
>already at 11 million sales with no signs of stopping and on 1 ONE platform
>94 on Metacritic
>heart-wrenching, beautiful story
>deep satisfying combat
>gorgeous, industry leading visuals with open exploration

>hasn't even surpassed the sales of DmC and sales momentum has plateaued
>couldn't even score above 90 on Metacritic
>won't be GOTY as it is already forgotten 3 months in
>ridicuclous, retarded story filled with obnoxious and unfunny Japanese humor
>"lol just hit them" combat on punching bags
>drab hallway simulator on the shitty RE engine with tranny Trish & Lady and 5head Vergil

ITSUNO and DMCfags on suicidewatch.

Attached: 1552402883648 (1).png (669x1193, 1.15M)

Check my 5.

Stop imitating my bait faggot, I did it better.

dab on 'em DMCfags and their gay threads
check this 9

*Blocks your path

Attached: boomermatosis.png (450x450, 175K)

DMC5 is a infinitely better action game than GOW4

Attached: God of War_20190118144632.png (1920x1080, 2.33M)

Kratos without his beard. This is why he was forced to settle with a giant.

Attached: 61jxi095f8u01.jpg (1450x857, 102K)

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190313151754.png (1920x1080, 3.87M)

.....Woah.....kratos really is black, doesn't have the face structure of a white man at all kek

>hasn't even surpassed the sales of DmC

Waiting for GOW to hit the Epic store next year. My 4 will confirm that.

GoW is such a good game there's no need for a DLC and just the base game alone gives you a complete gaming experience.

DMC 5 on the other hand...
>non-stop begging for Vergil DLC, Trish and Lady DLC
>fan's complaints here and there because lacking turbo mod
>also begging for co-op mod

lmao why would you pay for an INCOMPLETE game

Attached: 1551701394136.webm (640x480, 1.49M)

please kys zoomer

Or it just means they love it so much they want more. GoW fans simply can't ask for more character dlcs, seeing as you know GoW's entire history is filled with just playing as one character.

>talks as if GOTY "accolade" can't be bought

>on suicidewatch.
Not sure how you've managed to pull it off but let's continue this conversation when you get your dick out of your mouth.

Westerners don't give Japanese games GOTY consideration any more unless it's a first party Nintendo game. Who fucking cares about these awards any more

imagine if GoW went multiplat (including PC)
it would have sales far more greater than the total sales of the DMC Franchise COMBINED (yes, ALL the DMC games, including the overly hated DmC)

Attached: 1558573645337.jpg (400x400, 32K)

Low quality bait.

based god of soi destroying dmcucksters 5.

Don't you nu gow fans have something to carry really slowly and get emotional? dmc takes a dump over gow and yes I finished gow and can't even watch footage of the game. Also the kids design is shit.

Sony gonna win back to back GOTY

Attached: kojima phil.jpg (800x534, 65K)

>AAA movie jounobait outsells literally anything
what else is new

and here's your typical DMCfag c o p i n g

Attached: 1559179430355.png (1488x724, 241K)

ikr why did they make atreus so goddamn ugly, but then again

More popular series outsells less popular series! Stop the fucking presses!

>DMCfags seething so hard they can't type properly
ehl oh ehl

Aww. He thinks he's winning.

Of course you are.

I enjoyed both for different reasons.

>Story over gameplay mentality

>gow fans going after low hanging fruit after being btfo'd by RDR2 in the other thread

>can't even read

Attached: 1543559229329.jpg (711x400, 61K)

Seething God of Cuck

Attached: 1554827982428.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

I haven't played the series in over a decade and have never considered myself a fan. Just saying what I've noticed.

oh fuck an enemy that never fights back! how fun!
>practicing combos in void and unlimited enemy HP

>no turbo mod
>fans get turbo mad

Attached: 1544930360382.jpg (514x416, 23K)

Only to showcase what you can do. In Nu-Gow you can block....you, can spam basic attack, and you can throw axe. It is INFERIOR to previous GoW's and a gimped Dark Souls 100%

NuGow had a very interesting norse concept. Too bad they wasted most of it on fighting braindead variations of troll bosses.

Imagine if DMC fans played their game half as much as they repost the same combo videos over and over again, they would probably have more than three people on youtube to watch.
actually based

easiest (You)s of my life

Attached: 1550213972949.png (621x875, 322K)

Hey now there's also that one Valkyrie they copy pasted about 8 times.

>tfw loved DMC5 but because they blackwashed Morrison I couldn't buy it on principle

Attached: nyeh.png (1000x800, 103K)

That's what happens when you abandon your core gameplay literally reboot a character (because lets face it this is not Kratos from previous games at all) and recoat yourself as The Last of Us. It gets you easy cred from all the casual journos and streamers, but leaves the actual core gameplay underwhelming.

