You didn't use the masterball to capture Mewtwo, right?

You didn't use the masterball to capture Mewtwo, right?

Attached: D8B2BKcUcAEScke.jpg_orig.jpg (2000x1083, 209K)

Other urls found in this thread:émon)

based shadposter

Arigatou shadomano-sama.

i do, but not to avoid the battle. i just want good stats

Sometimes when you look at a thread you just know it's one of those threads.

Attached: cooking mama.jpg (1131x765, 51K)

>Shadman is a furry now
Can't say I'm surprised
>It's a Mewtwo(male)
Godspeed you magnificent bastard

Attached: 1480653534976.gif (250x250, 622K)


Hell no, I use it for a shiny metapod you fucking noob

Of course not, I followed the professor's tips

Attached: biBKFzi.jpg (367x308, 14K)

Shadman has this weird style of always tapering the clothes to the body like its super fitted and its never pleasing to look at.

What was his fucking problem?

What's with shad and arm hair?

He drew furry shit before? I can't remember

>We trained him wrong as a joke

I forced it into his asshole

stream it

It's the only way he has to differentiate between a guy's and a trap body.
Also, nice trips.

Attached: 1334630923978.jpg (320x272, 9K)

I don’t think he really expected you to catch a world wrecker.

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Attached: 1557895034402.gif (480x270, 3.39M)

God, my dick can't fucking handle Mewtwo's feet.
Singlehandedly fucked me up in that department as a kid and sends my dick to orbit when I see monsters with two toes.

Attached: 1557302854958.jpg (1280x1143, 80K)

Shadman should exclusively do traps. Jlullaby should also come back.

Attached: Counter-Shadman Rapid Response Unit.webm (640x468, 2.69M)

Where'd she go? reading her post about trying different shit to improve was pretty interesting desu

>Shadman should exclusively do traps
>Jlullaby should also come back.
fuck no, let it dead

stream that film, if you're so great

Big if true, but not unexpected. I'm almost 100% sure she/he/it is doing school right now. I just wish he'd get a subscribestar or something so she could draw constantly again. I miss his trap character. On topic, real chads kept the master ball and never used it.

Damn that was actually hot thanks for reminding me

>big if true
I maybe tweaking I remember they mentioned on their tumblr that they're a real girl with a real biological vagina and a pair of breast to match

How would this give him more time?

Google gives nothing, just people using urinals. Pls, boss, the sauce!

I unironically fap to shadman

I use load state to capture everything.

Less or no time spent at a "real job" means more time for art. If yo can pull in a few grand a month, you can probably do art full time.

The Masterball is purple and has an M on it.
You're retarded if you think I'm not going to use the Masterball specifically for Mewtwo.

I never used my master ball to catch any legendary
but then at the end of post-game I just had a master ball I used nothing on so I just threw it at like, a zigzagoon

No, I used it on a Wheezing.

I want to be put in a pokeball and then have that pokeball vored by lopunny


Nah, I like anything is does when a woman lick's another woman's ass, or facesitting.

>he hasn't switched to female shadman

Attached: 684315987645132.png (1050x2376, 3.42M)
I fucking hate newfags

I thought those were actually jelly doughnuts for the longest time because of the goddamn dub.

She's somehow more obnoxious than shadman I wish she would just shut up and draw at least she can draw better than him though

he has to differentiate between guys and girls somehow because even his male characters have massive hips and butts

>i have something else

It's a dick, she has a dick.

Uh oh, Mewtwo's feet are stuck in bubble gum!
They must be so sticky around his big grey toes.
Haha, that is so funny.

Attached: 5cf37ab877c1f383575806.gif (427x240, 2.44M)

bullshit he could literally just magic it off fucking hate stupid fetishes that require the subject to be even dumber

Traps are hot

Nuh-uh, that is magic bubblegum!
It has an anti-Mewtwo forcefield!
Don't play on the playground if you can't play by the rules user, jeez!

I used it on Zapdos then spammed Ultras on a frozen Mewtwo ez

Stuff featuring Shadowcat from Xmen getting raped is the worst. Nigga she can turn intangible at will, she ain't getting penetrated unless she wants it.

ok tranny

Attached: statement.png (473x497, 40K)

Why does Ash have arm hair like a sailor?

Shad's traps confuse me. I generally prefer either "Draw a girl, add a dick" traps or some with boyish features that are simply very feminine. This guy of Shad's look's too masculine until he's in girl clothes.

seeing as it was literally the last pokemon i had to catch, yeah
what the fuck else am i going to use it on

also GOD
I wanna fuck a mewtwo.......

