Despite being less criticaly regarded nowadays the simpsons is still a hit international franchise...

Despite being less criticaly regarded nowadays the simpsons is still a hit international franchise, how come there hasn't been a proper videogame release from it since over a damn decade ago?

Attached: file.png (1136x1551, 862K)

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Because mobileshit makes more money

Thanks Yea Forums

E3 will feature a new Simpsons game.

Developed by which studio?

by me

If I were to make a plausible reason without knowing anything: Somehow the character representations are contractually linked to their respective actors and in order to make a Simpson's game you will need to pay 1 beellion dollars to the voice actors, if you can even find them.

Good luck user!

thanks here's a beta

Attached: CalBarts.png (1158x1550, 746K)

It's in a zombie state that merely exists. They might even be using it to teach AI how to write because it's simply not possible for a show to be this bland.

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They had stories for years, not video game ideas.

Attached: rero.jpg (1136x1551, 247K)

just post it already

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Post what?

I can't wait for this shitty generation of millennial animation to finally die


Feed & Seed Publishing (formerly Chuck Studios)

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Bart get out i'm piss

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The Simpsons mobile game made more money in one month than every Simpsons game for every system in Simpsons history combined. Same with the Family Guy mobile game. Why bother making a console game that will make you no money?