Death Stranding hype thread

Death Stranding hype thread

also posting best song

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this isn't it tho

November can't come soon enough lads

What's his next project after this?

Death Stranding 2-5

It's just a little too bleak on its own. I'll Keep Coming is too but I prefer it.

>tfw kojima hired celebs to scan so he could make his own deepfakes that'll never see the light of day

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Not sure if this is Shinkawa or not

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>2016/6 did presentation to Mads on Skype
>2016/7 asked Mads to be a part of this project in San Diego
He waited until the next day to ask?

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kojima destroying V again.
well done to him doe.

Someone post the webm

Finding a job.

How can one Homo Demon be so cute

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I really hope not.

you give it time to sink in and come to an opinion about the project. if you just ask out of nowhere it feels like pressure and they can say no or end up regretting and hating the project

Golds, whales, and maths.

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I know, it's just cute when you read it that way

>game is all about connecting and uniting with people
>game is stuck only on 1 platform
>dividing people even more
What is Kojima's endgame here?

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I think those are months not days

Death Stranding isn't actually about how NEW MEDIA BAD, it's about Old Media vs New Media. Kojima is on the side of Old Media, and so are you if you take the plot as something straightforward.

However, if you save the Angry Video Game Nerd you find out that the situation is a lot more complicated, and that the Bionic Woman isn't actually upset over escapism, she's just butthut that the "common folk" use Youtube and non-regulated channels to share and communicate ideas.

Kojima is the actual final boss and you need to team up DSP to beat him. This is actually pretty well foreshadowed if you see how DSP reacts to catfish. He's used to Kojima's constant recontextualization and cry-bullying.

Kojima wants to create a narrative, and have you buy into it, and then more than anything, he wants to pull the rug under from you and bra about how you were his puppet. Only by allying with DSP can you put a kink in his masterpiece.

Be warned though, Kojima is NOT a nice guy. He gets very mad when you go "off-script."

Attached: DSP.png (237x200, 58K)

Lets discuss theories
I rewatched all the trailers. It seems the baby in the capsule is used to survive "void outs" which cause the massive craters. It tends to rain when these other side creatures appear.
When you survive a void out, the baby capsule turns black and void, and the baby is then inside your body (stomach area). The scars the shape of a cross you see in the very first trailer is when the baby is removed from your body to be reused to survive another void / has to be removed so another baby can be used to survive again.
The dog tags for some reason have some sort of use / power.

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>look at how cool my game is!
>I spent millions of dollars on shitty celebrities instead of actually trying to make a game with good gameplay!
>I hope you rike haha!
Kojima is a fucking hack and this game is going to bomb.

I can't decide if the baby inside his throat and the abdominal scar are just imagery or not. It's clear that they need the Bridge Baby to see BTs, likely because the fetus is still on the "other side" until it is born.

Beached Things seem to be whales though. In the last trailer we finally saw what happens when those ghosts pull you down, and they dragged Sam right to this orca thing. I think all of those spirits are connected to beached whale monsters by their umbilical cords.

Attached: beached thing killer whale.webm (960x540, 1.85M)

Comparing this silhouette to that thing, you can see the tail of a large whale, much more hand tentacles, and then it looks like a humanoid torso is emerging from the mouth maybe.

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He's going to be able to yell at you through the controller mic to trip you up

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>The scars the shape of a cross you see in the very first trailer is when the baby is removed from your body to be reused to survive another void / has to be removed so another baby can be used to survive again

how was I too dumb to not see this?

Mads has one too.

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>for a video game
Please no.. I've been let down too many times..

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Anyone got the music used in the 2016 tga trailer? only thing i'm hyped for is mads