Has Valve abandoned Artifact?

Has Valve abandoned Artifact?

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So the artifact section has become Yea Forums?

a game so dead no one notices infringing content and thus causing no harm
but the netcops are on the job

Crazy to see a valve game die so quickly. If you look on twitch now there is a single person with 20 views playing it.


Fuck you edgy niggers for streaming CP and Christchurch.


btfo by gross gore of all people

I doubt they are streaming cp, that'll get the cops at your house.

CSGO died about as quickly. It only got revived because they added lootcrates and started throwing millions at tournaments.

so just the usual business on twitch i see

>Instead of just assigning some chromosomal employee to Artifact deleting duty or disabling the Artifact section for a few days, they made it so all new accounts couldn't stream for x amount of time
I mean I guess it worked since there's only one person streaming Artifact right now (top kek) but it seems so drastic

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They will have to support TF2 again oh no

Valve abandons pretty much anything that doesn't turn into a major success overnight, so probably yeah.

That's a hard 'oof'

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christchurch is fair game bro

rewatching all of TTGL a couple of weeks ago on twitch was a pretty nice way of spending a Sunday night. Definitely wasn't on my plans.

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CSGO took a while to become a huge success though

what happened to the meme streams? i can't find any

>lost 8k players in 1 month
holy shit

CSGO is part of an established IP, it was going to be a success eventually.

Not this bad though. Lowest recorded player count for csgo is about 20,000. Artifact is currently just below 200 players dipping to under 100 daily.

Valve doesn't moderate Twitch, retard
obviously some outside source is trying to kill the game

Parody shootings are fair use.

So basically they're too embarrassed to flip the switch to a hearthstone-esque f2p model, so they'll just wait 6 months and pretend like it's a relaunch and a major overhaul. I hope it fails when it does. Valve's hubris around artifact was truly baffling - literally anyone who heard about the economic model they built the game on went ' you're doing what?'

Fuck em

Yes, they even said they were abandoning it in a blog post so they could rebuild it from the ground up.

From my understanding of their post, they're rebuilding the game from the ground up. Essentialy, "Artifact 2" is coming.

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Nobody said they did.

and I bet Richard Garfield isn't going to help with the reboot.
seems like he did more harm than good.

It's a buy to play, pay to win game that has numerous cards that are objectively worse than others with awkward card text. I'm honestly surprised anyone is still playing it.

I kind of feel bad for this game.

Twitch added a few steps to be able to stream and it cut out the TOS breaking streams.

They fired laid him off I believe around the time they wrote the blog post.

Do we even know what he did? As far as I know he was only hired so Valve could say "look, we have the guy that made Magic working on our game!"

Two step verifictation is now required. Makes things a lot more cumbersome

what surprises me is that nobody has given Valve heavy flak for this garbage trash fire. it was just forgotten about after all the influencers got their money.
literally no youtuber has made like, a 30-60 minute video, detailing in full why this game was a fucked up, a massive failure, and why valve is dead.

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>feeling bad for a current year popular genre lootbox extravaganza

read that very first sentence. this is how retarded valve is. They don't even understand why it failed at all.

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I guess he must have helpd with the whole design of the game.

>ep3 died for this

i mean it's a game no one wanted so no one cares that it's a failure
releasing new things is risky which is why so much of the industry is rehashed garbage, and even valve tried to transfer success from dota 2 to this thing

>make a card game
>buy 2 play
>pay 2 win
noone thought to tell gabe "hey man this is a bad idea"

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>this is shartifact's legacy

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When we launched Artifact, we expected it would be the beginning of a long journey, that it would lay the foundation for years to come. Our plan was to immediately dive into our normal strategy of shipping a series of updates driven by the dialogue community members were having with each other and with us.

Obviously, things didn't turn out how we hoped. Artifact represents the largest discrepancy between our expectations for how one of our games would be received and the actual outcome. But we don't think that players misunderstand our game, or that they're playing it wrong. Artifact now represents an opportunity for us to improve our craft and use that knowledge to build better games.

Since launch, we've been looking carefully at how players interact with the game as well as gathering feedback. It has become clear that there are deep-rooted issues with the game and that our original update strategy of releasing new features and cards would be insufficient to address them. Instead, we believe the correct course of action is to take larger steps, to re-examine the decisions we've made along the way regarding game design, the economy, the social experience of playing, and more.

