Is this final proof that the smear campaign against Kojima was bullshit? The only reason MGSV took so long was because they were also making a complete engine alongside it.
Is this final proof that the smear campaign against Kojima was bullshit...
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his games are shit
so this is what were getting instead of Silent Hills, huh?
>Never before seen a game being made so fast
Wasn't this announced in 2015?
Konami shills hate him
It was always bullshit. Yea Forums acts like MGSV was on the brink of bankrupting Konami when that wasn't even close to true, and the game made back its budget twice over on day of release.
Nah, it was announced in 2017. And by then Kojima barely had a proper team or engine. Just a proof of concept. He didn't even get an engine until like last year.
2016 and it had only just gone into development. 3 and a half years for a big scale AAA game is fast nowadays.
The reason it moves so fast is because Kojima knows exactly what he's going to do and has enough experience in games to understand the development pipeline. He's probably thinking "I can get x dept to work on this while I get y dept to work on this" to the nth degree
It was announced in 2016 and Kojima decided on the Decima engine shortly after that
2016, 2-3 years is a pretty standard deviation time if you aren't EA or Ubisoft pumping out yearly 60 dollar rehashes. Then you have studios like Rockstar who take the better part of a decade modelling horse dongs.
The Konami-Kojima thing was always pure office politics. Konami wanted to get out of gaming and into legal gambling - which ironically never materialized.
You're right. I looked it up and it appears he had the engine in 2016. Looking at the wiki and
>Kojima had announced that he had partnered with Guerrilla Games, using the engine for development, and had been given the source code with no contractual obligation.[12][13] According to executive producer Angie Smets, they had simply called it "the engine", until Kojima said he wanted to work with it and had to spontaneously come up with a name: Dejima, the island where a Dutch trading post appeared in the 17th century and once symbolized the strong Dutch–Japanese trade relations.[14][15] For a long time, the Netherlands was the only foreign country allowed to trade with Japan.[16]
Shit game
Cute desu
uh huh.
2016, but making a walking simulator doesn't take a long time. You've seen those terrible combat animations.
Truly amazing considering all Kojima seemingly does is post on twitter all day about what artisan sandwich he's about to eat and what capeshit he just finished watching.
heres your you
>Game isn't even out yet
>Looks fine
>All this seethe
you were right about Anthem, can't you take that as your win for the year and fuck off while the rest of us talk about videogames?
I just think he's super active all the time. Some creators are like that. A person who does nothing but work soon burns himself out fast.
I agree fellow skeptic
Death stranding isnt going to come out anytime soon, it's been delayed until who knows when.
All the social media and Yea Forums hate right now is coming from zoomers who don't know any better. They have no appreciation for the wild ride that is Kojimbo.
Kojima is currently recounting the timeline of when death stranding started, you can check at him.
This was before the release date reveal you retard.
It's coming out in November.
>rightfully hating on fucking shit moviegames
Literally what did he mean by this
MGSV was fucking awful and you're not going to convince me to play Kojima's next game you stupid shills.
>It's popular to hate Kojima now
When did it started? Not that it isn't cool, his games are kinda boring, but I never heard about it, pretty much everyone I know is a raging kojimafag
It was "awful" because Konami shat on development during the final six months they had and refused to let them team continue afterwards. Kojima was refused from speaking to or coordinating with the team during that half year of fuckery.
Somehow Konami fucking with development and pushing out a game that wasn't finished is Kojima's fault, despite the fact that the game was on track with estimated production timetables.
>cinematic adventure
Not to mention them raping the game with microtransactions after the game was out and he was fired. It felt like starting up a fucking mobile game at times
Literally suck my balls, Konami chink fucks.
Of course it was all bullshit, Kojima's a great movie director.
Fuck off, brainlet! You didn't understand the MGS games, so your only defense mechanism is saying everyone is just pretending to understand and Kojima is just a hack. Go make another thread crying about The Last of Us. The adults are speaking.
