Why doesn't GOG have any good exclusives?
There's only boomer stuff like Neverwinter Nights 2 and Temple of Elemental Evil (Troika's worst game). Who wants these?
Why doesn't GOG have any good exclusives?
There's only boomer stuff like Neverwinter Nights 2 and Temple of Elemental Evil (Troika's worst game). Who wants these?
What tag would I use for gog-chan on paheal or those other sites?
thank god they don't, exclusives are bad for consumers
Because there is a market for that boomer stuff so there needs to be a marketplace to get them at. Honestly I'd rather pay 5$ for Neverwinter Nights 2 rather than risk a sketchy torrent. I only doubt how much of the profits go to the game's creators and not just the company.
is there a steam-chan?
thats gaben
Unofficial ones.
Where the fuck do I pirate all these GOG installers? Want to try out Fell Seal, but all the sites Google give me don't have it.
>sketchy torrent
GOG installers are digitally signed and can't be tampered with. That's why pirating GOG games is so popular.
igg game,rarbg torrent to name a few.
why yes
>he calls himself a consumer
have some self respect npc.
Did someone say,
Hey hey, people.
unironically rutracker
You can get the jazz jackrabbit games on gog
Why would GOG need exclusives? Isn't their no drm meme enough?
Valve will never release a Steam-chan because the unfathomable amounts of porn that's going to be made for her will be outstanding.
Also can you imagine hundreds of shovelware porn games about Steam-chan getting put on Steam? It would be beautiful.
Holy shit, thanks.
The DRM free meme leads to hilarious results:
Almost 400 games on this list already lmao.
>Why does Good Old Games only have old games?
You're silly user!
why does it matter if they're cheapest?
God what you just described sounds amazing.
They do have diablo 1 and war craft 1&2 ported to modern windows. It won't be on steam cause gog themeselves worked on the port and won't be on b.net since they don't fit nu-blizzards games as a service only policy for games there.
They haven't been good old games for many years.
>more boomer trash
That's a good list to have at hand.
the only """people""" who care about exclusives are never ever shitposters
fuck off back to hell
rule34 gogchan
>all these Missing paid Soundtrack DLC
Who the fuck cares?
Still some a pretty egregious, like Klein with Don't Starve.
Lots of games with missing/poor multiplayer support, e.g. A Hat In Time. Lots of games with missing updates/DLC, e.g. Neptunia series.
You have to go back.
>tumblr filename
Hacлaждaйтecь вaшим poccийcким шпиoнcким пpoгpaммным oбecпeчeниeм
The hell do you say then? "Buyer"? "Purchaser"?
>unironically recommending igg
>GOG build
What does he mean by this?
>Why does good old games only have old games
Are you for real?
They're literally just GOG now.
>On 27 March 2012, Good Old Games announced that it was branching out to feature "AAA" and independent titles in addition to older games. The site was rebranded to GOG.com.
Well that's news to me.
They're having a sale right now, go check it out if you want some drm free games. Got Elex at a nice price.
I'll save my money for the sale on the real store, it's just around the corner.
Does it have flash deals? Daily deals?
GOG does.
This. Store exclusives are cancer.
Voidu, GMG, etc are all better than both in term of pricing generally.
poor man's mandalore. "oh i'll take what mandalore's doing and inject a ton of unfunny fucking memes into it to appeal to the lowest common denominator, thanks for the million views!"
Black pill:
There are sites that offer 20-30% off whatever Steam game if you buy through them, they have bots that add you on Steam and buy whatever you want for 20-30% cheaper. Amazing during winter/summer sales.
Yes, you support money laundering this way.
>Who wants these?
I do.
IGG has been putting bitcoin miners in their shit for a while now. Don't download from them.
>Poor man's mandalore
>Doesn't cover the same type of games, has a completely different tone
>game made by epic.
>exclusive on gog.
Can also easily get your account banned if steam gets wind of it.
They have the old King's quest games, I like them a lot
How is that money laundering?
Just sounds like some algorithm designed to attract customers to their key selling site
t. low iq
Epic legitimately stopped caring about their old games. Fucking UT3 isn't on the EGS and they aren't even planning to add it anytime soon. It's like they're embarrassed of everything pre-Fortnite.
Well they use multiple bots with random names, so that's unlikely. Haven't had any of the games revoked yet and I've been doing this shit for a couple years now.
Honestly, I believe they just use wallet money from CSGO, DOTA etc items in exchange for your real money. 20-30% is a pretty good commission to turn Steam money into real life cash.
Those aren't keys, they're gifting you games via bots.
Its a shame they hate their only good games.
A good platform does not need exclusives, a lot of folks on steam don't own or play any Valve games, all you need is a good service.
>Gears of war is going to be on steam
>It's actually an Epic Games franchise
It's like they're an an antagonist.
cute tummy
It's even funnier/sadder when you consider that the only games they still have are before Sweeney had his meltdown and left PC gaming. And everything they HAVE worked on since are basically dead in favor of Fortnite alone.
It's honestly kind of pathetic. Epic's made some pretty good games. Hell, Infinity Blade was arguably the best mobile game, but they're so embarrassed of everything non-fortnite that they ripped it from the app store.
GOG started out as a marketplace for older games. Classics if you will.
To be fair they had like what? Three or four consecutive flops before Fortnite BR bailed them out.
Epic at least has a popular game. What the fuck has Valve done in the last 5 years?
>Temple of Elemental Evil
>Troika's worst game
half life 2 ep 2 had a shit fucking story and ending who the fuck cares abouut that roastie or her dead dad literally.
CSGO and Dota 2 mostly.
And I guess VR but we all know that's a meme.
They haven't, apart from a flop of a cardgame.
But at the same time, you can still buy all their previous games at any given moment on Steam. Where are all of Epic's previous games from EGS?
>Epic's previous games
What games? Unreal and Gears of War?
Literally nothing.
>Dota 2
Not Valve. Just Icefrog.
Yeah. Jazz, Unreal and Gears already encompass like 10 games in total.
fucking stop shilling other platform or asking about why not just pirate their installers
so far i got worms armageddon and im gonna get soldier of fortune pack for 20$
you guys see anything else worth picking up
i really dont want to scroll through 2000 games but i will if i have to
Well, these are all still available digitally. Unreal is on both GOG and Steam, Jazz is GOG only for now, Gears is on the Win 10 store.
>i really dont want to scroll through 2000 games
Nigger, just sort by store and discount on either isthereanydeal.com or gg.deals. It's not fucking hard.
Nobody said they weren't available, just that none of them being on the EGS kinda suggests they just don't give a fuck about anything pre-Fortnite, and spending money on exclusives so they can point fingers at Steam. The new Unreal is dead as well. Infinity Blade is gone too, purely because they just didn't want to put any staff on updating them.
They are completely DRM-free so big publishers won't sell the new games there, while most Steam games are gatelocked with account that requires users to log in online in order to play, so for publishers it makes new games "harder" to distribute online and "safer" from filesharing, even if we all know there are workarounds.