What do you want from the next 3D Mario?
What do you want from the next 3D Mario?
more incongruent levels, like new donk city
Dark World wasn't even meant to be a forest
30lbs of pussy and ass
whoa...nintendo should really consider hiring the man who did that mod...
>Bowser level
what the fuck
it's actually not a terrible aesthetic but it's not a fucking forest
A soulful theme. Galaxy was space. Sunshine was a tropical island. Odyssey just kinda felt like a collection of random stuff thrown together. Also, a hub world. And less moons, but each one is more challenging to get. Maybe 20 moons per world, not 50-100. And no successor to 3d land/world. Those games are hot trash. They should just let that style die and not make another.
I just want Odyssey 2
I wanna be surprised
that modded level looks like shit
I'd rather have the 3D Land style be the successor to the NSMB style, they've already played it out enough and we have Mario Maker now to fill the 2D void.
Odyssey 2 with harder levels than 1.
Mario 64 2
No more fucking motion controls. It's the shittiest part of every 3D Mario since Galaxy and Nintendo damn well knows it. Other than that as long as it's as good as Sunshine and Odyssey I'm good. I never liked how disjointed the levels felt in the Galaxy games. They played fine but going from one to the next was too off, it didn't feel like a coherent journey as much as levels slapped together. Even SMB1 did it better.
Odyssey movement with capture mechanic removed and actual platforming segments instead. Can keep the "dont return to start after you get a collectible" gimmick but only if they make there be FAR less collectables (or more minor ones, Moons felt less satisfying than fucking purple coins to collect) but have actual gameplay segments to get to them. Also a return to a soundtrack more in line with the Galaxy games would be nice.
retro mario charm mixed with duo Mario Bros team-up special platforming/battling moves
new enemies like a "thwomp chomp" which is a thwomp with a big toothy mouth that can move around by hopping and has a spiked chain with a normal chomp on the end that moves freely. Each thwomp hop shakes the ground on landing and its mouth can insta-kill Mario by swallowing him ala Boss Bass or damages by crushing Mario
-It can only turn by having the chain chomp lunge to the side to turn the thwomp-chomp and it can only move by opening its mouth to hop forward
-the game has lots of physics-based gameplay and the only way Mario without a hammer or other powerful power-up can defeat thwomp-chomp is by repeatedly timing jump kicks to knock it over as it rocks back and forth from the first kick
This is one of my Mario enemy ideas for a 3D platforming Mario game.
Fuck no. NSMB is actually good. 3D land/world is irredeemable dogshit. It's never been good in the slightest and never will be. I'd much rather have endless NSMB sequels that are glorified expansion packs than have Nintendo waste time on 3D land style games
Not every single game needs to be 64/sunshine/odyssey but there shouldn't be a fucking decade inbetween them either
Left looks like gaudy mid 90s CG you'd find in Geocities.
Im starting to think i'm the weird one here, I like 64 but didnt like Sunshine and didnt really like Odyssey either, I honestly find the first Galaxy game far superior to them in basically every way. Wish I could see what made everyone put Odyssey as their GotY but it just felt boring to me.
Sunshine 2, of course
>taking the mysterious dead zones of Bowser's levels and turning it into a fucking forest
Nintendo do NOT hire this man!
Odyssey had some relatively minor issues due to there being like 900 moons or some shit but it's still pretty great.
64 and Sunshine are almost the same in terms of broad gameplay, though there is a fair amount of difference in themeing and controls.