Yeah okay, we'll see...
Konami did a pretty good job of turning the mongoloids against Kojima, then they turned around and turned into a pachinko company. I remember the dozens of threads blaming himself smashing he nearly bankrupted them lol
Anybody that thinks Kojima is incompetent is an idiot.
Kojima doesn't miss deadlines. Once the date is set, that's what real.
>Premade engine and world
They are basically releasing a DLC for horizon zero dawn and putting in cutscenes made by kojima.
Just look at this 'gameplay'.
>his games are kinda boring,
V cost the same as MGS4, and that included Fox Engine dev costs and time, and extra earnings from Ground Zeroes
>literally gets a fucking waifu on the companies dime
Yeah, Kojima was really dutiful.
It got delayed from October to November
>premade world
No it's not you retard.
You know what? Fuck you, let's talk about that webm. You guys notice the lines in the horizon? That's the BTs, right? I guess their tell is in the sky? That's pretty neat.
what a fucking retard
That's a small price to pay for having Kojima on staff.
It makes sense its going so fast, Kojima was forced to make nothing but MGS games when he was tired of them by 3, back in 2004. So for over a decade he's been thinking of this new story he wants to tell, planning as much as he could in what little spare time he had.
>drop in trees and terrain in a pre made engine
>'gameplay' consists of walking animation made by guerilla games
>"its not pre made pls let me suck your cock kojima san!!!"
As if anybody is mad that he introduced Stafenie Joosten to the world to enjoy.
Kojima is like Miyazaki in that he makes games at a 200% pace. Western studios can't compete with this level of development because their devs would get burnt out.
Is that you FF15-Kun? Tired of trying trying to run the narrative against REmake 2 and DMC5 that you gotta settle on DS?
>kojimbo is again forced to meet the deadline set up by a publisher just like he was forced by konami due to his incompetence
It's ridiculous how it unironically looks like one of those 'look i dropped nintendo characters into an unreal engine open world map' game
He probably used years of MGSV dev time dreaming of this game.
In 2014 low raor allredy had ''Sam'' on their album cover.
It's ridiculous how asshurt Nintenfags are still over not all games having kiddy bing bing artstyles. Top is what Iceland looks like.
Reminder they developed MGSV for 5 (FIVE) platforms at once.
>but nintendo
your game is six months away from release date and they wont show anyone playing it
guaranteed to be an empty open world video game.
and why did he need a complete new engine just for MGSV? couldn't he just use UE4 like KH3 did?
Reminder that the PS3/360 version of Phantom Pain are actually quite amazing ports with very little drop in quality.
Stick to Bore of the Ubishit
Oh here we fucking go. All games should use the same engine argument. I imagine you don't know a single thing about licensing or the nuances between differing engines in physics, shaders, or even library integrations, then?
sorry linear games, i was wrong about you
they don't look the same to me :^)
you're shit. Now what bitch?
Friendly reminder that Konami forced MGSV out the door years before Kojima would have considered it """finished""".
doesn't change the fact that his games are shit
Not only that but he had to look for a publisher, engine and built a new studio from scrap, and got into healthcare legal battles against Konami too.
>shilling your youtube video
lol you're pathetic. Go shoot up a school or something amerilard
The intention was not just MGSV but for all future Konami titles. It was an investment for the future. Konami had lacked a proper engine and even MGS4's development was plagued with an aging engine. KojiPro gave Konami the engine they needed to stay competitive in AAA game development.
Unfortunately all that was for nothing and now Fox Engine is rotting in some nip's basement.
doesn't change the fact that you're shit.
It's cheaper to use an in-house engine than a 3rd party one. Since guerrilla games is owned by sony the engine is basically free for them to use, not to mention the technical expertise to actually assist with the programming is also on hand.
He could have used unity too. Think a little harder on this.
