Are you even excited for it?
Death Stranding
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Yeah to discuss it with Yea Forums. Don't even got a sonybox.
I just want to play with user in the multiplayer.
That artstyle and design would be better for the game than the stupid and bland realism.
maybe if it had real gameplay, probably
I agree
Kinda sucks that I don't have a PS4 for this, seems like the type of game that would lose a lot by watching a stream/video of it
holy shit Guillermo got a badass portrait by Shinkawa, I'm jealous
Does anyone even know what it plays like? Is it even a game?
I'm looking forward to it. The Xcuck seethe makes it even more juicy.
They're trying to sell the actors and Kojima. Artist is taking a step back this time around.
oh shut the hell up, you absolute fucking moron.
you have zero idea what you're talking about.
Yoji Shinkwawa is the art director. Do you even understand the amount of preproduction that goes into a game like this?
And yet still looks like bland shit
I'll be excited when we have proof that its an actual fucking game.
We're getting Dark Souls 2.0 by the sound of it.
I really hope it's something better than Dark Souls messages.
lore looks interresting
but the gameplay and the animation is trash.
>Piece of gameplay footage showing off terrain traversing using tools
>Piece of gameplay footage showing you're to hide from enemies, being caught means either running or turning around and fistfighting enemies, also driving your own bike/hijacking someone else's (that wasn't too clear)
>Piece of gameplay footage showing that you use at least one gun and combat Mads' ressurected skellybuddies
>Piece of gameplay footage showing the MC running from some big black goo boss
is it even a fucing game or is it like a fuckekingg visiuaall novel whats the fuck is dis gayyyy shit i bet it snt a game its jus a meme only a meme fuck off its just a meme game faggs theres zero0 proof of anyy kind of gameeplay what a mememee
>Yoji Shikawa's awesome art for these characters
>they're just rendered like real people in game
Shinkawa deserves better.
>the animation is trash
we have a real expert on animation itt guise
If you don't think death stranding looks like the coolest shit, you need to spend less time on Yea Forums
>people who haven't watched the latest trailer that actually showed gameplay asking how it plays
>multiplayer is just you exchaning packages
I was but seeing the gameplay ruined it for me now I can meh
sjw simulator by hack kojima
It comes out in november
>Game is all about connecting and uniting with other people
>game is stuck in one platform
>which will cause more divide
What is Kojima's endgame here?
Why is a fucking director a voice actor in this game?
Have sex
better gameplay and story in heavy rain
Because Del Taco loves video games and is a good friend of Kojima.
I don't get excited for games anymore I've been burned too many times.
I am curious though hope it's not shit like mgsv.
For you to have sex
Jason? JASON!
>shinkawa didn't draw 'no-chin man'
The gameplay looks so non-existent.
Like your sex life.
Have sex.
Have sex with me
To realize that his globalism ideals won’t work
Am I excited for Qualley's SFM porn? No. I'm no perv. Hahaha. I don't have rule34hentai bookmarked hahaha. Seriously though. I'm not.
i dont even know what its meant to be
they havent made it very clear at all
looks like a clusterfuck
their marketing is a disaster and being carried by big names like mads and kojima
we all know where hype ends us
I want to see more of Mama
anyone want sex?
with me
Gotta say, I partially agree with you. With the way Kojima hyped this game you'd expected it would be a very different take on the action genre, perhaps with a mechanic no one tried before or that went awry before, but honestly it just looks like fight dudes in post-apocalyptic USA until it starts raining then go into spooky stealth mode. I expected more.
I can't wait for rogersbase's playthough
He did a MGS Week last year and is one of the only content creators who I feel really appreciates kojima
Yes u am
we know more about the setting, characters, and story then the actual fundamental mechanics of the gameplay, which SHOULD be a huge fucking redflag but it's not because ???
you mean a game where a giant media and entertainment conglomerate abuses and drains the populace AND the entire planet for personal gain, while everyone including the president and the CEO (the person who made bridges what it is) are forced to participate and orchestrate it, as the board of directors control their livelihood and could ruin them at any moment for not towing the line?
then when they destroy the world, they lie about the cause and offer themselves as the true solution to repair and reconnection? all so they can abuse what little is left? everyone involved knows where it's headed, they want out, but they can't.
>but it's not because ???
it's being announced as a cross-platform game at E3
Honest question. Why did this have to be a video game? What the fuck is the point if THIS is what you're going to bring to the table?
