Code Vein Demo

How are you guys enjoying this new PS2 demo?

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Is it that bad? The combat looks too easy for a souls game.

the first area is easy, but the network test area is harder than souls

It's not that bad, it just looks very dated (graphically), and is a bit clunky like an old Kingdom Hearts game. I know it's just a demo but I can't see it getting much better than this

>thinking PS2 is an insult

Couldn't care less about the multiplayers in a game like this .

the co-op is much better than souls games because it's actually designed for it
the souls games were always designed as single player games

The game is hard as balls. Every encounter is a mob encounter, the areas are small and cramped so it's difficult to starf enemies and you often get analy raped because the enemy changed the aggro to you and you can't see it.

This is one of the games that would be acceptable to use a fucking shield but Miyazaki memed shields out of the games and people think he's right. Now we have this game

Im stuck at the Queens Guard at level 25, I'm using the Bayonette I think that's what the weapon it's called. That guy is kicking my ass because there's no safe zone to dodge to when he does his shield slashing move. I can't get out of range no mater what I do.

Holy thats a big no from me i rather do my stuff alone.

I had hoped it wouldn't be such a direct souls ripoff since I would've liked a coop game in that style but the coop feature is fucking garbage.
>friend dies he gets kicked off the game
>you die your friend gets kicked off the game
>can't use bonfires while in coop mode
It's just retarded.

I've never played either games but the only network feature Dark Souls had was people could raid your game right?

sounds like the first dark souls

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>because it's actually designed for it
No it isn't. Everything about the coop just screams how its not designed for coop. See

You can play offline solo. I haven't even tried the co-op and the "single player" is pretty fun. You just have an npc companion

It's super. Having a lot of fun, I've played through the depths with four different characters, done a fair bit of coop... can't wait for the full game to come out!
What's everyone's favourite weapon? Hammer here.

in single player you always play with an AI partner
the co-op just replaces that AI partner with a player

It being hard would be fine if the animations were polished but everything feels like a b-grade souls ripoff.

It's much much harder. You progress way slower in this beta. The enemies in this game, they really hate you. I dunno what you did to them but they want you dead yesterday. The enemies in Dark Souls weren't this vicious.

No. That's not how it works. In coop you can still have your AI partner. Having another player in the game just disables bonfires and he gets kicked off immediately if you or he dies.

>and he gets kicked off immediately if you or he dies.
you know you can revive people if they die

Here's my experience thus far

>it's not really optimized for my base model PS4, some user mentioned to clean the PS4 fans, I didn't try it yet, maybe it works
>then, when in the game I found it to be a little bit easy and "floaty" feeling. Not really top tier. More like a slightly more engaging compile heart action rpg.
>big plus is the character editor, it's vastly superiour to a lot of them out there
>another thing that's surprised me was the apparent depth of the combat/skills

Overall I left the demo with mixed feelings. I wanted to either say: yes it's so good I'll buy it! or "yikes, I'll skip it". It's neither. However
ever since I stopped playing two days ago, I have this itch to go back, despite all the negatives I listed. It's a very strange feeling but I will end up buying it when it comes out. Not many games give me that "you have to come back" kind of feeling anymore, so that's that

To put it in comparison, think of it as if every enemy in the starting area was a Dark Knight in Dark Souls.

You would areas with two or more Dark Knights aggroing you while you were still using first level gear

regular PS4 definitely has a lot of performance issues
i'll get it on PC

The AI partner automatically revived us a couple times but after that you just get kicked off. The AI partner did the revive so quickly that I didn't even know you could do it yourself. But there's also an obvious limit to it.

You simply can't say the game is designed for coop. It's another half assed feature like souls games have it.

Still haven't gotten a code for it. But I'm still excited for it

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what, do you expect to be able to revive each other infinitely

>only armor you can wear is a cloak
Save us from this shit From Software

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Bayonet trivialized pretty much all enemies except for the first boss at the end of the dungeon. It's so fast that you can just slash a couple times and dodge. Dark Souls was much harder imo but I only played the first game and Bloodborne.

You can get one by logging to the publishers website and claiming one there.

I signed up for the beta and didn't get one for ps4, what do you mean?

sounds like you only did the first area

It does trivialize a bit but it does shit damage to bosses like the royal guard. I'm using Yakumo as a partner and the best I can do is go to half HP until he dies. The boss gets extremely more harder at half energy.

No. I expect the game to not kick off my coop buddy if he dies. I expect to be able to use a core feature like the bonfire in multiplayer. Not to mention the netcode seems to be absolute garbage. There's absolutely no interpolation for the other people in your game so they just warp/stutter around.

Block with the Zweihander. It's like Raime's greatsword when it comes to shielding.