So what does this mean?

Moving forward, we'll be heads-down focusing on addressing these larger issues instead of shipping updates. While we expect this process of experimentation and development to take a significant amount of time, we’re excited to tackle this challenge and will get back to you as soon as we are ready.

Even Twitch can't escape Valves free speech free market ideology, it is too powerful

they aren't going to do shit. no refunds btw goyim.

>detailing in full why this game was a fucked up, a massive failure, and why valve is dead.
its got 2/3 down since the guy still cucks up to valve at the end and pretends they have it in them to actually fix the game in a timely manner (video was made before valve announced that it was dead until they "rework" it some time in the far future aka never)

>design million dollar game
>Cant even break 97 players
just.... YIKES

>literally no youtuber has made like, a 30-60 minute video, detailing in full why this game was a fucked up, a massive failure, and why valve is dead.

There's this though, but it's not what you're asking.

Almost 100% sure there was no CP, definitely scat porn and christichurch though

>Artifact isn't a Dota 2 card game, it just uses the Dota 2 world
how out of touch can you be?

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he mean that it isn't exclusive to the dota 2 world, retard. they had ideas to port other characters from other worlds into it

>defending this trash

Do you think they would be moderating twitch otherwise or something?

The moment this got boo'd on stage, you would think they would get an idea of what they were getting into, but no.

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Dont. Valve needs to know we wont just eat up whatever garbage they shit out.

>Dota 2 lore
>Half the champions arent' even listed by their actual names

There's more lore in one of Jinx's tits than there is in all of DotA2

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Man if they wanted to expand the DOTA lore they should have used a real game not a shitty cashgrab

I still remember being in the key arena that day when they made the annoucement
the booing was so widespread I felt a sense of community

>League of Legends lore
More retcons then blizzard games, and riot only has one fucking game.

literally no one has the balls to do that, we are 2019, cops can get you even behind 9 proxies

I always wondered what a valve run MMO would be like.

Maybe thats why they're putting so much stock in dota and nothing else

>Crazy to see a valve game die so quickly.
I don't think anyone actually wanted this game. I don't see why Valve's fanbase would care for a card game, every other game they made is entirely different from this.

I love how people blame this instead of the facts that
>A) Almost all streams broke the rules. I mean, that was the point
>B) It was made well known that people were using the category to specifically stream rule breaking content.
it takes literally one janny with some effort to clean the section up, it has nothing to do with your shootings

man this meme never gets old does it
>started throwing millions at tournaments.
majors were the only valve events and they had a 250k prize pool for the first what, 3 years?

he built the entire gameplay.

he is a genius, yet the marvel he created, while extremely good on its own, is absolutely out of the taste of the market and in the wrong shell.

an esport where viewers need a degree in computer science to understand what's going on and can only look at 30% of the gamestate at once.
a game for dotards to relax, but requires full concentration and 20 minute matches.
a game for experienced card game players, that is completely unpenetrable to average casual players.
a game where you feel like you have total control even when massive RNG and chaos are happening and the winner is decided more by skill than RNG and deckbuilding, but feels completely the opposite before you mastered the basics.
a game with actual strategic depth, but the rules feel counter intuitive and are impossible to learn ( example: your hero dying can be an advantage, but you can't learn it because the you would reap the advantage 2-3 turns later).
a game for people who played MtG for 25 years, but learns nothing from it when it comes to designing cards that mention RNG.
a game for people who love dota2 heroes, but given the heroes are only 5/40 cards of your deck they can only get a very small spotlight each.

he succeeded and fucked up at the same time also core set design is 5/10 at best , but Valve fucked up 10 times more than him.Instead of focusing on the "experienced card game players" who could have enjoyed the game, they managed to miss-market and piss off as many audiences as possible for as many different reasons as possible.mediocre flavor, lack of competitive rankings, weird monetization that wasn't well advertised, lack of support for competitive scene, obscure and out of pace marketing that backfired horribly, lack of cosmetics and secondary monetizations. what did they not fuck up? i'd say the imps and the main menu song.

I'm sure he's counting loli as CP like a fucking retard. there were a few streams up of Shoujo Ramune and a few others.