>mindless walking simulator with shit slide to target batman combat
those aren't aliens, they're the BT's. refn is a villain and involved in whatever fucked up shit is being done to people via the cables.
I’m really hoping that’s how story is but i doubt it
I actually like walking simulators.
also if you'd paid attention you'd notice that the game has a crafting system.
>you play it in pc mac linux xbone and switch
I would have preferred if Kojima made an Apocalypse Now game.
>That collab between sony and microsoft
I can see it although too bad Nintendo won't
Should have gotten a better hardware console.
I never particularly gave a shit about Metal Gear but I'm hype as hell for Death Stranding.
That said I'm also prepared for it to be a huge disappointment
Shut up Mom they're Freakers™ not zombies!
BT's aren't dead dumbass
oh no those aren't aliens those are just ''beached things'' from another dimension leaking into our world affter experiment that tried to united humanity go terribly wrong
>I'm not seeing shooty-shooty every 3 seconds
>why is this viedo game????
Fuck off.
>game would be better if its a generic shooter instead
Not really. I expected pretty much everything they revealed the game to play as so far, so the only thing I am waiting on is the story.
>I'll show you the real thing soon.
I’ve still got a backlog of PS4 exclusives and PSVR games I wanna play... a shit movie game made by a washed up pretentious hack is on the bottom of my to play list. Not to mention I don’t only play PS4 either.
Guys it was PT all along
Sony only had the fake exclusivity to boost ps4 sales
lmao I love the straws these theorists grasp at
Kojima on his own doesn't make good stories. What a weird coincidence that when Tomokazu Fukushima left the MGS games the writing went down the toilet. Kojima is the George Lucas of game stories, he's good at setting up a world with style and themes but he's shit at making a good story and good characters.
I raise
>Metal Gear Sanity: Death Stranding
It looks like it's going to be a fun watch. I can't wait til it comes out in theaters. But aren't we on the Yea Forums boards?
Reminder that Rich Evans was right
I sure do love games sold on their star power. I'm looking forward to this wreck flopping.
opinions should be written as such my newfriend.
does anyone have a higher res version of OP's pic?
notice how everyone talks about the celebrities and the story rather than the gameplay itself. really makes you fucking think
History will never know what he did. No one will ever learn the truth. His story, his debriefing, will endure only in your heart. Everything he did he did for his country. He sacrificed his life and his honor for his native land. He was a real hero. He was a true patriot.
Because that's all they've fucking shown, really. We've gotten very short snippets of a few gameplay scenarios, but we don't really know how any given scenario works or how they connect, so it's hard to know what the player will spend most of his time doing or how he can do it. There's an open world, there are some ghosts, and there are (at least occasionally) guys with guns. That's about all we know. The fact the game releases in a handful of months and yet this is all we know isn't comforting, though.
look how well days gone sold. snoy is going to advertise death stranding at least that hard and it is going to sell at least that well. last of us 2 is going to do the same thing a few months later. 3rd person walking simulators are the safest genre to dump money in. normies can not help themselves.
The gameplay will be mediocre shit at best, but the artsy fartsy journos will throw high scores like candy because of "muh deep cinematic experience"
Taco and Refn aren't voicing themselves
>Kiefer Sutherland replaces David Hayter as Snake
>People thought it was a big ruse
>It wasn't, instead Kojima just wanted a celeb in his game
>Kojima unveils a new IP but instead of showing gameplay, he sells the game on his own star power and the star power of the famous people he has hired
What is this guy even doing?
It's simple how to fix this game.
My idea for Death Stranding would make it more creative, not less. All Kojima needs to do is:
-axe the realism art style for cel shaded or maybe something like metal gear rising or bayonetta
-make the combat more of a focus, and make it play like a mix of Metal Gear Rising and Vanquish with on the fly weapon switching and tons of combo potential
- make the women hot with huge tits and real skimpy outfits, like making that "Fragile" wear a cute maid outfit instead of that retarded leather army shit
- change the male character designs to be more attractive like bishonen, remove mads and that ugly norman reedus for fuck sakes, just let them do the voices
-make the setting look way more surreal than it is right now, instead of wastelands have different themed areas, like a carnival themed zone, an ice zone, a water zone, a casino zone, like sonic games or maplestory or something
- soundtrack like metal gear rising
The game would be amazing if Kojima did that.
They're humans dipshit.