I'd expect him to after 21 years.


Is tranny just the new meme insult?

>This guy of Shad's look's too masculine until he's in girl clothes.

They're twinkhons - and there's a reason they wear those surgical masks to cover their faces

>can make a global storms using his hand
>stuck in bubblegum
the strongest pokemon

Yeah, it has been for a while now. I miss neckbeard, at least it made sense.

they banned basedboy so we do with what we got. Commie trannies spam "incel" more though.

I used Missingno to make infinite rare cadies and masterballs

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Attached: AA83127E-17D9-49F0-8CD2-AA00C6A3D349.jpg (500x374, 54K)

He's gotta pass the time somehow, user.

Attached: 29B17AD0BE1545D4B10F1D3CDB8D23E3.jpg (1200x1200, 110K)


Attached: The Entirety of Kung Pow.webm (294x125, 2.87M)

literally hitler

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wish this webm was never created

>shad drawing mewtwo
Tell me more.

Attached: 20190517110437_1.jpg (591x139, 13K)

I'd stream it if I wasn't streaming Billy and Mandy at the moment.

>Commie trannies
Why do so many people that follow me on Twitter(I just draw fan art) have weird political affiliations and feel the need to mention their pronouns?


Source on the pic in the last folder? I don't think I seen that one before.


Fuck nu-Yea Forums, I don't think I've seen anybody actually stream this shit in years

Zonkpunch - Mewtwo Milking.

I used it on Zapdos so I had to freeze him solid at low hp and spam ultra balls. Took around 20 attempts.

I'll stream it one day, but not today

Why would you have something like that?
And where do you upload your folder?



Attached: file.png (724x599, 676K)

Attached: 7d2.png (279x271, 120K)


You fucks are making this thread extra terrible on purpose aren't you? You know I want to stay for a lingering hope for a kung pow stream so you're fucking going all out, huh?

Attached: 1512017295147.gif (480x480, 2.56M)

They are, ya dingus.

Attached: Jelly Donuts.jpg (546x330, 51K)

The thumbnails are small, but I can still see at least 4 dicks.



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>he can't nut to normal mewtwo
Step up.

Attached: n-piraticoctopus.png (2972x1820, 796K)

calm down, i saw it streamed a few weeks ago

what happens next?


Attached: you are a gay mothafucka.gif (340x437, 984K)

who else should i use it on?

shadman used to make furry porn, mostly commissions, other times for pleasure

>add body hair to define someone being a man
>still draws the angles of a woman's body
so this is what happens when you spend too much time drawing one type of body

A human


can pokeball capture humans? can a pokeball tell the difference between human and pokemon?

marmalade draws good but she is really cringy most of the time

get your eyes checked

I used a masterball on everything.

I catch every pokemon in a standard pokeball

i really like mewtwo's design but i will never understand what people find sexy about it. i just find it weiurd and cool


It just means you're somewhat normal.

i used it on a Pokemon from another trainer

Two words, user.
Thunder Theighs.

believe me as a thigh man i can

A lot of men like big curvy things with smooth appearances user

what the fuck is rabbit

No i catch everything in the default ball

The best way to group watch shit, you have to make an account unfortunately though.

We got two watching kung pow now.

If it didn't take her forever to do a page I wouldn't mind her, but god damn I need more material than one page every other week.

well yeah but i assume those curvy things with smooth appearances have to come from a woman that also has boobs and a pretty face

I used it on a rare pokemon like tentacool

Is signing up free? Seems like a good way to watch shit with friends online.

Yeah it is.

Also Rabbit had a fucking meltdown for whoever was in that room with me, here's a new link.

Male, Female, Human, Pokemon, etc... All curvy hips are fine, open your venues.


she does 2 pages a week for her comics.

i rather not, just like alcohol, everything needs to be consumed in measure

>male mewtwo
Unironically based

Like alcohol, you can drink a variety of drinks in moderation. Up to you though, I used to be the same way until my late 20s when I stopped caring and just started fapping to whatever made my dick hard. My dick isn't interested in most Pokemon though, Mewtwo included.

Yellow Version Mewtwo got thigh.

Post the rest of the comic, faggot.

Attached: Spr_1y_150.png (56x56, 4K)

whatever delusion makes you happy, i guess

>Fapping to things that make me hard is delusion


There no proper gender.