Dumb leaguebaby

Worst I've seen was some guy chainsawing a dude's head off. Anyone who has the balls to post CP are probably behind seven firewalls in antarctica

just because league doesn't have lore doesn't mean dota doesn't

I was a guy streaming PPG.

shit, I'm not into that stuff I swear

source: this guy's ass

You DID watch the madoka stream, right Yea Forums?

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>tfw I missed the train
I heard some people streamed jojo. Must had been comfy...

>Artifact isn't a Dota 2 card game, it just uses the Dota 2 world
>he mean that it isn't exclusive to the dota 2 world, retard. they had ideas to port other characters from other worlds into it

nope. it means that the Artifact team has the freedom to write lore on its own and doesn't completely depend on dota2 flavor and development for finding its own.freedom to design new heroes, freedom to create new lore, freedom to not shoving in every single theme and mechanic from dota2 for the sake of it.
i believe that was a very very good decision, but choosing dota2 setting in the first place is a mediocre one.heroes are uncohesive and preclude some cool stuff (example: creatures tronger than heroes, like dragons, are hard to justify);it doesn't have anything good going for it aside for millions of people familiar with it. well, where are they now?

It is we who abandoned Artifact.

Valve destroyed TF2 and abandoned it so I'm not surprised that they abandoned some shitty p2w card game after it flopped.

what's wrong with the powerpuff girls

people bought it. valve abandoned it by not patching it for months.

they're like 8 you sick fuck

wtf are you talking about? there's only 3 of them, aside for one episode where there are 6 because they got cloned and genderswapped or some shit.

No, their age. They're clearly minors.

buttercup was my childhood crush

It wasent a game
It was a move of 12 D chess so we could stream whatever we wanted for a time.

>show named Powerpuff Girls
>the titular characters are minor
Uh huh.

>I was a guy
I'm calling the police

the futabu stream was pretty comfy

I miss it already

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>what did they not fuck up? i'd say the imps and the main menu song.
the imps were the main thing i saw people complain about

mfw CS 1.6 has more players than Artifact

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>It seemed like Artifact was initially well received, but the positivity tapered off from there.
bullshit it did
it was loathed from second 1

>destroyed and abandoned it
The game was constantly updated from 2008 to 2016, what the fuck are you talking about? It's one of the few games I know of that got updated for THIS fucking long. Valve doesn't owe you shit retard, you should be glad it got the attention and love it did because only few games know that feeling.

>The game was constantly updated from 2008 to 2016, what the fuck are you talking about?
and then it was destroyed and abandoned
what part of his post didn't you understand?

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No, source died much earlier

nice one

Abandoned would imply the game never got updated past 2007, and I will repeat myself; Valve doesn't owe you shit. They go after what sells well and there's nothing wrong with that. Also MyM was fine, you're just a fearmongering idiot saying that the game was """destroyed""" and is """dead""" (despite the fact the game has around 40k players daily)

the fact that it's still alive is a testament to how good of a game it used to be so that even when valve intentionally tried to kill it they couldn't
it still being free also doesn't hurt its numbers either

My theory is that they handled the marketing totally wrong. The bones of the game really aren't bad and a lot of the issues could have been hammered out with a few updates and card sets. Not only was it undermarketed, they made a pay to play game and tried to sell it to the Dota 2 fanbase which is primarily made up of 2nd and 3rd worlders who probably don't have money to waste on TCGs. If you didn't play Dota, you probably looked at it and passed because it's Dota and you don't like Dota. If you did play Dota, Dota was probably the only game you were playing/had money to play.

That's in addition to being late to the online TCG market. People who played card games were already invested in Hearthstone and MTG Online/MTG Arena; are they really going to spend money on something that could be dead on arrival?

fuck yeah dude

>when valve intentionally tried to kill it
Oh shut the fuck up, nigger.

so you think it was on accident?

fuckin gay "news" sites now the twitch cops are gonna be cracking down

As an active Dota player I just didn’t see the appeal of a virtual TCG. If I wanted to play one I’d play hearthstone.

>twitch now requires your phone number before you can actually stream

His Powerpoint looks worse than the shit kids made in middle school. I wonder if it has star transitions.


>we want the overwatch audience

my god, the dunning kruger effect is just too strong

What's worse than memes and porn?

Alt right memes

>Dota 2 lore

You mean a bunch of coldsteel-tier 'OC's that they totally didn't steal from Warcraft 3?

underrated post

>there's only one stream now and it has 33 viewers

cant make this shit up

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wow congrats! a third of the entire playerbase!