>No. I expect the game to not kick off my coop buddy if he dies.
then revive him

Thanks for the suggestion.

No one showing off their characters?
I'll start: here's Mamori.

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I did try the depths for a bit but the user said the first area was hard. It wasn't. The only problems I had were the shitty tells from some monsters that I'd dodge too early.

And Violetta.

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the revive isn't limited beyond the personal health/ichor cost, and the ability cooldown
if there has been sufficient time since the last time it was used and the user has more than 2 HP and enough ichor to spare, it's useable
and building up ichor during fights is piss easy so you should almost always have the 5 needed to use it


Doesn't it only cost 2 ichor?

Last one so I'm not spamming:
Usagi (girl) and Aoba (boy)

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Why is a merchant dressed like this?

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She's also for sale

Another thing they need to fix is the amount of health you can recover with the Estus flask.

It's fine for the first few levels but once you level up it doesn't recover a lot of HP. It's completely worthless

>friend dies once
>gets revived by AI
>dies second time
>gets instantly booted from the game
>this is a good coop experience
not to mention
>you die as the host
>friend gets booted from the game
5/5 coop there m8

You say that but my experience was way different. We didn't bother trying it more than a couple times since it just was so shitty. Seemingly without no warning my friend got booted out of the game. That shouldn't be the default response when someone dies in a coop game.

It's a shame because the game seemed to have a lot of stuff to like but I don't really care for these types of games in singleplayer so I had hoped the coop would be better.

Dude, just don't get hit.

But I can go to Io for free, and Io probably doesn't have a bunch of vampire STDs

Just tried it and got raped. Yoy can use the fast dodge with the bayonette so I'm going to stick with that.

You get 5 heals that can heal 500 health. 2500 should be more than enough

Is there a way to hide the gas mask?
I don't want my character looking like a goth industrial arthouse band member 24/7

>PS2 demo
Good description. Though I like in spite (or maybe because) of that.

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>design a cool looking character
>no way to hide armor or gas mask

It's ok if it's extremely low quality because weebs have no taste.

Regular PS4 (slim model) user here. The game is a technical disaster, it slows down to a crawl every time a particle effect happens or if there are more than 3 enemies on screen. Maybe it would be better if I cleaned it, but if it's not fixed until launch, don't bother on this platform.

5? How? I only have 3

You get one extension factor in the first level and one in the Depths

Equivalent of Estus Flask Shards and Bone Ash, find it and use.

I wish it was harder and the combat was more fluid.
As is, the only difficulty is fighting the controls, the actual bosses are piss easy. I don't think I've ever died to the boob bearer.

Bro I just used it and my Estus flasks are still at 3

>dies second time
>gets instantly booted from the game
why didnt you revive him

>you die as the host
>friend gets booted from the game
why didnt he revive you

there are two different items
one buffs the heals, one increases the amount of heals

It was seemingly instant to us. No timeframe to revive ever represented itself. Even if it's on a timer why the fuck is the default response to not making that timer kicking them off the game? That's not a coop game. That's retarded. The fact remains that you also can't use the bonfire which is a core feature of the game. The game isn't designed for coop. It's a fucking tacked on feature that doesn't work properly.

If only you could regen health attacking like in BB...

Its not supposed to be coop, its supposed to be assistance for hard bosses or parts.
Same as dark souls, you summon for a difficult part, and then once its done they go away. There shouldn't be a need to bonfire.

git gud scrub. also he probably got kicked because neither you or the npc could heal him.

Why are the animations so garbage?
I thought Japs are good at animation.

>Its not supposed to be coop
Oh look at that backpedaling. Someone claimed earlier that the game had good coop. It's shit. I wished it would be better.

I admit that I played poorly. We were just fucking about in the depths trying to figure out the game but it was very quickly obvious to us that the game wasn't designed for coop and we lost interest in it because coop is why we tried it in the first place.

>s-someone claimed
and they were as retarded as you.

Its literally just fucking darksouls with anime.

Well gee sorry for expecting a game holding a network test to be actually designed with multiplayer in mind. I knew literally nothing about the game when I saw they were holding a test event and designed to give it a try with my coop bro.