>Someone on Yea Forums of all places feels so threatened by the idea of men fapping to anything that's not human women that they become hostile and call the other party delusional

Jesus, kid. Even I hid my newfaggotry better when I showed up in 2006, and back then things felt a lot weirder than they do now.

>tfw no 2 meter tall magic space cat gf
Why even etc etc

Attached: katahane3.jpg (631x567, 53K)

the masterball has a m on it for mewtwo

Mathematically speaking, onigiri and jelly donuts are the same thing.

is there, uh, more to this?


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-02 at 4.30.00 AM.png (1227x858, 1.06M)

>when your dick is so long you can have it out and claim its a tail

No, Shadman is a hack and barely does porn anymore


>mew fem

nigga you need to make some imgur albums like yesterday

Face sitting and lesbian ass eating are 2 of my favorite things

I guess we'll never get another incestibles

I generally use it to capture roaming pokemon for which I want a good nature, like Latias in Sapphire.


Donuts are wheat-based, Onigiri is rice-based, that's like calling spaghetti and ramen the same thing.

you are black kys


God Fucking DAMN

Attached: D8B2BKgVUAAuUH1.jpg (1200x842, 130K)

Source me please

Just a reminder, this is a guy, right?

What the fuck is there even to capture with the master ball in gen 1 or its remakes.

Its genderlessémon)

They are a bundle of processed, prepared grain with a soft and possibly sweet inner substance and a typically sticky texture, possibly with an additional coating to add further flavor (icing/nori).

No, it's Shadman

Who? Mewtwo? Yeah.

Attached: 1.png (594x675, 356K)

Attached: 2019-06-02 03_52_28-Screenshot_20190602-01491401.png (720×732).png (720x469, 98K)

what guide was this from?

it was streamed a month ago, retard


unironically this, i want some fuckin onigiri


Attached: Dyspo Intrest.jpg (346x453, 19K)

Why are all his comics in such a low rez these days? I thought he had a patreon up and running...

gib folders

because the ones posted here come from his twitter

>of course its going to be male, with massive pokenuts

it's all the time with this guy

Attached: 1510279485085.png (1918x936, 1.39M)

Pretty sure Mewtwo was canonically female

I did in Pokemon Let's Go when I encountered a shiny after about 480 resets. Wasn't going to let it run away with how unreliable catching can be sometimes.

In that case, a cake is the same as rice ball.

The ones on his page are even smaller tho

the mewtwo in the first movie and mewtwo returns was male
the mewtwo in genesect and the legend awakened was female (mewtwo Y form)

One was female, the first was male.

Attached: f-rainbowsprinklesart.png (668x857, 224K)


Attached: fast-erection-switc-2947765.png (500x606, 157K)

Cakes aren't meant to be held in a single hand.

It's the curves

Attached: D79He4dV4AEcSNs.png (740x680, 374K)

>just got done with 3 hour edge session
No no no stop this madness now Yea Forums

>Cakes aren't meant to be held in a single hand.
Says who?

Attached: 9k=.jpg (275x183, 9K)

Good shit

how is Mewtwo in the movie?

Mewtwo shouldn't have a belly button, it's a clone.

Of all the goddamn UGLY Pokemons.
Why not draw some porn of Mr Mime while you are a it? Fucking retard.

Attached: 1457032639785.png (472x440, 10K)

>Mewtwo (male)


absolute GARBAGE taste

>not gargling mewtwo's greasy salty snack

Is there such a thing as too thicc?

Attached: pepperoach.png (936x1088, 171K)

Dude his balls are going to be so fucking big

Thicc is great as long as it ain't obese.

how am I supposed to be smashed to death by mewtwo's thighs when his anatomy is so oddball

Didn't Shadman get arrested or something for cartoonified cheese pizza? What happened with that?

>always been a good virgin
>only fapped to furry tits
>suddenly come across zonkpunch
>what heresy is this
>male mewtwo getting milked
>why boner
>beat it like a slave
Guess we bisexual now.

Attached: 1497949728927.png (500x596, 353K)

>yfw his balls are small and cute

Attached: 1433990843425.png (468x345, 226K)

Mewtwo's creamy semies

Why is there so little art of poor little blue aura doggo getting PURPLED by mewtwo?