>a game died for this

ya valve is just Malice that farms cash from retards now.

they basically think everyone is a retarded faggot that only wants to eat and consume complete garbage all day, everyday so they are never going to make a quality product again. I don't think them observing half-life 2 playtesters helped very much.





Valve's mistake was thinking ANYONE wanted a fucking card game. The only succesful card games are Hearthstone and Shadowverse.
Hearthstone is succesful because the blizzard fanbase is utterly braindead and laps up that shit just because its blizzard, and Shadowverse is only succesful because it has huge tits in it. Other than that nobody fucking likes card games because they are a shit genre that doesn't belong in video games. Card games are meant to be enjoyed IRL with friends while drinking beer and bantering.
Valve thought they could make a fucking card game without the tits OR the blizzard brand. Absolutely retarded.


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Because the movie streams were fun. An actual shooting is not.

>Artifact got the focus of Valve's development team and dies within a month
>TF2 has tens of thousands of players everyday, for the last 10 years, and they leave it to die.
Ungrateful fucks.


Which one of you was this?

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>believing what valve say
They have said many things about many projects that never came to fruition

>TF2 has tens of thousands of players everyday, for the last 10 years, and they leave it to die
>Wahh, I got a decades worth of fun from this game but it isn't enough

Post discarded

I can't believe there's been a shooting in NZ every day for weeks and the twitch mods are trying to cover it up.

All i want is my heavy update :(

Dota 2's lore is a worlds better than leagues current state of retro-active lore. Every time they update a character it changes the entire world.

I love card games. Where it lost me was being based in the world of DotA, instead of something new and original. I don't play or care about DotA, and I imagine those that do would just play that.

Can a woman even fit a horse penis?

So what happened to artifact?

I dont get artifact threads.

No is defending the game yet every likes to point out what a failure it us. Even the most diehard valve/steamdrones dont even defend it.

>Still getting holiday 2018 cases in June 2019

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Yes, its like a balloon on the inside, it will stretch pretty easily.

People like train wrecks

reminder that Reddit ruined it all for us



only useful when you look up porn
which is what all these games are good for anyway

What kind of retarded line of thinking is that? Basically "you've had enough fun from this product but don't deserve anymore"
Bet you think Apple abandoning support for older phone models to force you to buy the newest, more expensive model is also peachy.


t. someone who hasn't used large dildos or seen zooporn

>"you've had enough fun from this product
It's not a product, it's a service. And i'm not corporate shill memeing; this isnt Apple releasing updates for older phones that make them work worse, this is a company who have more than give value to anyone who paid for TF2 putting their resources elsewhere. Everyone owns TF2, its gone FTP, do you expect them to keep supporting it forever or something?

>a game where you feel like you have total control even when massive RNG and chaos are happening and the winner is decided more by skill than RNG and deckbuilding
Wasn't there some complete clown-fiesta card like "when your units would die, there's a 50% chance they don't" that completely broke down the game? I know it got nerfed, but that was there in the release version.

First post best post

>make the same shit game nobody wants two times instead of the making the game everyone wants once

Artifact gameplay is shit and garfield is a hack
Sounds like you don't know shit about lore of either franchise

Only really joined in for Rebellion, but it was extremely comfy.
I wish we could have things like that more often, though I'm sure they'd lose the magic if they were.

>do you expect them to keep supporting it forever or something
Yea. It makes them money and, as seen with artifact, valve's recent attempts to enter new markets fail hard. You'd have to be fully retarded to just abandon a huge playerbase hungry to give you money for cosmetic items. Imagine if they just stopped updating dota2.

>Half Life 3 died because of this
>Portal 3 died because of this
>L4D3 died because of this
>TF2 being updated died because of this
Well, at least some divine justice was served which made Artifact be Ricochet v2.0 for all intents and purposes.

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Got to watch the Made in Abyss anime, was pretty nice. Only read the manga before that.

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I miss the days when there were 24/7 livestreams of kung pow, amazing bulk, and food fight. They were always a good time.

too busy with TTGL stream. absolute kino

Yes but not the whole thing

T. Have seen multiple vids of women getting railed by ponies

>Yes, they even said they were abandoning it in a blog post so they could rebuild it from the ground up.

This is the correct move. If the fundamental model of the game is broken, no amount of new content will fix it.

It was me, I also streamed Hardcore Henry.