>runs like shit on base xboner
>music is kino
>arts are fun, as is the combat in general. barring iffy death animations and before mentioned performance
>waifu creator is GOAT, got to make a sexy android with light up nipples, cheek/blush power indicators and womb light
>lack of a dedicated bust slider is sad, but default is the perfect size anyway
>male character creator sucks ass, you can only make fuck boys. games like xenoblade x are much better in this regard
>needs more outfits, probably wont be an issue in the main game
>hub is comfy, i get the sense the game will be at its best here
despite the jank there is a sense of soul in the game, ill probably get it for pc. i doubt it will have huge sales or get much praise from critics, but i can definitely see it getting a cult following and perhaps a sequel

Oh breh. Lol

The queen knight is totaly fair.
>learn to fucking dodge
>the guy jumps
>I dodge to what I think it's a safe perimeter just so I can punish his landing
>drops with a huge AoE attack that KOs me at half health
Yeah thanks Obama

The black earth part doesn't do any damage. It just warns you wear the fires will go.

It's not that bad on a base Xboner. I'm playing it and it's fine. Not a sideshow.

Just come out of the closet already user

>works on my machine argument on a console
I thought all consoles of the same model were supposed to be as good.

I'm done with this shit. Just turned the console off.

I honestly hope this isn't the second area of the game because honestly this looks more like a end game dungeon.

It feels more midgame to me.

that makes no sense. they don't make ps2 games anymore. i think you got confused friend.

I don't know what's wrong with your Xbox. This game isn't completely unplayable on mine like youre making it seem to be.

You're just now learning that most people aren't very perceptive of things? Most console players see something that's 26fps and consider it playable.

Not that user just making fun of consoles.

Ah yes, silky smooth 26 frames per second. Also gotta love those 5 minute loading times. Truly the best way to experience modern gaming.

its not unplayable, but it does chug when i'm fighting mobs in the depths.


Looks like shit. Gameplay and graphics wise

Game has
>Shit graphics
>Meh combat
>Horrible network code
But will be a best seller and praised on Yea Forums as 10/10 because of anime tits

It's a 6 year old console what did you expect.

Im surprised if it runs better on the One X.

It ran pretty good on the ps4pro at least. No complaints even as a hardcore PC fag.

It runs at 60fps on the PS4 Pro?

Well I don't have an fps counter for it but I didn't notice notable drops or stutter and I play PC games on a 144hz variable refresh rate monitor.

Yes, I saw gameplay uploaded from the pro by random people and it looked perfectly fine. Meanwhile I'm having Drakengard 3 flashbacks.


What about the XB1?

You're not wrong. I wouldn't pay more than $40 for it. From what I played the full game doesn't seem like it's worth more than that

Compared to Sekiro, that is still plenty, fag.

can i look up characters skirts for panty shots. This is very important for me, will determine a buy.

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thx based. I will now buy your game.

I finished the depths on a one x and had zero performance drops or issues. It runs perfectly smooth.

It feels about as fluid as let it die

What level and weapon you you using? Just teach me how to finish this shit.

Im really close to beat the queens knight, how close to the last boss will I be after defeating this son of a bitch

Did you kill the other two bosses needed to access the final boss of the Depths?

Depends on how many other bosses you've beaten in depths before queens knight. If you did beat double fatties and double argent knights before queens knight, then the final boss will be right behind the locked door near the bonfire

God fucking damn it. No, I ignored them because I thought they were optional. Been trying the knigh repeatedly.

Level 30 atm so he's getting a lot easier. Should I go to 40?

Sure. It's not like it carries over

not sure which "shield slash" you're talking about. If it's the spin that hits twice then you need to either time your dodge almost perfectly and get behind him or just dodge away. If it's when he swings the shield from left to right then you need to dodge into it.
Alternatively you can just abuse the Gift dodge to avoid pretty much everything.

You are good. Even the camera is not retarded and lets you stare.

Yeah that spin. He uses the shield there.

I killed the 3 mini bosses at level 35, using the prometheus class and a two handed sword. Had Mia as a companion. Then I grinded a bit, stopped at level 43, and beat the final boss. In the end, the level does not make a big difference. It was all about learning when to dodge and attack really. Never blocked once, so no idea how effective that is.

>Overall I left the demo with mixed feelings. I wanted to either say: yes it's so good I'll buy it! or "yikes, I'll skip it". It's neither. However
ever since I stopped playing two days ago, I have this itch to go back, despite all the negatives I listed. It's a very strange feeling but I will end up buying it when it comes out. Not many games give me that "you have to come back" kind of feeling anymore, so that's that

Pretty much my exact feelings. The game is janky as fuck and often frustrating, but all of the little mechanics make it way more interesting than I expected.

I honestly hope there are better areas than this.

I already know there won't be Dark Souls level of architecture in this fucking game, just give me at least open sky areas or I'm buying the Surge 2 instead.

Nah, fluctuates between 30 and 60, but never drops below 30 unless you break a bunch of boxes.

Her name is Coco she is loco I said oh no

The sky is pretty open in most of the levels

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Who gyaru here?

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What about open areas?

Is this gyaru?

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