Back when Pokemon Red/Blue came out a classmate of mine used his Masterball on the Electabuzz of an enemy trainer because he thought it could catch ANY pokemon, even from trainers. He cried to me the next day at school and I told him what an idiot he is

Beacuse everybody know those two thick thighed fags are total bottoms

>ntr trash
why cant these fags just die?

because they literally are not people

Zonk knows how to donk

>wake up next to mewtwo
>playfight and get her on her back
>fuck those tiddies real good
>eat breakfast together
>she flies off to conquer the world as always
>watch the news of her fucking up some 3rd world country
>she returns later in the afternoon
>shower and purr
>cook her a nice dinner
>netflix and chill
>teach her how to use her voice and scream your name
>fall asleep on big tiddy pillows


What's the source for this one?

The filename, genius.

Attached: 12701121348.jpg (436x446, 20K)

What kind of fanart tho?

There's nothing with that name. The tumblr is gone and nothing on e621

after they made balls look differently, i started to catch pokemon with the normal pokeball only

I used masterball on everything, because i always did the glitch to get 250+ of any item. All it cost me was a fucked up elite four hall of fame.

What is the second neck for?
Breathing, muscle or nerves?

it's Shad's Mewtwo, of course it's a guy

Let's settle this once and for all

Mew vs Mewtwo


>fag shit
Fucking degenerate.

He's obviously completely gay and retarded

Mostly just thick girls

Mew, Mewtwo is just a pale imitation.

Attached: 9563e01990ac9b177afe1daffd4f8b79.png (636x508, 269K)

>ten year old kid with hairy arms
Anyways, no, I keep the masterball for roaming legendaries but since there's none in RBY I never use it period

Why the hell did he never finish The Sleepover with Violet and Riley? Aside from the dumb ass worship it was top tier

Any examples?

I miss jlullaby so much

That isn't how tails work you stupid fucking third world piece of shit.

I cant post images

I want to rub my balls against mewtwo's balls after cumming on them

Damn, that's a shame.
In any case, keep drawing thicc girls and don't mind who follows you.

Totally don't want to see this Shadman, not at all, nope. Shad pls do this

mewtwo is a fucking alien

I dont mind it's just kinda funny when I look at who follows me and I see "she/he nonbinary anarchist"

My dream is to be able to hack into Yea Forums. Not to take it over, or post LOL CRACKED BY user bullshit, or for any gain, or any other shit like that people hack into sites to do.
That's it. That is literally the only reason I would hack into Yea Forums for. I'd leave the rest completely untouched.

He also totally switches how he looks in the same page, mewtwo's tail forms from the front and he has no butt

Unlike /mlp/, there's no rule that forbids posting pokemon stuff on Yea Forums, so you have to deal with it.

Attached: 1443449398792.png (459x482, 382K)

/vp/ is a containment board idiot newfag, it's because pokemon fills so many avenues it could have multiple threads up on multiple threads on a given time

*not a containment board

Attached: fredperry.jpg (535x524, 101K)

Why are pokemon threads always so full of sexual frustration? I mean look at /vp/, the fact that their board is blue is like wearing a cuck cage for those people.

God I wish that were me (Judy)

Of course I did. The M on it stands for Mewtwo.

If vp was nsfw it would become the most popular board overnight

He's done at least one male Nergigante from my limited knowledge.

>massive girl hips on a boy

Attached: animeeyessex.gif (500x500, 119K)


you fucking new as fuck kids.

fuck off faggot Yea Forums isn't your safe space cry all you want pokemon is videogames, anime, and a cardgame

Not sure what else I would use it on in that game there are no legendary Pokemon in it

>not rubbing your dick between mewtwo's balls like you're titfucking them

it's also a board on this god forsaken place
take that garbage where it belongs

i came into this thread laughing
i leave with a boner

Attached: 1557023848584.png (128x119, 25K)

Seek help

Keep crying and keep giving me (you)s bitch

Attached: 1540489979776.jpg (300x314, 11K)

I didn't capture Mewtwo. I killed him. Only used a level 100 dugtrio

I signed up subscribestar, but I never post on it. Do they allow porn? I'm kind of getting in the mood to sketch porn again maybe...


dump plz

he drew a monster hunter gay feral picture


Only mewtwo's balls can help me now user


the eye shades really ruins it for me

>mewtwo's 3 footer

Attached: myuutsufan_mewtwo10-10new.jpg (1280x870, 109K)

what does she feel like

It is a clone, not an ayy lmao. Mewtwo has an established design and his tail does not start from the top of his pelvis.

Attached: mewtwo and femtwo.jpg (1024x768, 151K)