Garfield thinks the only thing Valve is going to do is change how the economy works and adding new modes of play.

>126,588 Followers · 6 Viewers on twitch
That's a big Yikes.

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We used to have streams all the time, it's part of being a community rather than a "social" media dumpster fire

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>It makes them money
>You'd have to be fully retarded to just abandon a huge playerbase hungry to give you money
The swarms of BRs who still play TF2 arent making them millions.

>In it for the long haul

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on the off chance that the relaunched artifact pulls a fucking fortnight out of nowhere, do you think it's worth buying the full set now while it's as cheap as it's ever going to be

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Yep, it was a nice way to spend an evening

Yes, but it takes months of practice and stretching. If you go from 0 to horsedick in a day you will die like Mr. Hands did. Don't be like Mr. Hands. Train with your dragon dildos before taking the horsedick.

>fans want Half-life 3
>Valve: No.
>fans want Half-Life 2: Episode 3
>Valve: lolno
>fans want Portal 3
>Valve: why the fuck do you people want closure to your stories? Fuck you.
>Valve: btw here's a Card game that literally noone asked for. In a Market that's already dominated by 2 f2p games, Hearthstone and MTG Duels/Arena.
>Valve: Because we think we have enough clout saved up to shovel shit on you guys even though we're already at Duke Nukem Forever levels of anti-hype

Valve's fucked at this point. Portal 3 MIGHT do okay if they release it, but HL3 and L4D2 are all waaaay past their chance at prime. They've lost touch, and Gabe has lost all control to his marketing faggots because Valve got too big. They're now in the same boat as Blizzard, Bioware, and many others - former household big names, now a shell of its' former sell made of pure apathy and lost touch.

Ass or vagina?

>Valve's fucked at this point
Literally all Valve needs is Steam

Did they really not see this shit coming?

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Oh gods this reminds me of the days when we edited the wikipedia with reggie.

>he built the entire gameplay.
>he is a genius
Uh no.
Having to keep track of 3 different boards is unfun to play and watch.

you mean adding new modes of pay

> They don't even understand why it failed at all.
yeah wtf is that

they behaved like liberuls after trump, like there is a fatass clue right in front of you, go get it

artifact gameplay

the fuck is wrong with streaming muzzies getting blasted?

I giggled

So what game are people using to stream random shit now that twitch went full damage control on artifact?

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I propose YIIK

TFW an user streamed Shoujo Ramune

Not usually one for hyper insertions but that series was pretty good.

>feeling bad for pure asscancer monetization machine

There's a lot of options
All those failed MOBAs and BRs


L4D3 could be big but i don't think there is a way to monetize it like you could in CSGO, which could be a curse or a blessing.

Seriously fuck Valve. I can get Half Lifes situation maybe but L4D would not be hard at all. They spent an absurd amount of money on the fucking card shit.

If it was free to start then maybe.

was that ever the point? i always assumed it was just the fact that valve pushed it into a saturated market years after that genre had peaked. i mean, fuck, artifact could be the best virtual ccg in history and not one person would drop hearthstone to play it instead. see: the battle royale and hero shooter crazes

There's neither porn nor the "worse thing" on Yea Forums.

Valve is beyond hope, only the most blind of fanboy actually trusts these shitters

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Streaming Bleach was fun on Sunday. I somehow still have all my banned accounts and they can all stream

Artifact wasn't even a fun trackwreck. Anthem was fast but fun to watch burn, Artifact was like a train that fissled out of existence as it took off.

There's fuck all demand for Portal 3 compared to HL3 because Portal closed it's plotlines outside of the Borealis and has nowhere to go gameplay wise.

Other than fallout 76 and no man's sky, what were some really fun trainwrecks to follow?

The Xbone reveal.

So how do you fix artifact or is it too fucked up to be fixed?

im using that from now on

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You know that? Are you on the development team?


>he didn't watch the Angry Joe interview with Major Nelson

A valve TCG that was a regular TCG would have done fine, nobody enjoyed the battle-line mechanics and boring math.

Oh you're quoting Donnie, that quote sounds like something EA would say to defend Sims 4 or the SimsCity reboot.

lol just watched a channel get zucc'd.

Who the fuck is Donnie?

Don Mattrick?

The fuck


That's literally what it was, just hentai and shouting nigger before getting bopped by mods.

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