I'm content with that, but Kojima niggers will never recover
10 years of innovashun
Do you know when MGS5 entered development? UE4 wasn't a legitimate option and even if it was it might not have done everything they wanted out of the box anyway. Fox Engine was really well suited to what they wanted to do, built from the ground up to look good and run well with the kinds of games they were planning on making while having robust tools.
Horizon was pretty fun though. You're saying that like its an insult.
uh sweetie except this game isnt horizon its made in the horizon engine but without all that gameplay or hand crafted areas.
Yes, there is indeed innovation in taking a mechanic that's normally a fairly linear path up the side of a building in restrictive cityscapes and turning it into a general traversal tool for a far larger map, which interacts with other systems such as the weather and even larger enemies to create dynamic situations.
Or do you see 'man climbing up thing' and assume there's zero possible difference in how it's implemented?
I don't understand why "moviegame" is a negative term. Isn't that what everyone's wanted video games to become since the 70's? Why else did developers hire professional illustrators to draw highly detailed box art? A "moviegame" sounds awesome. You have to be insane to not want video games to basically be movies you are directly a part of.
picture 1 is a man climbing a building, picture 2 is a man climbing a building with a stamina meter. Get wreaked pedant.
trying this hard
have sex
The only difference is that BoTW devs didn't bother with proper geometry so they had to force in a shitty stamina bar in there aswell.
One's following a linear ladder, the other's a system that works on any sufficiently vertical surface. Get rekt, consolewarnigger.
Why is it always Nintenfatlards shitting up these threads?
>One's following a linear ladder,
No he's not. Play Ass Creed, nincel. You can go any direction you want.
Konami told him that they needed him and his team to develop a new engine that works on PS3/360 and all future platforms so he spent a lot of money and time doing it before working on MGSV when it was raedy.
The Kojima, Hulst, Cerny technological alliance is gonna save gaming.
>baits Nintendo fags then crys. When will fanboys and console wars be ignored and hated like every game here?
>baits Nintendo fags
It works every time.
desu Herman Hulst is a hack. The only good game he made was Killzone 2. And I'm pretty sure it was a fluke given how Studio Cambridge then went and made a better Killzone on fucking Vita.
>3 and a half years for a big scale AAA game is fast nowadays.
To put it in perspective Anthem took 7 years.
Asscreed's climbing is honestly pretty underrated, at least in the earlier titles you had to actually think about how you going to go across the geometry. Botw's climbing is pretty braindead in comparison and doesn't add much to the game, one could argue it even works against the game because it trivializes movement. Might as well add a noclip mechanic into the game as well and let link teleport to the end boss and kill him in one hit, because you're cheating yourself out of your own game by using the climbing.
Back to r*ddit
meant for
>Unfortunately all that was for nothing and now Fox Engine is rotting in some nip's basement.
That's the real phantom pain. Will they license it out? Will there be another game that uses it? I doubt Konami is going to continue MGS.
Yeah, 6 years of pre-production, and 1 year of scrambling to get something out the door.
Fucking moron.
Just did this morning
>It's ok to side with journo scum if they're writing mean things about a developer I don't like
his movies are shit, too
I'm sure that excuse went down brilliantly with the EA executive team
>Will they license it out?
>Will there be another game that uses it?
Yes, Pachinko and PES
I just looked at the poster and it made me wonder:
does he tinker with game assets himself? Or every time something like this comes up, it was the result of Kojima standing over some environmental artist and telling him what to put into image?
"and then you put KOJIMA in big letters in the middle. I said big. BIGGER, Tanaka-san."
>Will there be another game that uses it?
There already is
>I'm sure that excuse went down brilliantly with the EA executive team
Yeah no shit. Saying "7 years in production" is misleading. Most games take around 3 years to complete, start to finish, if you have a dedicated team not fucking the dog.
Why do you have to hurt me user?
