I want to fuck a blade

I want to fuck a blade.

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Sounds painful

For you

At least choose a better blade.

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Nia is the only correct choice


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No, it legitimately sounds like a painful experience. One false move and your dick is gone, or at best you bleed to death. You fucking degenerate.

same here

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I'm just gonna leave this here.

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That's ok you can just take it with you.

my favorite is brighid. post pics of her and I'll play through xenoblade "mehmehmeh" chronicles 2.


Attached: Jaufree.jpg (1280x1024, 314K)

nice taste, I concur

Attached: DbkiewaVwAEDLBJ.jpg (1558x2048, 287K)

Memeing faggots would consider this THICC

Why is this thread still up?
Fucking nigger jannies.

Jauffre would be the one to know.

Post M I N G E

>really user?
>you posted "I want to fuck a blade." online?
>what the hell is wrong with you?

Attached: 1557760909499.jpg (1263x1920, 855K)

Who are you? Who are you?

How did you get this?

He's the grandmaster of my order.

>Finally get your hands on a core crystal.
>Hope to awaken a sexy, curvaceous blade.
>Get a shy little loli instead.

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same here

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go all out and get a blender

then say she's not fat.


I want to fuck a gun!

Attached: _st_ar_15_girls_frontline_drawn_by_gz_gzdteee_461ead284f7f9bba285fb3f5d8349ae2.jpg (832x1181, 645K)

>Implying you wouldn't


Fag trannys always wanting to cut off their dicks. Y'all niggas gay.

Sexy 9/10
Well she is missng some womenly features 6/10
Would destroy 9/10
What a shitty fetish
Underage 0/10 reported

The girl on the right looks really cute! Is she perchance a dancer of sorts?

The AR-15 platform rifle is over 50 years old tripfag

He lives quietly as a monk at Weynon Priory, near the city of Chorral

I want to fuck OP

What do you know of the Emperor's death?