nomai died 250 000 years ago.
Any funny thing you did in your playthrough ? Everytime I fell into Brittle Hollow I would panic and meditate before being halfway done. As a result I explored White Hole Station later than usual. So I spent a lot of time trying everything I could to get the teleport to work.
>Lighting them up with my flashlight and making the light blink
>Launch a scout at them and recall it (since it's warp-tech too, no ?)
>Heat them up with my jetpack
And my favorite, on account that it worked once purely by chance
>Going very high and ramming the warp core at full speed
I used the black hole to catapult me into tower of Quantum Knowledge instead of waiting it to fall down. It's scary and fun as fuck.
Yeah, that's what I said but does that mean that it just changes places at random with no purpose, direction or meaning to it? I thought it would be actively looking for a concious being so it can collapse into a universe? The Nomai mention that it sent out a signal and all. That's the part I don't get.
Do you guys think it will run fine on a GTX950M toaster?
This game is not for brainlets.
The signal was a fluke, a random event that the Nomai happened to pick up. The Nomai figured this out as they pondered why the Eye stopped signaling them. The eye isn't a concious thing, it's just a state of everything.
>There's still a Nomai alive
Or was it ? The Nomai's actions made it possible for someone to find the Eye and enter it. The part in the fake museum definitely feels like somebody planned it all.
Fuck Ghost Matter, you could literally remove it the entire game except for The Interloper and it wouldn't affect the story at all. I thought it was going to mean something when I went to Shrine of the Eye and the entire place was covered it, and only that location had such a phenomenon
I give you the fake museum, that was some prime God stuff. But it could also be the MC's tought collapsing into form.
I dunno senpai
>stop talking about games
She's a schrödingers cat, both alive and dead at the same time. She just happens to collapse into being alive when you visit the sixth loation. She even tells you this herself.
Did you miss the corpse along the way
She even tells you she's not sure she's really alive. And not to mention th
I know I'm just joshing. She's dead on every other moon.
Which combination does she tell you this with?
>when you hear the first tunes of the theme but you're not done exploring yet
I think it was Identify You. Or Explain You.
That End of the World music starting to play as you grab the warp drive and start your mad dash into the bramble.
That's some other user but also it's called the Eye and it predates the universe and it's implied you become one with the Eye at the ending I think and it takes all that being's memories and makes a new Eye and collapses one of its states to form a new universe based on all the ones before it and then sits passively until the cycle repeats. I don't know what happens if no being finds it before the whole universe dies out though, maybe the Dark Bramble somehow fits into that? There's a bunch of plot holes in the story like that. It's bittersweet since the story is really interesting but it just feels incomplete and rather short..
Maybe I'm missing something? Identify she says she's from the Nomai, explain she tells me she's on a pilgrimage that her clan does to the moon.
Might have been some of the combinations of only the blue ones, I dunno. She does say it though.
I'll recheck them all then.
You don't have to use verbs, you can combine nouns like "You" and "Quantum Moon" or whatever
May also be You + Me. Or Quantum Moon + Me. Just go through them all
Isn't the Eye signal basically the echoes of the big bang
No, the Eye predates the Universe, the Big Bang, by definition, starts it.
The communication works as using concepts in relation to each other. It's really clever writing since it fits with the whole relativity plotline of the game.
I don't think it's implied anywhere that you become one with the Eye, you just simply observe it. Hell at the end when the big bang hits you you hear the crisping sound so it's highly likely the MC just burned to death. I can't really explain the fake museum and the texts as they could be either the Eye conciously fuckign with you or just random chance for the Eye. But I'm quite certain the Eye is just simply the quantum state of a beginning universe and when observed that causes the big bang.
What instrument should your character have played in the ending ?
A kazoo.
Forget that part, fuck
Did the developer get money from epic? I want to show support but not to epic
This type of game really looks like my cup of tea and I'll feel bad pirating this guy
This game would be awesome if it had any actual gameplay.
They got so much money they could refund every single crowdfunder and still make a profit
Yes the developer got money from epic. You get a free copy from mega.
I'll just buy it once it comes out on Steam. Or buy it on Xbox, but it runs pretty badly there.
>This game would be awesome if it had any actual gameplay.
Wasn't that phoenix point? I guess that could have also happened here
Explore the hollow planet
Then explore the seed planet
Good luck nigger
Oh you want to go to the core of Giant's Deep?
