>Four copies of Borderlands 3 Please
Four copies of Borderlands 3 Please
>Four copies of My Hero One's Justice please.
Sure ma'am, now please sit down on my face
how to get a musclegirl gf?
> One copy of Hearts of Iron 4, please. You know, wanna install some alternative history mods.
Be funny, somewhat hot, charismatic and be at the rigth place at the right time
>white people enter the thread
Get into bodybuilding or CrossFit. They only date men more muscular than they are. It’ll cost you your liver, kidneys, and basically all the cartilage in your joints. And what you get in return is a bloated narcissist with joint pain as bad as yours.
I would lick so hard that nose of his. It's just asking for a solid straight peck
Ikr, thoes jews fucked them up good, lmaf
>obligatory inferiority complex post
check out that honker!
kys tranny
user, I... You... You sure know he's Egyptian, r-right?
> whitebois Wanting to be an inferior sex.
you are a slave to white people, and it's all in your head.
Don't bother. Aim for a semi-fit girl.
I want to fuck that lesbian so much
that's pretty racist user.
the poster is white, the poster is always white
Disgusting jewified race
Is this achievable natty?
You're a slave to niggers and jews
You want to be a woman
You can't say the n word irl, because jews, niggers and women say so.
read some epictetus and stop being so obsessed, it's pathetic.
oh, so that's why he wears the mask
Whitemen are the ultimate cucks
Not sure if guy or girl.
Also what's with the nipple? Or is that the cut on the arm?
Not an argument, pathetic
thread destroyed by cucks and trap faggots.
you have been enslaved by white people and they didn't even have to do anything lmao
Stop being a faggot tranny and tell your fellow whites to stop sucking Jew dick
i want her to punch my square in the gut for even daring to look at her
Arabs are by far the biggest perverts in the world. Closely followed by south Asians (pakis, Indians), then spics (especially Brazilians).
Everyone else I’d say is on equal footing.
you will always be inferior to whites with this mentality
If you unironically think that's attractive you're gayer than elton john
I thought the BL3 villain girl looked familiar.
blacks make up the highest percentage of LGBT shit in the west
Large boobs and abs is in the realm of gods.
If you think any trap is attractive you are gay. That's not a bad thing mind you, the guy in the pic you posted is hotter than any woman. But closet cases need to stop lying to themselves.
You've been enslaved by jews, niggers, Muslims, and women, now you wanta be woman..
All the "whitemans achievements" are god's not whiteman's kek.
>That Brachioradialis placement.
this is some incredible cope
your mind must be addled with cognitive dissonance.
You will always be a faggot tranny owned by the jews with this mentality
Worry about yourself, okay?
Wrong, fake and gay need proof faggot.
Really? I think they’re just more noticeable. But yeah, I do see a lot of faggy blacks. I wonder if it’s a kind of neurotic, subconscious rebellion they go through as kids, since black culture is so aggressively ooga booga. Like the only way to go against that is to veer to the opposite end of the spectrum.
Not an argument, again, i think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance, nice cope tho faggot.