>female president
>gay moms
>most of the cast look like they have down syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome
>game is about muh internet and muh tiny hand cheetoface blumpf
>likely snoy exclusive
>we'll never ever ever get anything of significant quality at the level of the PS1/PS2 era ever again but they'll sell us up the nostalgia river for another 245 years
We can gather that you're delivering cargo, and trying to stay out of he path of invisible ghost things with a fetus radar. Those yellow guys called Mules can track your cargo and come after it. There are clearly weapons so fighting is an option but it looks like a last resort so far. He was wandering through a warzone at one point. Then there's this clip that looks like a boss battle intro and suggests a lot about what we haven't been shown.
This image clearly suggests we'll be heavily armored/powered later on. You can see Norman Reedus' eyes inside the helmet, and the lyrics to the song used in the first Death Stranding trailer. Those enemies in the last trailer even had energized spears similar to what Sam was holding on the moon in the Homo Ludens video.
the art for this game sucks and looks like tryhard edgy shit. Metal Gear Rising had better art, the designs had soul.
I don't understand people who say they're confused or don't understand what the gameplay is. Theres enough information to make educated guess, and its in the footsteps of Kojima's last two cancelled projects, MGSV and P.T.
They're whales. The floating spirits are attached to them by their umbilical cords.
The gameplay is SHIT. There, I said what we were all thinking.
Those things looks like body snatchers from mgs, is this antoher metal gear? Why is he doing this?
>old man cries about how vanquish is great and should be on steam
>comes out on steam
>he can't get past the first level on easy
gonna be a yikes from me, fat old fucker has 0 skill and shouldn't talk about games at all.
>six months from release
>not a single trailer that consists of nothing but gameplay
the only people looking forward to this shitshow are kojidrones
"wandering through a warzone
the warzone was Hades, the 'other side' they mentioned when he plugs in the BB. Teaser trailer 1 from the VGAs with del toro has him in hades. So far it seems like getting trapped in the goop causes a "voidout". The homo deimos bring about voidouts by causing a ruckus and attracting/directly controlling in the case of higgs, the BTs to cause havoc. When the BTs capture a human, it sends them to hades where presumably they need to fight their way back, and when they return via BB (somehow they play into it, maybe a literal respawn) the area is turned into a crater.
Oh and based on trailer 2 we know that dead humans aren't enough for the BTs to power whatever it is they do that causes the explosion, and the BBs are imperative to the voidout not killing the human should they be captured.
>a car, wow!
>a bus, wow!
>a streetlight, holy fuck!
it must be P.T.
Here are the equations on those things from another thread
Equation 1
Equation 2
Equation 3
Equation 4
Equation 5
Equation 6
What is that guy muttering?
is this official art made by Shinkawa? or just a fanart retweeted/liked by Shinkawa/Kojima
>What is this guy even doing?
keeping (you) entertained.
it's official. shinkawa is art director and he'll probably be doing the box art, cause there's no way that plain ass black background with white text is the final box.
>super high Sci-Fi armored Guards looking like Nazis
>propably stationed on the fucking moon teased in last trailer
HHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG i'm gonna need a PS4 for that game, dont even care if its released on PC later. i want to play it day1
>DS is finally coming out
I'm past all the shitters pretending they know it's going to be game of the year or hot garbage or anything in between.
Barring any obvious retardation, I'm just gonna pick a copy of the game up and play it because it interests me.
It looks like just being eaten by the BT causes a void out, destroying the area. It happens as soon as pic related consumed that guy, and in that webm a few posts up,as soon as the thing eats Sam it triggers an explosion.
Yeah, that's what I mean, cause when you get trapped in you get dragged away to a nearby "major" bt, whatever their official title may be. Like the big fucker in your pic, or the whale in the newest trailer. Both sam and the guy in trailer 2 started getting dragged away as soon as they were in the goop because it slowed them down so much. Presumably it's oil from timefall, but who can say for sure.
>implying it won't just be a bunch of of the actors' faces slapped on the cover
hm now that isee the pic i got a question for you lads: why didn't the black goo/BT's attack Sam in this scene? i mean while the guy was trying to kill himself, Sam only stood a few feet away from him without any harm altho he was injured and the 'handprint monster' really did sense him or at least was aware of his presence only to be distracted by the screaming little fag under the bus.
are we supposed to believe the BT's are that stupid and only react to most recent impulses?
last thing: Mads will steal the show with shear A E S T H E T I C S
you mean mgs6?
It's his art but a fan turned it into the MGS4 style poster.
>tfw thanks to Kojima thousands of shitters gonna be reading my man Huizinga.
Maybe someone will actually learn things.
Thats an pickelhaube.