>cutscenes made by kojima
okay but you don't understand
anything with this man and shinkawa's name on it, i will buy
kojima's dumbass stories and shinkawa's designs are the main draws to me
>about half of the catalog is seething ninceldos
>anything with this man and shinkawa's name on it, i will buy
>forehead doesn't match
>eyes don't match
>mouth and lips barely match
>chin only matches due to norman's goatee
really makes me think
you've never seen jap devs have you
longsoy is long
Why do the thread keep getting 50 replies?
How much money do you make off of clickbait videos on Youtube? All this guy does is shit on stuff that is popular. I'm not giving him another click and it has zero to do with how I feel about Death Stranding or Kojima. I just don't want this asshat to get any revenue from me.
not that user but i'd buy all of Shinkawa's artbooks
Considering he also just put his studio together, it's pretty impressive.
post all the soi memes you want, i just know what i want this game for
>user knows what he likes
Fuck off.
Because they conflate "movie games" with games like the walking dead or David Cage stuff. When really the games are just more story focused.
Even the names of his engines are kino
How does he do it
>I don't understand why "moviegame" is a negative term.
It isn't. It is just Yea Forumseddit being contrarian as always.
How do you come to that conclusion from that tweet? How fucking dense are you?
>baka gaijin spend 5 years make engine, stirr not as good as Fox Engine
There are so many warning signs with this game. I'm stupid for getting myself hyped because I can already tell that I'll be let down.
Never forget that Kojima killed Castlevania.
MG Survive is a good game, you should play it user
But konami is using the fox engine, only not in the way you'd want
>never played SNATCHER
underage b&
Is this corporate cope for the trillions they've wasted on Kojimbo?
5th thread
>my engine is better than yours
Konami will never make another game
Not really. It seemed that Sony saw that Kojima was being unfairly targeted as being a 'super slow' developer, and they just corrected everyone.
What's the problem with this? Those guys immediately stop chasing him when they knock some cargo loose. The animations look good, and they have energy spears like the one in the fucking Homo Ludens moon video.
If it'll be anything like MGS, which it will because MGS is a design philosophy more than anything else and that will seep through with DS too, there will be much more gameplay than cinematics to make up for that, complement it even. GZ/V had some truly great missions even if some of the filler was less engaging.
hahhahhhh nice 'cargo'. kojima apologists blown the fuck out.
>his engines
It's not 'his' engine, it's Horizons
What helmet?
I'm glad the (almost) half decade long announcements are dying and more are choosing to wait until they have an actual game being worked on.
Those are your typical hype spin bullshit. It's given out in lieu of actual new since Sony announces games way too fucking early.
The reason this one is moving faster than MGSV is because Sony has more resources than Konami. Kojima was VP of Konami's game division at the time so the failings of MSGV were squarely on him. As for DS, I think people are right to be skeptical. Kojima has a co-director on the first three games which is why they turned out good. After 4, Kojima wants the games to be "taken seriously: but forgets that MGS rose on doing wacky B-tier action movie shit. I mean, you fight helecopters, cyborg ninjas and the plot is based on a moron's understanding of genetics. DS is trying to be serious and it will probably fall flat because Kojima is not a good enough writer to make it work.
This board is a smear campaign right now. Barely anyone is engaging but the shit flinging threads keep popping up, screaming at no one.
Select all images of BRIDGES
How will Kojimbo recover ?
>This board is a smear campaign right now.
Because this board is so often optimistic about games of course
Post the webm with the cute autist girl
Judging by Kojima's 2011-2015 twitter posts, he spent most of mgs5's budget on american hamburgers, movie collectibles and fucking Quiet's irl actor Stefanie.
MGS5 had some fun mission designs before they forced you to replay it all again just because they didnt have enough time to finish the game and Kojima was locked up in a room away from the dev team.
Death Stranding will surprise people gameplay-wise, Kojima's games always had solid and memorable gameplay moments and I dont see how he'll break it with this one.
