My dudes I need some help. I'm at the Ghymlit Dark (or whatever) in the story quest, but this shit wants me to have average iLevel of 360. I have 360 everything except weapon and gloves (been running the Ridorana Lighthouse over and over). Where else can I get gear higher level? I see for weapons you pretty much have to do the extreme trials, which is cool but no one queues for those and all I see in PF ever is "[Duty Complete] Doggo ugh really? farm" Just bought a genesis ring, so that's one 390.

Still gonna try and farm up this last piece I need from the Lighthouse cause the set is dope looking. But I feel like I'm maybe missing something? Or do they want us to do high level static stuff to progress in the story?

Attached: 1559449560056.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

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buy a crafted weapon

Crafted shit is super cheap now.

Check marketboard and world-visit to the highest population server on your datacenter, you can buy ilvl380 crafted gear and weaponry.

What's your data center?

Do higher end content like EX trials you bussy.

Your hotbars are ready, right Yea Forums? There's less than 4 weeks to go after all.
To the guy who was asking last thread, hotbar sim is here: ff14moomoo.com/hotbar_simulator2.html

I need a pair of bitchin shades to go with the GNB AF

Fucking hell /vg/ is a shithole.

Is there an absolute list of mounts that can't fly? I'm looking at two different wikis, but I can't imagine they're right due to how baffling it'd be.

Wtf I didn't even think about crafted stuff. Gonna check that out. Thanks for the tip.