It was here as well
>Little Scout helps you out the whole game
>Reveals Ghost Matter
>Lights up dark areas
>Collapses the quantum states into a single object
>Go check out if there's any anglefishes behind that fog, or, what's going on in this hellish moon
>Devs knew this and take it away from you in the ending. You are alone. In the dark, with not even the ground to support you
Godspeed, reliable friend hope you're enjoying the next universe
Need a Nomai version of this.
Steam sucks just as much, I started pirating when PC went digital only because of Steam
So why does steam suck? Inb4 you're that one retard that says he doesn't have a dog in either race but defends Epic.
>no gameplay because you don't shoot things and watch numbers go up
>it's a have to wait for the sand on ash planet loop
>When you pick up the warp core and this starts playing
Pretty fucking neato remix
Steam has shopping carts and shit, dude. Fuckin' bloatware.
So, just like Subnautica?
>hey how I get to the southern observatory
>oh there's a trail, it starts at "the equator"
Were the Nomai literally retarded
>that flyby in the ending
He was a true friend
The difference being that this managed to maintain the spookiness and intrigue much longer than Subnautica, which kind of lost it once you entered Lost River and/or got the Cyclops
I still cant find that trail. I"m just gonna yeet myself in there with black hole magic
>Hell at the end when the big bang hits you you hear the crisping sound so it's highly likely the MC just burned to death
I never meant to imply that the MC surives but I think briefly that the MC does becomes the Eye since he observes the whole universe as the Eye itself does and then it creates a new Eye which is what all the camfire instrument stuff is. If you talk to the Nomai on the moon, you can then have her at the campfire to play an instrument and she states that the MC is the one who collapses a quantum state in a universe, which means the sphere above the campfire becomes a new Eye and the MC gets teleported to that universe along with the Eye, which fluctuates somewhere else I assume like it always does. The Eye itself can't collapse on its own, an observer has to do it. The museum part also only makes sense in that it only happened in that one very particular universe where everything aligned to make it possible to reach the Eye, maybe somehow that means there was a previous observer. That's my take on it anyway. If there's a sequel, I hope the Eye maybe gets expanded on and the Dark Bramble stuff, even the Ghost Matter just shows up out of nowhere.[/spoiler[
Look for the gravity cannon thing on Brittle Hollow, one of the signs next to it tells you it's the path to the observatory. You need decent jetpack skills though cos there's a lot of gaps
The trail is incredibly obvious, but it's a design flaw in the devs' part.
The whole game you're taught that the gravity beams only carry you as far as they go. However near the quantum tower there is a beam that stops a few feet across the chasm. But it's one of the only beams in the game who actually propels you far beyond its supposed reach. Just check with your scout.
There is absolutely no secret to solve, it's just that the rules of the game change for this part without telling you.
Theres a few thing i dont get.
who fired the drone? it wasnt the nomai cause they are all fucking dead, or was there nomai still alive on that cannon on account of their immortality research?
Was the Quantum moon Nomai the 3rd linked person in the time loop?
They revealed that the Interloper was actually the cause of the supernova and not a 'natural' sun death in a sense. I guess thats just the universe's way of killing itself
I thought messing with the portals in the high energy lab to dupe probes was a hint to a puzzle and not just a unique game over state. It kind of threw me off
Not him but I mostly just used my ship to get around everywhere, even in places you're not supposed to go to. I even flew my ship to the Black Hole Forge and landed it upside down. lol fuck paths
This motherfucking auto-pilot is fucking retarded. holy shit. Goddamnit faggot YES when I autopilot to a fucking planet it means I want to go there and not get sucked into the gravity of the planet im currently near.
The drone was fired because the Orbital Cannon got a news that the sun would explode in 22 minutes which sent the data to it and the cannon started looping hoping to find the Eye.
The Nomai is just dead.
As for the Interloper there's no real explanation if it did really cause the end, although it does explode spectacularly, since every other sun in the universe is also going out of commission at the same time. It's probably just cut content.
When you get close, abort the autopilot, it will just fuck you over in most cases. Also, if you get out of the ship to repair it, make sure you turn it off before or the ship will just fly off without you and obvious one but, make sure there isn't anything between you and your destination... like for example, the sun.
