Unironically, what went wrong?

Unironically, what went wrong?
Why did it do so poorly despite having so many good games?

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It's like trying to play a retarded Ipad

most people aren't idorts and want a system that has everything they want
the wii u only had nintendo exclusives and indies after a couple years and the exclusives weren't the greatest

>Why did it do so poorly despite having so many good games?
That aside, very poor marketing all around & lack of system sellers. It could have gone as well as the Switch if people didn't confuse it for a Wii upgrade, if BOTW had come sooner, and if 3D World wasn't marketed so poorly. It would have gotten more of a head start momentum that the Switch got, and it would have gotten more than it did.
At least it's a good emulation machine: Extremely easy to hack & it has plenty of VC titles to enjoy.


>so many good games

it really didn't. I bought one three years ago, hacked it, and played more Wii/GC games than Wii U games.

Advertising. It had none. Nintendo assumed the Wii name would sell it and forgot people are retarded.

I enjoyed it more than my switch.
>ww and tp hd
>great virtual console lineup
>switch just has ports and zelda

>The power of a Wii
>The price of a PS4
>The multiplat support of the Atari Lynx
>Released like a year before the 8th gen started

I'd buy one, but those are almost "rare" because barely anyone bought it here. So if you find one for sell it's usually like the retail price. Not worth the trouble for me.

Though it's still impressive to see games like super mario kart 8 running at 1080p60fps on it

Shitty marketing and name.

MK8 is 720p on wii u, still fairly impressive anyway given the fidelity of the game otherwise, but it's definitely 720p60 not 1080. Smash 4 is 1080p60, though.

I literally thought it was a peripheral and didnt pay any attention to it

It still baffles me no one at Nintendo stopped to think using the same naming convention they used for literally every wii peripheral would confuse people into thinking it was just a new controller.
It also doesn't help that all the marketing showed the controller predominately with the actual system, that also looks very similar to the wii, tucked away in the back.

The only game that looked fun on the system is Tank Tank Tank but no one bought it because reviewers hate fun. I never got to play it but can tell it is obviously a 10/10 game

Is it worth getting if you have a switch?

I played it and it was awful

literally every normie thought it was an add-on controller for the wii, all the way through to the end of its lifecycle

Nintendo is guilty as shit at that sorta thing, like I saw a woman try to buy a ds for her kid for xmas and was confused by
>new 2dsxl
>new 3dsxl

She just struggled with it

>I played it
I'm very jealous of you user

Calling things "New" is unironically the stupidest thing. It makes my brain hurt trying to figure out why they would do that

I hope Devils Third gets ported.

Other then than the framerate jank becoming a huge problem on the last boss I love the game. I dont known what critics were thinking.

I played the arcade version at Disney World before Disney Quest closed down and it was a fucking blast

The marketing was pants on head retarded

On the one hand i can get that the differences are evident to actual gamers, but when a major customer base (older adults buying for their kid) is confused, you know you've fucked up

Because it only got the majority of those good games two or more years after it launched.
It was also advertised poorly. First, so poorly that people thought it was a Wii addon, and then so poorly that people thought it was just for obnoxious kids.
Its amazing library and surprisingly not horrible controller will likely make it well liked in a year or two though. I remember some user in the last thread like this saying in ten years people would remember it like they remember the gamecube now.

Marketing and lazy third party developers that couldn't be arsed to take 2 hours of their day at the job to make games work well with both the controller and the TV.

Mostly the name.
People didn't know it existed or they thought it was a Wii accessory.

oh shit I didn't realize Disney Quest closed. I guess a lot of the shit was probably getting outdated but when I went ~20 years ago the place was packed

8th gen started with 3ds

Bad marketing plus all the games it had were pretty much HD versions of 3DS games apart from Splatoon which came in kinda late in the life of the system.

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Leave it to Disney to close down one of the only decent attractions they had that didn't require a park admission just to get to. Those dumbasses have been making a steady stream of bad decisions in recent years.

It's only good for homebrew now. I love playing my gamecubes games on it with the gamepad.

I actually own Tank Tank Tank. Like, physically. It's pretty fun but I never had anyone to play with

Is it as easy as the 3DS was?

> xenoblade X
> xenoblade 3DS
I give you the rest of the image but you're a fucking retard if you think they're comparable.

People were sick of Nintendo after being conned by the Wii. The Wii U didn't look much different than that POS console and Nintendo was content with the position they were in and didn't care about trying.

Well, for one thing the "Reveal" is probably the worst console reveal i ever seen with like half the people thinking it was just a another peripheral to the Wii, until clarified other wise, for casuals this impression stood YEARS after it released.

Couple that that it was basically initially banking on said casuals buying and only went in "IM SORRY BABY, PLEASE COME BACK" mode after it was clear it wasn't working and it had a very bad momentum by then.

That said, it had some neat ideas, Miiverse was pretty damn fun and so were the games taking advantage of the potential for asymmetrical multiplayer with the gamepad.

Fucked up marketing campaign, and trying to ride on the Wii's success.

it's pretty decent for homebrew if you want a HDMI wii and gamecube.

Nintendo still doesn't understand that gimmicks can only get you so far. The wii success isn't happening again.

The gimmick of the Wii U was that it was a tablet, when tablets already existed for a long time and the average cellphone can do the same stuff a tablet can.

How about making some fucking good games with a traditional controller?

Honestly? Not really. Most of the wii u library is also on the switch. I think the only games left exclusive on it are pikmin 3, the zelda remasters, W101, and 3d world. But I wouldn't be surprised if they end up getting ported over, too.