Do you really care about anime morrison

Attached: 1558657230395.png (233x357, 68K)

I really thought that was age up slim enzo

It's the principle

Making him black made him cooler. Whites aren't cool. Nothing of value was lost, you faggot nazi.

didnt anime morrison look like scatman john?

yes but blonde

>GoW no black
Yea Forums hates it
>DmV 2 black (morrison get BLACKED)
Yea Forums loves it

Attached: tenor (1).gif (460x258, 1.33M)

FFXV will never be anything more than a giant unfinished piece of worthless shit that tanked the goodwill of fans, killed a studio, and lost square massive amounts of money, no matter how many of these threads you make. And Nomura would have made an infinitely better game.

Wrong thread, but I totally agree.

Based wrongthread poster.

>snoyboys only way to have people talk about their garbage exclusive is to bait fans of an actually popular game on Yea Forums
the absolute state of these negroids

>sales is indicative of quality
>positive coverage from journos is indicative of quality
>Meaningless awards are indicative of quality
If you believe any of these things you're beyond help.

Attached: oh you.jpg (1280x720, 260K)

>Dante vs Kratos
Fucking autists it's not 2005

god i wish it was tho

> Whites aren't cool

kys cuck

>ITSUNO and DMCfags on suicidewatch.
>The game is great
>It sold well
>Guaranteed the series' continuation
>ITSUNO and DMCfags on suicidewatch

Imagine being this faggot thinking we actually give a shit about God of War.

And everyone completely forgot about FFXV

Attached: 1554581623578.jpg (301x389, 26K)

>casual series that drops its identity for chasing a trend and making it even more boring
>series that defined a genre returning to its roots after one shitty reboot

>Will be remembered as a great game and one of the few never ever sequels that actually somewhat lived up to the hype
>Has already succeeded in reviving the brand according to Capcom themselves
>God of Snoy
>Will be remembered as "oh yeah, that was a thing" when the series inevitably reboots itself back to being a button masher like the PS2 days
>Shit on its existing fanbase to chase a demographic that won't stick around for the sequel

All facts which means Yea Forums will seethe itself to death.

People have forgotten DMCV 5 month after release. Its also average DMC3 is still king.

GoW made the mistake that anyone gave a shit about the story while making the already only okay combat actively worse and DMC made the mistake of holding off being able to play Dante until halfway through the game (again) and not having playable Vergil or even a hint of an SE.
Really at this point I'm just hoping for NG to make a comeback and somehow be good again even without Itagaki and friends, though I doubt that'd work out either.

ive never palyed a ff game should i start with ffxv no bully

it's true. it sold faster than DmC, but the sales slows to a crawl after it hits 2 million. Now it's only at 2.1 million.

>can't even spell it right
Hi Barry

This entire thread is aids

It requires redemption

Post some vergils

Attached: vergil ricardo.gif (550x400, 1.59M)

Attached: The day Vergil saved v.png (700x1480, 905K)

>Now it's only at 2.1 million.
Nice source.

DMC has better combat but GoW does everything else so much better that it's hard to say DMC5 is better than GoW.

Of course DMC3 is the true godly game of the genre. Shame it was a fluke.

I liked GoW but what do you mean by "everything else"? You basically mean the presentation and story right? Because the non-combat gameplay is crap. The puzzles are insultingly simple and the RPG mechanics are half-baked, to put it nicely. I guess the level design is "better" but it's not great, and if you consider forced walking sections as part of the level design (which I would) then it goes down to bad.

Kratos was never white, retard. He's fucking Greek.

Say it again dolboeb

>no black
the fanbase as a whole and Kratos himself to a degree is a nigger

What everything else exactly, dumbass? Nothing but combat and content matters and these types of games.
Nu-GoW is fucking garbage.

God of War was always the action game franchise for people who don't really like action games. Which is why GoW18 could get away with changing as much as it did. There's a ton of overlap between DMC, Ninja Gaiden and Platinum Games fanbases but very little with GoW.

It's like how Mortal Kombat has a very niche appeal in the FGC yet it basically outsells every other Fighting Game.

2.1m by the end of March
its been 2 months since then

I like how everyone already forgot about your game with the threads being as stale as my dick.

Didnt know that about MK11, but i guess it makes sense. It was a smart idea for NR to focus on singleplayer content then

They announced the sales figures were 2.1 million on March 31 for the end of their fiscal year. They haven't talked about game sales since then so we might not get accurate figures for awhile.

Also IIRC DmC didn't break 2 million until they released the Definitive Edition, so it's not really apples to apples anyway.

I mean most action games are, but the point of GoW bait is that it won more awards.

> implying game journo's opinions count as an argument
> implying sales count as an argument

Of course it is.

Attached: big guys.jpg (1260x775, 539K)

Wish I could be with her tied up in a room with no vigilance for 12 hours

>implying game journo's opinions count as an argument
> implying sales count as an argument
It seems to count when I see a mhxx/mhw thread

>he doesn't like bringing home the bacon
have sex

Given how basic GoW puzzles are and what fans of the game are like, wouldn't that image better illustrate it?