>well, Poe, I made it, *depsite* your directions
The sun exploding triggered the signal to be sent back in time to make the drone launch. The 3rd mask is linked to the drone to get the data it collects. The Interloper had nothing to do with the sun imploding, it's just the universe as a whole was reaching the end of its life hence all the stars in the sky exploding if you watch them. The Interloper was only there to explain Ghost Matter and explain why the Nomai died out (although it's a shitty explanation to be honest)
fuck you
I fucking drive my ship through the hole entrance in brittle hollow and park my ship in trees and ceiling gravity. its how i get to black forge without waiting for ash twin
Also, i brought one of those things to black forge thinking it would do something. It doesnt.
trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, trial and error,
Boi, this is fun.
If you talk to the first guy on Timber Heart there's an option to bitch about the auto pilot. He'll tell you it's pretty basic and you still need to take control
what's the error part?
You are autism lord
The probe cannon fires automatically on account of the sun's explosion 22 minutes after it fires giving the energy for the probe to send its data 22 minutes in the past. Repeats forever until the warp core is taken out of the Ash Twin cavern.
The third mask was for the data of the Cannon (it's written below the mask apparently).
The Interloper doesn't cause the sun's death, 250 000 years ago it drifted too close to the sun, and the ghost matter inside of it blanketed the whole solar system, killing every Nomai. The sun's death is natural, but
Also despite it being a game over I don't think you lose anything by restarting the game. It's more an easter egg than anything.
Black Hole Forge is pretty fucking useless, it's one of those things they added but then rushed through
The Interloper being just a plot device is really cheap, I also thought at first that it was the cause of the sun going supernova but nope, it's just there to explain why the Nomai died. I think it happened like over 281.000 years ago or something too.[/spoiler[
i did that too. the autocorrect with the ship trying to orient itself right side up is a fucking bitch when trying to park on the ceiling.
The Ghost Matter stuff is really shallow, it kind of "exists" but it's never really an integral part of the story except for that bit
At least i have cloud backup and friend sharing. Epic is just a laggy piece of garbage
this game is so boring holy shit, are you guys all on aderall or something
Nigger it takes like 20 seconds to go from planet to planet and there's only 5 of them.
didnt the nomai mention that its so reactive or dangerous that they were shitting their pants? And the Interloper does eventually fly into the sun if you sit on it for too long so i assumed sun + magic ghost element = supernova.
>Excited about finally flying up in space
>Decide to land on the moon, this is neat
>Jump out of my ship
>Die because I forgot to put my suit on
Yes, I'm a retard. But it's ridiculous you die immediatly.
There's a mural in Brittle Hollow down under the crashed pod that show how the Dark Bramble took over The Vessel and the black spiky tentacles that show up after you screw around and duplicate the scout in the High Energy lab look very similar in shape and how they spread out to envelop everything, plus it happens when you duplicate something, like it happens inside the Dark Bramble. I think those two are somehow connected.
If you find this game boring you're a brainlet. If you want a truly boring game play RiME, probably the most boring game I've ever played.
The sun is starting to die the moment you wake up. The Interloper exploded and killed everything hundreds of thousands of years ago.
The major twist of the game is that you spend a lot of time thinking you'll eventually figure out what's wrong with the sun and fix it, like it's a triggered reaction, but no.
>you will never live on comfy tree planet roasting marshmellows and talking about space with your reptile bros
Observation came out just the other day and is also a puzzle game set in spooky space. No exploration though.
when you explain it like that, i guess that makes sense considering the nature of the story. Thanks
Spend 8 minutes on Ash Twin waiting for the sand to lower and then forget your suit then we'll talk.
>see threads about the game
>look it up on Steam, it's not available
>read into it
Never played it, but I know it's SHIT now.
>retards comparing it to subnautica when there is no crafting and building
dumb shits
its more the environmental exploration, although its more similar to myst I feel.
you mean the worst elements of the game?
outer wilds is subnautica without tedious meme shit and instead focusing on why people actually play the game: the setting and atmosphere
>muh atmosphere
Dumb meme shit
They're both games where you land on planets with environments going from colored and comfy to unhospitable and spookies, trying to piece together what happened to the previous residents who left all their trash lying around.
are you actually trying to tell me the main appeal of subnautica isn't basically deep sea threads on Yea Forums?
nobody picked up that game "for the crafting"
Found the 12 year old
>Ten minutes in Dark Brambles at the pace of a leisure walk
>Breathes on the control stick in the same district as a fish
Crafting cool underwater bases was half the game and literally half of all subnautica threads.
Dude it's free.