>The gimmick of the Wii U was that it was a tablet
t. brainlet

the retarded tablet controller killed it, the games are all stellar

>How about making some fucking good games with a traditional controller

N64 and Gamecube weren't really that successful while Wii was, so it kinda makes sense that Nintendo thought that chasing gimmicks is the new big thing.

>I never got to play it but can tell it is obviously a 10/10 game

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I feel like their naming convention probably works in japan with all demographics. But here it simply doesn't. Most people in the west do NOT put effort in to look anything up. If it isn't spelled out clearly what something is that they can immediately understand, they are helplessly lost.

some things you just feel user, I have a connection to this game and will play it someday

>having so many good games?
>WiiU having any games at all

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>Most people in the west do NOT put effort in to look anything up.
>look Jim, a new product we can purchase for Billy! Oh, $300? What is this? Should we go home and spend an hour researching it?
Imagine thinking the world works this way

Yes, I actually did buy it after having a switch for a year I to get all the games ported to the switch, ended up actually saving a ton shit of money that way.

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What happened if your controller broke with no chances of a repair? I never understood that. Did you lose all your games?

I have a wii u and sometimes look at the switch library, still only Odyssey. Yeah


>failed to be a true portable console like the Switch is.
>failed to be an HD console like the PS4/Xbone was.
>didn't receive a new Zelda until the end of its life
>the default controller is a pain in the ass with sub-par resolution screen
>Nintendo didn't believe in it's own console so they made smash 4 multi-plat to save face

You could get new one from Nintendo, but I've heard it cost like hell.


>What the fuck is it/confusing branding
>Shit reveal
>Literally no games for half a year
>Shit architecture which meant only Nintendo could make decent-looking games for it
>Two power supplies
>Requires Gamepad to function
>If you break the Gamepad, you're shit out of luck because they don't sell them outside of Japan

The games were fantastic but the console itself was absolute shite

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Nintendo provided "free" replacement(s) if you sent a broken one in to them IIRC, remember but you had to pay for shipping, which could be a pretty penny depending on location and country. the Pad isn't the console just a controller and it baiscally used the same pairing system as the Wiimotes (and Joy-cons) with a red sync button on the back, so you could use and Pad to any WiiU, they aren't hardwired as pairs to specific consoles.

>Literally no games for half a year
>Shit architecture which meant only Nintendo could make decent-looking games for it
>Two power supplies
>Requires Gamepad to function
>If you break the Gamepad, you're shit out of luck because they don't sell them outside of Japan

what is the switch for 500

If I wanted to play a handheld game I'd play my 3DS or phone. If I wanted to play a console I'd play whatever console.

Now that the 3DS is pretty much dead in the water, Switch is picking up steam.

It launched with BOTW, and had Splatoon 2 like 2-3 months later. Then it got Mario Odyssey and xenoblade chronicles 2 a few months later.
It's first year had tons of great games. So much so that 2018 felt lacking sense they blew their load in the launch year.

>so many good games?

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Switch is the opposite of Wii U in every possible way

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most people had no idea it was it's own console because they advertised it like garbage. half the people i talk to still think it was like some feature for the wii.

yeah except for all the reasons that user listed you retard

i know you're trying really hard to be funny, but nothing in your post makes any sense. please try harder in the future.

did you never actually play xenoblade or did you just think you needed another example or what

Nah, Switch is handheld with dock accessory, not home console with pad.

No third party, very few first party games, marketing for toddlers

Mario marker 3ds came after mario marker wiiU.
Xenoblade X and the 3ds xenoblade are two DIFFERENT games.

I think it was more analogical than literal. Like, comparing kinds of games.
He also listed the n64 zelda remakes as comparable to the wii u remasters.

Just because they weren't as dominant as the Playstations doesn't mean they were failures. They both had great libraries and good third party support, even if shying away from DVD compatibility and online functionality were bad business decisions.

>all the switch has are wii u ports! no games!
>the wii u has no games either!
Is nintendo just shipping out empty boxes or something? What's going on here?


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Unironically the name. Ask any normie if they’ve heard of the Nintendo Wii U, and they’ll say “Yeah, the Wii?” or assume it was some add on

terrible marketing

>horrible marketing
>horrible name
>sabotaged with game droughts so nintendo could set up the switch's launch
>hardware was outdated within a year
i loved the wii u, but nintendo bungled the launch and then gave up instead of putting efort in to turn it around.

3 things
Shitty Marketing. It was marketed as a kid's toy, making it unappealing to kids, and casuals didn't even realize it was a new console.
Most people find the 2 screen setup unappealing. It was fine on the DS because the screens were the same size, res, and were right next to each other
Core gamers didn't want yet another generation behind console. A lot of them were burned by the Wii and the WiiU seemed like just another one. They are able to get behind the Switch because the Switch is also a handheld.

Because “New” is an attention grabbing word in Japanese. NoA didn’t want to use “New” 3DS because they knew it would cause confusion. You can Google that.

>People were sick of Nintendo after being conned by the Wii.
No, but pull more from your ass.

Nintendo desperately wanted to market it as the "next Wii" and all that did was make everyone think it was a Wii add-on on par with the balance board or steering wheel.

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That’s how America is though, buy first ask questions later.

Experience intercourse.

How exactly was anyone conned by Wii? They were very open about it being a casual console with motion control focus from the start. It kinda was the thing that caused the casual boom and motion control crazy for a while.

>tfw you break your switch's gamepad and have to travel to japan to get a new switch pad

NoA have made some extremely stupid decisions. But the names of products is 100% done from Nintendo's Japanese HQ.

Conned in what way? The motion controls were the first thing they showed off when it was still called the revolution.

>Extremely easy to hack
>good emulation
Is it worth shelling out a couple of bucks just to buy and hack one then?