I want to fuck a blade.
I want to fuck a blade
Sounds painful
For you
At least choose a better blade.
Nia is the only correct choice
No, it legitimately sounds like a painful experience. One false move and your dick is gone, or at best you bleed to death. You fucking degenerate.
same here
I'm just gonna leave this here.
That's ok you can just take it with you.
my favorite is brighid. post pics of her and I'll play through xenoblade "mehmehmeh" chronicles 2.
nice taste, I concur
Memeing faggots would consider this THICC
Why is this thread still up?
Fucking nigger jannies.
Jauffre would be the one to know.
Post M I N G E
>really user?
>you posted "I want to fuck a blade." online?
>what the hell is wrong with you?
Who are you? Who are you?
How did you get this?
He's the grandmaster of my order.
>Finally get your hands on a core crystal.
>Hope to awaken a sexy, curvaceous blade.
>Get a shy little loli instead.
same here
go all out and get a blender
then say she's not fat.
I want to fuck a gun!
>Implying you wouldn't
Fag trannys always wanting to cut off their dicks. Y'all niggas gay.
Sexy 9/10
Well she is missng some womenly features 6/10
Would destroy 9/10
What a shitty fetish
Underage 0/10 reported
The girl on the right looks really cute! Is she perchance a dancer of sorts?
The AR-15 platform rifle is over 50 years old tripfag
He lives quietly as a monk at Weynon Priory, near the city of Chorral
I want to fuck OP
What do you know of the Emperor's death?