>install this Chinese spyware bro its free :)
dude it has no drm
it's free either way
Last I checked I didn't install the chinese spyware to get it
>gameplay is literally about atmospheres
you cant win with these people
And that's partly why the game sucks dick
most of them
in some case you can but in some you don't
sometimes is just easier to buy game especially if you want updates
sometimes you buy a game because you want donate some money to the crew that make it
Because you are too creatively bankrupt to build cool shit? lol you are literally retarded. Dont bother replying to me. Blocked.
>Creatively bankrupt
>In a game that has five predetermined pieces in total
What did he mean by this?
They're amphibians
Bitch who gives a fuck that wasnt the point of my fucking post
I actually tried RIME after Outer Wilds
Uninstalled after 40 minutes
water planet spooky
subnautica scarred me on water planets
Will touching the electricity kill you if you're out of the ship?
>mfw even though the Nomai never saw it with their own eyes, it was all thanks to them that a little Hearthian managed to get to the Eye
>those Nomai skeletons building ontop of each other
test it. its not like it takes long to get there once you know the way
you take dmg yea
I think you survive tho
>mfw accidentally bump into an entire galaxy, destroying it in seconds
only if you're connected to ground
>tfw your race has spent accumulated vast technological knowledge only to die to space cancer
>some shitty 4-eyed reptile who makes ships out of wood steals the goal from you
>where's the explanation for the Dark Bramble?
>where's the explanation for ghost matter?
>why are there no new planets?
>why did they change the graphics?
You guys are dumbos.
What was the point of this post?
I'm supposed to go to Dark Bramble with the warp core right? I don't want to do all this waiting again if I get FISHED
You're retarded?
it was rushed
>Fucking great ending witnessing the psychedelic death and birth of a new universe with bittersweet melancholic feels
Fucking based game, GOTY for me
Are you defending the developers or criticizing them?
To jab at some criticisms that I find to be baseless.
I'm saying you're a fucking retard, retard.
Okay retard.
Six years later and there are no new planets is baseless huh.
Dark Bramble has some hinting when you cause the duplicate paradox in the High Energy Lab. Causing the paradox creates bramble like vines to cover the screen which could imply that brambles are naturally occurring organisms that spawns from a paradox, possible and partially due to being in solar system proximity to the Eye.
>more = better
Go play fortnite
tips on fish if you are stuck
do you really need that ship?
Given they couldn't even handle given the Quantum Moon and Interloper something satisfying it's probably true here
>They barely even fleshed out what existed
Actually Fortnite sounds like it would be the perfect game for you kid.
we had threads about this game all the time years ago, nice way to expose yourself as the dumbass zoomer you are
god, landing on the sun station is so fucking cool i wish you couldn't teleport there
also how are there not more games like this.
Can you actually do that? I tried a few times before i gave up
Epic is covering the cost of your pirate so just pirate it
It sure is, buddy
>People with a disposable income buy games
Read: People who don't value money and throw it around like rice on a wedding buy games
Record it. I don't believe you.
>insert warp core
>input coordinates
>make black hole
>hop in
>get teleported 30 feet outside the ship
>repeat for 5 minutes trying different orders for coordinates
>sun explodes
What the fuck did I do wrong, really looking forwards to standing still for 10 minutes again
Input coordinates and use the ball that is behind the panel don't move the one in the middle
You need the coordinates for the eye.
oh for fuck's sake
after you input coordinates and the panel goes back down, you move the big marble that was inside the panel, not move the other marble to the back of the room.
I made the same mistake first time
Oh man, if there's one thing I love when exploring it's being rushed and doing the same thing over and over again. 10/10 user truly GOTY.
Its actually very well designed in its exploration paths. Everything is available to you from the first step on the ship, no hard progress walls at all. You progress purely with information. Its nice.
>Successfully launch the shuttle into the sun from the gravity cannon
>Call it back
This is true except for entering the ashen twin core
i actually found that one out by accident
I think the whole getting to the moon quest is absolutely great. Seeing a strange planet every now and then, the scary quantum caves in the magma twin where meteorites appear and disappear, learning about the quantum rules.
I also loved the quantum tower or whatever it was called in brittle hollow, the only way i knew inside was by waiting for it to drop into the black hole, and the white hole area was wonderful to explore
Then going into your first moon expedition after you have learned to take a photo of it was also great though then it starts to get worse. The moon killed me due to a glitch two times, and the tower puzzle there was a bit boring. Also, meeting the guy there was cool but he didnt tell me anything i didnt knew before.