The shrinking of wave function through observation on part of the observer forces electrons to escape their probability class and bring sensation into our existence.
1000 261, 1000 262, 1000 263, 1000 264
The animation does look wonky though.
Someone dumped some mysterious vaguely related images in that last theory thread, pic related, but I didn't notice the writing on the watch
>adjusted to head gold isochromism and six 6 positions
>six 6 positions
Hm, was Deadman in Hades or was Cliff just bringing the war zone with him from Hades?
I'm excited for the inevitable artbook. Goddamn I love Shinkawa.
oh fuck youre right. thats even better
Damn I never knew about that mission, it seems like it's meant to be about Revengeance and maybe Snatcher being different realities.
Probably its Schrodinger's baby it's still in a womb (pod) so is really unknown if the baby is truely alive or dead.
looking forward to your buyers remorse
i think Mads 'stranded' in Hades and can't come back or even chose to remain there on his own free will. Sam will propably fight him multiple times there or at least encounter him
Good point, that seems likely to be the reason for the fetus being able to detect BTs.
Yeah it seemed like Sam was trying to sneak through his personal war zone.The parts where he was somewhere hot enough for the air to light his cigarette, and the part where he emerged from the goo made it seem like he may be able to cross back and forth.
snatchers are from snatcher and are just terminators
is that not Psycho Mantis back there?
Kojima is actually doing something clever; he's not appealing to Yea Forumsirgins by using star power, he's trying to break into Yea Forums. He's giving treats to the pedantic movie critics that would never touch a videogame and trying to rope them in.
The man is fighting to expand the whole genre of media. The latest trailer with the reveal of Nicolas Winding Refn has gotten quite a few eyeballs on the game.
>i want the pretentious little shits- crowd
>Oyama (Japanese theatre) (Japanese: 女形), a male actor who plays female parts in Kabuki
what the fuck did he mean by that? did he just BTFO any speculation of us being able to play the game as a female?
story seems interesting and mikkelsen is great but gameplay looks like a dogshit clone of the new snoy games (horizon etc), i hope everything else makes up for it
that being said, I'll wait until it's on sale for 20 bux or PC
All to connect us to one another with social Strands and save the world from the internet
>trying to rope them in
uhhhh he probably meant something along the lines of " nick cage plays nick cage in MOVIE. "
>Kojima promises no men acting as women to ruin the game
Based Kojima keeping the trannies dirty hands off his game.
I'm pretty sure that's what he means, yeah. I interpret what he's saying as "Sam is Norman Reedus, Norman Reedus is Sam, and so a female Sam would need to be a female Norman Reedus and so that's not gonna happen".
>he's playing us like a goddamn fiddle!
female part just came from a quick google search. i guess he just wanted us to know 'we ARE norman feetus deleetus reedus, not anythings else'
Whos the bad guy again?
until we know if theres a twist and it being revealed it could be just about anybody
Right Leftman is obviously a bad guy, if not THE bad guy. Good guys don't look like that, and Kojima is totally the type to bank on people thinking "it's too obvious, he couldn't possibly be evil, Kojima is too smart to do that".
Higgs leader of the terrorist homo demens played by Troy Baker. Unless there is a twist and some behind the scenes villain manipulating things.
What the fuck is he talking about god dammit
He's talking about the wearable items. There won't be any "atmosphere ruining" items like the oyama face paint in MGS3
It's a timed exclusive at best and Kojima proved he's a hack by fucking up V.
best answer right now, thanks
>no HUD
>blue LED shackle is Sam's health bar
>Deadman and Die-hardman are also playable
The second trailer was sort of from Deadman's perspective.
What's up with the babies?
funny how the '5 floating guys' from the first and forth trailer 'vanished' from the public perspective
They can sense black goo
That image is all we have. Maybe the larger strands you can see in the sky in the distance in some trailers are connected to them. Maybe the strands connected to all the dead sea life too.
Post more shinkawa artwork
>Are you even excited for it?
only if i can turn off any online or multiplayer features.
aye, everyone complaining about not having a ps4, you can essentially rent anything for 30 days free with ebay's current return policies.
shinkawa is such a fuckin God.
obviously this. p much every game has your c/o in on the bad shit and you being the manipulated pawn.
Oh cool, reminds me of the MGS 4 poster from E3 2005
What's the flapper shoulder mount thing for? Is it only for detecting / illuminating BTs like a flashlight?
Knowing how you zombies work, I'm under the impression the only correct response is "No."