Wouldn't you?
ive eaten american hamburgers btw they are pretty gross
>funko pop
>funko pop of a fucking nigger
> muh campaign
Nope, MGS4, 5 and PW were utter trash
how are euro burgers?
death stranding came together so quickly because it has no real gameplay. It's a tech demo with shallow mechanics added onto it to give it the bare minimum to be called a game.
we dont eat caveman food here :)
This is dishonest hating, and kids. It was different a little while ago.
>let's just totally forget this was P.T. previously and discount the time invested in that
reminder that was thanks to FOX engine
3 years is a normal dev time for a big title like this. I think it felt so much longer because they announced it right as development started, instead of a year or so before release.
holy fucking newfag
It doesn't look like they forgot
civil war was great and burgers are top tier
what are you trying to say?
There's plenty of proof that some of PT/Silent Hills concepts were integrated into Death Stranding.
Protagonist being responsible for his wife's death, ways for players to help each other online in a single player game. Konami really fucked up firing Kojima before Silent Hills was finished.
Gameplay looks like total shit, MGSV was total shit, Kojima would rather waste money hiring big names than put that money into making a better game. Anyone hyped for this is a fucking idiot.
It's not that MGSV took so long or is uncomplete that's the problem.
The problem is his story writing is terrible and he's a blatant liar about his games.
Oh yes, MGS2 is going to be AMAZING with TECHNOLOGY
So like, you can shoot the fire extinguisher to blind a guard so you can run away or... you can just throw him down.
Cool. Man that's awesome.
You're saying to me too that like... I can... shoot a guard's radio to stop him calling backup?
Sure seems like good old Kojima wants us to be fucking spotted and use guns instead of playing it like a stealth game
Keep telling yourself that. It may become true.
>It's a "Yea Forums is always right about videogames. UNTIL KNOW" episode
Looks like it's finally become your turn.
>civil war was great
Quiet looked real dumb and her exposure WAS gratuitous. I think anyone would've preferred a skin tight sneaking suit with an open zipper or something like that
He should've made sure that mgs V had a proper open world , missions and an actual conclusion rather then posting about munching burgers and his westaboo fetish.
1 and 2 and revengeance have great writing
3’s is okay, excluding stuff like tommy guns made of bees
Don't know how anyone can stomach playing MGSV.
Pretentious is the perfect word to describe the game.
What made me put it down after about 4 hours wasn't the boring gameplay, or the terrible writing and nonsensical cutscenes, it was the goddamn credits rolling every 30 minutes as if you just completed a masterpiece within a masterpiece.
Like uuuuugh, fuck man my cringe meter just maxed the fuck out.
I like to think it was done ironically
It probably wasn’t though
Kojima should just do a movie or a tv show at this point.
One is actually okay, somewhat until say, the sniper wolf thing where we go full on "lol it's not magic since magic isn't real but she's fine not eating for a week and can still run around easily.
2 is easily a gigantic pile of trash and is where the series really went from "this makes sense" to "we magic now but no magic just magical technology"
Rev doesn't even count as MGS game and that's why it's good writing
I never finished it either, but after that post your code name is KILLYOUR-SELFMAN
What info is there about Sam's wife in DS?
people still would have called it gratuitous, you can't win so why play the game.
She was pregnant and died right after the death stranding phenomenon happened. Her name was Emily and also worked for BRIDGE.
In PT, the wife was also pregnant and got shot by her husband.
Unoriginal nigger I see.
Well it looks DS is branches off from PT using whatever was implemented for PT
Well now I feel bad
The afterlife has internet. Confirmed.
The afterlife is interconnected.
Also on being heterosexual
Welcome to the new normal. If you ever wonder why remasters of games released last generation are increasing in frequency, it's because development time on new AAA projects is approaching the lifespan of consoles.
Where did you get that? The President of Jack Shit is named Amelie.
So, where is Jack Shit in the greater USA area?
>I walked. I could do nothing but walk.
>And then, I saw me walking in front of myself. But it wasn't really me.
>Watch out. The gap in the door... it's a separate reality.
>The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?
>Their engine that worth as their life
>I never forget that strand
How can anyone be so far as decided?