So is it better than alpha?
That's why it's so bad, the mystery around it along with actually making the journey was great but once you got there it was a complete let down
i didnt know about the reverse snapshot function when using ship probes for awhile so i shot probes to the neighbouring planet surface to take pictures of the moon.
I never understand these posts. I know this is Yea Forums, and you're falseflagging AND shitposting, but if you were being genuine, do you really think attacking and insulting someone who doesn't want to do something (in this case, play games on Epic), would make them want to do it? People can have any reason whatsoever to want or to not want to do something, and that's that. You can't change that. There is no such thing as a consumer being entitled in that regard, it is a companies' job to make people want to buy or use something, and even the smallest inconvenience is perfectly valid as a reason for being put off.
It's better but not by much, all they did to the Alpha was making it prettier and add a shit ton of new text to explain everything and stick on an ending really. The number of new locations is less than you'd expect
Am I special for figuring out the quantum image thing before being told about it in that tower? It made me feel very smart.
>tfw dying by getting crushed by sand tunnels more often than hitting the reset
I really like the twins but fuck I think I'm gonna explore other planets
What are you doing? You're only allowed to get crushed on your first trip through the crash site route and your first trip to the high energy lab, any other crushes and you're slipping son.
Wait, why use reverse snapshots? I just shot probes to the moon and take a photo, nothing else
I fucked up my timings a couple times with the anglerfish cave
is the quantum moon's surface still a hut or
Yes. Big black box here.
That games not out yet though right?
sure is out on piratebay
does that still work? i was under the impression that quantum needed a constant observer and that probe disappearing wouldnt keep the moon in place. If not then i made things even more difficult for myself.
No, you're not special for figuring out something so simple.
I discovered it half by accident so I didn't think it was that simple or obvious ;_;
Was trying to snap a picture of the quantum moon surface after it disappeared when I flew into it, noticed I was getting close to the sun and it was starting to drag me in, so I panicked and turned away to escape. Iinstantly cursed myself that I just lost the moon but when I turned back he was still there. Then I was confused, noticed I had a picture open and thought that might be it, confirmed it by closing the picture and turning away.
Everyone says the High Energy Lab ending looks like dark brambles but it more just looks like space time breaking
how do i breed with solanus
You find the You and the Heart stones.
I love this game's themes of curiosity and exploration
the alien race felt so optimistic
It is supremely funny to me how this game is so fixated on the misconception that the observer effect in quantum mechanics has any relation at all to a conscious being looking at something
nigger it's a neat little interpretation to serve game mechanics
is it subnautica in space? and on that note, is it as good as subnautica?
How do you get a game over messing with the portals?
you just need a picture to observe it
yes except no crafting memes
in my opinion that makes it better as the other aspects (atmosphere and story and such) are superior
>is it subnautica in space
No, this existed before subnautica. Subnautica is outer wilds under water.
it's an old-fashioned point and click mystery game but it's a normal first-person game
pretty fun
>see the sun about to explode
>go out roasting marshmallows with my bro on the moon
>eat a perfectly cooked marshmallow just before the supernova takes us
Thats the stuff, boys.
Shut up nerd
The fuck you even mean
Stupid science bitch
you mess with the black/white holes by shooting a probe into it right? turn off the black/white hole first, shoot a probe into the room, quickly turn on and off the black/white hole. You dupe the probe due to the plot's slight negative temporal effect and cause a unique game over
>no endless mode
Like third of the game is time dependent
someone please explain to me what im supposed to do in this game, at least at the beginning?
I played it back when it was the beta or whatever and you couldn't do much and now im just kind of lost. I went to several planets and found some stone tablet thing but im not sure what i need to be doing.
pls respond
It's not very complicated... just look at the ship log and figure out how to get to the places with ? and fill out the all the ones missing stuff
forgot to remove my falseflag name, fixed.
>that guy who watches the stars, realizes the galaxy is dying and wishes he hadn't been so nosy
NPC interaction in this game really could have been better but that was the one that got me.
I feel like the game was supposed to let you choose how long to mediate to pass time but they realized it would be too hard to program and just made it kill you
Exactly why it sucks.
Sauce on pic?
Joystick support?
Non-existent, the game would play horribly because it relies on 6DOF rather than fly-by-wire you get in normal flying games
It's a space ship my nigga
If you think anyone who goes against the anti-epic rhetoric is an epic shill, doesn't that make you a valve shill?
wtf is 'scary' about this game? is this a zoomer meme? I think you're just retarded
It would if valve were buying exclusivity contracts.
there are some eerie moments
I wouldnt call it scary either but at times definately unsettling
You don't need to buy exclusive contracts when you are (were) the only storefront. Games are exclusive to you because they have nowhere else to go.
Not an Epic or Valve fanboy btw. I haven't been part of the mustard race in years.
They weren't the only store front, you weren't ever forced to use them.
It's uncomfortable scenarios like when the the bottom of the sea suddenly drops off and you can't see the bottom. There's nothing really dangerous about it but the thought of that abyss below you is unnerving
>I haven't been part of the mustard race in years.
So fuck off
There would be no ethical argument against Epic's existence if they weren't doing exclusivity deals.
You aren't forced to use epic either though. If your arguement is "epic getting exclusives forces me to use epic" then that counters your point about never been forced to use steam because there have been literally thousands of games that have only come out on steam and nowhere else.
>tons of hype when the game was announced (before the exclusivity thing)
>game releases
>absolutely no one talked about it until the crack came out
So this is the power of Epic...
Those games can release anywhere else they want. Next argument.
There wasn't even that much hype before it came out, and they've done zero marketing up to and after its release. The original demo got some decent publicity mainly by word of mouth but that was 5 years ago, most people seem to have forgotten about it now
They could but they didn't, that's the point. Valve had pseudo-exclusivity in the fact that if you didn't put you game on steam, it would have significantly less sales.
And it's not like Epic are forcing these games into exclusivity either. Devs are willingly signing these deals because either their a big studio that like the idea of the bigger cut they'd get from sales, or their a small indie dev like with outer wilds and Epic agree to fund the rest of the development in return.
>make a beautiful game
>epic buys exclusivity to it
>less people play it but you get more $$$
This world sucks, man.
I would donate 20$ directly to the devs instead, if they had a patreon or something. The game is worth my money.
So it's like Subnautica in space?
I mean that would probably be preferable, since the dev likely wouldn't get any money anyways from buying a copy from Epic because of how these exclusivity deals work (and if they did get money it would just be the publisher)
Oh is out now?
Not planning to buy though only torrent
I pirated it, played it, then gifted it to a friend on xbox.
Without the wiki shit
>That's the point
Shit point. Tell them to release elsewhere then. Epic exclusives that are bought and permanently exclusive cannot be bought anywhere else you fucking trash shill. Thank fuck I can pirate them.
>Tell them to release elsewhere then
Valve should tell them to release elsewhere? Epic should tell them to release elsewhere? I should tell them? What do you fucking mean????
Epic exclusives are BOUGHT - exactly. The Dev making the game willingly sells epic the rights. If you don't like the game being only on Epic, it's the dev's fault for taking the money over your perception of their loyalty to you as a consumer.
Also if you pirate games why do you even care?
>English starts falling apart
>Defence of Epic intensifies
Like poetry
The nice thing about Epic Exclusives is guilt-free pirating because Epic already paid for your copy.
Installing hardcore chinese spyware does not qualify as "free".
Remember everyone, say "thanks tim" for being so kind as to buy everyone a copy of this game.
I don't think CODEX releases are hardcore Chinese spyware
>another Outer Wilds shill thread
>OP outright mentions pirating
>shill thread
You don't do that whole critical thinking thing too well do you?
The way his dialogue changes when the star is really close to exploding is pretty kino, shame none of the other NPCs react at all
There's a magnet posted literally every thread
who was this? i barely talked you any of them
>shilling your game by telling people to pirate it and even spoonfeeding magnet links
what degree of chess are we even on at this point
I think it's the one on Ember Twin.
You might have to talk to him more than once or talk to him when the star is close to dying like said.
I can't believe they didn't have any voice acting. Even just gibberish would have worked.
Game needed more interesting character moments especially how'd they react if you just stayed with them as the supernova approached. Would have really made that ending all the better.
This. Only time the eject button was useful lol.
I'm amazed you didn't die from the collision
It's literally an achievement to land on it, ya clowns.
but i pirated
where is it?
i can't find it
where do you get free games anyway? what site?
Thanks Tim!
In every thread I ask but no one gives me an answer.
How the fuck do I land my ship on the sun station and get the achievement?
>get to station
>line up trajectory
>get flung around ship interior like NFL wives
>finally get to exit hatch
>trajectory now off
>get tossed into space
>no hope of making it back to the station